Relin Druur


Relin Druur, existing circa 5000 BBY, was a male Human Jedi Master. His initial Padawan, the Kaleesh Saes Rrogon, embraced the dark side, which led Druur, alongside his second apprentice Drev Hassin, to pursue Rrogon. They learned Rrogon had ascended to the rank of Lord within the Sith Empire and followed him to the Phaegon system. There, Rrogon oversaw the mining of the dark-side ore known as Lignan. The Jedi launched an ambush against Rrogon, aiming to disable his ship, the Harbinger, preventing the ore's delivery to the Sith fleet. Aboard the Harbinger, Druur fought Rrogon, ultimately losing his left arm in the duel. Subsequently, charges he had strategically placed on the hyperdrive detonated. This explosion damaged the hyperdrive and incapacitated the Sith Lord. Druur escaped in an escape pod, yet Hassin, piloting the Jedi's Infiltrator starfighter, observed the Harbinger's continued preparations for a jump to hyperspace. In a sacrifice, Hassin flew the Infiltrator into the Harbinger's bridge, intending to prevent its escape from the system. Druur attempted to flee in the escape pod; however, the Harbinger initiated its jump sequence, dragging Druur's pod along as it partially entered its hyperlane and traveled through time to 41.5 ABY.

Druur, now in an foreign system, piloted his escape pod toward a freighter of an unfamiliar make. He boarded the ship, named Junker, and encountered Jedi Knight Jaden Korr and the vessel's pilot, Khedryn Faal. Korr informed Druur that the Sith Empire had been vanquished millennia prior, deducing that he had traversed time during the Harbinger's faulty jump. After evading two squadrons of starfighters dispatched by Rrogon to destroy Junker, Korr, assisted by Faal, continued his own task. Simultaneously, Druur and Marr Idi-Shael, Faal's first mate, embarked on a mission to obliterate the Lignan aboard the Harbinger. Following Idi-Shael's assistance in repelling a wave of Massassi warriors, Druur convinced him to abandon the ship. Druur then fully embraced the dark side. Locating the Lignan within the Harbinger's cargo hold, he was confronted by Rrogon. The two engaged in a duel utilizing Force powers, with Rrogon initially gaining the advantage. However, Druur harnessed his despair over past failures to draw upon the Lignan's power, defeating Rrogon and killing him with the Sith Lord's own lightsaber. Druur proceeded to absorb as much of the Lignan's power as possible and unleashed it upon the Harbinger, engulfing the ship in flames and destroying it, resulting in his own demise.

Hunting Rrogon

Relin Druur, a male Human Force-sensitive individual, existed in an era preceding the Great Hyperspace War. Having undergone training as a Jedi within the Jedi Order, Druur acquired various Force techniques from the Jedi Imar Deez, ultimately achieving the rank of Jedi Master. Prior to the war, he accepted Saes Rrogon, a Kaleesh, as his Padawan, although Rrogon eventually succumbed to the influence of the dark side of the Force. Subsequently, Druur took on Drev Hassin, an Askajian, as his second Padawan. Around 5000 BBY, the Sith Empire, which Rrogon had joined as a Sith Lord, was discovered to be preparing an invasion of the galaxy. Druur anticipated an attack on Kirrek, as well as Coruscant. However, he and Hassin began their pursuit of Rrogon.

Piloting an Infiltrator starfighter, the two Jedi eventually located the Sith Lord at Primus Goluud, where they also observed the Sith fleet preparing to strike the Galactic Republic. There, the Jedi spotted Rrogon's dreadnaught, the Harbinger, alongside another ship, the Omen, departing from the present armada. After Druur reported his discoveries to Kirrek and the Jedi Order on Coruscant, he was instructed to follow Rrogon, hoping to uncover the Sith Lord's purpose. They tracked Rrogon as the Harbinger and Omen traveled to several remote systems. At each stop, the dreadnaughts deployed recon droids for scanning, before quickly relocating to another system.

With the Jedi still unaware of Rrogon's objective, several agents placed a homing beacon on the Harbinger. Following the beacon, Druur and Hassin jumped through hyperspace from the Remmon Nebula to the Phaegon system. As they prepared to exit hyperspace, Druur swiftly masked their presences in the Force to prevent Rrogon from sensing them. Upon entering the system, the two Jedi were immediately affected by a potent wave of dark-side energy. They quickly recovered and flew the Infiltrator into the system's asteroid belt, from which they observed the Harbinger and the Omen above the largest moon of Phaegon III. The Sith ships were mining for Lignan—an ore possessing immense power in the dark side of the Force—and Druur and Hassin discovered that the Sith had completely destroyed the outer crust of the moon, eradicating all life.

