
Mag-grenades constituted a kind of grenade.


Jedi Master Relin Druur made use of mag-grenades circa 5000 BBY. It was at approximately this point in time, specifically at the commencement of the Great Hyperspace War, that he employed mag-grenades to great effect during his infiltration of Sith Lord Saes Rrogon's dreadnaught, the Harbinger. Druur's employment of the mag-grenades was intended to bring about the destruction of the ship's hyperdrive, though this met with only partial success; the Harbinger nevertheless made an attempt to transition into hyperspace, although it did not fully enter its designated hyperlane and inadvertently traveled across a span of more than 5,000 years through time, arriving in the year 41 ABY.

In the era of the Galactic Civil War, Rabid Mynocks head honcho Quayce utilized a faulty mag-grenade in the context of a race against the leader of the Spiders, namely Dean Lado. The grenade served to divert Lado's attention sufficiently to result in his entanglement within a substantial repulsor minefield explosion.

