Bin Prime functioned as the capital city of Balmorra, taking over this role from the previous capital, Sobrik. A few years following the collapse of the Galactic Empire, it suffered an assault during the events of Operation Shadow Hand.

Sometime in the period spanning 3943 BBY to 3941 BBY, Balmorra's center of government was relocated from Sobrik to the location of Bin Prime.
In 23 BBY, the bounty hunter known as Jango Fett made his way to Bin Prime with the intention of capturing Groodo the Hutt. Groodo had sought refuge within the heavily guarded castle belonging to his brother, Rigorra, who was the planet's warlord. While on Balmorra, Fett encountered Aurra Sing, who was independently pursuing Rigorra for her own reasons. Working together, the two bounty hunters managed to infiltrate Rigorra's palace; however, they, along with two other bounty hunters—Bossk and Skorr—who were also after Groodo, were captured. Fett and Sing successfully broke free from Rigorra's imprisonment and successfully captured their respective targets. Subsequently, Fett transported Rodd and Groodo to Count Dooku on Geonosis before departing.
During the Imperial occupation of Balmorra, Bin Prime served as the base of operations for the planetary governor, Beltane, during his time in office. Despite the economic benefits derived from manufacturing Imperial war machines, Beltane desired Balmorra's liberation from the Empire. In the aftermath of the Battle of Endor, the planet successfully detached itself from Imperial control. During the events of Operation Shadow Hand, Executor Sedriss QL attacked it, dispatching an invasion force aimed at the capital. The city of Bin Prime was ultimately defended by Balmorra's significant technological advancements developed in the intervening years, with new battle droid models holding back the invading forces before they could breach the city's fortified boundaries.