In the year 41 ABY, Jedi Knight Jaden Korr embarked on a mission. This endeavor involved his journey to a frozen moon that housed a cloning laboratory.

Following the conclusion of the Second Galactic Civil War, Korr was guided by a Force vision to a frozen moon situated in the Unknown Regions. There, he discovered a cloning facility where Imperial Grand Admiral Thrawn had previously conducted experiments to produce Force-sensitive clones. However, these clones had revolted and killed all of the scientists present at the facility. During his exploration of the facility, Korr encountered Alpha, a clone exhibiting a resemblance to Jedi Master Kam Solusar.
Alpha's intent was to eliminate Korr and offer him as sustenance to "Mother," a Spaarti cloning cylinder. Nevertheless, Korr engaged Alpha in a duel, ultimately defeating and killing him. During this confrontation, Korr suffered the loss of three fingers on his right hand, along with the green-bladed lightsaber he had constructed upon attaining the rank of Jedi Knight. Jaden finished the fight with the purple-bladed lightsaber he had made as a boy, before any formal training. Towards the end of their duel, Alpha's lightsaber malfunctioned, leaving the clone vulnerable to Jaden's final blow. After the deadly confrontation, Jaden thought about throwing away Alpha's unstable, red-bladed lightsaber, but decided to keep it.
Shortly after Jaden departed from the cloning facility, he was attacked by the Anzat Kell Douro. Douro had been tracking Korr with the intention of consuming his soup—seeking a revelation—and had already incapacitated Korr's new ally, Khedryn Faal, before locating and ambushing the weakened Korr. Douro gained the upper hand against the exhausted Korr and managed to experience his epiphany just as a recovered Faal arrived. Faal fatally shot the Anzat in the head, thus saving Korr's life.