Razor Eaters represented a type of assassin droid with a bipedal design, conceived by the infamous criminal droid engineer, Hurlo Holowan. Renowned as some of the most lethal creations ever devised, these droids towered at 2.25 meters. Their durasteel arms, equipped with sharp claws, could easily penetrate armored hulls. A prominent feature was their wide, protruding jaw filled with jagged, razor-edged teeth. The photoreceptors glowed red, fading to a dark black when the droids powered down.
In 31 BBY, while on Balmorra, bounty hunter Jango Fett faced near-fatal injuries from a Razor Eater, leaving him with lasting scars and haunting memories. Fett had been pursuing a sought-after spice dealer to the planet, culminating in a chase through the capital that ended near Rigorra the Hutt's castle, where Fett fatally shot the spice dealer. The Hutt's security guards, alerted by the gunfire, deployed a recently acquired droid from Holowan—an assassin droid. This droid, later identified by Jango as a Razor Eater, nearly decapitated him. However, Fett managed to inflict enough damage to return to Slave I, setting a course to Wild Space and his residence on Kamino before losing consciousness.
Holowan had attempted to sell multiple Razor Eaters to Rigorra, but the Hutt only wanted one, as he considered it superior to the models his brother Groodo had obtained for his fortress on Esseles. Uniquely, Rigorra's Razor Eater was fitted with a vocabulator.
Fett's three-month recovery on Kamino was hardly worth the bounty earned, but the knowledge and experience gained from the encounter proved invaluable. He had discovered the Razor Eater's vulnerabilities during their violent confrontation.
In 23 BBY, Fett encountered another Razor Eater within the massive enclosed hangar of Groodo Starship Yards, orbiting Esseles, where the replica of the ancient colonial transport, the Sun Runner, was being constructed. He disabled the droid by taking control of the hangar's tractor beam projector, suspending the automaton in mid-air within the projected force field.
Groodo the Hutt's opulent estate on Esseles was also guarded by a quartet of Razor Eaters, which Fett had to face during his Darth Tyranus-ordered pursuit of the Hutt and his accomplices, Holowan and Senator Rodd of Fondor. Fett eliminated one droid ("Sparky") using an antique music player called an Audiobulb, whose battery was highly flammable. He deactivated two others with a remote-control switch. The final droid was shut down by Groodo's son Boonda using the voice command: "Night-night, Metal-mouth!" During this encounter, Fett captured Senator Rodd.
Zam Wesell, also a bounty hunter, encountered one of Holowan's Razor Eaters at the droid engineer's laboratory within the House of Holowan in Kuat City. Confronted by Wesell, whom Jango Fett had hired to capture Hurlo alive at Darth Tyranus's request, Holowan activated a hidden switch, releasing a Razor Eater from a concealed pit. "You need a dentist!" Zam quipped. The droid attacked Wesell, but the Clawdite reacted swiftly. She blinded it by firing at its photoreceptors, then leaped onto the droid, causing it to lose balance. The Razor Eater fell back into the pit and was crushed by the closing floor. After Hurlo's final desperate attempt to trick Zam—releasing a monstrous, genetically altered felinx that retreated to its cage when Wesell stunned its jaw and hind leg with her KYD-21 blaster pistol—the bounty hunter restrained Holowan with binders and escorted her to Commenor to meet Fett and collect her payment.
Fett encountered a Razor Eater for the second time on Balmorra, at the castle of Rigorra, Groodo's brother. The anticipation of facing Holowan's creation where he had first encountered it made the bounty hunter uneasy. However, Fett dismissed the feeling, having battled and defeated many others since his initial encounter. Although he considered Zam Wesell's offer to join him on Balmorra, he was determined to capture Groodo independently. His initial apprehension proved correct, as the Razor Eater he faced was the same one he had fought eight years prior.
Despite being struck by Jango's blaster fire on the knees and torso, Rigorra's Razor Eater remained unfazed, the energy bolts simply deflecting. Gnashing its metal teeth, the massive droid lunged at Jango, who was about to target its neck when Aurra Sing appeared and fired her Czerka Adventurer slugthrower rifle at the droid. The projectile passed under Fett, striking the Razor Eater directly in the chest and detonating, obliterating the droid.
Fett had previously allowed his clone son Boba to accompany him on minor hunts. However, the mission to capture Groodo and his accomplices was intended as a lesson in combat and survival for Boba. Despite his desire to protect his son from the dangers of encountering more Razor Eaters, Jango recognized the value of the experience. He trusted Boba's resourcefulness and bravery, knowing that he would want Boba's help above all others if needed. Ultimately, Boba's encounter with a Razor Eater never occurred, as Jango was forced to send him back to Kamino after contact with the Trandoshan hunter Cradossk, whose keen sense of smell associated Boba's "scent" with Jango. Boba was Jango's top priority, and he wanted to prevent any information from leaking out that the notorious bounty hunter Jango Fett had a son. Fett would not further endanger his son by the allure that ransom (or being able to get to Jango by hurting or killing Boba) held with those of the Bounty Hunters' Guild.
To mislead Cradossk, Jango commissioned the Kaminoan cloners to create a non-living replica or decoy-clone of Boba, a brainless genetic construct, to make it appear that he was no longer alive and to dissuade the Bounty Hunters' Guild from any further inquiry or pursuit of Boba. After delivering Groodo, Holowan, and Rodd alive to Darth Tyranus on Geonosis, Jango proceeded to Trandosha to deliver the bound and unconscious bounty hunters Bossk and Skorr to Cradossk. The head of the Guild, seizing the opportunity, again attempted to recruit Fett, who again declined. Fett pretended to consider Cradossk's suggestion that Jango take on the Trandoshan's son Bossk as an apprentice; this Jango agreed to do if Cradossk, likewise, would take on as an apprentice his own son Boba. Both agreed, and in accord with the exchange, Jango went back to his ship to retrieve a long plastoid box that he'd acquired when he took Boba back to Kamino. Peering into the coffin-like container, Cradossk, to his consternation, beheld the lifeless body of what appeared to be Jango's son. When he asked Fett why, the bounty hunter explained that the boy had disobeyed an order on Esseles. Jango then asked Craddosk if he was still committed to an exchange. Cradossk's carefully reconsidered response was that he would have to "think about it." Turning away, Fett began to walk back to his ship, when the Trandoshan, in alarm, protested that Jango had left Boba's body-filled coffin behind: "Keep it," Jango replied, without looking back. Because it was blindingly apparent to Jango that Craddosk genuinely believed that Boba was dead, Fett knew his son would thereafter be safe from the Bounty Hunters' Guild. Satisfied with the outcome of his somewhat dramatic, yet superbly protective measure, Jango returned back to Kamino ... and to his son.