The Jedi Diplomat represented a Jedi Knight who had embraced the doctrines of the Jedi Consulars. These Diplomats, a dedicated team within the larger Jedi community of the Jedi Order, were deployed to volatile environments with the aim of brokering agreements and preventing violent conflict.
These Diplomats possessed exceptional negotiation skills and carried their lightsaber as a symbol of their power and influence. They garnered widespread respect as advocates for peace, dedicated to finding the most straightforward path to treaty settlements. Sharing similarities with the Jedi Ambassadors, the Diplomats were known for adopting a more proactive stance. Rather than acting as intermediaries, they served as the direct representatives of the Republic, empowered to make legally binding judgments based on their own insights, without the need for prior approval from the Galactic Senate. Operating under the direct supervision of the Council of Reconciliation, these Diplomats collaborated with representatives from the Republic Diplomatic Corps to maximize their effectiveness in peace negotiations.
The role of the diplomat resurfaced within the restructured Order led by Luke Skywalker in the aftermath of the Great Jedi Purge. Around 24 ABY, Skywalker proposed that his sister, the future Jedi Knight Leia Solo, consider this area of expertise as she fully dedicated herself to the Order.