The Empire's Wrath, more commonly known as Lord Wrath, was originally called the Emperor's Wrath before the Sith Emperor separated from the Sith Empire. Also recognized by the designation Tempest, this individual was a formidable Sith Lord who studied under Darth Baras and ultimately secured their position as the Emperor's personal enforcer and executioner.
Having earned their place as Baras's Sith apprentice on the planet of Korriban, this Sith acted as Baras's instrument, pursuing the Jedi Padawan named Jaesa Willsaam. They converted her to the dark side of the Force before claiming her as their own student, a deliberate act of defiance against her former teacher, Nomen Karr.
After rising to the rank of Sith Lord, this Sith Warrior aided Baras in initiating the renewed Galactic War against the Galactic Republic. They also assisted in the destruction of Baras's own Sith Master, Darth Vengean, which allowed Baras to seize Vengean's seat on the Dark Council. However, Baras betrayed his apprentice and attempted to assassinate the Sith on the planet Quesh. Surviving this betrayal, the warrior was recruited by the Emperor's Hand, who designated the Sith as the new Emperor's Wrath—the personal enforcer of the Sith Emperor. The Wrath was then tasked with thwarting Baras's scheme to declare himself the Emperor's Voice and thus become the de facto leader of the Empire.
The Wrath systematically dismantled Baras's network and foiled his plans before ultimately killing him during a Dark Council session. They continued to serve as the Wrath throughout the ongoing conflict. When the Sith Emperor severed ties with the Empire he once governed after his intentions to consume all life in the galaxy were uncovered, the Wrath was renamed the Empire's Wrath. Around the same time as the Eternal Empire emerged from the Unknown Regions, the Wrath disappeared. Despite the efforts of the Wrath's allies, the Sith Lord remained missing five years later.

The Sith Warrior, whose identity remains unknown, initially arrived on Korriban at the direction of Overseer Tremel. Tremel himself had the responsibility of identifying and training promising acolytes in the dark side of the Force. Although the Warrior was initially unaware, Tremel also intended to use them to eliminate Vemrin, a rival who sought to become an apprentice to Darth Baras. To expedite the trials, Tremel first charged the acolyte with retrieving an ancient Sith warblade from the tomb of Ajunta Pall. The acolyte successfully obtained the blade, which became the Warrior's primary weapon throughout the subsequent trials.
Tremel presented the Warrior with a series of challenges designed to evaluate and refine their skills within the Academy and the Valley of the Dark Lords. One such task involved slaying the Beast of Marka Ragnos. The demise of this beast was sensed by Sith throughout the Academy. Among those who sensed it was Darth Baras, who summoned the Warrior to his presence. The Warrior quickly realized that Tremel's true target was a more influential master and, following Baras's instructions, betrayed him. By successfully killing Tremel, the Warrior gained favor with Baras and became one of the armored Sith Lord's most valued and promising acolytes. The first assignment under the new master was to recover shards from the tomb of Tulak Hord
Before long, Baras assigned the Warrior their final training challenge. The Warrior was dispatched to Naga Sadow's tomb to retrieve an ancient lightsaber. To locate the hidden path into the tomb, the Warrior was assigned the Twi'lek slave girl Vette, who had been apprehended for attempting to plunder the tomb. With her help, the Warrior successfully retrieved the relic, defeated Vemrin, and graduated from wielding a warblade to wielding a red-bladed lightsaber, as well as from being a mere acolyte to a full apprentice.

The master and apprentice soon journeyed to Dromund Kaas, the capital planet of the Empire. On this stormy world, the Warrior performed numerous tasks for Darth Baras, including infiltrating and assassinating some of Baras's rivals, such as the rogue Lord Grathan. The initial mission involved overseeing the transfer of a prisoner from Cargo Port B7. There, the Warrior met with Commander Lanklyn, who was in charge of the operation. During the transfer, two gangs interfered: Slestack and his men, and TuMarr with his men. The Warrior defeated the thugs and secured the prisoner for Baras. The subsequent mission occurred near the unfinished statute of Darth Vowrawn. Vowrawn, a member of the Dark Council, was one of Baras's primary adversaries. Baras secretly instigated and supported a rebellion among the slaves brought to Dromund Kaas by Lord Qet to construct the colossal statue. The slave captains threatened to reveal Baras's involvement unless they received more weapons. The Warrior was dispatched to meet with Commander Pritch and eliminate the slave captains.
While returning to Kaas City, Baras revealed that the prisoner they had secured earlier was a Republic spy named Grik Sonosan. Baras was unable to break the spy's resolve through conventional interrogation methods. He then tasked the Warrior with recovering an ancient torture and interrogation device known as the Ravager located somewhere within the Dark Temple. The mission was successful, and with the new device, Baras learned that a new Republic threat had emerged to challenge his interests. One of Baras's oldest enemies, Jedi Master Nomen Karr, had been training a Padawan with the unique ability to discern one's true nature with a single glance.
Fearing that his extensive spy network could be compromised by the Padawan's unique ability, Darth Baras sent the Warrior into the galaxy to locate and eliminate the threat. To aid in this endeavor, Baras provided the Warrior with two lavish gifts: a protocol droid designated 2V-R8 and a Fury-class Imperial interceptor. After the Warrior familiarized themself with the ship, Baras contacted them via hologram and explained that the Warrior's first mission was to eliminate his exposed spies.
The Warrior's initial destination was the war-torn planet of Balmorra. Balmorra had played a crucial role in the Great Galactic War as the site of military manufacturing plants and its proximity to the Core Worlds. However, the Republic military had abandoned it a decade earlier due to the terms of the Treaty of Coruscant. Despite this, the planet continued to offer fierce resistance to the encroaching forces of the Sith Empire, posing one of the many challenges the Warrior had to overcome during the mission.

