Mace Towani

Mace Towani, a Human male, was the offspring of Catarine Towani and Jeremitt Towani, and the sibling of Cindel Towani. His life unfolded during the Galactic Civil War. In the year 3 ABY, the Towani family's starcruiser suffered a crash landing on Endor's forest moon. Shortly after this event, the native Gorax abducted his parents, Jeremitt and Catarine, forcing Cindel and her older brother Mace to provide for themselves. The Ewok Deej Warrick discovered the two children and brought them to reside with his family in their village. Upon discovering that Jeremitt and Catarine were being held in the Gorax's lair located in the Desert of Salma, the Towani children sought the aid of the Ewoks and embarked on a mission to rescue their parents. Following an extensive journey, the group successfully reached the Gorax, defeated it, and reunited the Towani family.

While Jeremitt dedicated his efforts to repairing their ship, the Towanis chose to remain with the Ewoks. However, the Ewok village became the target of an attack by a group of Sanyassan Marauders, commanded by King Terak and the Dathomiri Nightsister [Charal](/article/charal]. Jeremitt, Catarine, and Mace all met their deaths while defending the Ewok village.


Early life

Born in 11 BBY, the Human Male Mace Towani was the firstborn of Jeremitt and Catherine Towani. Nine years later, his younger sibling, Cindel Towani, entered the world. According to Cindel, their place of origin lacked "furry creatures."

Accident at Endor

In 3 ABY, while en route home through the Moddell sector, the Towani family's starcruiser experienced a crash landing on the moon Endor. Although the entire family survived the crash, they found themselves marooned on the forest moon. Jeremitt and Catarine, concerned about their children's well-being in the unfamiliar forest, prohibited them from leaving the ship and the protection it offered. One day, while Jeremitt and Catarine ventured out to search for a transmitter, the Towani siblings disobeyed and explored the forest. Upon their return, they discovered no trace of their parents, unaware that the giant Gorax creature had captured Jeremitt and Catarine.

The two children were compelled to forage for their own sustenance. However, with their parents' life monitor signals indicating their continued existence, they remained near the crashed ship, awaiting their parents' return. Some time later, Deej Warrick, a local Ewok, accompanied by his sons Weechee and Willy, arrived to investigate the crash site. The Ewoks discovered Cindel concealed within the ship, but Mace, fearing their involvement in his parents' disappearance, launched an attack on the Ewoks, brandishing a blaster. The Ewoks swiftly subdued him and escorted both children back to their village, where it became evident that they posed no threat.

Healing Cindel

Shortly after their arrival at the village, the unfamiliar environment began to take its toll, and Cindel voiced her discomfort. Mace initially assumed she was merely hungry, but it became clear that her condition was more serious when she lost consciousness. Fortunately, the Ewoks possessed knowledge of a fluid secreted by a tree in the forest, which they had utilized as medicine for generations. The limited quantity they had available proved sufficient to revive Cindel, but she remained in pain and suffered from a fever.

At the Ewoks' request, Mace joined two of them in a quest to find more medicine to heal Cindel. Deep within the forest, the Ewoks located the tree containing the medicinal fluid and began to extract it. Simultaneously, Mace's curiosity was piqued by the fur-tipped tongue of a temptor concealed within a tree. He was attacked when he approached it, and the temptor's mouth grappled his right hand. After calling for assistance, the Ewoks freed Mace from its grasp, and the temptor retreated into the tree.

The group returned to Cindel, administering most of the recovered medicine, which alleviated her fever. The Ewoks also provided Mace with some of the medicine to heal his hand. While recovering, Cindel began attempting to teach Wicket basic, a notion Mace opposed, derisively referring to Ewoks as "walking hairbrushes" and assuring Cindel that their stay on the forest moon would be brief.

