Demagol, originally known as Antos Wyrick, was a male Zeltron scientist. He became a member of the Neo-Crusaders during the Mandalorian Wars. Wyrick's early years involved capture by Iskalloni slavers, who taught him the surgical skills for which he would later be known. A Mandalorian raid freed him, and the Mando'ade culture adopted the young Zeltron. Mandalore the Indomitable himself trained him in martial arts. Following Ulic Qel-Droma's victory over Mandalore in the Duel on Kuar in 3996 BBY, Wyrick's interest turned to the Force and how it worked. During the Great Sith War, he stole the robe of Arca Jeth, an Arkanian Jedi Master involved in Ulic's affairs, and began experimenting with a hair found in the garment after the master's disappearance.
After the war concluded, Wyrick entered into an engagement with a Zeltron woman and together they had a daughter, named Chantique. He also presided over a peculiar school located on Osadia, where both Chantique and Edessa were students. The destruction of the school by the Crucible was a crushing blow to Wyrick. He later adopted the alias Doctor Demagol, becoming a Mandalorian Neo-Crusader and serving as a lieutenant to Mandalore the Ultimate alongside Cassus Fett during the Mandalorian Wars. After the Mandalorians seized Flashpoint Station, Demagol received all Jedi prisoners for study, hoping to uncover the secret to their powers for negation or replication, failing to grasp the Force's complexity.
When Zayne Carrick, a fugitive Jedi Padawan, made his way to Flashpoint to liberate Jarael and the other Jedi, Demagol switched his armor with that of Mandalorian Rohlan Dyre, whom he had rendered comatose with drugs, and joined Carrick in disguise. Dyre, in his comatose state, was then transported to Coruscant. Demagol accompanied Carrick and his team, displaying a particular interest in Jarael, whom he mistook for Edessa. Eventually, Jarael departed from Carrick's group, and Demagol followed her, revealing his true identity. He then manipulated Jarael and Chantique into a duel with the intention of exposing Jarael's true abilities. During this confrontation, Chantique turned against her father, and he responded with Exar Kun's lightsaber, resulting in their deaths.

As a young male Zeltron, Antos Wyrick was at some point captured by Iskalloni slavers during his childhood. His upbringing by the Iskalloni deprived him of normal social development, which resulted in the absence of the empathetic abilities common among Zeltrons. He adapted to the Iskalloni way of life and survived by learning their surgical methods.
Shortly before the outbreak of the Great Sith War, the Mandalorians launched an invasion of Iskadrell. Consequently, numerous Iskalloni slaves, including young Antos, were integrated into Mandalorian society. Antos learned about other species throughout the galaxy through Mandalorian medics, and Mandalore the Indomitable personally instructed the Zeltron in Martial Arts. Following the Duel on Kuar, Antos was astonished that the Sith Lord Ulic Qel-Droma had defeated Mandalore in combat. He became curious about the source of the Jedi's power. While Ulic was occupied, Antos secretly entered his cabin, searching for clues to understand the Jedi's abilities. He found a robe that Qel-Droma had carried in a chest and, believing he could find answers in a genetic trace, took the robe.

The war prevented Antos from starting his research. However, with his mentor's death and the Mandalorians facing another defeat, Antos decided to abandon his armor and head for Republic space, bringing Qel-Droma's robe with him.
Antos quickly secured a place in an Arkanian University, recently named in honor of their fallen hero, Arca Jeth. His talents allowed him to excel at the school, until the Adasca family purged the school of all "alien" students. Despite being forced to leave, Antos remained determined to finish his work. He cultivated relationships with the Arkanian Offshoot community and, with their help, eventually made a discovery: a small hair on the robe revealed that the original owner was not Ulic Qel-Droma, but the Jedi Master and Arkanian hero Arca Jeth. However, without proper research facilities, Antos could not further study the robe.

Antos contacted his Mandalorian comrades, who sought revenge against the Jedi. With their support and a few volunteers, Antos established a school on the planet Osadia. This school was a cover for Antos's experiments to create Mandalorian Knights using Jeth's DNA. His primary goal was to create a vanguard for a future Mandalorian revolution. He attempted to modify infants in vitro, but without success. Eventually, Antos discovered that Jeth had Sephi blood, causing complications with the birth parents. With this new knowledge, he continued his work, and two offshoot researchers gave birth to Edessa. During this time, Antos became engaged to a Zeltron woman, and they had a daughter, Chantique.
Antos's greed led him to bargain with the Crucible slaving organization for more offshoot families. He even traded Chantique, a serious offense among Mandalorians, simply because she was disruptive. The Crucible proved to be even more greedy. While Antos was reporting his success to Mandalore, the Crucible, led by Dace Golliard, attacked the school with Skyreaper drones, kidnapping students, ransacking his lab, and killing his guards. When Antos's colleagues learned of his dealings with the Crucible, they disowned him, feeling that the lost children were truly theirs. Devastated by the loss of his students, especially Edessa, whom he called his "triumph," Antos searched the galaxy for the children, but to no avail. During his searches, he encountered the Mandalorians and rejoined their cause as Doctor Demagol.