Baras's spy, Commander Rylon, was embedded within the Balmorran resistance, and Karr had dispatched an investigator to expose him. Working with Lieutenant Malavai Quinn, the Warrior sought to conceal Rylon's activities. The most pressing task was retrieving data from a satellite control tower in the Markaran Plains that contained evidence of Rylon's involvement in sabotaging Balmorran defenses prior to the Imperial invasion. The next target was his son Durmat, who knew of his father's true allegiance and was awaiting interrogation by the Jedi investigator. The Warrior eliminated Durmat in his cell before the Jedi arrived. The Warrior then proceeded to confront Rylon at the Balmorran Arms Factory. First, they had to deal with the Republic commandos, led by Captain Eligyn, who were defending his command center. Before Eligyn's execution, Rylon revealed to him that he was an Imperial spy. Rylon then informed the Warrior that he was honored to serve the Empire and Baras and that they should fight to make his death appear convincing.
Quinn warned the Warrior that the investigator was a Jedi Knight who had recorded the conversation between the Warrior and Rylon and was heading for the Sobrik spaceport. Upon confronting the Jedi, Mashallon, she boasted that she had transmitted the proof to the Jedi Council. She further boasted that her purity in the light side of the Force made her superior to the Warrior's strength in the dark side. The Warrior disregarded her emotionless drivel and engaged her in a lightsaber duel. Severely wounded, Mashallon offered no resistance, believing that she had at least served the greater good. At that moment, Quinn arrived with a squad of Imperial troopers, revealing that he had intercepted her transmission, thereby keeping the Jedi in the dark. The Warrior mocked Mashallon for the utter failure of her mission, to which the Jedi defiantly claimed that Nomen Karr would find the proof despite this setback. Once again, she offered no further resistance, and the Warrior executed her.
The Warrior later met with Quinn in his office in Sobrik to report their close call to Baras. The Warrior also credited Quinn for his assistance in the mission, so Baras promoted him to captain and granted him a posting of his choosing. Quinn chose to serve with the Warrior.
The Warrior's next mission was on the notorious Huttese moon of Nar Shaddaa. Although forced to contend with and become involved in many of the criminal underworld's intrigues, the Warrior's mission was simply to plug an information leak by executing one of Darth Baras's former agents. Upon arriving on Nar Shaddaa, the Warrior met with their contact, Halidrell Setsyn, who revealed that the mission's target, Agent Dellocon, had found refuge with Baras's rival Sith Lord, Rathari. The Warrior began to thwart Rathari's plans on Nar Shaddaa. In retaliation for the actions against him, he killed Setsyn. But the goal was achieved - through destroying Rathari's operations, the Warrior managed to draw him into a confrontation where he was defeated. Agent Dellocon was left without protection and was eliminated.
After completing the mission on Nar Shaddaa, Baras warned his apprentice that a Republic listening outpost had been tracking their ship since the beginning of their missions. The Warrior diverted from the primary mission and quickly laid waste to the listening post, destroying vital parts of its mechanisms. Arriving in the command center, the Warrior came face-to-face with Nomen Karr, who was monitoring the station via hologram. Karr stated that he was aware of Baras acquiring a new apprentice, so he set up this listening post. He pleaded for the lives of the technicians before them, stating that they were only following orders. The Warrior refused and slaughtered them all. This excessive display horrified Karr, as the Warrior continued to mock him. Karr then boasted that the Warrior was unaware of what he had planned, only for the Warrior to reveal that they knew of his Padawan. Surprised at this, Karr regained his composure and declared he would keep his Padawan safe from the taint of the Sith, even as the Warrior promised to "have her skull as a trophy." Karr then summoned a squad of Republic troops, claiming them to be the Republic's finest, and urged the Warrior to surrender. The Warrior refused and killed them. Karr then closed the transmission, stating that he had valuable insight on how to defeat the Warrior for their eventual confrontation.

