Jorus C'baoth, a male Human from the planet of Bortras, where his birth occurred in 70 BBY, dedicated his life to the religious Jedi Order during the Galactic Republic's final decades. As a Jedi Consular, C'baoth prioritized diplomacy over combat proficiency, intervening in numerous disputes. He progressed to the rank of Jedi Knight and subsequently declared himself a Jedi Master after triumphing over a group of Dark Jedi.
In 27 BBY, while instructing the Human Jedi Lorana Jinzler, C'baoth successfully obtained funding for his ambitious Outbound Flight Project. This project involved a colossal starship venturing into the Unknown Regions and beyond, establishing colonies for the Republic. He secured this funding by resolving a conflict on Barlok for his associate, Supreme Chancellor Palpatine. Following this, twelve Jedi and 50,000 individuals embarked on Outbound Flight, traversing the Republic before entering the Unknown Regions.
Unknown to C'baoth and the travelers, Palpatine was secretly Darth Sidious, the Dark Lord of the Sith, plotting the destruction of Outbound Flight. He dispatched a Trade Federation of Planets task force to obliterate the colony ship. However, forces from the Chiss Ascendancy intercepted the Federation forces, agreeing to assist in destroying Outbound Flight to prevent its entry into their territory. C'baoth, refusing to return to the Republic, used the Force to choke the Chiss commander, Mitth'raw'nuruodo, while engaged in combat against the Vagaari slaver fleet. Mitth'raw'nuruodo, utilizing Trade Federation droid forces, bombarded Outbound Flight, resulting in its destruction and C'baoth's demise.

Born on the planet of Bortras, located in the Outer Rim Territories, Jorus C'baoth, a male Human, entered the world in 70 BBY, during the final century of the Galactic Republic. His birth occurred specifically in Reithcas, the capital city of Bortras. From his earliest time, it became clear that the young infant possessed a strong connection to the Force, the mysterious energy field that connected everything in the galaxy. This untrained potential attracted the attention of the Jedi Order, the organization of force wielders. Adhering to Jedi customs, C'baoth was taken from his birth parents and brought to the Jedi Temple on Coruscant, the Republic's capital and an ecumenopolis, which also served as the Jedi headquarters. Within the Temple, C'baoth joined the ranks of the Jedi Initiates, with the Jedi becoming his sole family.
In 53 BBY, at the age of seventeen, C'baoth combined his Jedi training with studies at Mirnic University. After graduating, he went to the Kamparas Jedi Training Center on Kamparas, a Core Worlds planet renowned for its Jedi scholars, to further his Force instruction. After two years at the Jedi Training Center, C'baoth was accepted as a private student.

By 44 BBY, C'baoth had risen to the rank of Jedi Knight, committed to upholding their ideals. He chose to follow the path of the Jedi Consulars, prioritizing diplomacy over combat. As a supporter of the Galactic Republic, C'baoth served in various capacities, most notably as a mediator and negotiator in numerous conflicts marked by Speciesism. He was a member of the Demilitarization Observation Group on Ando, a mineral-rich planet in the Mid Rim, where the native Aqualish subspecies were constantly at war over mineral rights. As a key observer, the Jedi from Bortras met Senator Palpatine of the Chommell sector, another ambitious member of the task force. The two diplomats forged a strong bond, and upon returning to Coruscant, they established a lasting friendship that bolstered C'baoth's diplomatic career.
Some years after the events on Ando, the Council of Reassignment appointed Jorus C'baoth as Palpatine's Jedi affairs advisor. During his tenure on the senator's staff, the Jedi discussed the Extragalactic Society, a group of scientists dedicated to finding life outside the galaxy. Both shared a strong interest in ExGal's ambitious project. However, prior to the Battle of Naboo in 32 BBY, C'baoth experienced visions of the dark side of the Force growing stronger. He left the senator's staff and was reassigned to find the source of these premonitions. This quest led him to the Elrood sector in the Outer Rim, where he discovered a group of marauding Dark Jedi who were bringing chaos to the sector. With a small team of fellow Knights, C'baoth defeated these dark Force-users. Unbeknownst to him, his old friend Palpatine was a powerful darksider himself, a Dark Lord of the Sith known as Darth Sidious, who was strengthening the dark side with his plots.
