The Immobilizer 418 Interdictor-class Heavy Cruiser, also known by designations such as the Interdictor-class heavy cruiser, Interdictor-class medium frigate, Interdictor Dreadnaught, or simply the Interdictor, and sometimes referred to informally as the Drag Ship, was a cruiser spanning 600 meters in length. Its construction was based on the established Vindicator-class heavy cruiser hull, which was subsequently utilized for the Enforcer-class picket cruiser.
The Interdictor proved to be a highly valuable asset within the ranks of the Imperial Navy, primarily due to its integration of gravity well projectors. These projectors were specifically engineered to extract vessels from hyperspace and/or impede their transition into lightspeed.

Mirroring their Vindicator-class counterparts, Interdictor cruisers bore a resemblance to smaller iterations of Star Destroyers. However, a distinguishing feature was the presence of four prominent spherical structures, each housing a gravity well projector.
These gravity wells simulated a substantial mass in the surrounding space, thereby restricting hyperspace travel. Consequently, nearby ships were automatically prevented from activating their hyperdrive, while any vessels traversing the area through hyperspace were forcibly reverted to realspace.
In addition to gravity wells, the Sienar design incorporated 20 quad laser cannons for engaging enemy starfighters. The Interdictor's hull, virtually identical to that of the Vindicator-class heavy cruiser, could accommodate various additional weapons depending on the specific mission requirements. Such adaptations, exemplified by the Corusca Rainbow (formerly known as the Black Asp), involved the incorporation of ion cannons to incapacitate pirates and smaller vessels attempting to escape. A deflector shield, generated by over a dozen shield generators, served to absorb incoming enemy fire.
A variation of the Interdictor existed, utilizing two large gravity wells instead of the standard four. A ship of this configuration was present during Grand Admiral Thrawn's ambush targeting Luke Skywalker at Jomark in 9 ABY.
The Immobilizer 418 was conceived as a direct response to the Rebel Alliance's reliance on hyperdrive-equipped starfighters, and hyperdrive-equipped vessels more broadly. Its primary objective was to neutralize the Alliance's hit-and-run strategies, where small groups of starfighters or light starships would emerge from hyperspace, strike designated targets, and then quickly retreat back into hyperspace before a sufficient counterforce could be mobilized.
An Immobilizer present at the attack site, or capable of reaching the area via a short hyperspace jump, would be deployed to activate its gravity well projectors in an effort to prevent the raiding party's escape. Subsequently, starfighter and capital ship support would be employed to eliminate the attackers, who were left with limited options: either attempt to reach the edge of the interdiction field or directly attack the Interdictor in hopes of disabling its influence. Both options would likely result in significant losses for the Alliance forces. It was only when attempting to flee into hyperspace that the presence of an Interdictor became apparent. Interdictors also played a role in blockading planets or moons, such as Yavin 4.
Another function assigned to this class involved patrolling trade routes. Freighters forced out of hyperspace by an Interdictor would be subject to cargo inspections. The Imperial Customs greatly valued Interdictors, since many smugglers and pirates would not hesitate to outrun—or even outgun—an Imperial Customs Frigate, but few would risk engaging a much larger Immobilizer 418, with its gravity wells and two squadrons of TIE starfighters. Interdictors assigned to Customs duties—like the former Black Asp—often had some of their quad lasers replaced by ion cannons, allowing them to disable and capture ships resisting inspection rather than destroying them.
Grand Admiral Thrawn gained particular recognition for his association with Interdictors, as he developed and refined a tactic later known as the "Thrawn Pincer." This strategy involved positioning the Interdictor's gravity wells along specific vectors, allowing other vessels (typically Star Destroyers) to execute micro-hyperspace jumps directly into the gravity wells, effectively pulling them out of hyperspace near an enemy vessel. This method, significantly faster than sublight travel, enabled rapid reinforcement deployment on the battlefield and provided a considerable element of surprise.
While being a tremendous asset to any fleet, Interdictor cruisers also possessed some drawbacks. A primary issue was the time required to power up and activate the gravity well projectors after the cruiser had positioned itself. Once activated, the simulated mass generated by the projectors made the ship slow and difficult to maneuver. Although an entire fleet rarely had enough time to jump to hyperspace before an Interdictor activated its projectors, fast ships and starfighters could often escape to the edge of the gravity well and then jump to hyperspace.
The gravity wells also placed a significant strain on the ship's energy reserves, hindering the optimal use of weaponry and shields. This deficiency was exploited on numerous occasions. When enemy ships inflicted considerable damage on the Interdictor, the captain was forced to choose between trapping the enemy and protecting the ship. The immense power drain also prevented the Immobiliser 418 from perpetually activating its gravity well generators, capable of only a few hours of continuous operation before a forced shutdown was required. This limitation contributed to the development of the better-powered Interdictor Star Destroyer. Adding to this, Interdictors were poorly defended and armed for a capital ship of their size. Enemy forces could deploy a smaller warship, such as an Nebulon-B frigate or Thranta-class War Cruiser, to weaken the Interdictor's defenses and force it to power down its gravity wells for self-preservation. While effective against the missile launchers of Marauder-class corvettes frequently used by the Rebel Alliance, the ship was known for its weaknesses against larger capital ships such as the Mon Calamari MC80 Star Cruiser and bombers such as the BTL Y-wing starfighter.

