Sith Empire (Post–Great Hyperspace War)

The Sith Empire, alternatively known as the true Sith or just the Empire, represented the primary continuation of the original Sith Empire. This entity held dominion over thousands of star systems across the galaxy after the Great Hyperspace War in 5000 BBY caused the first empire's near downfall. Sith exiles established it after retreating into the Unknown Regions after the disastrous campaign led by Dark Lord of the Sith Naga Sadow against the Galactic Republic. These refugees, under the leadership of Sith Lord Vitiate, wandered through space seeking a new home. Twenty years following their departure from their original territory, the Sith came across the forgotten world of Dromund Kaas and settled there to begin rebuilding their civilization.

During this reconstruction, Vitiate declared himself the new Dark Lord of the Sith and Emperor over his people. Under his rule, along with his Dark Council of Sith Lords, the Empire established its capital at Kaas City and began constructing a powerful war machine, aiming to eventually renew their conflict with the Galactic Republic. For over a millennium, the Empire pursued this goal, gradually growing in power and influence. During this period, Jedi Knights Revan and Malak discovered the Sith; the Emperor forcibly converted them to the dark side of the Force, turning them into Sith. Although the Emperor sent them back as advance agents for the Empire's eventual invasion, they broke free of his control and formed their own Sith Empire to compete with Vitiate's. However, the Republic defeated them and their remnants, leaving the Sith Empire hidden.

Roughly three centuries later, the Sith Empire, still under Vitiate's command, prepared to re-emerge into the wider galaxy. They secretly installed puppet governments on Republic worlds throughout the Outer Rim Territories, then launched an unprecedented invasion of Republic space.

After capturing and securing much of the Outer Rim in the initial phase of what became the Great Galactic War, the Sith Emperor began preparations to advance toward the Republic's stronghold in the Galactic Core. Despite encountering several setbacks, the Empire pushed forward, severely damaging the Republic's economy through an alliance with the Mandalorian warrior clans. However, Hylo Visz eventually broke the blockade, and Republic reinforcements arrived, leading to a stalemate. After nearly three decades of conflict, the Empire surprised the galaxy by offering the Republic a peace treaty through the Dark Council. Desperate, the Republic senate accepted. However, during peace talks on Alderaan, the Empire launched a sneak attack on the Republic capital of Coruscant. This successful attack allowed the Empire to force the Republic to surrender formally and sign the Treaty of Coruscant, which ended the war on the Empire's terms.

With the war concluded and the Empire at its zenith, the Emperor withdrew from public life and delegated the Empire's daily management to the Dark Council. The Empire's coexistence with the Republic led to an interstellar Cold War immediately following the Great War. During this period, the Empire engaged in proxy wars and minor conflicts with the Republic and its allies. When war broke out again, the Empire suffered significant losses, including key leaders and even the Sith Emperor himself. Internal conflicts and power struggles among Sith Lords further weakened the Empire, making it as vulnerable and desperate as the Republic. This infighting marked a turning point when Darth Marr assumed leadership. With the help of powerful allies, he stabilized the Empire, secured its future, and even formed an alliance with the Republic to address common threats like Revan and Vitiate. The Emperor's Wrath was tasked with preserving the Empire and led the Empire's forces in the battle against Darth Malgus and the Dread Masters alongside Darth Marr.

By 3636 BBY, the Eternal Empire invaded the galaxy, defeating both the Sith and the Republic and establishing political, military, and economic dominance over both superpowers. Many Dark Council members were killed or mysteriously disappeared during this conflict, except for Darth Acina. The sudden absence of rivals like Darth Nox and the Empire's Wrath allowed her to seize control of the Empire's remnants and declare herself Empress of the Sith. Despite the new threat, the Republic and Empire refused to formally end hostilities or discuss cooperation. However, Marr's earlier efforts to foster cooperation had a lasting impact, eventually leading members of the Empire to willingly join an official alliance with Republic defectors against their shared enemy. The defeat of the Eternal Empire would ultimately lead to another war between the Republic and Empire.

Ultimately, the Empire fell, mirroring its predecessor's fate, and the Galactic Republic, now the galaxy's dominant power, absorbed its territory. By 2000 BBY, those who still adhered to the old Sith ways followed Darth Ruin, who established a New Sith Empire in its place.



Republic forces attack the Sith survivors on Korriban.

In the year 5000 BBY, the Galactic Republic and the original Sith Empire clashed in the Great Hyperspace War. Initially, the Sith, led by the Dark Lord of the Sith Naga Sadow, achieved victories. However, the Republic eventually pushed them back to their core territory within the Stygian Caldera nebula. After his defeat above the Sith capital of Korriban, Naga Sadow fled into unknown space. Supreme Chancellor [Pultimo], leading the victorious Republic, ordered the Republic Navy to conduct a systematic extermination of the Sith Empire. The aim was to eliminate the threat permanently and purge the dark side's corruption from the Sith species.

Around this time, Sith Lord Vitiate, a secluded scholar who had governed the remote planet Nathema for over a century, began broadcasting from his palace. His speeches depicted the Republic's impending pursuit and massacre of the Empire's people, inciting terror. Simultaneously, he tasked his historians and researchers with locating a long-lost Sith colony world called Dromund Kaas. When his team succeeded in 4999 BBY, Vitiate offered hope, summoning all remaining Sith Lords to his world. He promised to help them complete a significant piece of Sith magic that would save the Empire.

Over eight thousand Sith Lords answered the call. Upon arriving at Nathema, the scholarly Vitiate dominated their minds and enslaved their wills. Together, they performed the most potent and intricate Sith magic ritual ever attempted. This ritual stripped the Force from Nathema, killing every living being and transferring their power into Vitiate. Now immortal, Vitiate abandoned his name and became known as the Sith Emperor. He blamed the Republic's Jedi protectors for Nathema's destruction. Gathering the remnants of the shattered Empire on Korriban, especially the younger generation, the Emperor and his followers boarded a small fleet of starships and embarked on a exodus to Dromund Kaas, a destination known only to him.

The Emperor speaks on Dromund Kaas.

The Emperor orchestrated the fleet's journey to last nearly twenty years, ensuring that the people would rely on him as their savior and ultimate leader. He erased all hyperspace routes to Nathema and all historical mentions of the planet, except for the name of the Ritual of Nathema, which Imperial scholars later celebrated as one of the old empire's greatest achievements. Upon finally reaching Dromund Kaas in 4980 BBY, the Emperor addressed his people as they gathered before his throne in the jungle. He declared the formation of a reconstituted empire that would one day return to the galaxy and avenge the destruction of their civilization against the Republic. With Dromund Kaas as their capital, the people dedicated themselves to the Emperor's cause and began taming the jungles of their new homeworld.

Forging a new empire

The Emperor appointed twelve powerful Sith Lords, including Darth Zavakon, to the rank of Dark Lord of the Sith. These twelve collectively formed the Dark Council, the highest achievable position for a Sith in the new empire and the de facto rulers, as the Emperor gradually withdrew from public view over the following decades to pursue his dark side studies. Due to the dangerous predators native to Dromund Kaas, the Dark Council tasked the Human Odile Vaiken with maintaining order among the non-Sith members of the Empire. They allowed him to develop an Imperial Military. Vaiken proceeded to recruit all eligible non-Force-users into the new Imperial Army, instituting a rigorous training regimen that instilled military discipline and skills.

The Imperial Army clears the jungles of Dromund Kaas.