With the ship's tracks covered, the Warrior then proceeded to Tatooine to destroy many of the mysterious Padawan's personal connections. By sending the Warrior on this mission, Baras hoped to use the Warrior to draw out and destroy their prey. However, the Warrior suggested turning the Padawan to the dark side. Baras could not dismiss the thought, but warned that the Padawan was still dangerous and seduction to the dark side should be left to masters.
Upon landing on Tatooine, Baras explained that the target was Master Yonlach, who had brought the Padawan's powers into expression. The Warrior then met with Baras's contact, Sharack Breev, who helped the Warrior retrace the Padawan's trials throughout the planet, which included facing a Sand demon.
While tracking the Padawan, the Warrior arrived at an oasis in the desert. Here, the Warrior was confronted by a reflection of the light side, claiming to be their true potential. The reflection attempted to persuade the Warrior to abandon the dark side and embrace the light. It pointed out that if the dark side was so powerful, why was Baras so afraid of a young girl. The Warrior refused and dueled with the reflection. Prevailing, the reflection then started spouting dark side energy and merged with the Warrior. The image then revealed to them the location of Yonlach's hut in the Dune Sea. However, Sharack expressed apprehension, as the Dune Sea lay beyond the Forbidden Pass, from which no one had ever returned.
The Warrior eventually found Yonlach's hut in the middle of the desert. Yonlach's bodyguard, Yul-Li, urged his Master to retreat to safety while he engaged the Sith, but Yonlach restrained him. Yonlach revealed that he had been remotely watching the Warrior's progress and was disgusted by the Sith's perversion of the journey of enlightenment. He also knew that the Warrior sought Karr's Padawan, so he warned her via their psychic link to remain in hiding. He demanded that the Warrior turn back, claiming that he would not prevail against two Jedi, but the Warrior refused. Before engaging, Yonlach rendered the Warrior's companion unconscious to even the odds. Despite being outnumbered, the Warrior managed to hold the two Jedi off and bested them. In desperation, Yul-Li gave the Padawan's identity: Jaesa Willsaam. Before he could reveal more, Yonlach wiped all memory of Jaesa from his mind. He refused to give out any more information, stating that Jaesa would lead the Jedi to greatness if untouched by the likes of the Sith. Yonlach offered no further resistance, stating that when he was struck down, Jaesa would feel how calm he was in the face of death. The Warrior obliged him but decided to make the experience painful and struck the aging Jedi Master down.
Having learned the Padawan's identity, the Warrior then traveled to her homeworld of Alderaan, which was itself embroiled in a civil war between the Republic-backed House Organa and the Empire-backed House Thul. There, the warrior set about various tasks to aid the Empire's ally and became involved in a number of House Thul's conflicts with various Alderaanian noble houses.
In the course of the mission, the warrior learned that, apparently, Willsaam had been discovered as a Force-sensitive while acting as a servant girl to Lady Renata Alde of House Alde. After cleaving a path through Alde territory and murdering her personal bodyguard, Lady Renata confessed that Willsaam had actually been handmaiden to Gesselle Organa, before being taken into custody by Thul forces.
The warrior, with ally Duke Kendoh Thul then set about the difficult task of assaulting the Organa position. Gesselle Organa and her forces were protected by a tremendously powerful force field, which was powered by siphoning off power directly from Alderaan's planetary generator. With the aid of Thul forces, the warrior set out to sabotage the generator to force it into backup mode—cutting off any excess power drains, thereby deactivating the Organa force field.
After sabotaging the planetary generator, the Warrior successfully cleaved a path into the Organa encampment, slaying numerous soldiers before confronting General Gesselle herself. By torturing her personal guards, one of whom was revealed to be her lover, the Warrior was able extract the information he desired from Organa. She revealed that Jaesa Willsaam's parents were still servants at Castle Organa. The Warrior then executed General Gesselle and her body guards for defying the Empire.
Continuing the relentless assault, the Warrior fought through Castle Organa's many soldiers and guards to find Willsaam's parents, only to discover them guarded by the Jedi Volryder. The Warrior shocked Volryder by Force choking the older couple to death, and then quickly slayed the Jedi in single combat.
While reporting the mission's success to Darth Baras, the Warrior learned that Duke Kendoh had turned on his Sith ally, telling Baras lies in order to advance his own position as an Imperial ally. While confronting and executing Kendoh for his treachery, Kendoh's bodyguard and fellow Sith FimmRess stood by and allowed vengeance to take its course.

Having murdered Willsaam's parents, the Warrior was surprised to find a holomessage from the young Padawan waiting to be viewed. As Darth Baras had planned, she had felt the death of her parents through the Force and was grieving for their loss. Without her master's knowledge, she arranged a meeting between herself and the Warrior aboard her ship in the Outer Rim. The Warrior then turned to the crew for their opinions; Quinn suspected a trap, possibly orchestrated by Karr, while Vette insisted that Willsaam was being honest.
Instead of finding Willsaam or any crew, the Warrior found just two Jedi Knights aboard the ship. They revealed that their master, Nomen Karr, had learned of Willsaam's plan and sent Ulldin and Zylixx instead—to kill the Warrior. The Knights engaged the Wrath, but the two were quickly defeated. Zylixx was nearly close to the dark side when the warrior immediately slays him while Ulldin was badly injured. As the Wrath was ready to kill him, Ulldin was ready to die and become one with the Force.
The Warrior contacted Baras upon returning to the ship to report in, but was given far more surprising news by Baras than the news of being ambushed by a pair of Jedi. Nomen Karr had finally succumbed to Darth Baras' machinations, and sought to arrange a duel between Jedi Master and Sith Lord on Hutta to finally resolve their dispute. But not to be drawn into what might have been a trap himself, Baras sent the Warrior to the duel in his stead. With both youth and strong martial skills to rely upon, Baras was confident in the Warrior's ability to defeat his old rival.
The Warrior traveled to Hutta, and from the spaceport to the site of the arranged duel. Though it was not a trap for Baras, and nor was Karr surprised that Baras hadn't come himself, the Warrior and the Jedi Master dueled nonetheless. Still seeking to draw out Willsaam, the Warrior goaded and taunted Karr throughout the fight until Karr finally embraced the dark side. Ultimately however, Karr proved to be no match for the combat prowess of the Warrior and was defeated.
After a period of torturing the newly-Dark Jedi, Willsaam arrived to resolve the conflict permanently. Upon seeing her Master defeated, tortured, and twisted by the dark side, she engaged the Warrior with her double-bladed lightsaber in a duel of their own. The strength and combat prowess of the Warrior quickly defeated her as well. After she had acknowledged the power of the dark side over the light side the Warrior took her on as an apprentice.
For successfully carrying out so many of Darth Baras' missions, slaying a Jedi Master, and recruiting the threat into their own cause, Baras bestowed upon the Warrior the rank of Sith Lord. While still nominally a servant of Baras, the Warrior was now counted among the ranks of the Lords of the Sith.
The new rank afforded the Warrior with new opportunities, and a greater involvement in Darth Baras' more important plots. Baras revealed to the Warrior that his own master, Darth Vengean of the Dark Council, had tasked him with destroying the Treaty of Coruscant, which he regarded as a disgrace to the Sith. To this end, Vengean ordered Baras to hunt down and kill Republic General Karastace Gonn. Gonn had been a thorn in the Empire's side during the Great Galactic War, preventing Imperial forces from being able to conquer fringe systems.
Baras' vast intelligence network had uncovered traitors within the ranks of Imperial Intelligence who were feeding information to Gonn. Baras had learned that Gonn was to meet some of these traitors on Nar Shaddaa, and sent the Warrior to kill them all. After dispatching Gonn and his Imperial mole Fawste, the Warrior was summoned back to Dromund Kaas to discuss the next move in Darth Vengean's plot to re-ignite the war between the Empire and the Republic.
Back on the Imperial capital, the Warrior walked into Baras' office to witness the Sith Lord communicating with Vengean via hologram–and taking credit for the successful killing of General Gonn. The Warrior was briefly introduced to the Dark Council member, before the communication was ended.
Darth Baras then proceeded to reveal more of the plan to his apprentice. Plan Zero was revealed to the Warrior; the plot to quickly terminate the most senior and experienced members of the Republic's military leadership, with the intention of both restarting the war and ensuring the Empire's victory in it by destroying its most capable leaders before hostilities even began.

