Darth Acharon was a Sith Lord of the reconstituted Sith Empire, a Human male who functioned as one of the twelve Dark Lords of the Sith on the Empire's governing body, the Dark Council. His tenure occurred during the Cold War with the Galactic Republic. Having been trained as a Sith Warrior, Acharon held authority over the Sphere of Biotic Science within the Empire. He was universally loathed by the Imperial Military due to his strict, unforgiving stance on any form of incompetence. During the Galactic War against the Republic, Acharon was dispatched to the Core World of Corellia to oversee the Battle of Corellia. He met his death at the hands of a Republic strike team while defending the Ion Wall weapon in the Government District.
By the conclusion of the Cold War against the Galactic Republic, Darth Acharon, a Sith Lord and Human male trained as a Sith Warrior, had risen to a position on the ruling Dark Council of the resurgent Sith Empire. As a member of the Dark Council, Acharon presided over the Sphere of Biotic Science, one of the twelve Spheres of Influence within the Empire. In this role, he supervised the Empire's departments responsible for medical science, cybernetic enhancements, and physical augmentations – often in conjunction with Sith alchemy and magic. Throughout his tenure as a Dark Councilor, Acharon rapidly gained notoriety for his views regarding incompetence within the ranks of the Imperial Military. His zero-tolerance policy toward failure led him to personally execute more than two hundred soldiers during his service, irrespective of whether their failures involved critical missions or simply incorrect uniform wear. Those officers and troopers who volunteered to serve under him were subjected to even more detrimental treatment, as the Dark Councilor held sycophants in equal contempt.

In 3640 BBY, Acharon, alongside fellow Dark Councilor Darth Hadra, journeyed to the contested planet of Corellia to bolster Darth Decimus, the head of the Sphere of Military Strategy, in the ongoing war effort. During the Battle of Corellia, Darth Acharon participated in an eventful Dark Council meeting on Korriban via hologram. The meeting had been convened by Darth Baras, who attempted to proclaim himself the Voice of the Emperor to the rest of the Council, a position that would have granted Baras control over the entire Empire. However, the Dark Councilor was killed by his former apprentice, the newly appointed Emperor's Wrath. Acharon, along with the rest of the Council, acknowledged the Wrath's autonomy and the fact that the Sith Warrior served a power greater than the Council's own. Following the Wrath's departure, Acharon's fellow Dark Councilor Darth Thanaton brought another matter before the council: he requested that the other Councilors destroy his rival and subordinate Lord Kallig, though the two dueled when the Council refused to fight Thanaton's battles. Acharon observed from Corellia as Kallig defeated Thanaton, and the Dark Councilors present on Korriban rewarded the young Sith with Thanaton's seat on the Dark Council.
Later in the battle, Acharon remained in the Government District of Coronet City to safeguard the Ion Wall, a potent weapon capable of disabling all electronics across a vast area. Cole Cantarus, an officer within the Corellian Security Force, had a brief encounter with Acharon while gathering intelligence on the Imperial occupation forces. Cantarus's information, coupled with the assistance of Councilor Belos – a member of Corellia's ruling Council – enabled the Republic to ascertain the location of the Ion Wall's transmitters and redirect them at the Legislature Building instead of Republic forces. Subsequently, a Republic strike team stormed the Intra-Corellian Intelligence building to reach the Ion Wall's controls, cutting through the Imperial soldiers stationed there by Acharon. As the strike team reached the weapon's control room, Acharon decided to execute the officer in charge of defending the building due to his failure. He used the Force to choke the commander to death before throwing the man's body across the room as a demonstration of his power. The Sith Lord then questioned the invaders about the identity of their spy, but when the strike team refused to answer, Acharon ignited his red-bladed lightsaber and attacked. However, the Dark Councilor proved to be no match for the combined strength of the strike team, and he was ultimately defeated in battle by the Republic fighters.

Darth Acharon, a Human male distinguished by orange eyes and extensive cybernetic enhancements, possessed pale skin that had turned an ashen gray on most of his face due to the corrupting influence of the dark side of the Force. The Sith Lord was renowned for his exceptionally cruel views on failure and sycophancy, and he had no reservations about killing soldiers who failed him in any capacity. Acharon also held subordinates who attempted to curry favor with him in contempt, treating them with the same disdain he reserved for incompetents.
Having trained as a Sith Warrior, Darth Acharon attained proficiency in both lightsaber combat and the use of the Force, skills that ultimately led to his appointment to the Dark Council. He employed both a single red-bladed lightsaber and offensive Force powers in battle, and his body was extensively augmented with cybernetic implants.
Darth Acharon made his debut in "Government Clearance," the final mission in the Republic storyline on Corellia within Star Wars: The Old Republic, a massively multiplayer online role-playing game released by BioWare and LucasArts. Players confront him in an attempt to seize control of the Ion Wall weapon, resulting in his death in combat. The 2012 reference book Star Wars: The Old Republic Encyclopedia identified Acharon as the head of the Sphere of Biotic Science.