Deretta Destroyers

The Deretta Destroyers were a diverse Alliance to Restore the Republic starfighter squadron. Their namesake came from their specialty: large-scale assaults targeting Imperial storage facilities. One member of the Destroyers was Tenk Lenso, a highly skilled gunner who later joined the prestigious Rogue Group.


The moon of Deretta served as the base of operations for the Deretta Destroyers. The squadron was equipped with both T-65 X-wing and BTL-S3 Y-wing starfighters. They earned their name due to their proton torpedo attacks, which were heavily focused on destroying Imperial depots. Tenk Lenso, a gunner within the squadron, demonstrated exceptional talent during their missions.

In an ambush by Imperial forces sometime before the Battle of Hoth, the Destroyers suffered significant losses during a depot raid. After hypering to the target location and weakening the defenses, their escape was blocked by an Immobilizer 418 cruiser. The squadron was forced to endure a prolonged and agonizing wait of several minutes until the main Rebel strike force arrived. By then, all twelve Destroyers had been destroyed. Although the Rebel force ultimately prevailed, the Destroyers' loss was deeply felt.

Lenso was the sole survivor of the disastrous engagement. Miraculously, he managed to eject from his Y-wing just before it was obliterated by a TIE/LN starfighter. He was rescued by an Alliance medical frigate and taken to Echo Base, the secret Rebel base on the planet of Hoth. There, he was reassigned to the renowned Rogue Group.