Immediately after his victory over the Dark Jedi, C'baoth declared himself a Jedi Master, a move that was unconventional since the Jedi High Council typically bestowed this title upon Jedi who had trained multiple Jedi to Knighthood. However, the Council was pleased with C'baoth's success in suppressing the uprising and accepted his self-imposed promotion, deeming it well-deserved and valid.

In 33 BBY, Master C'baoth became involved in the Esseles droid starfighters affair due to his connection with Palpatine, who had become a prominent senator. The Jedi Council had received an anonymous datacard indicating that a factory named Trinkatta Starships was building fifty experimental droid starfighters. Concerned that these ships were commissioned by a Republic ally planning a civil war, the Council sent Jedi Master Adi Gallia to identify the buyer. Master Jorus C'baoth was summoned by the Council, who instructed him not to inform Palpatine or any other Senators about Galia's secret mission until concrete evidence was found. As C'baoth's diplomatic career progressed, he joined the Senate Interspecies Advisory Committee, became the ambassador of the Xappyh sector, and helped Jedi Master Tra's M'ins mediate the Duinuogwuin–Gotal conflict. In 32 BBY, C'baoth was appointed Jedi Watchman of the Alderaan sector, and was involved in mediating the Alderaan Ascendancy Contention. This conflict involved tensions between the Organa and Antilles houses, each vying for the position of Viceroy. With the help of Captain Pello Scrambas of Organa, C'baoth united both families in marriage, resolving the tensions. During the Naboo crisis that same year, Palpatine was nominated as Supreme Chancellor of the Republic. Despite their long friendship, C'baoth supported Bail Antilles instead. The Jedi Watchman was seen with the Alderaanian senator at a gathering on the Perlemian Orbital Facility, a space station orbiting Coruscant. Ultimately, Palpatine was nominated and succeeded the previous chancellor, Finis Valorum.
During his time as a Jedi Master, C'baoth trained several Padawans. Later, he took a Human female named Lorana Jinzler as his Padawan. C'baoth's relationship with his apprentice was notably strained. Jinzler was disturbed by his belief in Jedi superiority over non-Force users, but she was too timid to confront him.

Around 29 BBY, inspired by the Extragalactic Society, C'baoth envisioned a large-scale expedition beyond the Galactic Rim to search for life outside the known galaxy. With support from Supreme Chancellor Palpatine, C'baoth played a key role in persuading the Republic Senate to authorize and fund the "Outbound Flight Project." The project was developed in secrecy, hidden from the public. As the expedition would pass through the Unknown Regions, crew members were allowed to bring their families to colonize habitable worlds along the way. While the Republic had its official goals for Outbound Flight, C'baoth intended it to discover other Force-sensitive species who could join the Jedi.
However, political enthusiasm for C'baoth's project waned. The Financial Appropriations Committee of the Senate imposed budget cuts, threatening the project. The Jedi Order also began to withdraw support. While Grand Master Yoda had agreed to assign several Jedi, he ultimately intended to allow only one or two. Despite these challenges, C'baoth remained determined to bring the project to fruition.

After another budget cut to Outbound Flight, C'baoth and Lorana Jinzler visited the Supreme Chancellor's office, where C'baoth confronted Kinman Doriana, one of Palpatine's aides, and Palpatine himself. Palpatine and Doriana initially tried to dismiss the reason for C'baoth's visit, but C'baoth dismissed Doriana and spoke with Palpatine about Outbound Flight. With the project's budget cut and support diminished, C'baoth requested its restoration. Palpatine repeatedly refused, claiming he could not do so without Senate approval. Doriana then suggested that C'baoth could regain funding by resolving a dispute between the Corporate Alliance and the Brolf people, caused by the Corporate Alliance's desire to extract minerals from Brolf. C'baoth agreed to resolve the conflict in exchange for restoring Outbound Flight's funding and departed for Barlok.