In the years leading up to the Mandalorian Wars, Demagol and his assistant Pulsipher, who hoped to succeed him, participated in the capture and evaluation of conquered alien species on the Outer Rim. Demagol also studied Jedi and their powers.
His prisoners included Alek and Jarael, whom he mistook for a Jedi. Demagol was surprised to see Jarael. He knew she was an Arkanian offshoot, but something else shocked him, and he wanted to test her next, sensing she could be Edessa. However, Rohlan Dyre brought another Jedi, Zayne Carrick, and demanded he be tested next.
After being brought to Demagol's lab, Rohlan attacked the scientist and released Zayne. After the Mandalorians were driven off-planet and the captured Jedi freed, Demagol regained consciousness, drugged Rohlan, took his armor, and left the building with Rohlan dressed in the scientist's armor. The false Demagol was taken back to Coruscant by the Jedi for trial, but fell into a drug-induced coma during the travel.
After his colleagues left, the real Demagol pretended to leave with the Jedi but snuck off the ship at the last second and stowed aboard The Last Resort, hiding inside a Camper Special.
Demagol, disguised as Rohlan, later emerged to save Jarael and Camper from an HK-24 series assassin droid and, after explaining his presence, joined The Last Resort's crew.

The attack worsened Camper's fragile condition. Jarael took The Last Resort to Arkania to get help. However, she was captured by Lord Arkoh Adasca of Adascorp, from which Camper had been running. Adasca promised to cure Camper and brought Demagol, Camper, and The Last Resort aboard his flagship, the Arkanian Legacy. As Camper was rushed into the ship's medical centers, Demagol was attacked by the ship's security, who didn't believe a Mandalorian should be present. Adasca had Demagol imprisoned.
When the security forces tried to remove his armor, Demagol prevented them by putting them in the sick bays. Adasca confronted him and revealed Rohlan's status as "Rohlan the Questioner." However, Demagol saw through Adasca's tricks and knew he was up to something more. Adasca tempted Demagol by allowing him to stay in the finer staterooms with full access to the biology facilities and visits to Jarael. Demagol accepted his offer.
Demagol's presence in the labs upset Arkanian scientist Doctor Suprin, although Demagol only researched medical topics and asked for tutorial files. Adasca asked him to contact Mandalore the Ultimate and inform him of a meeting concerning the biological creatures known as exogorths. Demagol hesitated, as it would reveal his location. However, Adasca promised him safe passage off the Arkanian Legacy if he did this. Adasca knew this wouldn't be enough. Demagol said he would only do it if Jarael accompanied him. Arkoh knew he couldn't give Jarael up, as he needed her to control Camper. But when Adasca showed Demagol what Camper knew, the sadistic Zeltron scientist agreed to inform his contacts. Adasca promised him that when Camper was no longer needed, he could have Jarael.
When Mandalore arrived on the Legacy at Omonoth, he offered "Rohlan" a new set of armor as a reward for bringing him to a chance of victory and to keep the legend of his "death" a mystery. As the process started, Demagol slipped out to "change" into his new suit, only to help Zayne rescue Jarael. On the way, he saw that Suprin and Adasca's assistant, Eejee Vamm, were looking at a blood sample of Jarael. When they discovered her high level in midi-chlorians, he shot them both and ripped Eejee's computer Interface implant from his head before they could inform Adasca.
When Demagol walked into the Legacy's command center, he overheard Zayne's former master Lucien Draay, thinking that killing Jarael would stop Adasca. However, Demagol, whom everyone thought to be Rohlan, raised a blaster to the Jedi, warning that he'd be dead before he touched Jarael. Zayne and Carth Onasi then realized that neither party wanted the other to control the exogorths. Demagol further backed up that Mandalore saw the slugs as a surprise and would be satisfied if no one controls them. He gave Zayne his new armor as a disguise for his plan. As a battle broke out, "Rohlan" helped fire on Adasca's droids and his own comrades. Luckily for him, Mandalore had no time to deal with him as he and the rest of the Mandalorians headed back to his shuttle. After believing Adasca to be dead, Camper sacrificed himself to bring the exogorths back into wild space. Demagol promised to look after Jarael for him as long as he was alive. Within a few moments, the Moomo Williwaw boarded the collapsing Legacy. Demagol, along with the others, got on board and flew to Taris where Cassus Fett, Mandalore's second-in-command, was taking control.

