
The near-Human people indigenous to the Hapes Cluster, a densely packed star cluster situated in the Inner Rim of the galaxy, were known as the Hapans. They possessed several distinctions from standard Human lineage, most notably diminished night vision and a widespread perception of elevated attractiveness compared to typical Human beauty standards. The Transitory Mists encircling the Hapes Cluster fostered both cultural and genetic isolation for the Hapans from the broader galactic community.

Around 4000 BBY, the Jedi largely decimated the male population, who primarily constituted the Lorell Raiders pirate group. As a result, the Hapans embraced a matriarchal system, governed by a Queen Mother. The initial Queen Mother enforced strict border closures around the Hapes Cluster, leading to harsh and lethal treatment of intruders. Consequently, interactions between the Hapans and the rest of the galaxy remained severely limited for many years. However, in 8 ABY, the Hapans lifted their border restrictions, significantly expanding their engagement with the external universe.

Biology and appearance

A typical Hapan male

Hapans shared biological similarities with standard Humans, but they also exhibited notable differences. A key distinction was their selective breeding across numerous generations to enhance their physical appeal. This practice stemmed from 4000 BBY, when the pirates who originally dominated the Hapes Cluster captured and procreated with the most aesthetically pleasing Human women they abducted. The isolated nature of their sixty-three inhabited worlds resulted in a population characterized by widespread beauty due to the constrained gene pool.

Another defining characteristic of the Hapans was their night blindness. The constant daylight on Hapes and other planets within the Cluster, caused by the high density of stars in the region, led to the loss of their ability to see in darkness, rendering them nearly blind even in dimly lit environments.



The Hapans descended from the Lorell Raiders, a band of pirates who discovered routes through the Transitory Mists and established their base within the Hapes Cluster. These Raiders, in addition to their plundered treasures, would kidnap beautiful Human women from across the Galaxy and transport them to Hapes. These women remained on Hapes, raising their children. The Lorell Raiders would enlist the boys into their raids, returning to Hapes only for rest. However, around 4050 BBY, the predominantly male Lorell Raiders suffered a devastating defeat at the hands of the Jedi when they ventured into Galactic Republic territory. Hapes was forgotten, and the remaining women seized control, vowing that men would never rule them again. They established the Hapan society, governed by a Queen Mother. Around 3100 BBY, an Queen Mother sealed the borders of the newly formed Hapes Consortium from the rest of the Galaxy. She ordered the construction of the starship Star Home and rapidly acquired more planets for Hapan colonization. Information regarding Hapan history between 3,000 BBY and 8 ABY is scarce. However, it is known that at some point in the distant past, several members of the Hapes Consortium attempted to secede from Hapes's influence but were swiftly suppressed. These worlds became known as the Rifle Worlds and eventually served as the Consortium's commercial hub.

Reign of the Empire

Star Home

Shortly before the Great Jedi Purge and the rise of the Galactic Empire, a Hapan Jedi dropout named Sinsor Khal returned to the Hapes Cluster to work as a scientist. His failed Jedi status and location within the Hapes Cluster allowed him to survive the Great Jedi Purge. Later, Ta'a Chume banished him to a secure science lab on Gallinore for his cruel treatment of his subjects, although she continued to fund his research.

According to one account, the Hapan people were peaceful diplomats who favored a non-violent approach. Despite this, many advocated for a stronger military presence, including the future Ta'a Chume. Eventually, the Consortium encountered the Galactic Empire and was said to have fallen to them, with some claiming that the actions of pacifists and diplomats had nearly ruined the Hapan realm. It is believed that the Hapans were largely ignored by the Galactic Empire, as there are no records of any major conflicts between them. However, some minor skirmishes occurred near the border, resulting in the Hapans capturing some Imperial Star Destroyers. These Star Destroyers were later gifted to Leia Organa and used by the New Republic. During Palpatine's reign, some speculated that he was secretly in love with a Hapan woman.

Isolder, Chume'da of the Hapans

In 2 ABY, Kalen, the Chume'da (or heir) of the Hapes Consortium, was captured and killed in the Terephon system. Kalen's brother, Isolder, then embarked on a two-year covert mission to find and capture the killer. The culprit, a Hapan pirate named Harravan, was eventually apprehended but mysteriously died in jail before he could be questioned. Shortly after, Isolder's fiancée, Elliar, was found murdered in one of Hapes's many reflecting pools. No one was ever charged or questioned in Elliar's death, as far as anyone knew. It was later revealed that Ta'a Chume had orchestrated the murders of both Elliar and her own son, as she considered them weak and unfit to rule.

