Sobrik, the original capital of Balmorra, was both a city and a hub of industry situated on the planet of Balmorra. Within its boundaries lay the Sunken Sarlacc cantina, alongside numerous Imperial bunkers, notably Camp Vigil, which the Sith Empire designated as their operational core. This strategic choice stemmed from its proximity to the Balmorran Arms manufacturing plant, as well as the Troida Military Workshop and the Okara Droid Factory, located to its south and southeast, respectively.
Sobrik, as a city, was initially constructed to serve as the primary capital of the planet Balmorra. However, around the time of the Jedi Civil War, Bin Prime was selected as its replacement. Consequently, Sobrik diminished in size over time. During the Battle of Balmorra, it endured repeated bombardments, after which Imperial engineers reconstructed it.
During the invasion, Imperial vehicles and soldiers regularly patrolled Sobrik, creating a significant impression on any observing Republic spies. Within the city were a spaceport, a cantina, and multiple Imperial structures, including bases, command centers, and barracks. Furthermore, it included an accounting building where citizens could keep their possessions safe.