Skirmish over Phaegon III

The two Jedi deduced that the Lignan ore was the source of the intense dark-side energy they had felt upon arrival, and that it must have been Rrogon's objective. Druur also believed the Sith were gathering the ore for use during the upcoming Battle of Kirrek. Resolving to prevent the Sith from delivering the ore to the main fleet, Druur and Hassin decided to ambush Rrogon's forces. Utilizing the Infiltrator's scrambler and baffler to temporarily conceal them from the Sith ships' sensors, Hassin flew Druur over one of the Sith cargo transports carrying Lignan ore from the moon's surface to the Harbinger. Druur donned a flexsuit and leaped from the Infiltrator onto the transport.

As the transport carried Druur toward the Harbinger, the Infiltrator was detected, and the Sith deployed ten Blade-class starfighters to attack the fighter. Meanwhile, Druur arrived in one of the landing bays and quickly proceeded to the hyperdrive chamber, hiding himself from the perceptions of the ship's Massassi crew as he passed. However, he failed to evade the notice of one Massassi, Drophan, who then attacked the Jedi Master. Druur was forced to kill him, and the Massassi's body was soon discovered, alerting Rrogon to the presence of a Jedi on board. Rrogon decided to capture the Jedi and present him to Dark Lord of the Sith Naga Sadow as a gift, and Druur soon felt Rrogon's presence reaching out to hunt him down.

As Druur made his way to the ship's hyperdrive, Hassin reported via comlink that the dreadnaughts were preparing to jump into hyperspace. After fighting off a group of Massassi warriors, Druur augmented his speed with the Force and soon arrived outside the hyperdrive chamber, where he fought off eight Massassi warriors standing guard nearby. He then used an overrider to open the hyperdrive chamber and quickly incapacitated two Human engineers. As the ship prepared to jump into hyperspace, deadly radiation filled the room, giving Druur severe radiation poisoning; the Jedi Master realized that he would need treatment for it once he had completed his mission. He quickly attached three mag-grenades on timers to the hyperdrive and ordered his apprentice to flee into hyperspace. Hassin, however, declined his order, refusing to leave without Druur despite the Jedi Master's protests. Before Druur could flee the chamber, Rrogon arrived.

Confrontation with Rrogon

Relin Druur duels his former apprentice, Saes Rrogon.

The Sith Lord confronted Druur, and both briefly attempted to persuade the other to join him on their respective sides of the Force. Rrogon then attacked the Jedi Master, and the two began to duel. Druur easily beat back Rrogon's first assault, but the Sith Lord blasted him with Force lightning, which Druur failed to dodge. The Jedi Master recovered from the lightning, and the two squared off once more, but Druur became distracted as Hassin suddenly reported through his comlink that his Infiltrator had been hit. Rrogon took advantage of this distraction, rushing forward and getting past Druur's slow parry to cut off the Jedi Master's left arm.

Rrogon moved in for the kill, but the mag-grenades that Druur had set on the hyperdrive finally exploded, cracking Druur's ribs and sending Rrogon flying across the chamber into the wall, knocking him unconscious. Druur contemplated killing Rrogon, but decided against it and fled the chamber for the ship's escape pods. Despite the destructive effects of the grenades' explosion, the Harbinger continued its jump sequence; Druur insisted that he had destroyed the drive, but Hassin replied in turn that his scanners still read an active hyperdrive aboard the ship. As Hassin's Infiltrator suffered more damage, Druur entered an escape pod and attempted to launch from the Harbinger. Hassin, however, knew that the Harbinger would still jump and, knowing that they could not risk allowing the ship to meet up with the Sith fleet at Kirrek, crashed the Infiltrator into the Harbinger's bridge, sacrificing himself to stop the ship from entering hyperspace.

Travel through time

Through the escape pod's viewport, Druur witnessed the death of his Padawan, causing him great anger and despair. He then watched as the heavily damaged Harbinger drifted toward the Omen as a result of the impact, but realized with shock that neither ship was aborting its jump sequence. Druur attempted to move his escape pod away from the Harbinger, but was unable to get far enough away before the ship jumped and pulled the escape pod with it as it entered hyperspace. Druur instantly realized that the jump had gone wrong; the hyperspace tunnel was unstable, and he occasionally saw flashes of black space through the streaks of hyperspace. Druur attempted to pull the pod out of hyperspace with the assistance of the Force, but failed to do so.

