Memit Nadill, a Jedi Master of the male persuasion, held the position of most relied-upon adviser to Empress Teta. Teta was the monarch reigning over the planet Koros Major. This occurred during the Unification Wars, a series of battles that unified the seven planets comprising the Koros system. In the year 5000 BBY, after accepting the visions of fellow Jedi Odan-Urr as prophetic, Memit Nadill made a journey to Coruscant. His purpose was to caution the Jedi Order concerning an imminent invasion by the Sith Empire. Regrettably, Nadill's arrival was delayed, and the Sith invasion force descended upon the capital precisely as he reached it. This event signaled the commencement of the Great Hyperspace War. During the invasion of Coruscant, Nadill played a role in pushing back the forces of the Sith Empire, leading a small team of Jedi including Tuknatan, Anavus Svag and Sonam-Ha'ar.
Nadill's appearance was that of a dignified humanoid with green skin, distinguished by numerous tendrils extending from the rear of his head. He was known as a Jedi who valued peace, expressing a desire to never again require the use of his lightsaber following the Unification Wars. Nevertheless, he demonstrated proficiency with his weapon when circumstances demanded it, often leading Teta's forces into combat while wielding a blue lightsaber.
During the Manderon Period, Memit Nadill, a Force-sensitive male, served as a member of the Jedi Order, achieving the esteemed rank of Jedi Master. By the year 5000 BBY, he had been appointed as an adviser to Empress Teta of the Koros system. Within the Tetan royal palace on the planet Koros Major, Nadill was granted access to a concealed chamber where he kept his belongings. He played a role in assisting the empress in her efforts to unite the system through military force. Teta's campaign initially showed promise, though they encountered significant opposition on the planet Kirrek. They requested assistance from the Jedi Order, leading Master Ooroo to eventually dispatch his apprentice to meet with Nadill.

In 5,000 BBY, as the Unification Wars drew to a close—a series of conflicts initiated by Empress Teta with the aim of uniting the seven worlds of the Koros system under her dominion—Nadill encountered the Draethos Jedi Knight Odan-Urr in Cinnagar, the capital city of Koros Major. Odan-Urr had been dispatched by his master, a Celegian named Ooroo, to the Koros system with the intention of fostering peace on the planet of Kirrek, which had been devastated by recent clashes between Teta's forces and local rebel factions. This marked Odan-Urr's inaugural assignment, as he considered himself more of a scholar than a warrior, expressing a preference for studying history over making it. Nadill assumed responsibility for Odan-Urr's training, given his greater experience, with the hope of imparting essential skills to Odan-Urr. Empress Teta had successfully united six of the seven planets within the Koros system, but the pirates on Kirrek had managed to repel all attempts to engage them, initiating attacks on any ship that ventured within range of their weaponry—resulting in the deaths of over fifty hostages following the most recent attempt to subdue them. Teta concluded that a full-scale military assault was the only viable means of defeating the pirates, reluctantly ordering her troops to proceed despite her concerns about the potential loss of life. Odan-Urr was summoned before Empress Teta, where he shared knowledge of an ancient Force ability known as battle meditation, asserting that its utilization would ensure Teta's victory while minimizing casualties. Nadill issued the order to travel to Kirrek and employ the Force power, tasking Odan-Urr with instructing him in its use. During their journey to the war-torn planet, the young Draethos imparted the ancient power to Memit, which influenced the morale of both allied and enemy soldiers, in addition to enabling users to envision a desired outcome and manipulate their adversaries' actions accordingly.
Nadill quickly became proficient in battle meditation, collaborating with Odan-Urr to defeat the pirates on Kirrek, employing his newly acquired skill to undermine the enemy's resolve while bolstering the morale of his allies. They averted a potential bloodbath, although, as Odan-Urr had anticipated, many demoralized enemies resorted to desperate measures, attempting to take down as many adversaries as possible. However, the rebels were ultimately compelled to surrender, with Teta's forces taking them into custody. Despite the significant number of lives saved by the two Jedi, the victory was not without its losses. Odan-Urr was particularly troubled by what he perceived as unnecessary deaths, as well as the destruction of a supply ship that had crashed onto Kirrek's surface. Upon their return to Koros Major, the two Jedi, along with Empress Teta, were celebrated as heroes as they traversed the crowded streets on a hoversled. Nadill informed the Empress that, with the unification of all planets, Koros would become one of the wealthiest systems in the galaxy once their carbonite mines resumed full production.

