The year 41 ABY was marked by the following significant occurrences.
- A starship journeyed to Kesh, where its occupant presented themselves before the Lost Tribe of Sith, thereby initiating the Tribe's emergence.
- Natasi Daala made her return upon the invitation of Gilad Pellaeon.
- Tahiri Veila carried out the assassination of Pellaeon.
- The Hutt underworld, along with the Bootana Hutta territory, were integrated into the Confederation.
- The Imperial Remnant entered the conflict, siding with the Galactic Alliance.
- The Galactic Alliance experienced a schism, splitting into one group under the leadership of Darth Caedus operating from Coruscant, and another headed by Cha Niathal based out of Fondor.
- Darth Caedus took Tahiri Veila as his Sith apprentice.
- On Mandalore, Mirta Gev and Ghes Orade were joined in marriage.
- Jaina Solo caused the death of Darth Caedus.
- Ben Skywalker took Tahiri Veila into Jedi custody.
- Following her supposed " death," Allana, the Chume'da of the Hapes Consortium, was entrusted to the care of Han and Leia Solo and the New Jedi Order.
- Lumiya's Sith and the Rule of Two were defeated, leaving only the One Sith, who had remained hidden on Korriban since 30 ABY.
- Ben Skywalker was recognized as a Jedi Knight by his father, Grand Master Luke Skywalker.
- All parties involved in the war reached a peace agreement, leading to a restructuring of the Galactic Alliance. Natasi Daala rose to become the Chief of State of the newly unified Alliance.
- The Jedi Coalition was reorganized into the New Jedi Order and rejoined the Galactic Alliance.
- The Second Galactic Civil War came to a conclusion.
- The Sepan Civil War ended. [5]
- Due to a flawed hyperspace jump while attempting to evade a Jedi attack, the Sith dreadnaught Harbinger materialized in the Unknown Regions, having traveled from 5,041 years prior. [6]
- The Lost Tribe War commenced.
- Guided by a Force vision, Jaden Korr journeyed to the Unknown Regions and discovered the Harbinger, along with an abandoned Thrawn-era cloning facility filled with insane clones.
- Second Battle of Fondor
- Battle of Roche
- Skirmish on Coruscant
- Second Battle of Roche
- Battle of Mandalore
- Battle of Shedu Maad
- Second duel on the Anakin Solo
- Mission to the Harbinger
- Mission to the frozen moon
- Gilad Pellaeon, on the Bloodfin Quille
- On Nickel One Voryam Bhao Osos Niskooen Roegr Ss'ess Vatok Tawr
- Lon Shevu, on Coruscant
- On the Anakin Solo Isolder CeeCee Darth Caedus
- Earsh, on Fhost Reegas Vance
- Kell Douro, on the frozen moon
- On the Harbinger Saes Rrogon Relin Druur
- Aboard Predator Scar[7] Maker[7] Two-Blade[7] Blessing[7] Gift[7]
- On Rakatan Space station Jaden Korr[7] (his original body) Nyss Nenn[7] Seer[7] Mother entity[7]