
Rigorra, sibling to Groodo, was a Hutt Warlord hailing from Balmorra.

The warlord's stronghold, situated to the west of the heart of Balmorra's capital city, featured a notable conical tower that pierced the heavily industrialized planet's thick smog.


In 23 BBY, bounty hunter Jango Fett approached Rigorra's castle while engaged in a hunt for Groodo, a task commissioned by Darth Tyranus. He observed that the defenses of the fortress were such that they would put most military bases to shame. Should an intruder manage to navigate the minefields, they would then become easy targets for the numerous turret-mounted multidirectional laser cannons. However, Jango eventually discerned a potential entry point, though it necessitated the assistance of another individual, ideally a mercenary or fellow bounty hunter. Fett almost regretted not bringing Zam Wesell, who had previously volunteered for such a role.

Fortunately, Jango soon encountered Aurra Sing, another bounty hunter who, driven by "personal" motives, was also hunting Rigorra. She consented to let Fett pursue Groodo, in whom she had no interest, and to collaborate in infiltrating Rigorra's castle, a task they both recognized as challenging. Despite her volatile nature, Aurra was likely the best partner Fett could find on such short notice.

Rigorra's "Death Run"

During the bounty hunter duo's attempt to get into Rigorra's castle, they were ambushed and incapacitated by peculiar, toxic flowers as they approached from the castle's southern field. A similar fate befell bounty hunters Bossk and Skorr, who soon arrived at the castle in pursuit of Groodo as well. The four captured bounty hunters awoke from their toxin-induced stupor in the center of Rigorra's arena, filled with spectators. There, they were informed (or rather sung to) that they would compete against each other (without any breaks) to find three vials hidden by droids, each containing a portion of the liquid antidote needed to counteract the poisonous toxins in their systems, which would otherwise kill them within a standard hour. Cheating would result in beatings. Refusal to participate in the subterranean competition filled with traps and dangers would result in them being served as the evening meal for Rigorra's guests.

After navigating several dangers (including an encounter with a native stunfinn), Fett came across three Arakyd Industries Mark-X Executioner droids. Upon defeating them, he used a small vibro-blade to extract from their chest cavities the necessary vials of blue, red, and clear liquids needed to create an effective antidote against the deadly flower's effects. However, Jango's body was already wracked with pain, and his vision blurred, as the poison took hold. He couldn't afford to die, not with Boba needing him. Fett struggled to remain conscious as he arranged the uniquely shaped vials in a way that would precisely mix the liquids to produce the correct dark-purple antidote. Succeeding, his vision immediately cleared, and his pain vanished after drinking the liquid. Ultimately, following a final confrontation with Rigorra's prized Razor Eater assassin droid—an encounter aided and finalized by Aurra Sing and her Czerka Adventurer slugthrower—Fett emerged victorious from Rigorra's "Death Run." Fett quickly administered the antidote to Sing, who had collapsed, having used her remaining strength to destroy the Razor Eater. The bodies of Bossk and Skorr, however, proved to be naturally immune to the toxic flower's lethal effects. Amidst the corpulent villains' attempts to protest and escape, Sing stunned Rigorra, and Fett pursued and stunned Groodo, who was fleeing on a gravsled, finally capturing the Hutt for delivery to Darth Tyranus on Geonosis.

Personality and traits

Rigorra showed himself to be a generous host to those who earned his favor—including his brother Groodo, whom he gave the Balmorra warlord title and a key to his castle's cellar of fermented beverages. Despite the security and hospitality, there was a catch to being a guest at Rigorra's castle: Rigorra loved to entertain—and, more specifically, Rigorra was always the entertainment (he loved to sing and dance). Therefore, it was a welcome relief for his minions whenever someone was captured within the castle's confines—as happened with the four bounty hunters—and became the new focus of entertainment. All amusement and spectacle was then shifted to the castle arena, where it transitioned to 'impromptu' mode, courtesy of the unfortunate captives.