Later, on Koros Major, Nadill and Odan-Urr intervened to rescue two Human siblings, Jori and Gav Daragon, who were being threatened by two assassins dispatched by the Cha'a merchant Ssk Kahorr, to whom the two youths were indebted. Just as the assassins were poised to strike, the two Jedi emerged, seemingly from nowhere, activating their lightsabers and ordering the attackers to halt. The two alien mercenaries refused and attacked the Jedi Knights with their primitive weapons. Odan-Urr, unaccustomed to such confrontations, lashed out at an assassin with his ancient lightsaber, resulting in his death. Nadill, however, opted for a more peaceful resolution, disarming the remaining mercenary, who subsequently fled. Nadill later cautioned his companion about the consequences of such aggression, suggesting that the situation could have been resolved without resorting to a lightsaber. Odan-Urr felt deeply ashamed after the encounter; his people were hunters, and he needed to learn to control an instinct he possessed.
That night, Odan-Urr experienced a nightmarish vision of Sith Lord Marka Ragnos' funeral on the Sith homeworld Korriban, and the war it would eventually cause. In his vision, Odan-Urr witnessed two aspiring Sith Lords of the Sith Empire, established millennia earlier by Dark Jedi Exiles, dueling for Ragnos's throne. One of them, Ludo Kressh, preferred to keep the Empire hidden from the rest of the galaxy, while the other, Naga Sadow, sought to expand the Sith Empire's borders and lay siege to the Galactic Republic, a feat not attempted since before the Empire's inception. Midway through the duel, the spirit of the long-deceased Marka Ragnos materialized, informing the two that their Empire was under threat and that they needed to choose their course wisely. Odan-Urr sensed that, despite not having been encountered in over a thousand years, the banished Dark Jedi still posed a significant threat to the Jedi Order and the Republic. The young Jedi Knight then sought out Memit Nadill to verify his interpretation of the dream. Nadill met with his friend in Teta's chambers. After Odan-Urr recounted the dream and shared his interpretation, Nadill informed Teta that he trusted his companion's judgment and requested that she bring it up with the Senate, the Republic's governing body, during her next visit to the Republic's capital world, Coruscant. Teta agreed to present the matter before the Senate during her upcoming journey in three days, pledging the Koros system's support for the Republic's defense.
Nadill and Odan-Urr, who had never visited Coruscant before, accompanied Teta to the capital aboard one of her ships. Odan-Urr was amazed by the high population of the city-planet, and Nadill remarked that the Force was strong there, but so was the politics. The Jedi arrived at the Senate Hall alongside Teta, noticing several Jedi observing the proceedings from a distance, and they sat on either side of her as she addressed the Senate. Teta recounted Odan-Urr's dream and the chaos it would bring to the Republic. However, the senators were highly skeptical, astonished that such a respected leader would suggest taking up arms based on a young Jedi apprentice's dream of a mythical enemy unseen for over a thousand years. The two Jedi departed shortly thereafter, disheartened, though they still had Empress Teta's support, who vowed to commit her military forces against any Sith attack.
Shortly after their return from Coruscant, Nadill summoned Odan-Urr to Empress Teta's chambers, where Urr's master Ooroo was awaiting his arrival. Ooroo had contacted Teta to inquire about Odan-Urr's progress as her newest advisor, and upon learning of Urr's visions, he immediately set out for Koros, eager to meet with his student in person. Ooroo had learned of Nadill and Urr's attempts to warn the Senate and assured them that their mission was not a complete failure: they had successfully convinced the three Jedi Knights present of the threat posed by the Sith. The Celegian cautioned Nadill and the others that if the Sith were to attack, a full-scale war would devastate the Republic and disrupt the fabric of hyperspace. Teta then led them onto a large balcony overlooking the vast army she had assembled during her efforts to bring peace to her home system, vowing never to allow her system to fall to any invasion from outsiders.