Vaiken then led his recruits in their first combat operation: clearing a region of the Dromund Kaas wilderness to make way for Kaas City, the planned metropolis to serve as the Empire's governmental center. Vaiken's forces battled terentateks and other formidable creatures. Imperial records noted that Vaiken single-handedly slew a terentatek on the site of the future government citadel. Following Vaiken's success, the settlers began building Kaas City and the Imperial Citadel, basing their designs on the original Great Citadel of the Old Empire on Ziost and the Sith Academy on Korriban. Early in the Empire's history, they discovered the Dark Temple, a structure built by the original Sith colonists.

Brontes's insights into the nature of Sith artifacts and other dark side objects piqued the Emperor's interest, leading him to take control of the Dark Temple. The people of the Empire expanded the Temple on the Emperor's orders while also working on Kaas City. After completion, the Sith ruler used the Temple both as a repository for powerful artifacts and as a tomb for his enemies. The Emperor conducted several Sith magic rituals in the Empire's early years, affecting Dromund Kaas's atmosphere, generating near-constant cloud cover, and causing powerful thunderstorms as the world became perpetually storm-wracked. His experiments also created a powerful dark side Force nexus within the Dark Temple.

Early in the Empire's history, the Dark Council members each selected an area of the Empire's society and government as their sphere of influence. Darth Zavakon, who chose the recovery and study of ancient knowledge, realized that the Empire suffered because his fellow Sith were unwilling to share the knowledge and secrets they discovered in Sith ruins and tombs. Zavakon conducted an experiment, dispatching a team of archaeologists and military officers to investigate ruins already surveyed by other Sith. Zavakon's team made significant discoveries that the Sith had missed because they had not compared their findings. This success led the Dark Council to authorize Zavakon to form the Imperial Reclamation Service, a branch of the Imperial Military dedicated to recovering and preserving knowledge.

Odile Vaiken oversees the construction of the Imperial Navy.

Having successfully claimed their new world, Odile Vaiken began the process of establishing the Imperial Navy, a project he understood would span centuries. With the Dark Council's backing, Vaiken committed the entire Imperial Army to this endeavor, tasking his forces with mining resources, engineering the vessels, and constructing the ships. Vaiken lived to witness the completion of the first of his newly designed Star Destroyers, an achievement that earned him the title of Grand Moff from the Emperor himself. Subsequently, Vaiken led the Empire's initial campaigns from Dromund Kaas, aiming to conquer alien societies and worlds surrounding the capital, but met his end during a mission in 4904 BBY. The Empire remembered Vaiken fondly for centuries after his passing, honoring him by naming their staging area Vaiken Spacedock and perpetuating his training methodologies within the Imperial Military. Furthermore, an eternal flame, known as Vaiken's Torch, was ignited in the jungles of Dromund Kaas, symbolizing the Empire's unwavering commitment to avenging themselves against the Republic. Despite the Empire's expansion, they were unable to reclaim their sacred world of Korriban, which remained under the watchful eyes of the Jedi Order and the Republic.

In 4606 BBY, the Sith Kel'eth Ur attracted the Emperor's personal attention when he started advocating for the light side and suggesting the Sith should forsake the dark side. The Emperor executed Kel'eth Ur and interred him within the Dark Temple, subsequently ordering the Temple sealed to contain both potent artifacts and the spirits of those entombed within. Over the centuries, other cities arose across Dromund Kaas, eventually covering much of the planet, though pockets of untamed and perilous wilderness persisted. The Imperials developed lightning spires—structures that converted lightning strikes into energy—to power their cities, capitalizing on Dromund Kaas's perpetual storms.

Centuries into the Emperor's rule, a Dark Councilor named Darth Lokess convened her fellow Councilors for a clandestine meeting amidst one of Dromund Kaas's frequent and intense storms. Backed by an army of loyal Sith prepared to eliminate any dissenting Councilors, Lokess enlisted her peers in a plot to overthrow the Emperor and reignite the war against the Republic. However, the Emperor somehow discovered their scheme, and as the twelve ascended the Citadel steps intending to confront him, he intervened: Lokess's co-conspirators perished in a burst of light, and Lokess was dragged into the Citadel's depths, where the Sith ruler tortured and ultimately killed her as a warning to any who dared challenge his authority. Less than four centuries after the Great Hyperspace War, the Sith Lord Vodal Kressh attempted to usurp the Emperor's power with an army of slaves bred on the planet Athiss. However, Kressh's ambitions never extended beyond Athiss, and upon his death, the Emperor declared Athiss forbidden.

Around 4043 BBY, Dark Councilors Darth Victun and Darth Qalar engaged in a Kaggath, a ritual Sith duel, within the Citadel. The duel devastated the structure, causing its collapse. Once the dust settled, the remaining ten Dark Councilors acted in unison, striking down the combatants. Qalar and Victun's bloodlines were eradicated, and the Emperor surprised the Council and the Empire by emerging from his seclusion to contribute to the designs for the new Citadel. The Emperor appointed the Sith Lord Darth Nostrem as the architect, but upon the building's completion—now featuring wings for the Ministries of Logistics, War, and Intelligence, as well as the Sith Sanctum and intricate passages in the lower levels—the Emperor cast Nostrem into the building's depths to test its defenses.

The Emperor's schemes

Decades after the Kaggath, several Dark Councilors, including Darth Nyriss and Darth Xedrix, rediscovered Nathema and the Emperor's actions there, leading them to form a conspiracy to depose the Emperor and protect both their Empire and the galaxy from the Sith ruler's destructive intentions. Shortly thereafter, around 3978 BBY, the Emperor decided to probe the Republic's strength by dispatching a Sith emissary to Mandalore the Ultimate, the leader of the Mandalorian warrior culture, without informing the rest of the Empire. Under the Emperor's directives, the Sith manipulated Mandalore's mind, inciting him to wage war against the Republic as a means for the Emperor to assess their military capabilities. Influenced by the Sith, Mandalore rallied his people and initiated the Mandalorian Wars, gaining the upper hand until the Jedi Knights Revan and Malak assumed command of the Republic Military in 3962 BBY.

Revan and Malak pushed back the Mandalorians, culminating in a confrontation at the Battle of Malachor V in 3960 BBY, where Revan defeated Mandalore in single combat and learned from the dying warrior about the Sith's manipulations. Already leaning towards the dark side, Revan and Malak followed Mandalore's clues to the planets Rekkiad, Nathema, and ultimately Dromund Kaas, where they uncovered the hidden Sith Empire. Posing as mercenaries, the two attempted to assassinate the Emperor, but the Imperial Guard lured them into a trap, and the Emperor seized control of their minds, transforming them into his agents. He publicly declared to the Empire that the two were assassins who had been executed, but in reality, the Emperor sent Revan and Malak—now the Dark Lords of the Sith Darth Revan and Darth Malak—back to the wider galaxy to secure the Star Forge, a powerful factory created by the long-extinct Rakata species, and to prepare the Republic for the Empire's impending assault. However, Revan and Malak broke free from the Emperor's control and established their own empire, thwarting the Emperor's invasion plans due to the lack of information from the two.

After the war, Revan left the Jedi Order and journeyed to the Unknown Regions to confront the Sith Empire. He retraced his steps from before the Mandalorian Wars, first traveling to Rekkiad and bestowing the mask of Mandalore upon his companion Canderous Ordo, making him Mandalore the Preserver. He then continued alone with T3-M4 and the Ebon Hawk to Nathema, where he was captured by the Dark Councilor Darth Nyriss and Lord Scourge. Revan was imprisoned by Nyriss for three years, hidden from the Emperor's knowledge.

During this period, Revan's former master Kreia initiated an independent investigation into his fall to the dark side, which ultimately led her to discover Malachor V and embrace the dark side and Sith teachings. Adopting the name Darth Traya, she, along with her two apprentices, Darth Nihilus and Darth Sion, continued the fight against the Jedi. The three formed the Sith Triumvirate and nearly annihilated the Jedi Order, but the Jedi Exile Meetra Surik eventually killed all three. As she died, Traya revealed the continued existence of the true Sith Empire and Revan's mission to destroy it to Surik. After killing Traya and destroying Malachor V, Surik decided to follow Revan.

