Predator (Kell Douro's ship)

Predator served as the bespoke starship for Kell Douro, the Anzati assassin. He piloted this vessel during his chase of Jaden Korr to a frozen moon situated within the Unknown Regions.

Design and Modifications

The Anzati assassin, Kell Douro, possessed the Predator, a CloakShape fighter that had undergone alterations. Douro implemented numerous enhancements to the spacecraft, notably incorporating a hyperdrive sled and sensor evasion systems pilfered from the StealthX blueprints. Furthermore, the Predator featured multiple stasis freezers within its cargo compartment, which Douro utilized to preserve captured sentient beings intended as sustenance.


For a considerable period, up to 41 ABY, the Predator functioned as Kell Douro's dedicated vessel. During that year, Douro employed the ship to pursue Jaden Korr while acting on behalf of the One Sith. Following Douro's demise at the hands of Khedryn Faal on the Frozen moon, the Community—a band of escaped Jedi-Sith clones—seized control of the Predator. They subsequently utilized it to escape the moon and venture into the Unknown Regions.