Contact with the New Republic

In 8 ABY, Princess Leia Organa visited Hapes to discuss a potential alliance with the New Republic with Ta'a Chume. During Organa's visit, Isolder fell in love with her and sought his mother's permission to marry her. Permission was granted, contingent on Hapes allying with the New Republic if Organa married Isolder. However, after an adventure on the planet Dathomir, Isolder proposed marriage to a Dathomiri Witch named Teneniel Djo. Ta'a Chume disapproved of the young Dathomiri but reluctantly accepted her son's choice after Djo used the Force on her. Isolder also demanded that the Consortium join the New Republic, which she agreed to, but ultimately failed to fully commit to in an effort to preserve internal stability. At this time, Dathomir was also admitted into the Consortium as its unofficial 64th planet.

Some time later, Ta'a Chume stepped down as Queen Mother and was succeeded by Teneniel Djo. The Consortium remained largely uninvolved in galactic politics for over a decade and a half, until the onset of the Yuuzhan Vong War. The people celebrated the birth of Tenel Ka in 10 ABY, but they would be disappointed in their heir's preference for her mother's culture. Since Tenel Ka had trained to be a Jedi and had no interest in taking over the Hapan throne, the question of another heir became a pressing issue. To resolve this, Isolder and Teneniel attempted to have another child, and Teneniel was in the early stages of pregnancy at this time.

Yuuzhan Vong War

During the Yuuzhan Vong War, Leia Organa Solo revisited Hapes in 25 ABY to request the assistance of the Hapan Royal Navy in the fight against the Yuuzhan Vong. A vote was held by the planetary delegates, resulting in a tie. Beed Thane then provoked an honor duel with Isolder, with the winner determining the tie-breaking vote. Isolder defeated Thane, and the navy was dispatched to Fondor, with Isolder himself commanding the Song of War. However, due to the misalignment of Centerpoint Station, the beam from that ancient weapon destroyed three-quarters of the Hapan fleet. The Force backlash caused Teneniel to miscarry and fall into a deep depression.

With the Queen Mother incapacitated and Isolder blamed for the loss of many lives at Fondor, the people began calling for stronger leadership. Since Isolder refused to allow Ta'a Chume to reassume the throne, she began plotting to find a new wife for Isolder. In 27 ABY, when the survivors of the Myrkr strike team, including Tenel Ka, sought refuge on Hapes, Ta'a Chume saw a younger version of herself in the grieving Jaina Solo and attempted to groom her to be the next Queen Mother. Ta'a Chume also pressured Isolder to divorce Teneniel and marry Jaina, threatening that their relatives would kill them all unless he did so or she retook the throne. To further her plot and eliminate what she perceived as an obstacle, Ta'a Chume also arranged for the Ni'Korish to poison Teneniel Djo. In her semi-coherent state, Teneniel offered no resistance and died shortly before the Battle of Hapes.

In the aftermath of Teneniel's death, Tenel Ka assumed her fallen mother's crown, not out of desire, but to prevent her grandmother and other bloodthirsty relatives from ruling Hapes. Isolder had his mother arrested for her role in his wife's death, and she remained under house arrest for the next nine years. The new Queen Mother revealed Teneniel's legacy: a secret fleet of ships built and hidden in the Transitory Mists, ready to be used in the fight against the Yuuzhan Vong. Tenel Ka placed this fleet under the command of Jagged Fel, a human member of the Chiss fleet, and the Hapan fleet repelled the invaders. Under Tenel Ka's leadership, the Consortium eventually joined the Galactic Federation of Free Alliances in 28 ABY, and they aided in Alliance campaigns against the Yuuzhan Vong, with the Hapan fleet even participating in the Battle of Yuuzhan'tar.

Dark Nest Crisis

Tenel Ka, Queen Mother of the Hapans and former Jedi Knight

In 35 ABY, Jacen Solo visited Hapes to see his friend, Queen Mother Tenel Ka, and to request her assistance in sending a fleet to defend the Killiks against the Chiss. Tenel Ka granted the request, provided he spend the night with her. Shortly after, she secluded herself for almost a year, and in 36 ABY, Tenel Ka gave birth to Jacen's daughter, whom she named Allana. The identity of Allana's father remained unknown to all except her parents, and Tenel Ka refused to release any holoimages of her.