Retracing her friend's path in the Ebon Hawk, Meetra Surik, accompanied by T3-M4, traveled to the Unknown Regions. The crew eventually located Nathema, which provided information that the Ebon Hawk used to travel to Dromund Kaas. Arriving at the Imperial capital, the exiled Jedi learned of Revan's location and allied herself with Scourge, who betrayed the conspiracy between several members of the Dark Council, including Darth Nyriss, against the Sith Emperor. The Emperor then proceeded to kill the entire Dark Council, even those not involved in the conspiracy, while Scourge and Surik freed Revan from Nyriss' prison. During their escape, Revan killed Darth Nyriss, and the trio infiltrated the Emperor's Citadel to assassinate the Emperor, mirroring Revan and Malak's earlier attempt.

Revan, Scourge, and the Jedi exile fought their way into the Emperor's throne room and attacked Vitiate himself. Initially, Revan and the Emperor were evenly matched, but Vitiate gained the upper hand after destroying T3-M4 and subjecting Revan to a massive barrage of Force lightning. During their battle, Scourge experienced a vision, which convinced him that the Emperor would not be defeated by Revan, but by another Jedi. Scourge betrayed his allies by stabbing Meetra Surik in the back, distracting Revan and allowing the Emperor to blast him into unconsciousness. Scourge claimed that the Jedi had been in league with Nyriss and that he had led them to Vitiate for their execution. The Emperor rewarded Scourge by appointing him as the first Emperor's Wrath and imprisoned Revan in the Maelstrom, where he fed off the Jedi Master's vitality and knowledge for the next 300 years.

Preparations for the coming war

Construction of Sith Empire's Navy

In the three centuries succeeding the Jedi Civil War, the Empire drastically accelerated its plans for invading the Republic. Operating covertly and patiently, the Emperor masterminded the establishment of a network of spies and infiltrators who entered Republic space to pave the way for the impending war. This deep infiltration, spanning generations, strategically placed operatives in positions of power within Republic political circles. While the Empire patiently waited in the shadows, infiltrators like the Ovair family infiltrated the Galactic Republic, serving for three generations and outwardly presenting as loyal citizens while secretly maintaining allegiance to the Sith Emperor. The last known member of this family was Barel Ovair, who even ascended to the rank of Jedi Master within the Jedi Order. In 3756 BBY, Barel Ovair received a crucial mission from the Emperor to prepare for the eventual invasion of the Republic by eliminating potential threats to the Sith Empire. This included an ambitious mission to the tomb of Naga Sadow on Yavin 4 to slay the residing Sith spirit, preventing it from interfering with the Emperor's plans. Ovair successfully completed his mission, making it appear as though he was acting under the authority of the Jedi Order, who remained completely unaware of his true intentions.

As the invasion date drew nearer, the Sith Empire began establishing a staging ground for their attacks in the Outer Rim. Their initial action involved establishing puppet governments on the worlds of Belkadan, Sernpidal, and Ruuria, who outwardly pledged loyalty to the Republic but awaited the signal from their true masters. It is known that shortly after returning to Republic space, a young Sith Lord named Darth Vich discovered the planet Rattatak. Eager to make a name for himself, he disregarded a millennium of anti-alien tradition and recruited hundreds of tribes of Rattataki to create his personal army. The Rattataki were renowned for their combat prowess, making them a formidable force, and dozens among them were Force-sensitive, becoming Darth Vich's acolytes. With his own army, Darth Vich attempted to seize power, but his efforts failed, with rumors suggesting that a small group of his own acolytes betrayed him. Following his failed power grab, the Dark Council enslaved or killed all the Rattataki who had followed Vich.

Assault against the Republic

Great Galactic War

Sith forces marching across Alderaan

In 3681 BBY, the Sith Empire finally initiated their long-awaited plans against the Galactic Republic. They immediately deployed their naval forces to the Outer Rim Territories, where their war fleets materialized in the Tingel Arm. The Sith battle cruisers were entirely unknown to the Republic, who dispatched a diplomatic convoy to engage with this new adversary. As they approached and transmitted their reports back to Republic space, the Sith warships opened fire, completely obliterating the lightly armed diplomatic team. This was part of the Sith Emperor's strategy, allowing images of the destruction to reach the Republic's leaders and instill fear. Immediately following this act, the Sith began the subjugation of the Aparo sector before the Republic fleet could respond.

The Republic military eventually responded by deploying a fleet to the contested region, leading to the Tingel Arm campaign. However, the worlds of Sernpidal, Belkadan, and Ruuria betrayed the Republic, revealing their allegiance to the Sith Empire. The Republic fleet was caught between enemy forces and suffered heavy losses, forcing the remaining vessels to retreat. This shifted the momentum of the early war in favor of the Sith, as the Republic fleet's departure left many regions undefended. This allowed the Sith Empire to seize the Minos Cluster, gaining its valuable resources, and launch an attack on the Sluis Van Shipyards, destroying them and disrupting the Rimma Trade Route. Additionally, the Sith successfully staged an assault on the Jedi security forces defending Korriban, allowing the Empire to reclaim the ancient tomb world.

The Empire retakes Korriban.

The Empire's invasion initially proved successful, leading to near-complete control of the Outer Rim following the conquest of the Seswenna sector. With this region secured, the Sith turned their attention to the Mid Rim as part of their strategy to strike at the Core Worlds. At this point, the Imperial military became overconfident, believing that the Republic was still recovering from the heavy losses incurred during the war. Consequently, a squadron of warships moved to seize control of Bothan Space, but were annihilated by the Republic fleet. This marked the Sith Empire's first significant defeat and a major victory for the Galactic Republic.

This defeat prompted the deployment of numerous warships from across the galaxy to avenge the loss at Bothawui, leading to a second battle for control of the Bothan homeworld. As the planet was protected by a planetary shield, the Empire deployed an army of 50,000 soldiers to invade the planet, engaging its few defenders.

Overconfident Imperial commanders deployed their numerically superior forces but suffered heavy losses against the Republic forces, forcing the Empire to bring in further reinforcements to defeat the defenders, who were led by Jedi Master Belth Allusis, who was slain in the conflict's final stages. However, the Imperial forces were forced to retreat, making the Battle of Bothawui a draw. Thus, the initial Sith onslaught was halted in the Mid Rim, preventing further advances by the Empire.

While the Republic gained a reprieve from further assaults, the second phase of the Sith Emperor's master plan was initiated. Imperial Intelligence agents during this time were responsible for preventing other factions, such as the Hutt Cartels, from joining the Republic. Furthermore, Imperial Diplomacy attempted to secure the full support of the Mandalorians, but were unsuccessful, although some mercenaries did join their ranks. Through the actions of Imperial Intelligence, the Sith orchestrated the rise of a young Mandalorian gladiator in the arenas of Geonosis.

This gladiator, later known as Mandalore the Lesser, assembled a large army from the Mandalorian clans, who then used their armada to blockade the Hydian Way to confront the Jedi Order. The blockade prevented military support from reaching the Outer Rim Territories and disrupted the flow of raw materials from the Colonies to the Core. This provided a significant advantage to the Sith, as the Republic was deprived of critical supplies, and many holdouts ultimately fell to the Empire. This advantage was only broken by the efforts of a Mirialan smuggler named Hylo Visz who, along with like-minded comrades, breached the Mandalorian blockade. As a result, the Sith's efforts to defeat the Republic were undermined by the smugglers' attack, which provided much-needed resources for the Republic military. This led to a radical shift in the Empire's strategy as they grew desperate to secure a victory.