Nadill was in Teta's chambers with Odan-Urr when Jori Daragon, one of the two siblings Nadill had previously rescued, burst through the doors. Imprisoned on Koros for various offenses, she had managed to escape and infiltrate Teta's palace. Despite her pleas to be heard, the Empress instructed her guards to remove the young woman. However, upon hearing mention of the Sith Empire, Nadill and Odan-Urr had Teta call off her guards and asked the girl to retell her story. She recounted that the Sith Empire was still thriving and that she and her brother had witnessed it. In an attempt to discover a lucrative new hyperspace route, they had entered random hyperspace coordinates and found themselves on a desolate planet inhabited by Sith. The Daragons had been taken in by Naga Sadow after a major battle between Sadow's forces and those of his rival, Ludo Kressh, had erupted. Sadow persuaded Jori to leave before she was injured in the battle, secretly placing a tracking device on her ship. She warned the Jedi that Sadow and his army could arrive at any moment and that the Republic was in danger. To the amazement of the guards, Nadill and the others believed her, and the green-skinned Jedi planned to travel to Coruscant once more to rally the support of the Jedi Knights, confident that this was the evidence that would convince them of the imminent danger.

Nadill arrived on Coruscant aboard his shuttle and met with Sonam-Ha'ar, Tuknatan, and Anavus Svag, the three Jedi who had been present in the Senate Hall during Nadill's previous visit with Teta and Odan-Urr. Having known them all previously, Nadill secured their promise to enlist more loyal Jedi Knights and protect the Republic that the Order served. However, the Coruscanti invasion alarms suddenly blared; Nadill's arrival was too late.
The fleet of Naga Sadow, Dark Lord of the Sith, laid siege to Coruscant, deploying pods filled with Sith warriors onto the capital's streets. The citizens sought refuge in the massive Senate Hall, leaving the four Jedi Knights and a handful of Republic soldiers to confront the formidable Sith army. Flanked by dozens of enormous, monstrous creatures, the Sith army charged toward the Senate Hall. On the steps of the ancient building, Nadill, Sonam-Ha'ar, Tuknatan, and Anavus Svag wielded their primitive Jedi weapons to fight against Sadow's vast army of Sith warriors, vowing that the Republic would not fall after thousands of years of peace.
As Nadill battled the seemingly endless Sith invasion force, with more Sith pods and bombs raining down on the once-brilliant city, an unexpected event occurred: many of the Sith soldiers appeared to vanish into thin air. Nadill immediately realized that many of their Sith enemies were merely illusions conjured by Sadow's magic aboard his Sith Meditation Sphere. Sadow's concentration had been disrupted when Gav Daragon, who had received brief training in the ways of the Sith from the Dark Lord after his sister's departure from Korriban, fired upon him. Daragon had come to realize the pain and suffering Sadow was inflicting on the Republic after Aarrba the Hutt, his mentor and guardian, had been mercilessly killed by Sadow's warriors.

In response to this sudden revelation, the Jedi launched a counterattack against their confused foes, eventually turning the tide of the battle. Emboldened by newfound confidence, the four Jedi, along with the few Republic soldiers remaining alive, charged at the remaining Sith warriors, driving them back from the Senate Hall and defeating their giant beasts. Nadill fought using the Force, eliminating the Sith threat from Coruscant. In a clash with a Sith commander, the Sith's sword was no match for Nadill's lightsaber, and he was defeated by the Jedi. With much of the Sith invasion force destroyed by the Jedi and Republic soldiers, the survivors were forced to retreat, with the Coruscanti army allowing them to return to the Sith Empire on Korriban. After the Sith fled, Memit Nadill, Tuknatan, Anavus Svag, and Sonam-Ha'ar joined their weapons together and once again swore that the Republic would never fall.
Meanwhile, the Sith had also been defeated on Kirrek by Odan-Urr and Ooroo, though their victory came at the cost of the Celegian Master's life. Ooroo had released the poisonous cyanogen gas in his tank, sacrificing his own life to kill a group of elite Massassi warriors. The Massassi had overwhelmed Teta's forces, which were being aided by the former pirates that Nadill and Odan-Urr had previously helped to defeat. On Coruscant, Memit Nadill and his fellow Jedi participated in a crowded victory celebration outside the Senate Hall, while others assessed and began to repair the damage caused by Sadow's attack. During the celebrations, Memit Nadill disconnected his lightsaber from its power pack, hoping for no further conflict.
Nadill returned to Koros Major on his personal shuttle, meeting with the Empress on her balcony and expressing his happiness that Teta and Odan-Urr had fared as well as he had. While Odan-Urr searched the abandoned Sith ship in orbit, eventually discovering a Sith holocron, the Empress expressed her sadness at the damage the war had caused, but Nadill optimistically reassured her that everything could be repaired.
During the Cold War, an archaeological crew unearthed a mosaic in the Tetan royal palace that indicated the location of Nadill's personal chamber. Recognizing the significance of the mosaic, the crew rediscovered the chamber, which still contained some of Nadill's personal effects.
Memit Nadill belonged to a bipedal humanoid species, characterized by light green skin and several small head-tails extending from the back of his head. He had a long face, with a prominent bony curl at the end of his chin. Several small horns adorned the Jedi's head. Although his face and head were hairless, Memit Nadill's powerful arms were covered in thin green fur. He did not wear traditional Jedi robes, preferring a dark green cape over a small shirt that covered his chest, though he also wore orange ceremonial robes when acting as Teta's advisor.