Most of the Harbinger was destroyed by the jump, but Rrogon, who had since regained consciousness, held it together with the Force—coupled with the assistance of the Lignan—and he finally pulled the dreadnaught out of its misjump and back into realspace. Druur and the pod were also pulled out of hyperspace, and the Jedi Master found himself in a system he did not recognize, containing a blue gas giant with an icy moon. Unbeknownst to Druur, he and the Harbinger had traveled through time thousands of years to 41.5 ABY.

Druur spotted a disk-like freighter the likes of which he had never seen before and launched his escape pod for it. The Jedi Master latched the pod onto the freighter and used his overrider to enter it, before preparing mag-grenades to blow open the inner airlock doors. The ship's occupants—Jedi Knight Jaden Korr, who was following a Force vision that had led him to the system; the ship's captain, the salvager Khedryn Faal; and Faal's first mate, the Cerean Marr Idi-Shael—realized that someone was trying to board the ship, and Korr and Faal rushed to meet the intruder. They arrived just as Druur blasted open the ship's inner air lock doors, and Korr engaged Druur in a brief duel.

Aboard Junker

Both Korr and Druur soon realized that the other was a Jedi, and broke off the duel. Druur insisted that he needed to commandeer the freighter—Junker—in order to get back aboard the Harbinger and prevent it from delivering its cargo to Kirrek. However, Korr revealed that the Battle of Kirrek had been fought thousands of years previously, and that Sadow had been dead for millennia. Korr went on to suggest that Druur's misjump had taken him through time as well as space, to which Druur replied that the Jedi was mad. Korr, however, added that lightsaber technology had evolved since Druur's time—Druur's lightsaber was connected to a power pack which he wore, as opposed to Korr's newer lightsaber, which contained a power cell in the hilt. Druur still attempted to deny what Korr was saying, but Korr insisted that, as a Jedi, he would not lie to Druur, and went on to reveal the galaxy's recent history—including the First and Second Galactic Civil Wars.

Meanwhile, aboard the Harbinger, Rrogon saw Druur's escape pod attached to Junker and ordered two squadrons of Blade starfighters to attack the freighter. Upon seeing the approaching fighters, Faal wanted to flee to hyperspace, but Korr and Druur both refused; each wanted to stay in-system in hopes of achieving their respective missions. Korr quickly piloted the freighter into the gas giant's rings while Druur took up position at the controls of the freighter's tractor beam. During the ensuing chase, Druur used the tractor beam to briefly ensnare chunks of rock before letting them go, flinging them into the path of the pursuing Blade starfighters and destroying several of the fighters. In a plan formulated by Faal, Korr suddenly steered the freighter down and out of the rings, getting out of their pursuers' line of sight for a moment as Idi-Shael vented the ship's cargo. Korr then flew the freighter back up into the rings as the cargo—coupled with two mag-grenades supplied by Druur—hit a rock and exploded, causing the pursuers to believe the ship had been destroyed.

Jedi Knight Jaden Korr

Having successfully evaded their pursuers, Korr brought Junker to rest on one of the larger asteroids within the asteroid rings. Although Faal proposed administering aid to Druur for his numerous wounds, Druur declined, under the impression that stopping for treatment would mean neglecting his responsibilities. Faal, however, came to the conclusion that he no longer wished to continue aiding the two Jedi, as the situation had escalated to a level of danger that he was not comfortable with. Subsequently, Korr revealed Idi-Shael's latent Force sensitivity, and asserted—with Druur's agreement—that the Force was the reason they had all converged there for a specific purpose. Druur then emphasized the urgency of reaching the Harbinger, reiterating the threat the Lignan posed to the galaxy, yet he refused Korr's assistance when the Jedi Knight offered it, explaining that Korr's presence would be too easily detectable by Rrogon. Instead, Idi-Shael suggested accompanying Druur, a proposition the Jedi Master accepted.