A Sith Warrior invading the Jedi Temple

As the Great Galactic War neared its conclusion, the Sith Empire asserted dominance over half of the galaxy. Despite the Empire's apparent advantage, fueled by extensive fleets and numerous allies, their military strength was stretched thin across the vast expanse. Conversely, the Republic, weakened by the conflict, began to concentrate its remaining forces within the Inner Rim to safeguard its core territories. Although the Empire possessed the capability to crush the Republic entirely, the Sith Emperor, growing restless due to the prolonged campaign, decided to present a peace overture to the Galactic Republic. Consequently, the Dark Council extended a peace proposal to the Republic, which was swiftly accepted, as they now believed that the war was essentially lost. The Empire subsequently dispatched a diplomat, Darth Baras, to the planet Alderaan for discussions regarding a galaxy-wide armistice.

While the populace of the Republic, along with Imperial isolationists and fervent supporters of the Emperor, celebrated the prospect of peace, many of the more traditionalist dark lords, possessing a hawkish ideology, expressed their disapproval of the sudden turn of events, asserting that warfare was intrinsic to the Sith way and the sole means of demonstrating true power. Among these Imperialists were Darth Angral and Darth Malgus, who vehemently opposed the Emperor, the Dark Council, and Darth Baras, Angral's rival, who had been personally chosen by Vitiate to represent the Empire during treaty negotiations.

Subsequently, delegations from both factions convened on the neutral world of Alderaan, where representatives of the Empire and Republic, including Sith lords and Jedi knights, engaged in discussions regarding what initially appeared to be reasonable peace terms. Under the direction of the Dark Council, Darth Baras engaged directly with the Republic delegates, including Jedi Master Satele Shan, and the negotiations seemingly progressed smoothly.

Simultaneous to the Alderaan negotiations, the Sith, acting on instructions from Emperor Vitiate himself, amassed nearly their entire fleet with the intention of seizing Coruscant and holding it hostage. This would provide the Empire with sufficient leverage to dictate terms favorable to them, terms that would generally be considered unacceptable. Initially deploying a Sith vanguard under Malgus's command with orders to assault the Jedi Temple, the Imperial fleet, led by Darth Angral, soon established orbit around Coruscant, unleashing widespread destruction in an event subsequently referred to as the "Sacking of Coruscant." The planet was subjected to a siege, bombarded from orbit and invaded by ground forces, rapidly becoming an occupied territory. Among the casualties of this assault were the destruction of the Jedi Temple and the capture of the Senate Tower, enabling the Sith to effectively hold the entire planet hostage. Angral imposed martial law on the devastated world, suppressing its inhabitants, although sporadic uprisings did occur. Furthermore, numerous government officials, including Supreme Chancellor Berooken, were executed by the Sith, further diminishing the authority of the planetary government during the occupation.

The Coruscant sacking and subsequent occupation compelled the Republic diplomats on Alderaan to sign the Treaty of Coruscant, despite its unfavorable terms. The treaty stipulated that the Republic must relinquish certain star systems to the Empire and abandon strategic worlds within the neutral zone. The Empire promptly seized these territories, capitalizing on the Republic's weakened state to expand its military reach, even though the acquisition of these planets was not explicitly outlined in the agreement. With entire star systems, some deep within the Inner Rim, now vulnerable to the Sith, the Republic adopted a less aggressive stance to avoid provoking the expanding Empire. Following these events, the Sith began to consolidate their power, with galactic boundaries redrawn as over half the galaxy fell under Imperial control.

The Cold War

The conclusion of the Great Galactic War ushered in an era of tense equilibrium between the Sith Empire and the Galactic Republic. The Treaty of Coruscant effectively facilitated the Empire's expansion, enabling it to eclipse the weakened Republic and emerge as the galaxy's dominant superpower. While the Emperor's motives for signing the Treaty of Coruscant remained ambiguous, particularly to pro-war factions, it became evident that the Empire intended to rebuild its diminished forces in preparation for another conflict with the Republic, leveraging its newly acquired strategic territories to bolster its war effort. For approximately a decade, the Empire engaged in espionage against the Republic, uncovering numerous secrets, with Imperial Intelligence becoming a pivotal bureaucratic entity within the Empire. Although overt hostilities were absent between the two governments, a series of proxy wars erupted across the galaxy, primarily on contested worlds such as Balmorra, Alderaan, and Ord Mantell. Furthermore, isolated skirmishes occurred between independent operatives, special forces, Jedi, and Sith from each faction. Despite the animosity between the two factions, limited cooperation occasionally arose between certain leaders, leading to uneasy alliances in rare instances. One such instance involved a combined effort to thwart a droid army from releasing a contagion across the galaxy, culminating in an orbital invasion of the remote world of Sebaddon. Although this fleeting alliance ultimately dissolved, resulting in the death of Sith commander Darth Chratis, it would not be the last instance of collaboration between the two nations.

Following the treaty, the Emperor gradually withdrew from public affairs, delegating complete political authority over the Empire to the Dark Council. By 3643 BBY, the Dark Council determined that the optimal strategy for weakening the Republic before resuming hostilities involved eliminating Republic military leadership, thereby crippling its command structure. Entrusting Darth Vengean, the leader of the Imperial military, with devising a plan, the Sith lord conceived Plan Zero, a complex series of operations designed to disable Republic command. The objective was to neutralize six key military officials discreetly. Vengean assigned Darth Baras, his subordinate and former apprentice, to oversee the directive, who would manage it operationally. Baras, in turn, tasked his own subordinate with planning and executing the assassinations, his former apprentice, a Sith warrior who would later become the second Emperor's Wrath. Following the success of Plan Zero, both Baras and the warrior betrayed Vengean, enabling Baras to secure a position on the Dark Council.

As Plan Zero unfolded, the Republic grew increasingly wary of the Empire's rapid military expansion and the suspicious deaths of key military figures. Many members of the Galactic Senate recognized the need to rapidly train and mobilize more powerful troops to counter the Empire's might should the need arise.

Concurrently, the Sith Emperor, anticipating imminent war, resumed conscription, leading many to believe that he was preparing to attack the Republic once more. The Dark Council, despite internal divisions, was stronger than before. Primarily led by Darth Marr, Darth Thanaton, and Darth Baras, the Empire was finally poised to strike the Galactic Republic.

While less devastating than the preceding war, the Cold War witnessed sporadic skirmishes erupting across various regions of space, marking the beginning of a new era of warfare as both sides contended for dominance. After barely a decade of uneasy peace, a new conflict ignited, subsequently known as the "Galactic War."

Renewed conflict

Battling the Republic

Following the outbreak of renewed hostilities, the Empire, initially holding an advantage due to the decimation of Republic high command, launched a series of invasions and operations to consolidate its control over the galaxy. One of the first significant victories occurred on the planet Taris, where Imperial forces moved to disrupt the Republic's recolonization efforts, overseen by Governor Leontyne Saresh, who would later be elected Supreme Chancellor. While this initiative commenced during the latter stages of the Cold War, the victory was secured at the onset of the Galactic War, with the Imperials establishing dominance on the planet, largely due to the efforts of Darth Gravus. Despite this victory, the Republic continued its attempts to restore the devastated planet, which had been bombarded from orbit by Darth Malak centuries prior. However, the Sith occupation of the planet significantly hampered their ability to effectively recolonize the world. As tensions escalated, Darth Angral formalized a plan to destroy Tython, the Jedi homeworld. Employing a superweapon known as the Desolator, the Sith lord attacked Tython but was killed by a Jedi knight, thwarting his scheme. With his primary rival eliminated, Darth Baras gained greater control over the war effort, leading to further Sith victories.