Nadill was a wise Jedi Master: he did not act rashly or worry about what might happen, as he knew that if the Force was in all things, he would be safe. During Odan-Urr's stay on Koros Major in 5,000 BBY, Nadill imparted a wealth of knowledge to him, and Odan-Urr went on to found the Great Jedi Library on the planet Ossus and become a revered Jedi Master.
Memit was an extremely trusting individual, placing his complete faith in others, particularly those touched by the Force, even when no one else would. His trusting nature was evident when Odan-Urr arrived on Cinnagar and introduced Nadill to battle meditation. The Jedi advisor trusted Odan-Urr, whom he had only just met, and agreed to utilize the Force power without even being fully informed of its capabilities. Nadill once again placed his full confidence in Odan-Urr after the young Jedi experienced visions of the Sith, trusting that his fellow Jedi's interpretations of the dreams were accurate and persuading Teta to present them before the Senate. Even after the senators dismissed Odan-Urr's visions as insignificant, Memit persuaded Teta to ensure that the Koros system was prepared for any potential attack.
Memit Nadill was an experienced Jedi who served as Teta's advisor during the Unification Wars of the Koros system, which was later renamed Empress Teta in honor of the queen who had brought peace to the system. Teta described the alien Jedi as her most trusted advisor, holding his judgment and decisions in high regard. On several occasions, such as the events surrounding Odan-Urr's vision, Teta acted on Nadill's advice, even though she did not understand the Force, which always affected how Memit acted.
Nadill was also very kind, often wearing a smile on his face. His kindness was evident after Jori Daragon informed him and Empress Teta of the Sith Empire and its impending invasion of the Republic. The young human had endured much hardship beforehand, and Nadill was the only being who recognized all she had gone through to warn them.
Nadill disliked violence and battle of any kind, though he felt that a Jedi must always be prepared to do battle. He was skilled in combat with a lightsaber, as demonstrated during the Unification Wars and the Great Hyperspace War, though he preferred to use non-lethal attacks against his enemies, advocating for gentler solutions to problems. He often led soldiers in battle, willingly sacrificing his own life for others. Following the Great Hyperspace War, Memit Nadill powered down his lightsaber, hoping to never again ignite it in war.
Nadill was also proficient in the ancient Jedi art of battle mediation, a skill he had learned from fellow Jedi Knight Odan-Urr. To perform battle meditation, a Jedi had to maintain intense focus on the desired outcome of the battle and avoid any interruptions. Battle meditation could boost the morale of the Jedi's forces while diminishing the enemy's morale, as well as influence the actions of adversaries and the overall outcome of the battle.

Memit Nadill was conceived by writer Kevin J. Anderson for the 1996 comic sub-series The Golden Age of the Sith, a part of the Tales of the Jedi comic series. He reappeared in the subsequent story arc The Fall of the Sith Empire, also penned by Anderson. Dario Carrasco, Jr. illustrated him in both story arcs, with three additional artists serving as inkers. Nadill was later mentioned in several reference books, including The New Essential Chronology in 2005 and The Complete Star Wars Encyclopedia in 2008.
A character bearing resemblance to Nadill is depicted in the comic Legacy (2006) 30, participating in the Battle of Corbos in 6900 BBY.