The Warrior was dispatched to the remnants of Taris, a planet remembered for its significance in past galactic events. It was on this devastated world that Baras discovered a meeting of the Republic's War Trust was underway. This group was composed of Generals Elaxis Frellka, Minst, Durant, and Faraire. Recognizing the importance of such a gathering, Baras directed the Warrior to eliminate these four key military figures.
Upon arriving at Taris, the Warrior began collaborating with Moff Hurdenn. In exchange for assistance in locating the War Trust members, the Warrior aided the Imperial officer in disrupting the Republic's restoration efforts on the planet. During this partnership, the Warrior met Lt. Pierce, a subordinate of Hurdenn. Through a series of missions, the Warrior successfully eliminated the first three targets on Taris: Elaxis Frellka, Minst, and Durant.
As the Warrior pursued the final surviving general, Faraire, they relied on Malavai Quinn's tactical expertise to coordinate the assault on the Republic compound. Ultimately, all of the Warrior's companions played a crucial role in defeating the last member of the War Trust, leading to Lt. Pierce joining the Warrior's crew.
Back on the ship, the Warrior reported the successful completion of the mission to Darth Baras, who immediately assigned a new task. Admiral Monk of the Republic, another target of Plan Zero, had somehow discovered that Darth Vengean's flagship was orbiting Quesh and launched a surprise attack. Seizing the opportunity, Baras ordered the Warrior to join the battle and eliminate Monk.
Arriving in the Quesh system, the Warrior found Vengean's flagship under siege and already infiltrated by Republic forces. Bypassing space combat, the Warrior landed on Vengean's ship and fought through the invaders to reach the commanding officer.
The vessel's commander, Moff Masken, was enraged by the ambush. He believed Baras was betraying Vengean in a power play, sacrificing Imperial lives, and that the Warrior was involved. From Masken, the Warrior learned that Admiral Monk had already escaped to the planet below in an escape pod. After dealing with the indignant Moff, the Warrior descended to Quesh.
The Warrior eventually confronted Admiral Monk at Fort Phalanx, where they discovered that Monk and his crew had been working as double agents for Darth Baras for over a decade. Moff Masken's suspicions of Sith manipulation were confirmed. However, Baras' betrayal of Vengean was not yet to be revealed, so the Warrior struck down the treasonous Republic admiral. As he died, Monk warned that no one was safe from Baras, not even the Warrior. Upon leaving the toxic planet, Baras openly admitted to using both the Imperials and his own apprentice to undermine Vengean. Nevertheless, Vengean's failure led to the end of the Treaty of Coruscant and the resumption of the Galactic War with the Republic.

However, more tasks remained, and Plan Zero neared completion. While the Warrior pursued Monk, Baras had located the final target of the plan, Jedi Knight Xerender, on the remote ice world of Hoth.
The Hoth system had been the site of a significant space battle during the war, resulting in numerous crashed vessels on the frozen surface. Xerender was searching for a Republic superweapon that had been lost with one of these ships years ago. Baras instructed the Warrior to retrieve the weapon if possible, but the primary mission was to eliminate Xerender.
After rendezvousing with Baras' subordinate, Ensign Slinte, at Dorn Base, the Warrior learned that Commander Lanklyn, Slinte's commanding officer, was missing. The Warrior tracked down Lanklyn, finding him surrounded by Talz. Lanklyn revealed Xerender's last known location before succumbing to his injuries. The Warrior traveled to the location and discovered an abandoned Talz village. The only survivor was Xerender's Padawan, who feared a bloodthirsty Talz named Broonmark, who then emerged and killed him. Broonmark sought to kill Fetzellen, the Talz leader allied with Xerender, who had come to Hoth searching for Jedi Master Wyellett. The Warrior proposed an alliance with Broonmark.
At the next Imperial base, the Warrior communicated with Baras via hologram. However, Xerender intercepted the transmission, mocking the Warrior as Baras' puppet and vowing to win. After Xerender disconnected, Baras killed Lanklyn in a fit of rage, promoting Slinte to Lanklyn's position. The Warrior then confirmed Xerender's objective. Baras recalled that Wyellett had stolen his lightsaber after a failed attempt to turn him to the dark side and that he had survived the crash of his prison transport on Hoth years prior. Baras located his lightsaber, which could lead them to Xerender.
The Warrior disrupted a trade between Talz and pirates. Broonmark was angered that the Sith had stolen his kill and attacked the Warrior, only to be defeated. The Talz then agreed to join the Sith in their search.
At the wreckage of the Star of Coruscant, Broonmark killed Fetzellen. Inside the ruined starship, they found Xerender recovering Wyellett, who had sustained himself for years through the Force to survive on Hoth. The Warrior engaged and defeated Xerender. Wyellett begged for his Padawan's life, but the Warrior refused and killed him. The aging Jedi asked to be left alone, having transcended the galaxy's concerns during his exile, but the Warrior refused. They dueled, threatening to cause a cave-in, but the Warrior emerged victorious.
With Xerender defeated and Plan Zero complete, Baras summoned the Warrior back to Dromund Kaas to discuss his plans to overthrow Vengean, whose misstep on Quesh had drawn criticism from the Dark Council. Baras avoided confronting Vengean himself, reasoning that his apprentice's success would demonstrate his own power to the Dark Council.
To that end, the Warrior freed Vengean's apprentice, Lord Draahg, who was secretly allied with Baras. Together, they confronted and killed Vengean, allowing Baras to take his place on the Dark Council. Before dying, Vengean reminded the Warrior that Baras was a coward who relied on his enforcer's strength.