Despite initial successes, the Empire suffered two significant setbacks within the first year of the war, particularly on Taral V, which ultimately led to the Republic fleet, led by the Jedi Master and Fleet Admiral, Oteg, discovering the location of Maelstrom Prison. The Republic launched a full-scale assault on the station, resulting in its destruction, the death of Grand Moff Rycus Kilran, and the liberation of a prisoner: Revan. This proved to be one of the most humiliating and costly defeats of the early war. Revan emerged as a significant threat to the Empire, reportedly planning to utilize the power of the Foundry, an ancient Rakatan factory, to create a droid army for the purpose of mass genocide against the Sith species. In response, Imperial command dispatched a strike team to infiltrate the foundry, using a captured Republic warship as a disguise. As the strike team confronted Revan within the Foundry, the Imperial Expeditionary Fleet engaged the Republic vessels guarding the Foundry. The fleet was ultimately destroyed, and Revan was defeated, averting the near annihilation of the Imperial population.

During the Empire's discovery of the prison planet Belsavis, an imperial strike team ventured into the depths of the prison to release the captured Dread Masters, fear-wielding Sith Lords who served the Emperor, while the Empire sought to liberate its own captured forces. The Imperial Guard personally oversaw the invasion.

Darth Baras, the chief architect of the Imperial war effort, led the Empire to a series of additional victories against the Republic. Furthermore, new battlefronts and theaters emerged throughout the Outer Rim. The worlds of Hoth and Belsavis became critical flashpoints, with both sides vying for control of those worlds for months.

The pivotal battle of the initial stages of the war occurred in 3640 BBY on Corellia. Undoubtedly the most brutal and devastating battle of the entire war, the world of Corellia was nearly annihilated by the Sith Empire. Under the command of Darth Decimus, Imperial forces launched a full-scale invasion of the planet, eventually occupying Coronet City. The forces present on the world were decimated, along with many of Corellia's protectors, the Green Jedi. The Sith, now in control of the planet, became entrenched in Corellian politics, seeking to install the young politician Darbin Sull as Prime Minister, a political pawn. The Republic mobilized its own troops to liberate the planet, simultaneously organizing a resistance movement to combat the Sith occupation. Despite crippling the world, the Republic regained the advantage upon arrival, resulting in the death of Darth Decimus. Although this marked a turning point in the battle, the Empire remained on Corellia, continuing to fight the Republic. Across the galaxy, the war continued to escalate, and, with both sides evenly matched, the conflict appeared poised to continue for years.


The Sith Empire had recommenced its war against the Galactic Republic. Throughout this conflict, numerous Sith sought power within the Empire, leading to internal strife. Darth Baras, having recently ascended to the Dark Council, asserted that he was the Voice of the Emperor, the vessel for the Sith Emperor's spirit, and had imprisoned the true Voice on Voss. Baras nearly succeeded in his deception, but fellow Dark Council member Darth Vowrawn remained unconvinced, prompting Baras to attempt to assassinate him. The Sith Emperor, acting through the Emperor's Hand, designated Baras's former apprentice as his new Wrath and tasked him with destroying Baras. The Wrath rescued Vowrawn, who was leading the campaign on Corellia, and, with Vowrawn's assistance, defeated Baras before the Dark Council, officially being recognized as the Emperor's Wrath. This acknowledgment soon spread throughout the Empire.

Darth Thanaton, another Dark Council member, faced a similar challenge from Lord Kallig, a descendant of Alloysius Kallig. Following Baras's coup, Darth Thanaton initiated a Kaggath against Kallig, but Kallig fled to seek assistance from the Dark Council. The Dark Council, astonished that one of its members was unable to defeat a mere Lord, allowed Kallig to challenge Thanaton. Darth Thanaton was defeated by Kallig, and Darth Mortis of the Dark Council executed Thanaton. Darth Marr and the remaining members of the Dark Council bestowed Thanaton's seat upon Kallig, who was subsequently named Darth Nox (or, according to some accounts, Darth Imperius).

These instances represent only a fraction of the fragmentation and infighting within the Empire, a common occurrence in Sith tradition. Ultimately, this internal discord weakened the Empire, leading to a lack of unity, as Darth Marr acknowledged on Makeb.

The Empire's Dark Days

The Battle of Corellia during the renewed Galactic War proved exceedingly costly for the Empire. The Imperial Military suffered nearly one-tenth of its forces during the capture of Corellia, along with significant casualties among both Sith and Imperials due to the infighting instigated by Darth Baras against The Emperor's Wrath and Darth Vowrawn, while Darth Thanaton declared a Kaggath against Darth Nox. The Dark Council lost Darth Decimus, Darth Hadra, and Darth Acharon during the battle, while Baras was slain by the Wrath, and Thanaton was replaced by Nox following the former's death. The Children of the Emperor were also compromised after the First Son fell to The Barsen'thor.

It was later revealed that, with many Sith and Imperials preoccupied on other fronts, the Sith Emperor was defeated on Dromund Kaas by a Jedi Knight, along with several members of the Imperial Guard, Imperial forces, and Mandalorians. The Emperor was presumed dead, and, for the first time in its history, the Empire faced utter defeat.

On Ilum, battles were waged to prevent Darth Malgus, known as the False Emperor, from establishing his New Empire. Ultimately, Malgus was defeated after attempting to simultaneously fight both the Republic and the Empire, and his New Empire collapsed shortly thereafter. The Battle of Ilum was exceedingly costly for the Sith Empire, resulting in significant losses of Imperials and Sith to the New Empire and subsequent battles, prompting the Dark Council to quietly acknowledge that the Empire was losing the war.

The Dread Masters also capitalized on the Emperor's absence to secede from the Empire and establish their own dominion, wielding fear as their weapon. Many Sith and Imperials joined the Dread Masters, forming the Dread Guard, but they were decisively defeated by both the Republic and the Empire on Oricon.

Darth Marr managed to turn the fortunes of the Empire on Makeb.

Regarding the campaign on Makeb, its purpose was to extract a newly discovered resource, Isotope-5. However, the planet was under the control of the Hutt Cartel, with mercenary armies stationed there as the criminal syndicate mined the resource, seeking to restore its former glory. The Empire teetered on the brink of collapse, and Darth Marr determined that Makeb held a valuable asset during this crisis. He sought to gather the remaining mineral and utilize it to rebuild the Empire in the Emperor's absence. The conflict on Makeb was far from straightforward. It was revealed that the Hutts had utilized nearly all of the Isotope-5 to create battle droids, leaving only a small quantity within the planet's unstable core. In fact, Makeb was on the verge of imploding. Miraculously, the tide was turned, and Makeb was saved, enabling the Empire to acquire the necessary Isotope-5.

The Empire subsequently faced another mass defection to the Order of Revan, commencing with a plot by the Revanites Darth Arkous and Rian Darok to raid both the Sith Academy on Korriban and the Jedi Temple on Tython to acquire Rakata technology for their Infinite Army. The pair were defeated, but this prompted Revan to reveal himself to both superpowers, declaring his intention to destroy his ultimate nemesis: the Sith Emperor. Revan and his forces were stopped on Yavin 4 by a joint Imperial-Republic coalition, but this allowed the Emperor to revitalize himself and escape the planet. Shortly after this event, the Dark Council purged the Emperor's influence from the Empire, declaring him a threat to all life, and initiated efforts to locate him using powerful Sith seers.

The Emperor later claimed Ziost, driving nearly the entire population insane with terror, prompting the intervention of Lana Beniko, who temporarily halted Vitiate's plans. However, the sudden arrival of the SIS Sixth Line Jedi Commandos and the Republic invasion accelerated Vitiate's plans, enabling him to complete his ritual and eradicate all life on the planet before disappearing into Wild Space.