Shortly after Allana's birth, Ta'a Chume, still under house arrest for the death of Teneniel Djo, arranged a secret meeting with the Dark Nest of Killiks. They brokered a deal: Ta'a Chume would provide the Dark Nest with navicomputer technology in exchange for assassinating her newborn great-granddaughter. A week after Allana's birth, Jacen Solo and his younger cousin Ben Skywalker were summoned to Hapes. While the pair were visiting with the Queen Mother and her newborn daughter in a secluded part of Hapes to which only the Queen Mothers had access, the Dark Nest attacked. Tenel Ka, Allana, and Ben were saved from the attack by Jacen Solo. Because the Killiks entered the area via a path only the Queen Mothers knew about, Tenel Ka and Jacen deduced that Ta'a Chume was behind the plot, and Jacen confronted the former Queen Mother. During a verbal confrontation, Ta'a Chume stated that she refused to let her newborn heir, the child of two Jedi, eventually rule over the Consortium. Jacen deemed Ta'a Chume a threat to the lives of Tenel Ka and Allana, and rendered her catatonic after she confessed to arranging the Dark Nest's attempt on his daughter's life.

A few months later, Queen Mother Tenel Ka was one of many Jedi summoned by Luke Skywalker to a Jedi meeting on Ossus. Skywalker gave an ultimatum that the Jedi Order came first, and that anyone who could not put the Order first was welcome to leave. Tenel Ka told Skywalker after the meeting that she regretfully could not put being a Jedi before being Queen Mother, and offered up her lightsaber. Skywalker told her to keep it, and that there was a place for her in the Order if she ever decided to return. After an awkward meeting with Han and Leia Organa Solo, Tenel Ka returned to Hapes.

Second Galactic Civil War

During the Second Galactic Civil War in 40 ABY, some rogue Hapan nobles calling themselves the Heritage Council contacted the Corellian government and hatched a plot to eliminate the pro-Galactic Alliance Queen Mother Tenel Ka and her daughter Allana. After both were dead, the rogue Hapan nobles would align the Hapes Consortium with the Corellians. Knowing that the pro-Corellian Han and Leia Solo were good friends of the Queen Mother, the Corellian leadership used them as dupes and sent them on a fake mission to Hapes in an effort to draw the Queen Mother into a trap laid by the Hapan nobles. After realizing that they were used, the Solos foiled the assassination attempt and decided to spy on the assassin named Nashtah to determine the extent of the conspiracy.

Taryn Zel and twin sister Trista Zel of Hapan Security

Alerted to the assassination attempt, Queen Mother Tenel Ka contacted Jacen Solo, who was now the head of the Galactic Alliance Guard, to help in the investigation. He arranged to have both Tenel Ka and their daughter smuggled onto his flagship, the Anakin Solo, to prevent any more attempts on their lives. After it was revealed that the Duchas of AlGray and Galney were part of the rogue Hapan nobles planning to take over Hapes, Tenel Ka left the Anakin Solo to prepare the Royal Navy for battle, but not before giving express instructions that Allana was to remain aboard. Despite the fact that Jacen placed his daughter under a heavy guard, the assassin Nashtah still managed to get through all the security protocols and proceeded on her quest to kill Allana. Jacen then engaged Nashtah in battle, and while the assassin was lying on the ground wounded, Allana injected Nashtah with a sleep stick.

Over Hapes, the battle between the Hapan loyalists and the Heritage Council raged. Both sides suffered heavy losses, but with the aid of the Anakin Solo, the Hapan loyalists were victorious. Jacen Solo was hailed as a hero among the Hapan people, and because of this Tenel Ka briefly considered announcing Allana's paternity to her people. All the captured members of the Heritage Council were given the Queen's Justice and had their titles and holdings stripped from them.

However, Tenel Ka eventually realized that Jacen was not the man she once knew. She watched in horror as Jacen, now calling himself Darth Caedus, deemed the Wookiees traitors to the Galactic Alliance for harboring his pro-Corellian parents and set the forests of Kashyyyk ablaze as a form of punishment. Tenel Ka demanded his surrender, but Caedus refused, forcing Tenel Ka to order her fleet to open fire upon the Anakin Solo during the Battle of Kashyyyk. After the battle, she met with Luke Skywalker, the Rock Council, and Admiral Babo of the Confederation, and explained that she was withdrawing support from the Galactic Alliance, but not joining the Confederation. She did, however, join the Wookiees and Jedi in the resistance against Caedus.

