
Rally The Galactic Empire's speciesist views were showcased in COMPNOR rallies.

Speciesism, also known by terms like xenocentric chauvinism and racism, was the conviction that one species held an inherent superiority over another, or even all others. It also took the form of xenophobia, which is defined as an intense fear and hatred of other species, regardless of the circumstances.


Mitth'raw'nuruodo's elevation to the rank of Grand Admiral was a rare occurrence, given the speciesist doctrines upheld by the Galactic Empire.

Across the galaxy, speciesism manifested in diverse cultures for a multitude of reasons, spanning from deeply held religious convictions to a perceived biological superiority held by specific individuals or groups; indeed, the practice could be seen from the actions of a single person to the customs of an entire species. Certain species, like the Gran and the Givin, displayed a mild form of xenophobia, but actively sought to overcome this characteristic to foster cooperation with various lifeforms. Conversely, others, such as the Hutts and the Chiss, maintained a belief in their inherent superiority, yet frequently found ways to collaborate with other species. Some attributed speciesist tendencies to Zabraks due to their remarkable resolve and willpower, although this assessment was inaccurate. The Dug also exhibited xenophobia, stemming from their negative experiences of mistreatment at the hands of the Gran, who were the first off-worlders they encountered. Still others, including the Ssi-ruuk, the Yevetha, and the Yuuzhan Vong, regarded all other species as abominable.

A particularly widespread form of speciesism was Humanocentrism. A prominent Human speciesist was Count Dooku, who viewed all non-pure Human lifeforms as repulsive and inferior, yet he held a certain degree of respect for the Geonosian Poggle the Lesser. In response to such viewpoints, aliens occasionally developed anti-Human sentiments. Although the Galactic Emperor Palpatine himself did not adhere to speciesist beliefs, he nevertheless promoted it within the Empire as a means of consolidating his control over the galaxy. It was due to speciesism that Palpatine found an early affinity with Wilhuff Tarkin, given Tarkin's proclivities toward Humanocentrism.

Nolaa Tarkona established the Diversity Alliance to stand against speciesism, yet they, in turn, harbored animosity toward Humans.

Indeed, at the height of its power, the Galactic Empire was known for its pervasive speciesist policies and attitudes toward various worlds inhabited by non-Human populations. On planets such as Eriadu, the ancestral home of the Tarkin family, the Empire officially sanctioned the enslavement of non-Humans. However, by the time Emperor Roan Fel reigned, these discriminatory practices had ended, as demonstrated by the presence of non-Human stormtroopers.

Even though the Empire was infamous for its speciesist views (Imperial officers, soldiers and crews were by 99% humans, and suspicious to aliens), there were at least some traces of speciesism within the Alliance to Restore the Republic, such as Princess Leia Organa's referring to the Wookiee Chewbacca as "a walking carpet" during her rescue from the Death Star. Other non-Imperials also showed speciecist behavior, such as the youngester Mace Towani, who despectively treated the Ewoks upon first coming across them with his little sister Cindel, calling them names like "mop-face" or "little bears" until he started to befriend them.

Conversely, the concept of speciesism was entirely alien to the Ebruchi, as they lacked established traditions and rejected mythological beliefs.

Behind the scenes

In The Secret Journal of Doctor Demagol, the term "racist" is used by Demagol.