The Fallen Empire

A New Threat Arises

Darth Marr faces Valkorion, the former Sith Emperor.

Darth Marr, the de facto leader of the Sith Empire, maintained a fragile alliance with the Republic to hunt the former Sith Emperor and initiated a search in the remote regions of Wild Space. However, Marr also suspected that the recent attacks on the core worlds of both the Republic and Empire by an unknown army led by twin conquerors were connected to the Sith Emperor. The joint fleet was attacked by the Eternal Fleet and decimated. Darth Marr and an individual later known as the Outlander were taken prisoner by Prince Arcann. Arcann led his prisoners to the throne room, where Valkorion greeted them. Darth Marr recognized Valkorion as Vitiate in a new guise. Valkorion offered power in exchange for kneeling, but Darth Marr refused and retaliated, killing several Knights before being struck down by Valkorion. The death of Darth Marr reverberated throughout the Sith Empire, confirming that his killer was Vitiate. Valkorion was subsequently killed by Arcann, and the Outlander was frozen in carbonite.

Acina's Rise

With the demise of Darth Marr and the disappearances of Darth Nox and Lord Wrath, the Empire was bereft of its three most powerful Sith. The Dark Council did not immediately submit to Arcann's rule, but it was plagued by infighting and self-interest. While some councilors resisted Arcann, others chose to flee to unknown regions of space. Eventually, Darth Acina emerged as the sole surviving member. With no one powerful enough to challenge her, Darth Acina seized control of the Empire and proclaimed herself Empress of the Sith.

Darth Acina became the new Empress amidst the chaos.

The Minister of Logistics assumed the responsibilities of the defunct Dark Council and signed a treaty between the Eternal Empire and the Sith Empire. During the treaty period, the Sith Empire gradually rebuilt its military strength, and Empress Acina resolved to implement internal reforms while also reconstituting the Dark Council. Darth Vowrawn, a survivor of the previous Dark Council, pledged his loyalty to Acina and continued to serve the Empire.

As the new Sith Empress, Acina recognized that the Empire's defeats were primarily attributable to internal strife among the Sith and the Emperor's disappearances during critical moments. Acina determined that the Sith must adapt to the new era and abandon their traditional practices for the Empire to thrive. Following the Battle of Odessen, Acina's inclination to form an alliance with the Alliance gradually solidified.

Empress Acina also rejected the notion that only Sith should have influence in political matters, allowing both Sith and non-Sith to advise her.

Joining the Fight

Imperial Navy routes the Eternal Fleet at Voss.

Following the Battle of Odessen, the Eternal Empire was revealed to be less invincible than previously believed, and the Alliance emerged as an equal contender for the Eternal Throne. During Vaylin's invasion of Voss, Empress Acina personally arrived with her fleet and repelled the Eternal Fleet, subsequently offering the Alliance Commander an alliance between the Alliance and Sith Empire and inviting them to Dromund Kaas for discussions. The Outlander, accompanied by Lana Beniko and Theron Shan, arrived on Dromund Kaas and were greeted by Minister Lorman, who escorted them to the Empress's Throne Room.

Empress Acina welcomed her guests and requested a private conversation with the Outlander on her personal shuttle. En route, the shuttle crashed due to sabotage, leaving the Empress and Outlander stranded in the jungles. Empress Acina and the Outlander discovered that they were targeted by the GenoHaradan, a mercenary group loyal to the Republic, and sought refuge in a nearby temple. Acina and the Outlander learned that their crash was orchestrated by Minister Lorman, who aspired to rule the Empire, and former Chancellor Saresh, who sought to seize the Alliance.

Empress Acina treats with the Alliance Commander.

Acina and the Outlander confronted Lorman, and the latter departed for Odessen to confront Saresh. Subsequently, Acina apologized for the events on Dromund Kaas and expressed her belief that their alliance would be mutually beneficial, to which the Outlander agreed.

After the Outlander killed Vaylin, the Eternal Fleet reverted to its primary function and began bombarding Zakuul, Coruscant, and Dromund Kaas. Acina pleaded with the Commander for assistance, and the Alliance ventured to Zakuul to seize the Eternal Throne.

Once the Commander claimed the Eternal Throne and formed the Eternal Alliance, the Sith Empire extended its congratulations to the newly formed superpower, while secretly preparing for a renewed war against the Republic and possibly the Eternal Alliance.

Short peacetime

Shortly thereafter, the Sith Empire and Galactic Republic discovered Iokath, initiating a battle to determine control of Iokath and its resources, prompting the Eternal Alliance to intervene. Empress Acina arrived with her forces to seize control of the superweapon before the Republic and dispatched Major Quinn, a former compatriot of the Emperor's Wrath, to negotiate a deal with the Alliance Commander and to sabotage the Alliance base if the Alliance sided with the Republic.

Third Galactic War

Darth Malgus resurfaces on Ossus.

The destruction of the Eternal Fleet and the Gravestone by the Order of Zildrog during the Iokath incident, which severely weakened the Eternal Alliance, effectively set the stage for the third Galactic War. Reports arriving at Odessen indicated that both the Republic and the Sith Empire were intensifying their efforts to stockpile resources, weapons, and fuel in anticipation of the conflict. The Sith Empire initiated hostilities against the Republic by invading Ossus, an ancient world that served as a refuge for remnants of the Jedi Order, led by the esteemed Jedi Master Gnost-Dural, who had sought refuge there following the Eternal Empire's rise. Darth Malora of the Dark Council was tasked with overseeing the Ossus invasion; however, her focus on personal experiments at the expense of the war effort led Emperor Vowrawn to replace her with a rebuilt and subservient Darth Malgus, effectively removing Malora from the Dark Council.

Following the Ossus invasion, Darth Xarion, a member of the Dark Council and the head of Sith Intelligence, masterminded a plan involving the Nova Blades pirates to attack Dantooine. This was intended to divert the Republic's attention away from Imperial operations on Ossus.

After the Dantooine Incursion, Darth Malgus began assembling a formidable invasion fleet with the objective of destroying the Meridian Complex, a highly advanced shipyard located on Corellia. To achieve this, the Empire focused on assisting King Regalun Petryph on Onderon and sabotaging the Republic Fleet stationed at Mek-Sha, all in preparation for the Meridian Complex assault.

Darth Malgus breaks from his restraints.

In the wake of the Meridian Complex assault, Emperor Vowrawn reorganized the Emperor's Hands into the Hand of the Empire. This new organization was designed to carry out critical missions, mirroring the functions of its predecessor, but with the added measure of a silent purge of the Servants due to their unwavering allegiance to Vitiate. Simultaneously, Darth Malgus successfully deactivated an explosive device that had been used to control him, leading him to go rogue with the intention of seizing power from both the Empire and the Republic. He sought to achieve this by exploiting the artifacts of a deceased and largely forgotten Sith Lord, Darth Nul. This prompted the Empire to dispatch agents to Elom in an effort to uncover Malgus's plans.

The Sith Empire launched an invasion of the peaceful planet Manaan with the goal of securing control over its Kolto production, which would provide a significant advantage in the ongoing war. However, they encountered resistance from the Selkath and, subsequently, the Republic. The operation was led by Sith Lord Darth Norok, his second-in-command Colonel Korrd, a subordinate of Darth Krovos, and Raven Squad under the command of Major Anri.

Government and politics

Central authority

The Sith Empire operated under a magocratic authoritarian system. The Sith Emperor held the supreme position of power within the Empire. The Dark Council acted as an advisory body, ensuring the efficient administration of the Empire. This council functioned as a combined executive, legislative, and judicial branch of the government. Each of the twelve council members oversaw specific areas of the Empire, known as Spheres of Influence. These spheres were responsible for either overseeing one of the three ministries or managing a bureaucracy to ensure their effective operation. Certain spheres also had specific agencies reporting to them, separate from the ministries, including the Imperial Diplomatic Service and the Imperial Conquest Consolidation Corps.