Attempted escape

While the Ewoks slept, Mace roused his sister, retrieved his blaster, and departed from the village, intending to return to the family's starcruiser and locate their parents. During their journey, they paused and expressed their yearning to reunite with their parents, hoping for their survival. As they rested, a boar-wolf attacked them, prompting them to flee and seek refuge within a hollow tree. Although the creature appeared to depart, Mace decided that they should rest in the tree for the night and resume their journey in the morning. They awoke to find the boar-wolf still in the vicinity, engaged in combat with Deej and his sons, who had come in search of the children. The Ewoks eventually managed to kill the boar-wolf, but Mace discovered his father's life monitor on the creature. It became evident that the children would need to locate the boar-wolf's master to reunite with their parents.

The caravan

Upon returning to the village, Mace attempted to ascertain the boar-wolf's origin from the Ewoks. The Ewoks led the children to Logray, the village shaman. Logray employed a crystal image spinner to reveal a vision of their parents being held captive by the Gorax in a forbidden land from which no Ewok had ever returned. Despite the Ewoks' awareness of the dangers that awaited them, Deej and his sons soon acceded to Mace's request to assist him and Cindel in finding their parents.

The following day, as the entire village gathered to assist in loading supplies for the arduous journey ahead, Logray summoned the Towani siblings and the others for a ceremony in which he bestowed upon them the totems of legendary Ewok warriors. During the ceremony, Mace received the Magic rock. Disbelieving that the rock could aid the group on their journey, Mace dropped it on the ground, where Wicket promptly retrieved it.

The caravan soon embarked, with the older Ewoks riding on horseback and Cindel riding with Wicket in a large basket mounted on the back of a horse. Mace chose to walk rather than ride with the children. Shortly into their journey, they encountered Chukha-Trok, an Ewok woodsman, when a tree he felled narrowly missed Cindel as it crashed to the ground. Wicket gifted Chukha-Trok the ivory tooth as an offering to join the caravan, a decision that displeased Mace. In response, Mace challenged Chukha-Trok to an axe throwing competition. The competition commenced with Mace throwing his axe into a nearby tree, to which Chukha-Trok responded by throwing his axe into the handle of Mace's axe. Defeated and astonished, Mace changed his tone, offering Chukha-Trok the ivory tooth to join the caravan, which Chukha-Trok accepted.

Next, they encountered Kaink, an Ewok priestess, who agreed to join them only if they could pass a magical test. Mace stepped forward to take the test, but upon touching the crystal she presented to him, he failed when it transformed into a lizard. Kaink was hesitant to help until Cindel picked up the lizard, causing it to transform into a mouse, thereby passing the test. Kaink agreed to join the group, and with the caravan complete, they resumed their long journey.

Later, the group paused for a rest near a river. As Wicket and Cindel played, Mace walked down to the river bank, but upon touching the water, he was pulled in and unable to escape. Cindel alerted the Ewoks, but every attempt they made to throw something to Mace resulted in it disappearing as soon as it touched the water. Eventually, Cindel remembered a magic walking stick that Logray had given to Wicket, and the young Ewok used it to pull Mace to safety.

The group was about to resume their journey after a stop when, after Mace loaded Cindel into the basket, a sudden noise startled her horse, causing it to bolt. Chukha-Trok reacted swiftly, mounting his horse and pursuing Towani into the forest. He eventually managed to catch up with her and, after bringing her horse under control, they returned to the group.

Cindel discovered the power of the Candle of Pure Light when, after stopping for the night, they encountered a swarm of Wisties. Wicket woke Cindel, who brought the Candle of Pure Light outside, and drawn to the light, all but one of the Wisties used it to find their way home. Mace decided to take the last Wistie, Izrina, with him.