Baras quickly sent the Warrior back to Quesh to stop a Republic assault on Imperial assets. Inside a mine, the Warrior faced a Republic strike team. Captain Trey-yen attempted to detonate explosives to kill the Sith, but the bomb malfunctioned. The Warrior slaughtered the entire squad before receiving a holocall from Draahg. Draahg revealed that Baras had set a trap, foreseeing that his apprentice might eventually overthrow him, and had used a Republic mole to orchestrate it. Draahg then activated the real detonator.
The Warrior survived the explosion but was knocked unconscious. Briefly regaining consciousness, the Warrior saw two Pureblood Sith standing over them. The hooded Sith asked if they should revive their asset. The other replied that they must first ensure the Warrior was worthy and would wait at the command center for proof. The Warrior then lost consciousness again.
Upon waking, the Warrior sought to identify the mysterious Sith. At the command center, the unhooded Sith declared the Warrior worthy to be the Emperor's Wrath. The Warrior demanded to know if they would help kill Baras and Draahg. The Sith agreed, stating that they shared a common goal. They introduced themselves as Servant One and Servant Two, the Emperor's Hands. They explained that the Emperor had assigned them to eliminate a threat to the Empire and had chosen the Warrior to be his personal enforcer, the Emperor's Wrath, to carry out his will. Baras was planning to seize power against the Emperor's wishes and had to be stopped. The Wrath eagerly accepted the mission, seeking vengeance on Baras.
Servant One explained that since the Treaty of Coruscant, the Emperor had withdrawn from the known galaxy for a "great calling." Baras had learned of this and decided to exploit the situation by claiming to the Dark Council that he had been chosen as the Voice of the Emperor, a vessel embodying the Emperor's words. The Voice was obeyed as the Emperor himself, and if Baras convinced the Council to acknowledge him as the Voice, he would wield supreme power over the Empire. The true Voice had disappeared, and in its absence, nothing could disprove Baras' claim. Some on the Council believed him, others saw an advantage in supporting him, and Baras plotted against his opponents. The Wrath suggested killing Baras immediately, but Servant One stated that Baras was currently too powerful. He told the Wrath that they had contacted their crew and updated them on these events. While Baras plotted, he would remain unaware of the Wrath's survival.
Upon returning to the ship, One told the Wrath that the first step in Baras' downfall was on the planet Belsavis, promising more information upon arrival. The Wrath then gathered the crew to hear their opinions. Quinn had no strong feelings about opposing Baras; Broonmark offered to help cleanse the Sith of Baras; Pierce was indifferent; Jaesa was excited that serving the Emperor would bring her and her Master closer to ultimate power; Vette was uneasy, expressing concern about the Hand and questioning if they should proceed. The Wrath affirmed that their mission was to destroy Baras.

The Hands sent the Wrath to Belsavis, a Republic prison planet that had been a closely guarded secret until recently. Servant Two cryptically stated that Belsavis held "the blood of the betrayer." One explained that when the prison manifests were leaked, Baras learned that his sister, Darth Ekkage–a member of the Dark Council and leader of the Sith infiltrators–was alive and imprisoned on Belsavis. If she were to reunite with Baras, many more would support him.
On the planet's surface, the Wrath trailed Baras' agent, Lord Melicoste, who had come to free Ekkage, while eliminating any Imperials who might alert Baras. The first significant lead came from Lieutenant [Kaid], the leader of Melicoste's commando teams. Melicoste's trail ultimately led to the records vault.
A blast door blocked the entrance, and on the other side was Jedi Master Somminick Timmns, a former Padawan of Nomen Karr. Timmns knew the Wrath's identity and revealed that the Jedi Council was aware of their activities, proving that the Jedi were not as oblivious as Baras believed. After passing the blast door, the Wrath discovered that Timmns had destroyed the records to prevent anyone from finding Ekkage's cell. He offered to provide the information if the Warrior would stop Ekkage's assassins.
The Wrath found the assassins locked in the high-security vault and appealed to their loyalty to the Emperor over their mistress. Sensing the truth in the Wrath's words, the assassins killed Melicoste's commandos. Afterward, the Wrath met Timmns in the prison section known as The Tomb, where Ekkage was being held. Melicoste had already freed the Dark Lord, but she killed him for his incompetence. The Wrath and Timmns revealed themselves and fought Ekkage. After defeating her, the Wrath executed her, shocking Timmns, who argued that they could have re-imprisoned her. The Jedi then questioned their alliance, asking if they would fight as enemies or part ways. The Wrath chose the former and killed Timmns.
After reporting the mission's success to the Hand, the Wrath was sent back to Hoth to reassign Armageddon Battalion to Corellia, where the Republic and Empire were fighting for control. Darth Darth Vowrawn, a Dark Councilor, was one of the campaign leaders, and Armageddon Battalion was to reinforce the war effort. Vowrawn was also the only Dark Councilor who openly defied Baras, who had redirected Armageddon Battalion to Hoth to undermine Vowrawn. The Wrath was to find Armageddon's commander, General Greist, and convince him to disregard Baras' orders. However, Pierce, who had briefly served with Greist, described him as stubborn. Servant One emphasized that they could not allow Greist's stubbornness to jeopardize their plans.
The Wrath contacted Commander Slinte and convinced him to reveal Armageddon's location. After successfully persuading Armageddon Battalion to redeploy to Corellia, the Wrath returned to the orbital space station and found Draahg there. Draahg had subdued the Wrath's inactive companions and intended to finish what he had started. After a long duel, Draahg conceded defeat but promised that Baras would see the Wrath dead. The Wrath then leaped over Draahg as he charged and Force-pushed him over a railing into a fire.
Upon reporting to the Hand, the Wrath was informed that Draahg's death had alerted Baras to his survival. The Wrath stated that Baras, a master of information, would have eventually discovered the truth. Servant One complimented the Wrath's understanding of Baras.