The three ministries formed the core of the Sith Empire's governance, overseeing the majority of the Imperial government's activities. Each minister reported to a Sith Lord on the Dark Council, or in some instances, to multiple council members.

During the reign of the Sith Emperor, the Emperor's Hands served as an additional layer of authority between the Emperor and the Dark Council.

Following the Dromund Kaas Operation, the Emperor entered a state of slumber on Yavin 4, taking his power base with him, with the exception of the Emperor's Wrath, leaving the Dark Council in control of the Empire. The Emperor's Hands secretly instructed the Wrath to act in place of the Voice and to continue defending the Empire. The Revanite Incident and the Ziost Genocide led the Dark Council to denounce Vitiate as an enemy of the Empire. Consequently, Darth Marr assumed leadership of the Dark Council to assist in rebuilding the Sith Empire's power base with the support of powerful allies. The Empire's Wrath remained the second-in-command of the Imperial military under Darth Marr's command, tasked with safeguarding the Empire until the Emperor's return, as per the Hand's directive.

The Revanite Incident made the Dark Council aware of the Emperor's plan to annihilate the galaxy, leading Darth Marr, the de facto leader at the time, to declare the Emperor a traitor and an enemy. Darth Marr then repurposed the former Emperor's Wrath into the Empire's Wrath, recognizing the Wrath's loyalty to the Empire rather than the Emperor. During and after the Ziost Genocide, the Dark Council assumed complete control of the Sith Empire, launching a campaign to locate and eliminate their former Emperor.

After the death of Darth Marr and the disappearances of Darth Nox and the Empire's Wrath, the Dark Council fought valiantly against the Eternal Empire, but without Marr's leadership and the loss of their two most powerful Sith, defeat was inevitable. With most of the Dark Council members either dead or missing, Darth Acina, the sole surviving councilor, declared herself Sith Empress. Following the fall of the Eternal Empire, Empress Acina restructured the Dark Council into five spheres by merging the previous ones. Nevertheless, she continued to rely on both Sith and non-Sith advisors.

Ministry of War

The Ministry of War was one of the three central ministries within the Sith Empire's government, responsible for overseeing the Empire's armed forces. This ministry managed the Imperial Navy's fleet deployments, repairs, maintenance, and starfighter squadrons. Additionally, it oversaw the Imperial Army, including deployments, combat tactics, strategy, security, Special Forces operations, black ops missions, and the Imperial Reclamation Service. The Ministry was led by the Minister of War, who reported to three Dark Councilors: the heads of the Defense of the Empire, Military Offense, and Military Strategy spheres, which were later consolidated into the Sphere of Military Command. Below the Minister were the Moffs, who served as governors and military leaders overseeing large regions of Imperial space. A strict chain of command was maintained to ensure the military discipline and efficiency that the Empire valued. The Minister of War had no authority over the Emperor's Wrath, who answered only to the Sith Emperor.

Ministry of Intelligence

The Ministry of Intelligence reported to the Sphere of Imperial Intelligence. Led by the Minister of Intelligence, the Ministry was tasked with gathering information and disseminating disinformation as needed. Imperial Intelligence was the Ministry's primary component, serving as the Empire's main covert intelligence and counterintelligence service. Day-to-day operations were managed by the Keeper, who also oversaw Imperial Intelligence's Operations Division. Reporting to the Keeper were Watchers, responsible for managing field agents, Ciphers, the top-tier field agents, Fixers, technical agents, and Minders, the internal security and secret police force. The Outreach Bureau was another component of the Ministry of Intelligence. The Bureau's role was to inform citizens about galactic news. However, it often presented facts in a way that favored the Empire, producing extensive propaganda that praised the Empire and portrayed the Republic as evil.

Ministry of Logistics

The ministry was controlled by the Minister of Logistics, who technically reported to the Sphere of Production and Logistics, although they occasionally reported to other councilors, such as the Sphere of Defense of the Empire, regarding military matters. While some viewed it as the least important ministry, it was, in fact, the most critical. The ministry provided calculations to defend against enemy forces, logistical support for fleets and ground troops, and managed the financial aspects of war. Additionally, it oversaw the economy, managing both nationalized industries and factories that produced weapons for the Empire's war machine. This included managing agricultural worlds that supplied food for the Imperial military. The ministry also supervised the Empire's slave labor, making necessary adjustments to complete construction projects and operate various industries. Furthermore, it managed the Empire's civilian transportation and trade network, ensuring the movement of goods throughout the Empire.

Society and culture

Compared to the Galactic Republic, the Imperial population was significantly smaller, divided between Sith and non-Sith individuals. This division created a clear distinction, with the upper echelons of power reserved exclusively for Force-sensitive Sith. Despite this, the average citizen remained loyal to the Empire, with opportunities to become Imperial Agents, Grand Moffs, or Grand Admirals. Membership in the Imperial Guard was strictly limited to non-Force-sensitive individuals, and due to their close ties with the Emperor, even the highest-ranking Sith Lords dared not challenge them.

The average Imperial citizen believed in the righteousness of the Empire's cause. Like the Sith, Imperials viewed the Republic as an inefficient, chaotic, bloated, and corrupt entity, where various species and nations prioritized their own agendas over the Republic's interests. They also held the Republic Senate and other political leaders in contempt, seeing them as individuals who gained power through wealth, family connections, and corruption, rather than earning their positions like the Sith Lords. Contrary to initial Jedi and Republic beliefs that most Imperials would welcome them as liberators, the majority of Imperials were content serving the Dark Lords and harbored deep hatred for the Jedi, the Republic, and everything they represented. Imperial society was founded on the principle of the strong ruling and the weak serving. Imperial citizens saw the Sith as the stronger force and, therefore, believed it was their natural right to rule.

Most Imperials believed that the Empire was the only force capable of imposing peace, stability, and order on the galaxy and that it was their duty to ensure this by any means necessary. Many Imperials also viewed the war with the Republic as a fight for survival rather than conquest. Like the Sith, Imperial citizens were educated about the Great Hyperspace War, the Republic's carnage, and the Jedi's holocaust of the Sith people, which resulted in the indiscriminate massacre and near extinction of the entire Sith civilization. The people of the Empire never forgot the horrors inflicted upon them by the Republic, and both Sith and Imperials believed that if they did not eliminate the Jedi and Republic first, they would be wiped out by them. They feared that the Jedi would succeed in destroying all traces of the Sith Empire.

Slavery was a common practice within the Empire, a legacy from the old Empire, typically involving alien species that were not considered true citizens. The Sith Empire was known for its extensive use of slave labor, which some believed gave them a military advantage over the Republic. Sith members generally frowned upon forming friendships or partnerships with slaves, and slaves were expected to be treated harshly, although this was not always the case, as some Sith were fond of their slaves, treating them as pets. Many slaves became part of the Sith Empire as prisoners of war or were transferred to Imperial ownership after their previous masters were defeated.

At some point in the Empire's history, the Emperor decreed that no slave could ever be freed, and their status would be passed down to their descendants. As a result, the majority of slaves in the Sith Empire were Twi'leks, Duros, and Zabraks, whose ancestors were captured during the early Sith victories in the Great Hyperspace War. However, during the Great Galactic War, to replenish the Sith's losses, the Emperor decreed that any slave with sufficient Force sensitivity should be sent to Korriban to train as a Sith Acolyte. This led to many slaves being freed from bondage and sent to Korriban, but the training often resulted in death, making the 'freedom' conditional. Sith acolytes who survived the training were mentored by a Sith. During their apprenticeship, they were required to perform various tasks to prove their worth and skill. While less lethal than the acolyte phase, many Force-sensitives did not survive the apprenticeship. Those who did were recognized as worthy members of the Sith Order and granted the rank of Sith Lord.

