The Hunt for Zsinj represents a campaign that unfolded during the Galactic Civil War. The primary conflict involved Zsinj, a powerful Warlord, and the forces of the New Republic. Towards the end, a tenuous alliance with the remnants of the Galactic Empire occasionally augmented the New Republic's efforts. The majority of the engagements took place within Zsinj's domain, encompassing the Outer Rim and Colonies regions, spanning from 6.5 to 8 ABY. However, the most intense period of combat occurred between 7 and 7.5 ABY.
Following the demise of the Emperor at Endor, Grand Moff Zsinj emerged as one of numerous Imperial officers who chose a path of independence. Understanding the risks of premature exposure as a warlord, Zsinj dispatched envoys from planets within his Quelii Oversector to negotiate a non-aggression pact with the New Republic. This strategy proved successful, allowing Zsinj to consolidate his forces without interference from the New Republic. Key milestones in the expansion of his military included the establishment of the Raptors, the construction of shipyards on Dathomir, and the initiation of Project Chubar. By 7 ABY, Zsinj had successfully carved out a significant empire within the Outer Rim Territories.
In the period leading up to the fall of Coruscant, Zsinj continued to bolster his forces from his concealed Rancor Base, while simultaneously absorbing the resources of other warlords, such as Admiral Terrinald Screed. Having amassed considerable territory, Zsinj deemed it the opportune moment to launch his offensive. While not a full-scale invasion, Zsinj's forces engaged in notable skirmishes with the New Republic's Rogue Squadron and disrupted New Republic shipping lanes during the Bacta War.
Zsinj's Empire stretched along the Hydian Way, connecting the Inner Rim to the Corporate Sector. The unconventional former Grand Moff adopted the white uniform associated with a Grand Admiral and sported a distinctive handlebar moustache, leading many within the New Republic to underestimate him as a mere caricature. However, he commanded a formidable military, anchored by the Super Star Destroyer known as the Iron Fist and supported by his elite unit, the Raptors, which had already repelled New Republic incursions into his territory. Following the capture of Coruscant, many Imperial Loyalists began to view him as the most promising figure for a potential Imperial resurgence.
With the conclusion of the Bacta War against Ysanne Isard, the New Republic could finally concentrate its resources on Zsinj. Under the leadership of Corellian war hero Han Solo, a substantial fleet, spearheaded by the Mon Remonda, was assembled with the explicit objective of locating and neutralizing the Warlord. Around this time, Zsinj opted to create a counterfeit version of the 181st Imperial Fighter Wing, led by an actor impersonating Baron Soontir Fel. In response, another Corellian hero, Wedge Antilles, established Wraith Squadron as a specialized commando fighter group to assist in the pursuit.
The initial engagements primarily involved Zsinj's subordinate, Admiral Apwar Trigit, whom Wraith Squadron and Solo's fleet successfully eliminated through a series of ingenious acts of deception. Following Trigit's defeat, Solo's forces discovered Zsinj's recruitment of space pirates, providing them with a strategic concept for their subsequent attempt to capture the warlord.
After an unsuccessful assassination attempt targeting Wraith Squadron, Zsinj inadvertently encountered some of its members in person when they infiltrated the ranks of a pirate group, the Hawk-bat Independent Space Force, which Zsinj was in the process of recruiting. During this recruitment process, the warlord unintentionally divulged valuable intelligence to Wraith Squadron, while the Wraiths maintained their cover and fed Zsinj misleading information.
It was soon revealed that Zsinj's recruitment of space pirates was part of a broader scheme to assault Kuat Drive Yards and seize a Super Star Destroyer, the Razor's Kiss. This operation aimed to provide Zsinj with a second Super Star Destroyer. However, the raid was conducted without the Empire's consent, and Kuat remained a world loyal to the Empire. Zsinj viewed it as an opportunity to deprive the Empire of a vessel they could potentially use against him. Fortunately for the New Republic, Wraith Squadron and Solo's forces managed to destroy the Razor's Kiss shortly after its theft.
Following this humiliating setback, Zsinj launched his most ambitious plan yet, a multi-faceted assault on New Republic morale designed to sow discord among the various alien species within the New Republic Fleet. Project Minefield and Project Funeral involved the strategic placement and activation of brainwashed Republic officers, while Project Blunted Razor focused on collecting debris from the destroyed Razor's Kiss. In the Battle of Levian Two, Zsinj also attempted to lure Solo's forces into a trap, intending to annihilate them with his superior fleet, but Solo's forces managed to escape.
While Solo reassessed his strategy, Zsinj devised a trap for Wraith Squadron on Saffalore. Unconventional tactics allowed the Wraiths to survive and gather further intelligence on Zsinj's plans. Zsinj's behavior appeared increasingly erratic, and his mounting losses, culminating in his defeat at the Battle of Jussafet Four and the raid on Kuat, provoked the ire of Loyalist Galactic Empire forces in Imperial Space. Admiral Teren Rogriss secretly agreed to share tactical information with Solo, and even provided the Interdictor cruiser Stellar Web to Solo's fleet to aid in trapping their common enemy. Project Funeral continued to be successful as the rift between humans and non-humans within the New Republic widened, but the combined efforts of Rogue Squadron, Wraith Squadron, and New Republic Intelligence brought it to an end.

Following the deployment of a modified YT-1300 light freighter dubbed the Millennium Falsehood by Solo's forces, Zsinj found himself in a dire situation, with New Republic and Imperial forces pressing him from both sides of his Empire. Recognizing his precarious position, Zsinj formulated a plan to abandon his territory, eliminate Solo, and retreat to regroup for future battles.
