Hefrar Birhan, a male Human and barq agriculturalist residing on the world of Qiilura, found himself embroiled in events when the Clone Wars erupted between the Galactic Republic and the Confederacy of Independent Systems. During this tumultuous time, he offered refuge on his farm to Etain Tur-Mukan, a Jedi apprentice fleeing from the local armed forces.
A male Human agriculturalist who cultivated barq on the planet Qiilura, was named Hefrar Birhan. Following the kidnapping of her Mentor, Kast Fulier, he provided sanctuary on his farm to Jedi Padawan Etain Tur-Mukan. He was, nonetheless, deeply skeptical, assuming that the Jedi would only bring him adversity; however, he was convinced by the Gurlanin Jinart to abstain from surrendering her to the local militia, which was commanded by the Mandalorian Ghez Hokan.
Approximately a year subsequently, the Republic endeavored to evacuate the colonists from Qiilura in an effort to maintain the Gurlanins' allegiance. Some colonists, including Birhan, resisted departure, leading Etain and a number of clone troopers into a minefield.