Khedryn Faal

Khedryn Faal was a Human male captain who commanded the vessel named the Junker. Three things defined him: a wandering eye that gave him a unique outlook, a consistent losing streak at sabacc that never deterred him, and a deep-seated dislike for droids.


Early life

Born on the remnants of the Outbound Flight Project located in the Redoubt, Khedryn became an orphan at a young age. He spent his formative years on the wrecked starship until Luke Skywalker and Mara Jade Skywalker rescued him and the other survivors in 22 ABY. Unlike the other survivors, he harbored no ill will towards the Jedi, holding Luke and Mara in high esteem. Over the next several years, he traveled extensively, serving on various starships from the Empire of the Hand to the Outer Rim Territories and the Core Worlds. He even resided on Corellia and Coruscant for a time, but he didn't consider any place home other than the Redoubt until he arrived on Fhost.

Salvage and friendship

During his travels, Khedryn joined forces with Marr Idi-Shael, a Force-sensitive Cerean with exceptional mathematical abilities, making him his first mate aboard the Junker, a YT-2400 light freighter. Marr proved to be a loyal friend and an outstanding navigator, capable of calculating hyperspace jumps as accurately as a navicomputer. After one of their less reputable ventures went awry, they were compelled to make a detour on their return to Fhost, during which they detected an encoded automated distress signal. The signal originated from a frozen moon orbiting a gas giant. Resolving to salvage whatever was there later, they continued to Fhost.

Later, Khedryn lost the data crystal containing the beacon's coordinates in a rigged sabacc game against Reegas Vance. With the assistance of Jaden Korr, they managed to recover it and escape the Black Hole Cantina. Jaden Korr requested that they transport him to the moon he had seen in a Force vision, and Khedryn agreed. Shortly after arriving in the system, they witnessed the arrival of the Harbinger, a Sith warship that had traveled five millennia through time due to a faulty hyperspace jump. They also encountered Jedi Master Relin Druur, who was responsible for the time-traveling jump.

Initially hesitant, Khedryn and Marr agreed to assist Jaden in reaching the moon's surface and bringing Relin to the Harbinger to destroy the ship and its dangerous cargo of Lignan crystal. While Relin and Marr piloted the Junker into the Harbinger's landing bay, Khedryn and Jaden landed on the moon using the Junker's Starhawk shuttle. There, they discovered an old Imperial research facility established by Grand Admiral Thrawn. While exploring the station, they discovered that the scientists had combined DNA from Jedi and Sith, using DNA from Kam Solusar, Mara Jade Skywalker, Lumiya, Palpatine, and others. However, the experiment had spiraled out of control, and the clones had massacred the researchers. When Jaden expressed his desire to help any surviving clones, Khedryn accused him of being obsessive and headed back to the shuttle. On his way back, he realized he couldn't abandon Jaden, who had become a friend, and decided to return, only to encounter Kell Douro, who had been secretly hunting Jaden since Fhost. Kell broke Khedryn's right wrist and his nose before leaving him unconscious and unarmed and continuing towards Jaden. After regaining consciousness, Khedryn armed himself with the only E-11b blaster rifle remaining in the station's armory and arrived just in time to kill Kell before he could feed on Jaden, who was exhausted after fighting Kam Solusar's clone.

Leaving the station, they witnessed the remaining clones escaping in Kell's ship. After witnessing the destruction of the Harbinger and reuniting with Marr, they departed the system. When Jaden Korr declared that he would have to hunt the remaining clones, Khedryn and Marr offered their assistance, which was accepted.

