Jedi Ambassador

The Jedi Ambassador was a Jedi Knight who adhered to the doctrines of the Jedi Consulars. This specialized role, embraced by a select few, involved representing the Galactic Republic and offering guidance to members of the Galactic Senate.


In contrast to the Jedi Diplomat, Ambassadors typically had minimal involvement in treaty negotiations or document signings. Instead, their primary function was to embody the Republic's public image, acting as representatives during visits to newly discovered planets or government centers seeking galactic membership. Operating under the direct authority of the Council of Reconciliation, Ambassadors collaborated with the Republic Diplomatic Corps, often preceding other vessels to assure planetary militaries of non-threatening intentions.

On occasion, specific Ambassadors were designated as personal consultants to Galactic Senators. Senators could request such appointments, which were then reviewed by both the Reconciliation Council and the Reassignment Council. Numerous Supreme Chancellors sought personal advisers, frequently individuals with whom they shared close relationships or prior experiences. The Jedi Council sometimes proactively assigned a Jedi to the Supreme Chancellor, rather than awaiting a formal request. A notable instance occurred following the New Sith Wars, when Jedi Master Valenthyne Farfalla provided Chancellor Tarsus Valorum with the newly promoted Jedi Knight Johun Othone to assist him until the end of his term. This action was intended to demonstrate the Jedi Council's commitment to the Republic's recovery, rather than to exert direct influence within the Senate. Centuries before, Master Memit Nadill advised Empress Teta during the Unification Wars (Koros). Master Adi Gallia, a member of the Jedi High Council, maintained a very strong working relationship with Chancellor Finis Valorum as of 33 BBY. Their connection was advantageous, providing the High Council with a steady flow of information from the Office of the Supreme Chancellor.

Masters Jorus C'baoth, Luminara Unduli, Kit Fisto, Plo Koon, and Jedi Knights Stass Allie, Anakin Skywalker all acted as advisors to Palpatine. C'baoth assisted Palpatine during his time as a Senator, while Skywalker was appointed as a wartime consultant during the Clone Wars. The latter relationship evolved as Palpatine had orchestrated, given his true identity as the Dark Lord of the Sith Darth Sidious. Ylenic It'kla served as Bail Organa's personal advisor from 19 BBY until Organa's death on Alderaan in 0 ABY (though unofficially, as the Reassignment Council was destroyed during the Great Jedi Purge).