The Wrath's next mission was on Voss, where the Republic and Empire were vying for the support of the Voss people through diplomacy. Since access to the planet was restricted, the Hand contacted Darth Serevin, who believed the Wrath was coming to assist him.
However, the Wrath's mission was to find the true Voice of the Emperor. As the Hand explained, when the Empire first discovered Voss and attempted to invade, the Voss Mystics had a vision of the invasion and repelled it. However, they lacked proper interpretation of the vision. The true purpose of the attack was to kidnap a Voss visionary to house the Voice. The true Voice went on a pilgrimage to discover the nature of a dark side presence on the planet. Baras had orchestrated the Voice's disappearance but avoided killing him, because if the host body were to die, the Emperor's essence would return to the Hand.
The Wrath sought a hermit named Madaga-Ru, who was the last person to see the Voice. The Wrath gained the hermit's attention by lighting signal fires outside the Voss capital of Voss-Ka, which the Voice had previously ignited. Madaga-Ru stated that the Voice went missing in the Dark Heart in the Nightmare Lands. To venture into the Dark Heart safely, the Wrath needed the Blessing of Oneness from a Mystic Vana-Xo. To unlock doors in the Dark Heart chamber where the Voice was contained, the Wrath acquired the Pendant of Bone from a Voss Commando Biddeck-Va.
Inside the Dark Heart, the Wrath felt the presence of the dark side entity known as Sel-Makor, who was keeping the Voice imprisoned. Upon finding the Voice, the Emperor commanded his Wrath to kill his host body, as he could not commit suicide due to Sel-Makor. Sel-Makor possessed the Voice, determined to keep his power. With difficulty, the Wrath exorcised the entity and slew the Voss host, freeing the Emperor's essence.
Returning to space, the Wrath was visited by an apparition of Madaga-Ru, who revealed that one of the Wrath's companions was a traitor but could not identify them. The Wrath reported to the Hand, confirming another success. The Hand stated that the final obstacle to reaching Baras was to protect Vowrawn from assassination. However, Quinn stated that Baras had instituted martial law on Corellia and they needed to steal a special transponder to bypass the Imperial blockade. Upon arriving at a transponder station with Quinn, the captain revealed that there was no martial law. Quinn had betrayed his allegiance to Baras, who had ordered him to dispose of his former apprentice. Quinn unveiled two assault droids programmed with combat data he gathered on the Wrath, but his overconfidence led to his downfall. The Wrath destroyed the droids and Force-choked Quinn for his betrayal but chose to spare him, unlike Baras. Quinn would then have to regain his Master's trust.
Arriving on Corellia, the Hand transmitted the coordinates of three separate landing pads where assassins would be arriving. The Hand stressed the need to protect Vowrawn; if he died, Baras would be named the Voice of the Emperor. However, Darth Baras interrupted with a forced transmission, attempting to convince his former apprentice that the Hand was not who they claimed to be and that he was the Emperor's true Voice. He attempted to persuade the Wrath to abandon the mission and promised that their personal dispute could be forgiven. The Wrath refused and moved to intercept Baras' assassins at their landing spots. The first assassin was a droid, and the second was an SIS agent. Upon arriving at the landing coordinates of the third assassin, Servant Eleven alerted the Wrath that the third assassin had arrived early and revealed the location of Vowrawn's secret base in Incorporation Islands.
Vowrawn's followers were disguised as Republic soldiers. With no time to convince them, the Wrath fought past them. At the end of a corridor, Lord Haresh stood before a forcefield, refusing to let the Wrath reach his Master, stating that Vowrawn knew that Baras had orchestrated an elaborate ruse to create a rift between them. Though the Wrath insisted that Vowrawn was wrong, Haresh attacked, forcing the Wrath to kill him. After deactivating the forcefield, the Wrath proceeded into the room and called out for Vowrawn. Instead, his apprentice, Lord Qet, and two others blocked the way. Then, an elderly Pureblood Sith stepped out of the shadows: Darth Vowrawn himself, who ordered Qet to stand down. Exasperated, the Wrath insisted that killing him was not the mission. However, Vowrawn stubbornly believed that the Wrath still served Baras and offered no resistance, only requesting that he not suffer the indignity of a beheading. The Wrath insisted on having been sent by the Hand, not Baras, to protect him. Vowrawn remarked that nothing more could be gained by maintaining the deception, unless the Wrath was telling the truth. The Wrath then spotted a thermal detonator rolling in. Qet noticed it and put up a Force shield to protect himself, his fellow apprentices, and his Master. The Wrath ran up and deflected shots meant for Qet from a Weequay assassin before killing him. This convinced Vowrawn of the Wrath's sincerity and he agreed to lend his support in defeating Baras, to the Wrath's delight. Vowrawn confessed that while he was leading the Corellia campaign, the planet itself housed significant pillars of Baras' power base, and he believed that together, they could tear them down.
The Wrath agreed but argued that Vowrawn still required protection as Baras would soon dispatch more assassins and insisted that he take to the Wrath's ship for safety. Vowrawn agreed, criticizing his bodyguards' failure. However, he explained that most of the Dark Council knew that Baras was not the Emperor's true Voice, but his two top spies on Corellia held leverage against Sith who defied him, forcing them to support his bid. For that reason, Vowrawn chose to lead the Corellia campaign to neutralize these agents. Once they were gone, Baras' support would evaporate.