Druur, Korr, Idi-Shael, and Faal devised a strategy wherein Faal would navigate Korr to the gas giant's moon aboard the shuttle Flotsam to further the Jedi Knight's mission, while Idi-Shael would pilot Druur in Junker to the Harbinger, with the goal of the Jedi Master destroying the Lignan. Korr then addressed Druur's anger and voiced his concerns for Idi-Shael, emphasizing that the Cerean's safety was Druur's responsibility during the impending mission and requesting Druur's assurance that he would ensure Idi-Shael's safe return. Druur pledged to do so and, in turn, questioned Korr's doubts, before wishing the Jedi Knight success in his own undertaking.

Final mission

As Korr and Faal departed in the Flotsam, Druur's physical condition began to deteriorate. The radiation poisoning he had suffered during his previous mission on the Harbinger had inflicted significant internal damage, and irrespective of the outcome of his upcoming mission, Druur was aware that his death was imminent. However, as Idi-Shael began steering Junker away from the planetary rings and toward the Harbinger, they discovered that the dreadnaught had shifted into orbit around the moon. Druur determined that the distance separating Junker from the Harbinger was too great for the freighter to traverse without alerting the Harbinger and prompting the launch of its fighters. Idi-Shael then proposed executing a jump directly beneath the Harbinger, and despite Druur's initial hesitation to take such a risk, he ultimately approved the plan, seeing no other viable option.

In less than an hour, Idi-Shael mentally finalized the necessary calculations to execute the jump; they succeeded, emerging from hyperspace precisely beneath the Sith dreadnaught. The power of the Lignan began to permeate Druur, and despite his initial resistance, he eventually allowed it to fuel his anger, convinced that Hassin's death justified such fury. Idi-Shael deactivated Junker's primary systems, rerouting power to the freighter's power crystal and directing it at the Harbinger's shields, creating a breach within them. Druur noticed Idi-Shael struggling to withstand the effects of the Lignan and imparted a technique to him to mitigate its influence. Junker then drifted through the opening in the dreadnaught's shields created by the power crystal, and as they entered the Sith ship's landing bay, Idi-Shael reactivated Junker's systems.

Druur instructed Idi-Shael to land Junker in a freight corridor adjacent to the landing bay. Several Massassi warriors positioned themselves to defend against the intruders, and Druur exited the freighter's cargo bay, immediately launching an offensive and engaging the Massassi crew. He defeated several of the assembled warriors, but a blaster bolt grazed the stump of his arm that had been severed during his confrontation with Rrogon. Druur then realized that he was no longer able to utilize his powers to heal himself or replenish his energy—only to attack. He understood that this signified his fall to the dark side, but he no longer cared, as long as Rrogon was defeated and Hassin avenged.

Druur commanded Idi-Shael to depart, but the Cerean instead resolved to remain and assist the Jedi Master, retrieving Faal's swoop bike from Junker's cargo bay and piloting it directly toward the Massassi warriors. The Massassi opened fire on the bike, inflicting damage, but the distraction allowed Druur to decapitate two more warriors as Idi-Shael dismounted the swoop, which then crashed into the corridor wall and exploded. As Druur eliminated the remaining Massassi, he realized that he was relishing the fight, smiling and laughing as he slaughtered the warriors. Idi-Shael again implored Druur to allow him to stay and help, but Druur quickly became enraged and rejected the Cerean's assistance, asserting that this was something he had to accomplish alone. The Jedi Master finally persuaded Idi-Shael to leave, and also urged him to deliver one final message to Korr—that nothing was certain, that there was only the search for certainty, and that things became precarious only when one thought that the hunt for certainty had ended. As the Cerean returned to Junker and fled the Sith dreadnaught, Druur fully embraced the dark side.

Second duel with Rrogon

Druur utilized the sensation of the Lignan in the Force to guide him to the cargo hold, killing everyone he encountered along the way. As he progressed through the ship, he found that he desired Rrogon to find him, so that he could confront the Sith Lord once more. Rrogon sensed Druur's approach to the cargo bay and decided to confront his former Master alone. Upon arriving in the cargo bay, Druur located the containers holding the Lignan ore and resolved to wait there for Rrogon to arrive so that he could kill the Sith in retaliation for Hassin's death. As he waited, Druur was tormented by his failures, intensifying his anger and hate. He sensed Rrogon's presence as the Sith Lord entered the cargo bay and challenged Rrogon to reveal himself. The Sith Lord instead merely advised Druur to join him in the dark side, almost convincing him until the Sith added that if Druur did not join him, then Hassin would have died in vain.