The long journey was beginning to take its toll, and the group was running low on food when they finally reached the Desert of Salma, beyond which lay the Forbidden Fortress of the Gorax. Mace did not believe there was an entrance into the fortress, but learned there was one through the use of his magic rock. Defeated, Mace admitted that he had actually thrown away the rock given to him. Luckily, Wicket had kept it this entire time, allowing the rock, which contained an arrowhead inside it, to find a path inside past a giant rock. Using his blaster, Mace destroyed the rock, allowing the group inside. After finding an entrance to a tunnel under the mountain fortress, the group headed inside, but Deej refused to let the youngest members of the group go any further, believing that it was too dangerous.

On the way to the Gorax lair, the group was attacked by a Rearing spider attempting to cross a giant spider web over a ravine, but was saved by Kaink, who hypnotized the spider with her staff.

Meanwhile, the others had located Jeremitt and Catarine, trapped in a cage suspended from the roof of a cave. Weechee accidentally knocks the ax over, which garners the Gorax's attention, and it comes after him. He runs to the rest of the group, who again run and hide. Mace wonders how they will reach their parents, and Chukha-Trok suggests they use the Gorax's ax as a lever. Mace stands on one end, at which point Jeremitt and Catarine notice him. Chukha-Trok and Deej jump off a ledge onto the other end of the lever, which sends Mace flying up into the air, where he grabs hold of the cage containing his parents. Mace throws down a rope, and introduces Chukha-Trok as "a friend" as he climbs up.

Mace climbs down first, but as soon as he reaches the bottom, the Gorax notices their activity. Weechee distracts it by hiding under a basket and moving across the floor. The Gorax smashes the basket, but finds nothing underneath. Weechee runs out from behind a corner, enraging the Gorax. Meanwhile, everyone continues climbing down from the cage, which is beginning to break. Weechee runs back to warn them, with the Gorax on his trail. The cage breaks, and Chukha-Trok falls into the hands of Jeremitt. They run out of the Gorax's lair, but Chukha-Trok stays behind and repeatedly attacks the Gorax's foot with his ax. As Mace is yelling for him to come on, Izrina lights up in his pocket. Mace unleashes Izrina on the Gorax, which disorients it while Chukha-Trok continues his attacks. In a rage, the Gorax strikes the walls of his fortress, which causes rocks to crumble and fall on Chukha-Trok. Mace runs to him, but realizes that Chukha-Trok is dying. Before he dies, Chukha-Trok gives Mace his ax.

The Gorax chases the survivors down the giant steps, but they use a pulled-tight rope to trip him. Kaink then uses her magic wand to cause a stalactite to fall on his head. Catarine then uses Mace's blaster to shoot the Gorax in the chest, which causes him to fall off the ledge into the pit. Mace shows Deej Chukha-Trok's ax, and explains his sacrifice to them.

Cindel, Wicket and Widdle appear on the other side of the chasm. But at that moment, the Gorax emerges from the pit and moves toward them. Mace throws Chukha-Trok's ax into the Gorax's back, which causes him to fall back into the pit. The group then swing across the chasm using a remaining part of the spider web as rope. Once they are safely on the other side, the family embraces, happy to be back together and out of danger. They then head for home, with Mace suggesting that Izrina will help guide the way.

The group returns to the Ewok Village where they celebrate their victory

Sanyassan attack and death

Later, as Jeremitt neared the completion of his repairs, the Sanyassan Marauders launched an assault on the Ewok village, resulting in numerous fatalities. While concealed within a hut, Mace perished in an explosion, alongside Jeremitt and Catarine. This left Cindel orphaned and in the care of the Ewoks, who were captured by the Sanyassans.

Cindel eventually escapes the Sanyassans and joins with Wicket, later finding the hermit Noa Briqualon and his partner Teek. Cindel and Noa eventually manages to escape Endor, achieving Mace's goal he wanted for himself and his family.

Behind the scenes

Eric Walker played Mace Towani in the two Ewok movies, Caravan of Courage: An Ewok Adventure and Ewoks: The Battle for Endor. The name "Mace" can be traced back to the earliest version of Star Wars, a 13-page treatment titled Journal of the Whills, Part I, penned by George Lucas in 1973.