The Sith Empire also exhibited anti-alien sentiments, with medical facilities in the field prioritizing treatment for humanoid species like Humans, Chiss, Duros, Kaleesh, Twi'leks, Aqualish, Zabraks, and Sith Purebloods. Upon their return to Republic space, their prejudice against non-humanoids was a tradition dating back at least a thousand years, although some Sith Lords disregarded it for their own purposes. The Sith Empire generally believed that Sith purebloods and humans were the master races of the galaxy, while alien humanoids were only fit to be slaves. The purebloods were considered superior as they were the biological descendants of the Sith native to Korriban, who resisted the Rakata. Humans were also seen as superior because the first Dark Jedi exiles to arrive on Korriban were human, including Ajunta Pall, the first Dark Lord of the Sith. While some Sith purebloods, like Darth Ikoral, believed the Empire should view humans as a 'lesser species', they acknowledged their near equality. Unlike aliens, humans faced no restrictions on their movements or the ranks they could achieve in Imperial society. Many humans rose to the highest ranks in the Imperial military, including Odile Vaiken, the first Imperial Grand Moff. Over the millennia, many human Sith Lords held seats on the Dark Council. However, not all Sith purebloods were welcomed into the elite ranks. A pureblood without Force sensitivity was rare and considered an abomination. Unless their family could secure them an easy administrative position, these non-Force-sensitive purebloods were either killed or enslaved.


The Imperial Military formed the foundation of Imperial society and the Empire itself, as Imperial culture and society had been highly militarized since the Empire's early years on Dromund Kaas. Odile Vaiken's training regimen, used by the Empire for centuries after his death, mandated the conscription of every able-bodied adult into military service. This remained a key aspect of the military in the centuries following his death: every non-Force-sensitive individual in the Empire was automatically drafted into the military upon reaching adulthood and remained in service until retirement or disability. While advancement and promotion allowed skilled military officers to establish powerful families with histories of military service, their children were expected to earn their own place in the military and received no preferential treatment due to their lineage.

Above the ranks of generals and admirals in the Army and Navy were the Moffs and Imperial High Command, who reported directly to the Ministry of War. The rank of Grand Moff, established for Odile Vaiken, reported directly to the Minister of War and carried special privileges, often developing close ties to the Dark Council. Moffs were permitted greater freedom in their uniform colors, typically tailoring them to reflect their past service and current command. Imperial officers also used code cylinders, which provided access to secure areas and intelligence resources.


An Imperial heavy infantry soldier

The Imperial Army served as the ground forces of the Sith Empire, with soldiers typically wearing black and red armor and carrying blaster rifles into combat. Ground forces began live-fire exercises in the jungles of Dromund Kaas within weeks of their enlistment, and even non-combatants in the military were trained in basic weapon use, survival skills, and first aid. The Army also utilized Imperial crawler tanks, walkers, and various models of war droids. Imperial heavy troopers wore full-body black armor made from duraplast, with colored markings indicating their unit or special assignments. Their leg armor was designed to preserve mobility and protect against shrapnel, while their belts held extra ammunition and grenades. The armor's bracers housed environmental and targeting controls, and the chest readouts provided medical diagnostics for treating wounded soldiers. Imperial soldiers typically wore about a hundred pounds of armor and carried rifles, sidearms, grenades, and five days of rations. The typical service period for an Imperial soldier was twenty-five to thirty years.

The Imperial Army's rank structure included: Private, Specialist, Corporal, Sergeant, Ensign, Lieutenant, Captain, Major, Colonel, and General. A fire team consisted of two or three soldiers, while a squad ranged from five to ten, and a platoon from fifty to a hundred soldiers. Companies could range from a hundred to three hundred troopers, and a battalion, typically commanded by a major, consisted of 700-1,500 soldiers. Colonels commanded brigades, which ranged from 5,000-7,500 soldiers, and the largest standard unit was a division, which ranged from 20,000-40,000 soldiers. Larger units designated "Assault Groups" or "Operations Groups" could be formed from over 40,000 soldiers, placed under the command of a Moff or high-ranking Sith Lord for specific assignments, and then disbanded after the mission's completion.

The Imperial Navy was the naval branch of the Imperial Military, overseen by the Ministry of War alongside the Army. Imperial Navy ranks followed this structure: Private, Specialists, Corporal, Petty Officer, Ensign, Lieutenant, Captain, Group Captain, Commodore, and Admiral. The primary vessel of the Navy was the Harrower-class dreadnought, a massive dreadnaught produced by Taerab Starship Manufacturing, measuring approximately 800 meters in length, requiring a crew of 2,400, and carrying a troop complement of 7,300. The Harrower-class was supported by the smaller Terminus-class destroyer, operated by 520 crew members and carrying only 285 troops, and the even smaller Gage-class transport. The two main shuttles used by the Sith Empire were the Imperial Shuttle and the Imperial assault shuttle. The Navy deployed a variety of starfighters, with the Mark VI Supremacy-class starfighter and its advanced models serving as the standard starfighter. They also used B28 Extinction-class bombers, as well as various transports, assault craft, shuttles, and cruisers.



The borders of the Empire following the Treaty of Coruscant

The Sith Empire's territories extended beyond the known worlds and included planets within the Unknown Regions. These planets were acquired through military expeditions into those uncharted areas of space, further expanding the Empire's influence.

Major locations

Dromund Kaas

Dromund Kaas served as the capital of the Sith Empire and the birthplace of its resurgence. After wandering aimlessly through the stars for twenty years, the Sith Emperor and his followers discovered Dromund Kaas, a long-abandoned Sith colony. The Sith recolonized the planet, establishing it as their new capital and the Emperor's seat of power.

The planet's atmosphere was plagued by tainted Force Storms resulting from the Emperor's dark rituals. On the surface, the Sith constructed Kaas City, erecting the Dromund Kaas citadel as a testament to the Emperor's power. The citadel also served as the residence of the Sith Emperor and his Dark Council.

From Dromund Kaas, the Sith spent centuries preparing their revenge against the Galactic Republic and the Jedi. They built an armada capable of challenging the Republic's, which they unleashed upon the galaxy during the Great Galactic War. Following the Great War, the Emperor pursued his own mysterious goals, leaving the Dark Council to rule the Empire from Dromund Kaas in his absence.


Korriban was the original homeworld of the Sith species and the place where the first Dark Lords established the Sith Empire. This desert planet, characterized by sand and red rock, was considered sacred ground by the Sith. Rich in ancient Sith ruins, it housed numerous tombs dedicated to the ancient and powerful Dark Lords of the Sith, making it a haven for the dark side of the Force.

Valley of the Dark Lords on Korriban

The recapture of Korriban was a top priority for the Sith Empire upon its re-emergence during the Great Galactic War. Early in their galactic conquest, the Sith successfully reclaimed their ancient homeworld through a well-coordinated military campaign. They re-established the old Sith Academy in the Valley of the Dark Lords. A new generation of Sith students was then sent to the academy to be trained in the ways of the dark side. The Overseers pitted the students against each other, ensuring that only the strongest and most worthy survived to become true Sith. On Korriban, the Sith began unearthing ancient artifacts of the Sith Lords, seeking to recover forgotten Sith knowledge.

Korriban quickly regained its status as a major planet in Sith space, with many Sith Lords, including members of the Dark Council, settling there.

Behind the scenes

The emblem of the Sith Empire appears in Star Wars canon on a medallion in Star Wars: Squadrons and on the cover of The Acolyte: The Crystal Crown.

