Imperial research facility

A scientific research center resided on a frigid satellite situated within a far-off planetary system. This was the location for a highly classified Imperial project, which involved the replication of various Force users by utilizing samples of their genetic material. The facility, sanctioned by High Admiral Thrawn, had a vast network of subterranean levels and featured a pair of entry points. Located at the center of the complex was a replication device, alongside living spaces for the replicated beings and the researchers stationed there. Nevertheless, the project was unsuccessful; the replicated beings succumbed to insanity and eliminated all of the researchers. In 41 After the Battle of Yavin, Jedi Knight Jaden Korr experienced a premonition via the Force and undertook an assignment to the satellite, where he discovered this center. In that place, he engaged in combat with and defeated Alpha, a replicated version of Jedi Master Kam Solusar. The remaining replicated individuals, however, managed to flee the center.