As the Williwaw arrived on Taris, no one knew of "Rohlan's" betrayal at Omonoth. Demagol piloted the shuttle and kept his companions busy while Zayne headed to the Lower City. But because other Mandalorians told him to go to the northern pole in orbit, Demagol had no choice but to wait for Zayne. In the meantime, he taught Jarael how to fight, having her spar with Alek. When he noticed that Alek was intending to pursue a relationship with Jarael, Demagol only watched.
Demagol, Jarael, the Moomo Brothers, Alek, and Slyssk helped Shel Jelavan deliver Constable Noana Sowrs' children to their father on Alderaan. They then came to Jebble to save Zayne and Gryph from rakghouls. But just as they pulled off the rescue, the planet was nuked by Cassus Fett to eliminate the outbreak. Demagol remarked that it was like Cassus to amputate the limb to spare the body. After escaping, the Mandalorian pledged his help to Zayne to expose the Jedi Covenant.
When the Williwaw headed to Coruscant to present Sith artifacts to the Jedi High Council, the Republic had set up a blockade around the entire planet. Demagol tried to persuade Zayne and, after failing, Jarael to turn around, because he knew he was not welcome. Jarael snapped at him to hide in a Camper special if he wasn't going to help. It is presumed that this was where he was when Jarael was captured by Admiral Karath when the Williwaw landed in a Republic ship's hangar.
Later, after the events of Vindication, Zayne and Gryph's names were cleared, the Republic and Jedi covered the events as a Mandalorian terror attack and the Moomo were paid very well for "bringing in" Zayne and Gryph. Demagol was hiding in a room in a spaceport, not even willing to take off his armor. Jarael decided to join him in finding the reason behind the war.
To gain some credits, Gryph, Jarael and Demagol decided to scam off the auction being held on Metellos 3. However, Demagol refused to take off his helmet, secretly to keep the disguise, and instead wore another helmet over his. When he and Jarael were captured by Mongorrt, he convinced Jarael to use her latent Force powers to set them free.
Later, aboard Chancellor Fillorean he used his field medicine skills to save Slyssk's life and declared after killing the Sith Acolyte Toki Tollivar that if Zayne Carrick was not able to protect Jarael, then he would.
When the crew prepared to run the next con on Jervo's World above Pantolomin, he made the mistake of leaving Hot Prospect and was detained by local security forces. Marn Hierogryph convinced them to let him free by introducing him as a duelist, and so Demagol was forced to participate in swoop-bike duels. He eventually became the winner of the Tandem Open, mainly for Bardron to distract the angry spectators when they heard the unedited recording of Goethar Kleej's testimony about slavery in the Franchise, receiving a Goethar Special as a prize. When they got down to the surface, Goethar suddenly got angry at Jarael. Demagol presumed that it was discrimination and pulled out his blaster; Goethar stated that he recognized the Flames of the Crucible and ran off with his son Aubin.

Because of his win, Demagol was a sports hero and allowed to walk in public. The group headed for the planet Wor Tandell to take a break from their adventures. During this time, Demagol did something that caused him to leave the group for a while. However, when he returned to the camp site, he found Alek, now calling himself Malak, had come to recruit Jarael for the Revanchists' fight against the Mandalorians. Demagol, not willing to let Jarael leave him and join the enemy, attacked Malak. In blind rage, Malak, not knowing who "Rohlan" really was, drew his lightsaber with the intention of killing him. During the duel, Malak forced Demagol down to the ground and attacked him further, justified by Cassus' genocide on Cathar. However, he was restrained by Captain Telettoh and Ferroh; the former stated that attacking a sports hero would cause a scandal. Luckily for Demagol, Zayne was able to alienate Malak by kissing Jarael. After Malak left, the wounded scientist gladly thanked Zayne for what he did.
Following the revelations of Jarael about her past, the group decided to take down the Crucible, and after a failed attempt in the Koornacht Cluster against a customer of the slaver's organization, Zayne went undercover on Volgax, hoping to learn more about the Crucible. But due to the manipulations and lies of Chantique, Demagol's daughter, who wanted to turn the ex-Padawan against her arch-rival Jarael, the young man returned broken and filled with doubts about the young Arkanian. Jarael then decided to leave the team and Demagol followed her on Wor Tandell.

