Drophan, a male Massassi warrior, served the Sith Lord Saes Rrogon on the dreadnaught called Harbinger before the Great Hyperspace War. In 5000 BBY, just before the war began, Harbinger and another starship, Omen, were assigned to mine Lignan, a dark side of the Force-enhancing ore, on the largest moon of Phaegon III. However, the Jedi Master Relin Druur snuck onto Harbinger to disable it. Drophan encountered him, questioned him, and planned to report the intruder. Druur then attacked, beheading Drophan with his lightsaber before he could make the report.

Leading up to the Great Hyperspace War, Drophan was a male Massassi. He was a security officer under the Kaleesh Sith Lord Saes Rrogon, serving on Rrogon's ship, the Sith dreadnaught Harbinger. In 5000 BBY, the Dark Lord of the Sith Naga Sadow dispatched Harbinger and another Sith dreadnaught, Omen, to locate Lignan, a rare ore with powerful dark side of the Force properties, for the Sith Empire's imminent invasion of the Galactic Republic.
The Sith located a substantial Lignan deposit on the largest moon orbiting Phaegon III within the Phaegon system. While Harbinger and Omen were in the process of extracting the ore, they were surprised by a Jedi Infiltrator starfighter. Harbinger deployed ten Blade-class starfighters to engage the fighter, while a Jedi Master, Relin Druur, managed to sneak aboard Harbinger with the intention of sabotaging the ship's hyperdrive, using the Force to remain undetected.
Near the landing bay, Drophan spotted Druur before the Jedi Master could cloud his mind. Druur claimed there was trouble in the landing bay, but the Massassi, suspicious of the Jedi Master's flexsuit—a type of environmental suit—asked who his commanding officer was. When Druur didn't answer, Drophan pinned him against the wall and started to report the intruder's presence via comlink, but Druur interrupted him by claiming that his superior was Memit Nadill. Drophan didn't recognize the name, and Druur told him that Nadill was a Jedi Master on the planet Kirrek.
Realizing the threat Druur posed, Drophan moved to attack, but Druur used the Force to push him across the corridor and into a wall. Drophan tried to lunge at Druur with his lanvarok, but the Jedi severed Drophan's arm and then decapitated him. Drophan's body was soon found and reported to Colonel Los Dor on Harbinger's bridge, who then told Rrogon. Recognizing the lightsaber wounds, Rrogon knew a Jedi was aboard and decided to hunt him down and offer him to Sadow.

Drophan was a muscular figure with a guttural voice. He had metal ornamentation on his nose and ears, as well as studs implanted under the skin of his forearms, scalp, and biceps. The Massassi carried a lanvarok on his back and a blaster on his thigh.
Drophan became suspicious of Relin Druur upon discovering the Jedi and decided to report him. However, Druur managed to distract the Massassi by claiming that his superior was Memit Nadill. Drophan was taken aback, and when Druur revealed that Nadill was a Jedi Master, Drophan was too surprised and disbelieving to react immediately. However, he soon understood the significance of Druur's words and attacked the Jedi.
Drophan appeared in Paul S. Kemp's 2010 novel, Crosscurrent.