Furthermore, the engine and hyperdrive sections of an Immobilizer's interior were staffed solely by maintenance droids and lacked dedicated protection. Raiders and saboteurs could infiltrate these areas to disable or destroy the cruiser's propulsion systems.
Due to their importance and vulnerabilities, Immobilizer 418 cruisers were typically positioned on the periphery of battles, escorted by larger and better-equipped capital ships and starfighters to provide protection and deliver necessary damage.

While the Immobilizer 418 from Sienar Fleet Systems represented the most prevalent Interdictor design, other ships also incorporated gravity well projectors. Kuat Drive Yards utilized the hull of an Imperial-class Star Destroyer to create the Interdictor Star Destroyer, intended to address the combat weaknesses of the Immobilizer 418. The command ship utilized by Darth Vader immediately following the Battle of Yavin featured large projector globes reminiscent of the smaller cruisers.
During the Yuuzhan Vong War, the New Republic deployed the Mon Mothma and Elegos A'Kla, which housed enhanced interdictor equipment within a standard Star Destroyer hull. The massive Eclipse-class and Sovereign-class Star Dreadnoughts also incorporated projectors internally within their expansive hulls.
Interdictor technology was not exclusive to the Empire. Alliance forces utilized older CC-7700 frigates, and scientists within the Hapes Consortium reverse-engineered the gravity-well projector from captured ships. Rather than constructing bulky projectors, the Hapans equipped their Battle Dragons with launchers for charges called pulse mass mines, producing a similar effect. However, pulse mass mines lacked the on/off control of gravity wells, trapping the Hapans within the battle as well.

Sienar Fleet Systems initiated the production of Interdictor cruisers two years prior to the Battle of Yavin. Notably, an Immobilizer 418 cruiser named Assessor boarded Han Solo's Millennium Falcon, compelling him to jettison the glitterstim spice he was smuggling for Jabba the Hutt. The Falcon was then searched by Captain Tybert Capucot before Solo once again evaded Imperial forces.
Many Vindicator cruisers were converted to Interdictors. Despite this, only a relatively small number of these vessels were deployed against the Rebels.
An Interdictor within the Imperial fleet played a critical role in the capture of Moff Kalast during the Death Star construction period. The Interdictor prevented the traitorous Moff's Star Destroyer from jumping to Hyperspace long enough for the Destroyer to be captured.
An Immobilizer 418 cruiser was responsible for the destruction of the Deretta Destroyers, a starfighter squadron belonging to the Alliance to Restore the Republic, sometime before the Battle of Hoth. The squadron jumped into the target area of an Imperial depot ahead of their main Rebel strike force to weaken the opposition. However, the Immobilizer's presence prevented their escape, resulting in the squadron's annihilation before the main Rebel force arrived.
Between the Battles of Hoth and Endor, the Immobilizer 418 saw extensive action during the campaigns involving rogue Admirals Harkov and Zaarin and the threatened proliferation of TIE Defender technology. Aside from Thrawn, Zaarin was the only other Imperial officer to make frequent use of the Interdictor cruiser. Zaarin deployed the Harpago to stop Darth Vader from warning Emperor Palpatine about the coup, and then deployed Grappler to trap Thrawn at the Rebel platform RS-32. In both cases, Zaarin's Immobilizer 418s were destroyed due to the intervention of Maarek Stele.
The Immobilizer 418 was produced in limited numbers prior to the Battle of Hoth. By the time of the Battle of Endor, Sienar Fleet Systems had produced fewer Interdictors than Imperial Star Destroyers.

