Binder was an Interdictor-class Star Destroyer of the Imperial Navy. Ysanne Isard assigned it to Admiral Delak Krennel so that he could utilize it during the evacuation of Ciutric. Phulik held the rank of captain on the vessel.
During the conflict, Aggressor Wing inflicted substantial damage on the Binder; however, it was subsequently repaired. It then became part of the naval forces of the Ciutric Hegemony when the self-styled "Prince-Admiral" gained dominion over the area. During the Battle of Ciutric, the Binder surrendered to the New Republic following the death of Krennel and the destruction of his flagship, the Reckoning. After the Hegemony joined the New Republic, the ship and its crew became part of the defense forces and stayed at Ciutric IV.
The Binder is featured in Star Wars: Empire at War as a Sienar Immobilizer 418 cruiser. The game randomly selects the ship's name when the player deploys this type of vessel.