Caedus later attempted to force Tenel Ka to return to the Alliance by kidnapping Allana and threatening to kill her, but this merely achieved Hapan neutrality. Caedus went to great lengths to hide Allana from members of his own staff, and Allana was homesick. In an effort to calm her down, he informed the homesick girl that he was her father, and that once "all the bad men" are gone, they could live together as father and daughter in peace. Tenel Ka, distraught over losing her daughter, went to Luke Skywalker for help, and he led a strike team to the Anakin Solo in order to rescue her. The operation was a success, with Allana's Solo grandparents discovering their biological connection to the young Hapan heir when they were taking her back to Tenel Ka. Due to this, Tenel Ka let the Jedi Order construct a new temporary base on the Consortium planet Shedu Maad so that the Solos could be closer to Allana.


During the Sith–Imperial War and the Second Imperial Civil War that followed, Hapes remained neutral.

Society and politics


The native language of the Hapans was Hapan. Due to its development in isolation from the rest of the Galaxy, the Hapan language was spoken throughout the Consortium. Galactic Basic Standard was not commonly known to the average Hapan, but after the opening of the borders in 8 ABY, its prevalence increased.


A Hapan Battle Dragon

The Hapes Consortium was governed by the Queen Mother from Fountain Palace. The title of Queen Mother was hereditary, passed down from mother to daughter. If the Queen Mother had no daughters, the wife of the firstborn son became Queen Mother. However, being in the line of succession meant that both the Queen Mother and her heirs had to survive constant assassination attempts by jealous relatives vying for the throne.

In addition to the Queen Mother, there were also representatives from each Consortium member planet at the Royal Court. Their primary role was to vote on important matters and provide updates on the political and social conditions of their home planets that might require the Queen Mother's attention. The Queen Mother had the final say on everything, and her word was law.


Hapes Nova Battle Cruiser

The Hapan Navy comprised at least sixty-three Hapan Battle Dragons, one for each member world, typically supported by X-wings, Hapes Nova Battle Cruisers, and Miy'til starfighters. During the Post-Imperial era, notable flagships of the Hapan Fleet included the Queen Mother's Star Home and Isolder's Song of War.

The Hapans were known for their wealth, power, and extreme militancy in defending their borders. The Hapan Navy's main functions were to prevent outsiders from entering the Hapes Consortium and to defend the Consortium during wartime. Unauthorized individuals attempting to enter the Consortium without permission were dealt with swiftly and brutally. The Navy also escorted the royal family when they left Hapes and cleared pirates from the Transitory Mists.

Ground-based military units, such as members of the royal guard, also existed. Members of the royal guard wore red and were typically handpicked for their positions. Serving the royal family was considered a great honor, and those who did were highly respected among the populace. Hapans tended to draw their command staffs from the ranks of their own houses.

The Hapan Dragoons were also part of this governing body. They were an extension of the Queen Mother's hand, a royal guard army protecting the Queen who held law above all others. Communication was achieved through a staccato rhythm of Hapan military flash code.


Hapan culture, at least among the upper classes, was characterized by assassination attempts and power struggles. Most upper-class Hapans would readily arrange the death of one of their own if it advanced their own cause. Ta'a Chume exemplified this principle numerous times, such as when she orchestrated the deaths of her elder son, her younger son's fiancé, and her daughter-in-law, and attempted to have her granddaughter and great-granddaughter killed. Additionally, Hapan society had a class-based system. The royal family of Hapes did not treat its servants well, with women accorded greater respect than men, industrialists more than farmers, and royalty the most respect of all. Thus, treating someone of lower status as an equal was a foreign concept to them.

After arriving on Coruscant the Hapan people give gifts to Leia Organa.

The Hapans regarded the Queen Mother with a reverence akin to that of a deity, making her choice of a consort a matter of great significance for everyone. Prospective consorts were often selected from the ranks of the nobility, primarily to ensure the genetic diversity of the royal line. Intense rivalries frequently erupted among the noble houses, each vying to have their sons become the father of the next Queen Mother. Nobles often engaged in conspiracies against both the consort and any heir to the Queen Mother who was not of their own bloodline. This was the underlying reason for maintaining the secrecy surrounding Allana's paternity, ensuring that all noble houses would believe one of their own might be her father, thus deterring them from harming her.

Within the Hapes Consortium's matriarchal structure, men were often relegated to a subordinate status. While most Hapan males were primarily utilized for reproductive purposes, some did hold positions of authority, albeit with limited influence. Many Hapan men, feeling constrained by their societal role, would frequently abscond and turn to piracy. These individuals would seek refuge in the Transitory Mists, preying on unsuspecting vessels until apprehended by patrolling Nova Battle Cruisers. Upon capture, they would face trial, with the possibility of execution depending on the severity of their crimes.