The first spy posed as Colonel Senks of the Corellia resistance, who safeguarded secrets Baras used as leverage. The problem was that his stronghold in Labor Valley allowed him to escape through a labyrinth of secret passages. Therefore, Vowrawn gave the Wrath pulse disruptors that would lock Senks' secret passages so he could be cornered. Upon confronting Senks, he admitted to being Baras' spy and insisted that he maintain his cover, as he sent resistance forces into battles they could not win. However, the Wrath killed Senks and destroyed his database.
The second spy was embedded among the Jedi ranks in Axial Park. The Wrath met with Vowrawn's operative, Shadow, who could not identify the spy but advised that the Wrath slay all Jedi in the enclave. The Wrath took his advice and went on a killing spree in the enclave. The Jedi spy was not a he, but a she, Master Injaye, embedded in the Jedi for over a decade.
Another assassin attempted to kill Vowrawn, more deadly than the last. The Wrath's companions moved the Dark Councilor to a safehouse in the government district. Upon rendezvousing, Vowrawn commended the Wrath's companions for facing death without flinching.
Vowrawn revealed that there was one final obstacle before the Wrath could confront Baras. In a secret lair on Corellia, Baras had bound and enslaved a powerful Force ghost known as the Entity. He fed off this ghost's power and visions of the future, which he used to build his power base. The Wrath could break through the prison's defenses, and Vowrawn knew the ritual to free her.

Upon reaching the heart of the complex, the Entity delivered a warning: they weren't alone. Without warning, a death field engulfed Vowrawn. The culprit turned out to be Draahg, resurrected as a cyborg by Baras after surviving his previous encounter with the Wrath, now driven by a desire for vengeance. The Entity informed the Wrath that Draahg's cybernetic enhancements powered the death field, and his demise would nullify it. After finally defeating Draahg, Vowrawn was released. However, before freeing the Entity, he made her confirm that Baras had witnessed everything through her. The Entity promptly departed once she was set free.
With the spectral figure gone, Vowrawn declared that the moment had arrived for the Wrath to finally confront Darth Baras, a prospect that thrilled the Wrath. Nevertheless, he cautioned that Baras remained incredibly resilient, and he knew of no other means to weaken him. Vowrawn instructed the Wrath to return to the Hand and relay the encouraging news.
The Hand expressed their satisfaction with the Wrath's success on Corellia, announcing that the time had come to confront Darth Baras at last. Vowrawn journeyed to Korriban as well, a place where Baras wouldn't dare attack within sight of the Dark Council, and granted the Wrath permission to enter the Dark Council Chambers. However, they cautioned the Wrath that, despite being weakened, Baras remained a formidable adversary.
The Wrath then rendezvoused with Vowrawn in the antechamber leading to the Dark Council. Upon entering, the Wrath proclaimed the Emperor's will and denounced Baras as a false Voice. Still attempting to maintain his charade, Baras implored the Dark Council to assist him in destroying his former apprentice. However, the Council, uncertain of who truly spoke for the Emperor, decreed that both Master and apprentice would duel before them, with the victor being declared the true servant of the Emperor.

The Wrath engaged in a long-awaited and fierce battle with Baras. As his defeat became inevitable, Baras once again appealed to the Dark Council for support but received none. Still clinging to his deception, Baras urged his apprentice to strike him down, promising that he would one day have his revenge. Instead, the Wrath exacted well-deserved retribution, piercing Baras's chest with a lightsaber, executing him before the Council. The Dark Council then formally recognized the Emperor's Wrath, declaring that they would not challenge the Wrath's actions unless they contravened the will of the Dark Council. Shortly thereafter, the Wrath was bestowed with the title of Darth.
The Wrath continued their travels throughout the galaxy, now publicly known as the newly appointed Emperor's Wrath. The Wrath also participated as a member of the Sith Strike Team that assaulted Darth Malgus after his betrayal of the Empire, slaying his ally Darth Serevin and overwhelming his forces before defeating Malgus himself in a brutal duel, aided by Darth Nox, the Grand Champion of the Great Hunt and Cipher Nine; this same strike team had been assembled to defeat Revan at the Foundry some time before Malgus's treachery.
Following the incident with Malgus, Darth Marr contacted the Wrath with somber news: the Empire had located the Sith Dread Masters, and despite Styrak's death, they remained a significant threat, having taken refuge on Oricon. Lord Wrath proclaimed their intention to destroy them, which pleased Marr, who then instructed them to contact the Sith Lord Hargarev, prompting the Wrath to depart for Oricon. Upon arriving in the Imperial-occupied zone, they immediately declared themselves the supreme authority of the hunt and began eliminating the Masters, starting by freeing the imprisoned Republic soldiers and forging a temporary, albeit uneasy, alliance. Soon after, the entrance to the Dread Fortress was opened, and the Wrath entered, slaying Dread Master Bestia. However, upon venturing further, they discovered an inner palace, the inner sanctum of the Dread Masters. After defeating the Dread Masters, the Wrath commanded Lord Hargarev to seize the remaining Dread Master technology for the Sith Empire, regardless of the Dark Council's decisions, and then departed Oricon.
Later, the Wrath's journeys led the Sith Lord to Rishi, where they reunited with Darth Vowrawn, who informed the Wrath that Opticron droids were spying on them. Vowrawn provided a Gree device to detect these spies and suggested luring them out into the jungle.