On Barlok, Jinzler and C'baoth met Jedi Knight Obi-Wan Kenobi and Jedi Padawan Anakin Skywalker, who admired C'baoth, and in turn, impressed C'baoth with his progress. Kenobi and Skywalker had been sent by Jedi Master Mace Windu, the leader of the Jedi Council, to monitor C'baoth, as the Council was suspicious of his activities. C'baoth separated Jinzler from the observers while he met with Brolf Guildmaster Gilfrome of the Mining Guild and the Corporate Alliance's leader, Koorivar Passel Argente, to mediate the conflict. Kenobi's group investigated a plot to assassinate Argente and all involved in the conflict, orchestrated by a Human known as "Defender," who was actually Kinman Doriana serving Palpatine's Sith identity, Darth Sidious.
Jinzler uncovered the plot and was captured by Brolf conspirators. However, Kenobi and Skywalker freed her and discovered a missile set to destroy the meeting between the Corporate Alliance and the Mining Guild. They rushed to the meeting, but the missile continued its trajectory. To Kenobi's surprise, C'baoth used his telekinesis to stop the missile, addressing the conflict's participants and allowing the Corporate Alliance to extract minerals from Barlok. He then destroyed the missile with the Force.

After C'baoth thwarted the assassination attempt on Barlok, Palpatine and the Senate provided the support and resources that C'baoth believed his project needed. Unbeknownst to the Jedi Master, Palpatine secretly planned to sabotage the project. Darth Sidious had C'baoth cloned under the guise of a blood test shortly before the launch of Outbound Flight, claiming it was a test for hive viruses. Sidious also sent his minion, Doriana, ahead of Outbound Flight with Special Task Force One, consisting of two armed Lucrehulk-class battleships, to destroy C'baoth's project, effectively killing several Jedi and C'baoth himself. As planned, C'baoth was one of the six Jedi Masters aboard the project when it departed from Yaga Minor in 27 BBY. Once Outbound Flight launched, C'baoth increasingly controlled all aspects of the ship, even taking Force-sensitive children from their parents at night to train them as Jedi. By becoming the de facto leader, overruling the Mon Calamari captain, Pakmillu, he earned the resentment of the colonists and crew who had sought a better life. Despite warnings from other Jedi, including Kenobi and Justyn Ma'Ning, C'baoth continued his agenda to create more Jedi.
After Skywalker and Kenobi left Outbound Flight at Roxuli at Palpatine's request, the ship entered the Unknown Regions. There, it was confronted by Mitth'raw'nuruodo, a Chiss Force Commander commander of Picket Force Two, also known as "Thrawn". Thrawn contacted C'baoth and met with him aboard Outbound Flight, demanding that he remove the vessel from Chiss space, which C'baoth refused. Although the passengers wanted to end C'baoth's tyranny, C'baoth used the Force to silence them, including their leader, Chas Uliar, and ordered Jinzler to confine them in the storage core after Thrawn's departure.
After an hour, Thrawn attempted to negotiate with C'baoth again, but was cut off. Seeing his efforts as futile, Thrawn ordered his forces—vulture droids—to attack the incoming alien forces that Jorj Car'das had brought to Outbound Flight's position. The crews of the two hundred Vagaari warships and civilian transports were killed after all Jedi aboard Outbound Flight performed a Force meld led by C'baoth. The wave of death paralyzed the Jedi, leaving them unable to defend themselves from the droid starfighters. As Outbound Flight was crippled, C'baoth succumbed to anger and began turning to the dark side of the Force. His Padawan sensed his fall and tried to save him, but the Chiss attack prevented her. C'baoth opened a comm channel with Thrawn and attempted to choke him to death.
However, Doriana, aboard Thrawn's flagship, the Springhawk, ordered all vulture droids to fire their radiation bombs at Outbound Flight, killing everyone aboard, including C'baoth, except for the fifty-seven prisoners and Jinzler, who had been sent there by C'baoth.

Masterfully, Palpatine procured blood and tissue samples of the highest analytical quality. This was because the Sith's secret Dark Lord cloned C'baoth utilizing Spaarti cloning cylinders, which resulted in Jorus' Force-sensitive clone, Joruus C'baoth, descending into madness. On the planet Wayland, the now-Grand Admiral Thrawn discovered Joruus and employed the clone throughout his decisive campaign against the revived Jedi Order and the New Republic, the successor to Palpatine's Galactic Empire. Joruus became a significant figure in Thrawn's campaign, wielding the Force powers of both the clone and, by extension, Jorus.
