Post–Zsinj campaigns

Following the demise of Warlord Zsinj, a struggle involving three factions erupted. Admirals Ackbar, Teren Rogriss, and Treuten Teradoc all vied for control over what remained of Zsinj's empire.


After Zsinj met his end during the Battle of Dathomir, Admiral Teren Rogriss of the Galactic Empire—who had previously been in a somewhat cooperative relationship with the New Republic during the campaign aimed at defeating Zsinj—openly broke any semblance of alliance. He then proceeded to move into Zsinj's former holdings with the intention of seizing as much territory as possible. Simultaneously, Admiral Ackbar of the New Republic led the New Republic's forces into Zsinj's territories. His goal was to secure planets and systems for the New Republic. Due to a recent alliance forged with the Hapes Consortium, Ackbar was able to utilize a number of Star Destroyers that had been gifted to the New Republic, incorporating them into his strategic campaign.

In the Mid Rim, warlord Treuten Teradoc, who styled himself as High Admiral of the Greater Maldrood, recognized an opportunity. He had engaged in skirmishes with Zsinj prior to Zsinj's death. Teradoc moved across the Perlemian Trade Route to capture the worlds within the Gordian Reach. This put him directly in the path of the conflict between Rogriss and Ackbar, turning what was a two-sided war into a three-way confrontation.

The New Republic endured some of the most intense combat, with their Star Destroyers bearing the brunt of the attacks. The Star Destroyer Crynyd and most of the Hapan vessels were destroyed. The Emancipator and Liberator sustained significant damage, necessitating their withdrawal for extensive repairs. Leia Organa Solo's flagship, the Rebel Dream, was targeted and captured by the Empire's Peremptory during the Battle of Storinal, although Organa was not present on board at the time. Rogriss, however, suffered even greater losses, losing the majority of his engagements. Teradoc prevailed over the Imperial admiral at Feriae Junction, thereby securing the allegiance of numerous ships previously belonging to Zsinj. Nonetheless, this victory proved insufficient to ensure his overall success. He suffered substantial defeats against Ackbar at Maridun and Thanos, the latter occurring within his own territory. The New Republic advanced to seize Gala and, ultimately, Teradoc's capital world of Centares, resulting in the collapse of the warlord's domain. Teradoc escaped the battle and his territory, seeking refuge within the Deep Core, where he re-established his power base.

Conversely, the New Republic inflicted more damage on the Empire than they received in return. When they ultimately seized the crucial shipyard world of Kuat located in the Core Worlds, Rogriss was compelled to retreat. The New Republic emerged from the war as the victor, controlling three-quarters of the galaxy.