Hunting the clones

After agreeing to assist Jaden in hunting the clones, Marr was soon offered Jedi training by Jaden. Khedryn was initially uneasy about the idea and suggested that Marr leave his position as the Junker's first mate. Marr declined, much to Khedryn's relief, and they returned to Fhost to recuperate before commencing their hunt for the clones. However, they received reports of an attack on a medical facility and proceeded to the facility, assuming that the clones were responsible. They were correct, and Khedryn was ordered to remain behind as the last line of defense to prevent the clones from stealing the Junker. When the clones bypassed Jaden, Khedryn was warned that they would likely hijack a medical supply ship carrying the medication they needed for their peculiar illness. Khedryn helped the supply ship's captain and copilot escape before the clones arrived, but he soon confronted them face to face. After failing to subdue the clones with gunfire, Khedryn was knocked unconscious by one of the clones, Runner. Khedryn's life was saved by Soldier, a clone of Jaden Korr, who believed they could learn how Jaden had located them. Khedryn was captured and taken aboard the supply ship.

Upon awakening aboard the supply ship, Khedryn was astonished to discover that Soldier was a clone of Jaden. He was questioned about how Jaden had found them, and Khedryn truthfully replied that it was by chance. With no valuable information to provide, Seer, another clone, ordered Khedryn's execution. As Runner escorted Khedryn through the ship's corridors to eject him into space, as Khedryn had requested, Runner was ambushed by the Umbaran assassin Nyss Nenn. Nenn killed Runner, inadvertently saving Khedryn's life. As Khedryn fled, he was captured by Nenn and tied up in one of the corridors. Nenn then contacted Jaden, attempting to use Khedryn as leverage and demanding that Korr surrender himself. Khedryn was soon discovered by Grace, the child of two of the clones. Grace helped free Khedryn, and he made his way to the bridge, determined to seize control of the ship and protect Grace from Nyss. He found Soldier tied up in the cockpit and freed him, allowing Soldier to attack Nenn. Khedryn then used an escape pod to abandon the supply ship and was subsequently rescued by the Junker. They then rescued Jaden from space, as the Jedi had prepared to board the supply ship, as instructed by Nenn.

The crew of the Junker then tracked the clones to a system deep within the Unknown Regions and discovered that the clones had docked at a peculiar Rakatan space station. Khedryn then dropped Jaden and Marr off on the station but was attacked by Nenn. After fleeing into an asteroid belt to evade Nyss, he observed that the Umbaran had docked with the station. Khedryn then docked, hoping to warn Jaden and Marr of Nyss's presence or to apprehend the Umbaran himself. Khedryn lagged behind the others and attempted to use the station's lift system to descend to the subsurface section of the station. However, the systems malfunctioned during the descent, and Khedryn became trapped in the lift. Unbeknownst to him, the station's problems stemmed from the fact that Mother, the entity inhabiting the station, had just transferred her consciousness into Seer's body. He managed to create enough space to fall the remaining distance to the bottom of the lift, which was not far. However, he was knocked unconscious upon hitting the ground hard. Khedryn later awoke and was able to contact Jaden, who warned him that Mother was approaching. He then ascended back up to the station and encountered several animated corpses powered by the station. Khedryn shot them down and then set the supply ship's engines to explode, which would destroy the station. He soon reunited with Jaden, Marr, Soldier, and Grace, and they parted ways with the clones, who seized Grace's medicine before the supply ship exploded and escaped in Nyss's ship. Khedryn, Jaden, and Marr escaped in the Junker, and the station exploded shortly afterward, killing Mother.

Personality and traits

Khedryn Faal possessed a lazy eye, which he believed provided him with a unique perspective on the world. Prior to meeting Jaden, Khedryn had little loyalty to anyone or anything other than himself. Faal led a nomadic existence, constantly moving from planet to planet, always fleeing from responsibility. He eventually settled on Fhost, drawn to its lack of authority. He made a few exceptions to this, most notably his friendship with Marr Idi Shael. Khedryn was fiercely devoted to his friend and first mate and was very protective of him. After meeting Jaden, Khedryn's priorities began to shift. He found himself unable to abandon Jaden in the Imperial facility on the frozen moon, a decision that led him to save Korr's life. Khedryn later risked his life to help the pilot and copilot of the medical supply ship escape danger before the clones hijacked it. Khedryn also became very protective of Grace, particularly after she freed him on the supply ship. He believed that Jaden's Jedi principles were beginning to influence him. Khedryn was a skilled marksman with a blaster and carried an IR-5 blaster pistol.