Because the Great Jedi Purge, orchestrated by Palpatine, a friend of Jorus, had obliterated the majority of Jedi-related records, and since Wayland was a closely guarded secret, almost nobody knew Joruus C'baoth was a clone. The exception was Thrawn, who had eliminated the original when he destroyed Outbound Flight. The unstable Spaarti cloning cylinders, combined with prolonged isolation, caused Joruus C'baoth to forget his true origins, leading him to believe he was the original Master C'baoth. Ultimately, Mara Jade Skywalker, a Human, killed the deranged Dark Jedi on Wayland, the clone's planet of origin, thereby bringing the Chiss' campaign to an end after Thrawn's demise.

Jorus C'baoth possessed a striking appearance: a wild-eyed Human with a sharply defined face. He was a tall man of average build, yet noticeably muscular. His clone, Joruus, was recorded at a height of 1.9 meters. During the Alderaan Ascendency Contention, he sported a neatly trimmed, short beard. He walked with lengthy, sweeping strides, fully expecting others to yield the right of way, never conceding it to those he deemed inferior. C'baoth's communication style was straightforward, lacking embellishment, and direct. His voice was a deep, resonant baritone. Famously, C'baoth harbored a belief in the supremacy of the Jedi, maintaining that they were far superior to ordinary, non-Force-sensitive beings and, consequently, entitled to rule over them, whether they were criminals, thieves, bureaucrats, or senators. This arrogant conviction unsettled several Jedi, including his own Padawan, Lorana Jinzler, whom he treated with particular severity given his role as her Jedi Master.
Furthermore, C'baoth exhibited extreme arrogance, not only toward non-Force users but also toward his fellow Jedi. This arrogance, coupled with his often severe demeanor, divided the Jedi Order regarding their opinions and approval of the Jedi Master. Some considered him the epitome of a Jedi, while others strongly disagreed with his methods and remained wary of him and his radical viewpoints. C'baoth was among the select few Jedi Masters who held an unreserved admiration for Anakin Skywalker. In turn, Skywalker, impressed by the Padawan's exceptional youth, admired the Master, believing he could acquire significant knowledge from him.
Jedi Master Jorus C'baoth harbored a strong dislike for Jedi Knight Obi-Wan Kenobi. Kenobi believed C'baoth's teaching methods leaned toward the dark side and frequently accused him of using it. However, C'baoth viewed his teachings as a means to foster ambition in his apprentice and push them beyond their limits, citing Skywalker's existing power as proof. Kenobi was disturbed by the arrogant Jedi Master's speech and techniques, including the use of advanced Jedi techniques like the Force meld, which he deemed dangerous.
C'baoth held Skywalker in high regard, frequently reminding his Padawan, Jinzler, that the young Padawan had surpassed the power levels typically achieved by Padawans in a shorter time. This admiration was mutual, as Skywalker saw C'baoth as a powerful, direct, and knowledgeable Jedi Master. Skywalker desired to spend more time with C'baoth, believing he could learn much by observing the Master's daily activities.
The Jedi Master was arrogant and harsh towards Jinzler, as she had not reached the power that Skywalker had obtained in a shorter time frame. However, upon her ascension to the rank of Jedi Knight, C'baoth expressed great pride in Jinzler, considering her a fully realized Jedi. Jinzler admired C'baoth, viewing him as a powerful figure who had imparted valuable lessons in both the Force and daily life. They shared a mutual care, evidenced by Jinzler's attempt to contact D-One to aid C'baoth when he succumbed to the dark side shortly before his death.
C'baoth and Palpatine maintained a long-standing friendship, marked by mutual respect. With Palpatine's support, C'baoth eventually launched Outbound Flight, a gesture for which he expressed little gratitude, criticizing Palpatine for taking "too much time," thereby allowing bureaucrats and the senate to delay the project. Despite their friendship, Palpatine, under his secret Sith identity as Darth Sidious, orchestrated the destruction of Outbound Flight through Thrawn and Doriana, an act deemed "helpful" as it eliminated approximately 20 Jedi simultaneously.