Driven into a rage, Druur located Rrogon's presence in the Force and telekinetically smashed some of the nearby containers of Lignan together, yelling at Rrogon to show himself. The Kaleesh finally complied, drawing on the Lignan ore to enhance his strength and attacking Druur with Force lightning. The fallen Jedi drew the lightning into his lightsaber blade before flinging it back at Rrogon, but the Sith Lord simply absorbed the energy. However, as Rrogon drew on the Lignan to augment his power, the ore erupted into flames, burning out as it was used.

Druur decided that—as he was no longer a Jedi—he would not use a Jedi weapon, and threw aside his lightsaber. He and Rrogon then jumped at each other over the Lignan and collided in midair, engaging in hand-to-hand combat. Druur finally telekinetically pushed Rrogon into a container of Lignan and attempted to drop another container on top of the Sith Lord, but Rrogon caught the container and threw it back at Druur, who dodged it. Rrogon strode toward Druur, challenging his former Master's newfound anger; he claimed that his own rage was older and stronger and that Druur thus had no chance of matching it.

Rrogon hit Druur with a telekinetic blast that sent the fallen Jedi through one of the containers of ore, cracking several of his ribs. The Sith Lord then began choking him through the Force; he struggled against Rrogon's power but was unable to counter it. Druur collapsed to the ground, and Rrogon called his lightsaber to his hand and prepared to kill him. Realizing that he had failed yet again, Druur was overwhelmed with despair; however, he used the despair to draw on the power of the Lignan. Rrogon quickly realized what Druur was doing and drew on the ore himself, but Druur suddenly grasped the Sith Lord in a Force Choke of his own, easily overwhelming Rrogon's attempts to counter it.


Druur continued to draw on the power of the Lignan as he choked his former apprentice. Rrogon stumbled forward with his lightsaber, but Druur quickly called the Sith Lord's weapon to his hand. Rising to his knees as Rrogon collapsed to his own, Druur stabbed Rrogon in the chest with the Sith Lord's own blade, killing him. So filled with the dark side of the Force that he felt as though he had transcended being Human, Druur accepted that he had been consumed by it. He welcomed the fact and decided then that he would not allow himself to fail his final mission.

Druur continued to draw in the power of the Lignan, causing the ore to erupt into flames even as the power of the dark side grew inside of him. Knowing that he would die no matter what, Druur consumed as much of the Lignan's power as he could—causing energy to spiral about him as his flesh became translucent. Druur then grabbed Rrogon's hand and was so overcome with emotion that a large mass of Force lightning exploded out from his body into the cargo bay, and he continued to draw in the Lignan as the lines of dark-side energy spread throughout the ship. Druur finally unleashed the immense power he had consumed into the dreadnaught, engulfing the Harbinger in flames and destroying it as he died.

Shortly after Druur's death, Idi-Shael was reunited with Korr and Faal, who had successfully completed their own mission. Idi-Shael revealed to Korr that Druur had taught him some Force techniques, and Korr agreed that he would continue to teach Idi-Shael about the Force. Idi-Shael also relayed Druur's final message to Korr as the Jedi Master had requested; the Cerean went on to say that he disagreed with Druur's outlook, and that it may have been one of the reasons that Druur fell to the dark side.

Personality and traits

Relin Druur possessed a somber disposition, rarely exhibiting any emotional expression. As a Jedi Master, he championed composure among his apprentices, asserting that emotional extremes led to the dark side and that malevolence originated from unchecked ambition. Frequently contemplative, he seldom laughed or smiled, especially following the fall of his initial Padawan, Saes Rrogon, to the dark side of the Force. Druur's subsequent apprentice, Drev Hassin, displayed a cheerful demeanor and could often elicit a smile from Druur, although the Jedi Master typically maintained a grave and serious manner. Druur also occasionally felt unease regarding Hassin's humor, as he perceived the Askajian as having an excessively casual perspective on serious matters; Hassin once responded to this concern by stating that the Askajians believed joy could be found in everything, although Druur countered that pain could also be found in everything.

Despite his solemnity, Druur held a deep appreciation for the natural splendor of the galaxy, such as the red-orange clouds of the Remmon Nebula. Druur also possessed a strong sense of duty, declining medical treatment aboard the Junker because he believed that accepting the delay of treatment before finishing his mission would mean shirking his duties. He believed in completing his duty no matter how much pain it cost him, and grew angry when Faal suggested that he was a fool for not pausing for treatment. Druur was also disgusted by how careless the Massassi were with their lives. When one wounded Massassi asked for the Jedi Master to grant him death rather than leave him to live as a cripple, Druur at first refused, telling the warrior that everyone had to live with themselves. However, when the Massassi began to crawl for a blaster to continue the fight, Druur had no qualms with killing the warrior.