Anti-Jedi sentiment was widespread among the Hapan populace, largely stemming from the Lorell Raiders' defeat at the hands of the Jedi. This animosity reached its peak during the reign of Ni'Korish, Ta'a Chume's mother. Ni'Korish harbored a profound hatred for the Jedi and actively sought to eliminate any who ventured into the Consortium. Consequently, an anti-Jedi faction emerged among the Hapans, named in her honor. This faction gained prominence during the Yuuzhan Vong War, fueled by the backlash from the Battle of Fondor. Many Hapans, holding Teneniel Djo responsible for the Fondor disaster, joined the ranks of the Ni'Korish. It was this faction, under Ta'a Chume's control, that orchestrated Teneniel Djo's assassination in 27 ABY. The general Hapan public's sentiments towards the new Queen Mother, Tenel Ka, being a member of the Jedi Order remain largely unknown. However, there are indications of increased tolerance towards the Jedi during Tenel Ka's reign, particularly after Jacen Solo rescued her from Corellian sympathizers in 40 ABY. Hapan loyalists lauded Jacen as a hero for his actions, suggesting a decline in anti-Jedi sentiments.

The Hapan people possessed a profound, almost obsessive, appreciation for beauty. Any physical imperfection, particularly in the heir to the throne, was considered a fate worse than death.


Developed in the relative isolation of the Hapes Consortium, Hapan technological advancements were uneven, excelling in areas like ion technology while lagging behind the rest of the galaxy in others, such as turbolaser technology. This disparity was evident in the Hapan Battle Dragons and Hapes Nova Battle Cruisers, both of which suffered from limited firing rates. However, upgrades provided by the New Republic during the Yuuzhan Vong War enhanced the already formidable firepower of these vessels.

The Hapan Consortium's designs incorporated adequate shielding and hull integrity. Nevertheless, the utilization of underpowered fusion generators and outdated weapon designs rendered their vessels vulnerable when facing their Imperial and New Republic counterparts. By the time of the New Republic, it was known that a number of Hapan technological advancements had been acquired through the theft of designs from Imperial corporations like Kuat Drive Yards and SoroSuub Corporation.

Their turbolaser technology was significantly behind galactic standards, possessing only one-third of the recharge rate compared to its Imperial counterpart. The Consortium also adopted gravity-well technology, initially developed by the Galactic Empire and utilized in Interdictor-class heavy cruisers. Further innovation by their scientists led to the creation of pulse mass mines, capable of simulating the mass shadows of planetary bodies.

The Gun of Command

One notable example of Hapan technological innovation originated from the planet of Charubah. Known as the Gun of Command, its purpose was to disrupt a person's cognitive processes using an electromagnetic field, temporarily impairing their ability to think independently. When misused, the Gun of Command was considered an extremely dangerous weapon. They also utilized small golden shields for their personnel that were capable of forming a personal energy shield thus protecting the wearer from weapon fire.

Hapes also possessed medical facilities capable of producing remarkably realistic artificial limbs, and the planet Gallinore housed advanced laboratories equipped with state-of-the-art technology. Ta'a Chume maintained some of the Consortium's most talented scientists at this facility, funding their research despite their past criminal activities that had resulted in their confinement to the lockdown facility where they worked. Gallinore scientists were also highly skilled in the field of bioengineering, surpassing the capabilities of the New Republic. It was here that Jaina Solo sought out Sinsor Khal to request his assistance in modifying the signals of Yuuzhan Vong slave implants. Without this research, Hapes might have succumbed to the invaders.

Notable Hapans

  • Ni'Korish – Mother of Ta'a Chume, Queen Mother of the Hapes Consortium.
  • Ta'a Chume – Former Queen Mother of Hapes Consortium.
  • Kalen – Elder son of Ta'a Chume. Murdered on her orders.
  • Prince Isolder – Younger son of Ta'a Chume, father of Queen Mother Tenel Ka.
  • Astarta – Isolder's bodyguard.
  • Tenel Ka – Queen Mother of Hapes Consortium, former Jedi Knight.
  • Allana – Queen Mother Tenel Ka's daughter.
  • Sinsor Khal – Failed Jedi, later a scientist.
  • Lady Galney – Hapan noble and the aide of Queen Mother Tenel Ka.
  • Trista Zel – Twin sister of Taryn Zel, first cousin of Queen Mother Tenel Ka, Hapan Security agent.
  • Taryn Zel – Twin sister of Trista Zel, first cousin of Queen Mother Tenel Ka, Hapan Security agent.

Behind the scenes

Some sources identify Hapans as Human, while others classify them as near-Human.