Returning to Vowrawn's safehouse, the Wrath discovered that the Dark Lord had long since left and found Servant One in his place. Servant One expressed his displeasure that the Wrath had destroyed the Opticrons, revealing that their purpose was to monitor the Emperor's Wrath. He voiced his concern that the Wrath had lost sight of their duty to the Emperor, becoming too involved in fighting Hutts and cults, threats the Hand deemed insignificant to the Emperor himself. He then asserted that Vowrawn had betrayed the Emperor by attempting to uncover the Hand's secrets, even interrogating a Servant, prompting the Wrath to consider whether to side with the Hand. Servant One then implied that the Emperor would return and his servants would fuel his flame. Before the conversation concluded, the Wrath chose to sever ties with the Emperor, choking Servant One before releasing him. Servant One warned that the warrior had made a grave mistake, but the Wrath retorted that the mistake was Servant One's.
Following the defeat of Revan on Yavin 4, the conflict between the Order of Revan and the Coalition forces awakened the slumbering Vitiate, who departed Yavin 4 without a physical form or body, vowing to reclaim the galaxy. Furthermore, he personally addressed his Wrath, stating that while the Wrath remained special to him, it was for that very reason that he would kill his former enforcer last. In the aftermath, Darth Marr acknowledged the Emperor's betrayal and the Wrath's importance to the Empire, renaming the Sith Warrior as the Empire's Wrath.
From their early days as an apprentice, the Wrath displayed remarkable cunning and a thirst for bloodshed, often underestimated as a mere brute. The Wrath would exploit this underestimation to their advantage. Despite their violent tendencies, the Wrath could be charming and even friendly. They could be described as a brutal, effective, and just leader, ensuring their power and supremacy were recognized and respected by all, while also exhibiting similar respect towards superiors. For instance, the Empire's Wrath often appreciated Malavai Quinn's unwavering efficiency and genuinely respected anyone who excelled in their role.
The Wrath held weakness, cowardice, and sycophancy in contempt. Their innate respect for strength influenced their interactions, as they firmly believed that the strong could do as they pleased, while the weak would inevitably suffer. They viewed their enemies as threats to their own power and supremacy, yet occasionally displayed a degree of respect, acknowledging their worthiness. Upon defeating their adversaries, the Wrath would punish them as they saw fit, sometimes showing a unique form of mercy by enslaving them to the Empire through blackmail or simply executing them. The Wrath often encouraged their foes to embrace their power and challenge them at their best, as they considered defeating a worthy opponent far more fulfilling than slaughtering the weak and helpless.
One example of this is the Wrath's pleasure in attempting to convert Jedi to the dark side, such as Nomen Karr, Zylixx, and Jaesa Willsaam. The Wrath also enjoyed manipulating the moral compass of Jedi, such as congratulating Master Yonlach for wiping his former Padawan's mind and slaying Xerender in front of his former master. However, if such taunting proved ineffective, the Wrath would sometimes simply kill them, as their ultimate goal was to inflict great suffering on the Jedi, whether through psychological torment or other means. A warrior lives up to the first part of their title: war.
The Wrath often assessed situations with a pragmatic perspective, such as killing several individuals connected to Jaesa Willsaam not out of malice, but to heighten her emotions and prepare her for service to the dark side. Rather than simply eliminating powerful opponents, the Wrath often kept them alive, usually with the intention of gaining something from them in the long run, such as recruiting the Talz Broonmark and securing Lord Rathari's loyalty.
Despite their cruel nature, the Wrath possessed a sense of humor. While often dry and sardonic, they were quick-witted and sarcastic, much to the amusement of Vette. While not their preferred method of resolving issues, the Wrath was capable of showing mercy or compassion, but their motives were not purely altruistic. Instead, they believed the victim could offer something or be manipulated and used as a tool in the future. Despite their cruel and aggressive nature, the Wrath was capable of exhibiting kindness and compassion as they could choose to help or spare someone rather than hurt or kill them.

The Wrath is a lightsaber master, surpassing the skills of even the most seasoned Jedi Masters and senior Dark Council members. The young Sith was a proficient lightsaber duelist, wielding either a standard lightsaber, twin lightsabers, or a double-bladed saber in combat. Their lightsaber forms included Shii-Cho, Soresu, Ataru, Shien and Juyo.
The Wrath also excelled in telekinesis, frequently employing the Force choke. Additionally, the Wrath could manipulate a thrown lightsaber.
Notably, the Wrath possessed a strong command of Force sense, enabling them to perceive the thoughts of individuals such as Malavai Quinn and Jaesa Willsaam. This ability may have contributed to their strong bonds and their success in thwarting numerous assassination attempts.
The Wrath demonstrated exceptional willpower, capable of resisting the fear-based powers of the Dread Masters and the powers of the Sith Emperor.
This article details the character story of the Sith Warrior player class in Star Wars: The Old Republic, a video game developed by LucasArts and BioWare. The Sith Warrior's narrative was crafted by Neil Pollner. Due to its player-driven nature, no definitive canonical portrayal of this character exists; therefore, the article presents the subject's gender as neutral and alignment as dark-sided.
At the conclusion of Onslaught, a Sith Warrior player who remains loyal to the Empire is given the opportunity to rejoin. The warrior is also offered the position of Emperor's Wrath under either Empress Acina or Emperor Vowrawn, depending on the outcome of the War on Iokath.
The male Sith Warrior is voiced by Mark Bazeley, while the female Sith Warrior is voiced by Natasha Little.
Depending on the player's combat style, the Empire's Wrath's lightsaber could be a single-bladed, double-bladed, or wielded alongside a second blade.