Relin Druur also cared deeply for his Padawans; Rrogon's betrayal and Hassin's death both caused him great sorrow and filled him with self-doubt. He encouraged this doubt throughout his life, believing that such uncertainty kept him sharp. Still, after Hassin's sacrifice, Druur became consumed by a desire for revenge. He accepted this, believing that not wanting vengeance would be a disgrace to the memory of Hassin. During his final mission to the Harbinger, Druur found that he enjoyed killing the Massassi, and also found that he could no longer use his powers to heal or replenish himself. He realized that this meant he had fallen to the dark side, but no longer cared, as long as Hassin's death was avenged, Rrogon was killed, and the Lignan was destroyed.

Shortly before Druur embarked on his final mission, Korr sensed the Jedi Master's anger and confronted him about the dangers of the dark side, while Druur in turn confronted Korr about his doubt. Druur ascertained that Korr had recently done something that had destroyed his image of himself in his mind, and Korr admitted that this was true. Druur went on to express his belief that Jedi always expected too much of themselves, and that it was impossible to fulfill such expectations. By this time, Druur's faith in the Force had diminished; he told Korr that he had no wisdom to give him and simply wished the Jedi Knight luck in his upcoming mission.

After Rrogon's fall to the dark side, Druur began to be consumed by doubt—he believed Rrogon's fall to be his own failure as opposed to the Kaleesh's. Throughout his life, Druur fed his doubt by blaming many failures on himself—by the time of his second duel with Rrogon, Druur believed that he had failed not only Rrogon, but also Hassin, the Jedi Order, and even Idi-Shael, for opening the Cerean up to the Force so that his first experience in intentional application of the Force was the feel of the Lignan. During his duel with Rrogon, Druur found that he considered his whole life to be just one long line of failures. It was during this final mission that Druur finally realized that his doubts were what had caused his descent to the dark side, leading him to believe that his fall had been inevitable.

Powers and abilities

The Force-sensitive Relin Druur trained with the Jedi Order, eventually rising to the rank of Jedi Master. He was proficient in telekinesis techniques and used them frequently during his missions; he also was able to use the Force to effectively augment his running speed. Druur wielded a green-bladed lightsaber and was an accomplished duelist, although he lost his left arm in a duel with Rrogon when Hassin distracted him by announcing his Infiltrator had been hit. He was able to single-handedly take on and defeat several Massassi warriors at once.

Druur could cloak his appearance from the perception of other beings, as well as mask his Force presence from other nearby Force-sensitives. He was also able to simultaneously mask his own presence and the presence of another Force-sensitive, although only if that being was not particularly powerful in the Force—Druur refused to allow Korr to join him on his final mission, claiming that the Jedi Knight's presence was too powerful for him to mask; on the other hand, Druur was able to hide both his and Idi-Shael's presences from Rrogon. Druur also utilized taunts and verbal affronts during his duels with Rrogon.

After falling to the dark side of the Force, Druur found that his offensive powers were stronger, although he could no longer use the Force to heal or replenish himself. He was able to utilize very powerful forms of telekinesis with ease and was also able to draw on the Lignan ore to enhance his powers. During his second duel with Rrogon, Druur caught the Sith Lord's Lignan-enhanced Force lightning on his lightsaber blade and throw it back at the Sith Lord, although it had no affect on Rrogon. With the help of the Lignan, he was also able to overpower Rrogon's Force Choke with one of his own, from which the Sith Lord was unable to escape. Druur also found that his powers in the dark side of the Force were less enhanced by rage or fury than they were by despair. Even after killing Rrogon with the Sith Lord's own lightsaber, Druur continued drawing on the power of the ore as he died, finally unleashing it upon the Harbinger and destroying the ship.

Behind the scenes

Jedi Master Relin Druur first appeared in Paul S. Kemp's debut Star Wars novel, Crosscurrent, released January 26, 2010. Crosscurrent specified only that Imar Deez taught Druur how to shield himself from the effects of the dark side of the Force; therefore, whether or not Druur was officially apprenticed to Deez is ambiguous.