Based on misleading intelligence provided by a Wraith Squadron operative who had infiltrated his ranks, Zsinj was nearly captured at Vahaba but narrowly escaped. Sabotage by the Wraith operative resulted in him being temporarily stranded in the Selaggis system. The Battle of Selaggis commenced as Solo's forces pursued the warlord. This brief but intense battle served as a diversion for Zsinj to bring in the remnants of the Razor's Kiss, which he had renamed the Second Death. He successfully deployed the wreckage of the Super Star Destroyer just as the Iron Fist made its final jump to Zsinj's secret Rancor Base. Solo, believing Zsinj to be defeated, returned to Coruscant.
Simultaneous to Solo's campaign, Princess Leia Organa's was attempting to secure the support of the Hapes Consortium and its powerful navy for the New Republic. During her visit to Hapes, the Hapan Chume'da, Isolder, fell in love with her and accompanied her to Coruscant with a fleet, which he pledged in exchange for her hand in marriage. A jealous Han Solo, however, abducted Princess Leia and fled with her to Dathomir, having won the rights to the isolated planet in a Sabacc game, unaware that it was where Zsinj was rebuilding his forces.
Upon arriving at Dathomir, Han Solo immediately discovered Zsinj's shipyard, and the assembled fleet promptly detected Solo's presence. Solo's attempt to disguise the Falcon as one of Zsinj's Incom Y-4s was quickly foiled, but he managed to launch concussion missiles into an unshielded frigate. The Falcon then rode the destroyed frigate into Dathomir's atmosphere, only to encounter a surprise on the surface: The Witches of Dathomir.
The last Jedi Knight, Luke Skywalker, pursued Solo aboard Isolder's Hapan Battle Dragon, Song of War. They arrived at Dathomir just in time to witness the Falcon's crash. Isolder and Skywalker followed them down, but they were also captured by a Force Witch. Skywalker was soon reunited with Han and Leia, but in the skies above Dathomir, Zsinj's forces prepared for an attack. Having learned of Solo's presence, General Melvar began negotiations with the Nightsisters for custody of Solo.
As the Rebel intruders attempted to escape the planet, Zsinj deployed the Orbital Nightcloak to subjugate the planet's inhabitants, an action widely regarded as the start of the Battle of Dathomir. Zsinj directly contacted Gethzerion, the leader of the Nightsisters, demanding Solo's transfer. The Nightsister captured Solo, and Melvar dispatched two shuttles to the surface to claim him: an armed one for himself and Solo, and an unarmed one for the Nightsisters to leave the planet. In an act of treachery Zsinj failed to anticipate, Gethzerion killed Melvar and seized the armed shuttle. Unfortunately for the Nightsisters' plans, Luke Skywalker tapped into the Force more deeply than ever before to combat them. He launched an attack to free Solo, and then pursued the Nightsisters' shuttle into the Dathomir sky. With newfound confidence, Luke used his Force-enhanced abilities to assist Zsinj's forces in destroying the Nightsisters, and then he attacked the Nightcloak.
Zsinj deployed hundreds of starfighters to intercept the Falcon, but he was unable to prevent Skywalker from disabling his planet-killing satellites. When Luke realized that Zsinj's flagship, the Iron Fist was within range, Solo reclaimed control of the Falcon. Slipping beneath the Iron Fist's shields, Solo established a priority communication directly to Zsinj. The last words Zsinj ever heard were Solo's: "Look up at your viewscreen, you vermin. Kiss my Wookiee!"
With his final two concussion missiles, Solo obliterated the bridge of the Star Dreadnought, killing Zsinj.
With Zsinj's defeat at the Battle of Dathomir, the grateful planet quickly aligned itself with the New Republic. Shortly thereafter, Leia Organa married Han Solo. Prince Isolder chose a Dathomir native, Teneniel Djo, as his wife, but he still forged a limited alliance with the New Republic.
Although his reign lasted only four years, Zsinj's death had far-reaching consequences. The most significant single threat to the New Republic was eliminated, but Zsinj's demise also allowed the Empire to refocus its efforts on the New Republic. Even more concerning, Zsinj's forces remained active but lacked leadership. Much of his fleet was claimed by various independent warlords, most notably Treuten Teradoc.
In the ensuing conflicts, Teradoc was defeated and the Greater Maldrood dissolved, with the Warlord fleeing to the Deep Core. However, the New Republic suffered significant losses to its military forces. Crynyd, Rebel Dream, and other Star Destroyers were either destroyed or recaptured by the Empire. The New Republic seized Kuat, but the shipyards were heavily damaged and infiltrated by Imperial partisans. Furthermore, the New Republic lost the core KDY design team when they escaped to the Deep Core with the half-completed Eclipse. Eventually, Rogriss and the Imperial forces began to withdraw from fighting the New Republic, and Teradoc and other warlords retreated into their isolated empires.
Within a year of Zsinj's defeat, the galactic situation had stabilized, with the New Republic holding nominal control over three-quarters of the known galaxy. The stage was set for the next great conflict, and the resurgence of the last Grand Admiral, Mitth'raw'nuruodo.
The New Republic Defense Force achieved several advancements during the campaign, including the creation of the ad hoc Solo Fleet, the introduction of the new MC80B Star Cruiser and the establishment of Wraith Squadron.