On Coruscant, Rohlan, under Demagol's identity, finally awoke, and was held on trial for war crimes by the Minister of Defense. Zayne and Gryph were invited as witnesses, and the pair soon discovered the identity switch. They rescued Rohlan from Malak's anger against all Mandalorians.
Meanwhile, on Wor Tandell, Demagol hired a ship and took Jarael with him to an unknown destination. It was only during this trip that the Zeltron decided to reveal his true identity, as well as their destination: Osadia. Indeed, Zayne had learned during his mission on Volgax that the Osadia School's students were still alive and held by the Crucible in an "ironic place," a planet that Antos Wyrick easily identified. However, he claimed that he took up Rohlan's name in his search for her.
Returning to Osadia, where he had hoped to salvage his project, Demagol prepared Jarael for the upcoming battle, by fitting her with a a bodysuit he had been preparing for her and Exar Kun's double-bladed lightsaber, which he stole from the Sanctum on Odryn. During the assault, he fought and killed Bar'injar.

As Demagol was exploring the base's interior, Rohlan Dyre, who had journeyed to Osadia alongside Zayne, launched an assault on him. Using the Force, Demagol was able to hurl Rohlan away, although he remained unaware of the nature of his action. Eventually, he stumbled upon Zayne and Jarael engaged in a duel with his own daughter, Chantique. Without hesitation, he plunged a blade into Chantique's back and demanded to know the whereabouts of the remaining students from the academy. Chantique revealed that they were located in the yard.
Upon venturing outside, Demagol discovered the yard was empty. Chantique then clarified that they were physically in the yard, having been interred as part of a macabre Crucible ritual. She confessed to murdering one student each year since ascending to the position of Magister Impressor. Demagol was filled with rage, yet he still clung to hope due to Jarael's survival. However, Zayne disclosed that Jarael had never possessed a strong connection to the Force. It was then, spurred by an impassioned outburst from Rohlan, that Demagol realized he himself had been Force-sensitive all his life, and that he had been the source of Jarael's perceived strength.
Following this revelation, Chantique turned her aggression towards her father. Demagol, utilizing the Force, summoned a lightsaber to his hand and used it to fatally impale her through the chest. Regrettably, the lightsaber he had called forth belonged to Exar Kun, and he too was impaled and killed by its blade.
Future generations of Mandalorians created the term demagolka, which was derived from the Doctor's name, within the language of Mando'a. The term signified "one who perpetrates atrocities," "a true monster," or "a war criminal." The Mandalorian language adopted this word as a result of the deep disdain later Mandalorians felt for Demagol and his merciless experiments – some of which were conducted on children – transforming him into a figure of intense hatred and fear among the warrior clans. Around the time of the Cold War between the Republic and the Sith Empire, Republic forces unearthed one of Demagol's labs, leading the Galactic Senate to order its obliteration. In 20 BBY, the Mandalorian soldier Kal Skirata drew a comparison between the renegade Kaminoan Clone Master Ko Sai and Demagol, citing her eugenic supremacist beliefs. Skirata's comrade and Mandalorian contemporary, Mij Gilamar, later subtly insulted the Coruscanti professor Reye Nenilin by likening him to Demagol, as the scientist was ignorant of Demagol's identity.

Wyrick, captivated by the capabilities of a Dark Jedi while unknowingly possessing Force sensitivity himself, harbored the ambition of forging a cadre of Mandalorian Knights through his perverse scientific endeavors. He founded the New Generation Academy, which Rohlan Dyre suggested was modeled after Arca Jeth's praxeum on Arkania, and assumed the roles of headmaster, professor, and, as he declared, "Protector" of the academy.
He also demonstrated himself to be a cunning strategist, a proficient medic, and, importantly, a formidable fighter. Before and during his impersonation of "Rohlan Dyne," Demagol outmaneuvered and often overpowered numerous experienced warriors, including the real Rohlan, Jedi Knight Alek, Goethar Kleej, and Bar'injar in hand-to-hand combat. In his guise as Rohlan, he proved invaluable to Zayne and Jarael as both a Mandalorian warrior and a medic.
"Demagol" was a shortened form of demar agol, which translates to "to carve flesh." In later years, Sergeant Kal Skirata commented that the name Demagol could be interpreted as either "sculptor of flesh" or "butcher."
Although he was neither a warrior nor a commander within Mandalore's military, Demagol enjoyed a position of considerable influence among the Mandalorians and was seen as a rival by Cassus Fett. He was also thought to have been among the advisors of Mandalore the Ultimate. Nevertheless, he declined to wear Neo-Crusader armor.
In addition to Mando'a and Basic, Demagol possessed fluency in numerous alien languages, including Arkanian, Bocce, Bothese, Durese, Ithorese, Miralukese, Rodese, Selkath, Shyriiwook and Snivvian. Zayne Carrick characterized him as a sociopath.
Some perceived inconsistencies in Rohlan Dyre's conduct sparked speculation that Demagol had exchanged armor with him to gain access to The Last Resort. The initial installment of the Demon story arc validated this theory.