Jedi Master Jorus C'baoth possessed exceptional gifts and talents as a Jedi. Displaying remarkable Force prowess, he was swiftly inducted into the Jedi Temple. C'baoth demonstrated proficiency in telekinesis, notably during the Barlok dispute where he intercepted an incoming missile, preventing its explosion and collision with its intended targets. This talented Jedi could also execute Force-Choke through a simple video transmission, constricting someone lightyears away, a technique he employed against Thrawn before his demise. Further testament to his Force abilities was his mastery of Force Meld, enabling him to anchor multiple Jedi consecutively without experiencing exhaustion or adverse effects. C'baoth's other Force abilities encompassed the common Jedi mind trick, Force stealth, telepathy, battlemind, Force sight, farsight, Force healing, and Force empathy.
His Force skills ultimately led to his self-appointment as a Jedi Master, a decision that, while unapproved, was viewed by the Jedi High Council and Jedi Order as a deserved promotion. He was also highly intelligent, fluent in Galactic Basic Standard, and capable of reading and writing ancient Onderonian. Additionally, he spoke Huttese.
Jorus C'baoth was usually seen wearing a dark brown cloak and light-colored Jedi robes. It is unknown if he carried a lightsaber.
Jorus C'baoth was initially referenced in the 1991 novel Heir to the Empire, the inaugural installment of The Thrawn Trilogy by Timothy Zahn. Although the Jedi Master himself did not appear, a deranged clone of C'baoth served as a primary antagonist. The original Jorus C'baoth made a brief debut in Episode I Adventures 1: Search for the Lost Jedi, a 1999 novel authored by Ryder Windham. Later, Timothy Zahn expanded on the character in 2006 with Outbound Flight, a novel focusing on the events surrounding C'baoth's life and death.
Dark Force Rising, the second book in the trilogy, provided a detailed biography of C'baoth, including a "Pre-Empire" dating system that used a month\day\year notation. Zahn's original dating was based on his understanding of when the Clone Wars occurred. At the time, George Lucas had not finalized the timeline, and Star Wars authors were informed that the Clone Wars took place thirty-five years before Star Wars: Episode IV A New Hope. However, the release of the prequel trilogy between 1999 and 2005 revealed that the Clone Wars ended only nineteen years before Episode IV. Consequently, all dates in the Thrawn Trilogy were off by at least sixteen years. In 2002, C'baoth's birth date was retconned to 70 BBY in the Star Wars Roleplaying Game Revised Core Rulebook.
According to The Essential Guide to Characters, C'baoth's last name is pronounced "Sub-Bay-Eth." However, Zahn clarified that it is pronounced "SA-bay-oth," with the first vowel pronounced like the a in has. Timothy Zahn admitted that he would have changed the spelling had he anticipated the difficulty others would have in pronouncing it. Jorus C'baoth was initially identified as the Jedi who suppressed the insurrection of several Bpfasshi Dark Jedi during the Clone Wars. After the exact timeline of the Clone Wars was established, this became impossible, as C'baoth had died five years prior. Yoda was then credited as the Jedi Master who quelled the insurrection sometime after the war's conclusion.
content="Darth Plagueis (and audiobook)"
content="Cloak of Deception"
content="Episode I Adventures 1: Search for the Lost Jedi (and Game Book) (First appearance)"
content="Outbound Flight (and unabridged audiobook)"
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content="Star Wars: Rebellion (Mentioned only)"
content="Star Wars Galaxies: An Empire Divided (Mentioned only)"
content="X-Wing: The Bacta War (and unabridged audiobook) (Mentioned only)"
content="Heir to the Empire (and unabridged audiobook) (First mentioned, in book)"
content="Dark Force Rising (and unabridged audiobook) (Mentioned only)"
content="Dark Force Rising 1 (Mentioned only)"
content="The Last Command (and unabridged audiobook) (Mentioned only)"
content="Survivors Quest (and unabridged audiobook) (Mentioned only)"
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content="Crosscurrent (Mentioned only)"