An Interdictor cruiser was used by the Zann Consortium during a piracy mission above Bespin.
During the Bacta War, the Interdictor cruiser Aggregator ambushed Rogue Squadron at Alderaan's Graveyard.
After the Battle of Endor, the one time lieutenant Lon Donell turned to piracy and used the Detainer to raid New Republic shipping.
During the Hunt for Zsinj, Admiral Teren Rogriss moved his flag to the Interdictor Stellar Web and collaborated with Han Solo's fleet to trap and engage Warlord Zsinj's Iron Fist at the Battle of Vahaba.
These vessels would not realize their full potential until several years after Emperor Palpatine's death, when they became a key component in Thrawn's attempt to defeat the New Republic. The Grand Admiral, who commanded a large number of these ships in the Outer Rim Territories, would deploy them to ambush New Republic forces. He once used an Interdictor in conjunction with his flagship, Chimaera, in an attempt to capture Luke Skywalker. However, the Jedi evaded capture by escaping Chimaera's tractor-beam lock, racing out of range of the gravity-well projector, and making a quick jump into hyperspace.
Following Thrawn's defeat, New Republic technicians enhanced the Interdictor's gravity-well projectors, improving both their range and recharge rate. These updated Interdictors, designated Immobilizer 418As, became a vital component of the New Republic Defense Fleet during the Yuuzhan Vong War. During the Battle of Fondor, the New Republic provided four Interdictors to the Hapan fleet.
One Immobilizer was incorporated, along with other antique vehicles, into the construction of the Hidden Temple utilized by the Jedi as a secret refuge during and after the Sith–Imperial War, and at least one saw use during the Evacuation of Dac.

The Interdictor is almost always depicted with its four gravity well generators as four complete globes, two on each side of the hull. However, an early depiction of Thrawn's attempt to capture Luke Skywalker at Jomark shows two hemispherical domes protruding along the centerline on the topsides, with two more, by inference, on the ventral hull.
While inconsistent with most subsequent depictions, this rendering aligns with the original profile view in the Imperial Sourcebook as much as the more familiar four-globe variant. Another depiction of the same events at Jomark also shows the same distinct type of ship, this time seen from below, strengthening the claim of this type to be a canon variant rather than simply a visual inconsistency.
Some vessels, such as Binder, Constrainer, and Sentinel, were referred to as Interdictors in the novels and are presumed to be Immobilizer 418 cruisers. However, they were depicted as Interdictor Star Destroyers in the Dark Horse comic series.
In The Black Fleet Crisis Trilogy, an Interdictor starship was described as an Interdictor Dreadnaught. This ship was later clearly identified as an Immobilizer 418 in its entry in The Complete Star Wars Encyclopedia.

In the game Star Wars: Empire at War, the Immobilizer 418 is classified as a frigate, along with various other ships smaller than Star Destroyers, and is armed with four laser cannons. The vessel performs well against Marauader-class corvettes, whose missiles it can divert, but is vulnerable against larger capital ships and bombers. Additionally, while many sources list the Immobilizer 418's length as 600 meters, this contradicts the vessel's portrayal in Empire at War, where it appears longer than the 752-meter Acclamator-class assault ship.
The 1998 PC program Star Wars: Behind the Magic includes a glossary entry for the "Interdictor-class cruiser." However, the description is intended to apply to the Immobilizer 418 cruiser. Therefore, this description should not be confused with the Interdictor-class cruiser from the Star Wars: Knights of the Old Republic game. Star Wars: Rebellion: Prima's Official Strategy Guide also refers to the Immobilizer 418 cruiser as the "Interdictor-Class Cruiser."
In the novel Fate of the Jedi: Ascension, Jagged Fel mistakenly refers to the Interdictor cruiser Kagcatcher as an "Interceptor."
Early sources and videogames don't mention any hangar complement, it soon changed to 24 TIE starfighters.