Kell Douro

Around 41.5 ABY, the One Sith employed Kell Douro, a male Anzat assassin and spy who possessed Force-sensitivity. He professed the ability to perceive the daen nosi, or "Lines of Fate," and was convinced they held a pattern he nearly deciphered by consuming the soup of enlightened beings.

After consuming countless beings over centuries, Kell Douro came to the conclusion that only by preying upon a Jedi or a Sith could the secrets of Fate be revealed to him. Jaden Korr was one such Jedi.


Trained as an assassin and spy, Kell Douro was a centuries-old male Anzat with Force-sensitivity. He captured beings and kept them aboard his ship to later consume as food, referring to their brain matter as their "soup." Having previously provided services to the Galactic Empire, he frequently worked for the One Sith decades later in 41.5 ABY. He was summoned to Korriban where he met with Darth Wyyrlok I. Wyyrlok instructed Kell to travel to the planet Fhost, await a sign, and then report back to the Sith. Wyyrlok also strongly implied that Kell might discover the "enlightened being" he sought on Fhost.

Douro attempts to feed on Jaden Korr.

While in the Black Hole cantina on Fhost, Kell observed Jedi Knight Jaden Korr and noticed that his Fate lines were intertwined with his own. Convinced that consuming Jaden's soup was his destiny to find revelation, the Anzat secretly stalked the Jedi, who was also searching for revelation. Kell followed Korr to a clandestine cloning lab on a Frozen moon, which was his true objective. There, he encountered Khedryn Faal, who had brought Jaden to the location. Just before killing Faal, Kell decided that he would only feed on Jaden Korr, leaving Faal wounded and unarmed in the upper level research lab. In the lower level, he found Jaden Korr, weakened from his battle with a mad clone of Kam Solusar, and unable to defend himself from the Anzat. As Kell prepared to consume Korr's soup, he suddenly witnessed his own silver daen nosi ending abruptly instead of consuming the Jedi's. Faal, having armed himself with a E-11, shot Kell in the head, killing the Anzat instantly.


Kell Duoro possessed two Cortosis-coated Vibroblades and a Mimetic suit for ambushing targets. He piloted a heavily modified CloakShape fighter, the Predator, equipped with a hyperdrive sled and stasis containers for storing food to consume in space.

Behind the scenes

Paul S. Kemp created Kell Douro for his novel Crosscurrent.

Kell's perception of the daen nosi bore a resemblance to Jax Pavan's perception of the Force. However, this could be purely coincidental.

Although Anzati typically lacked hearts, it is mentioned in Crosscurrent that he had two.

