The Galactic Federation of Free Alliances, alternatively referred to as the Federal Galactic Republic, though most frequently called the Galactic Alliance, represented an interstellar federal republic that arose from the remnants of the New Republic during its period of decline amidst the Yuuzhan Vong War. Encompassing the majority of the explored galaxy, the Galactic Alliance marked the first governing body to achieve such widespread control since the era of the Galactic Empire.
For a brief time between 40 and 41 ABY, the term New Order was briefly used to describe the Alliance. During the remaining period, it was known as the Old Order.
Following the re-establishment of the Galactic Empire as the Fel Empire, the Alliance and the Empire maintained a state of relative peace for several decades. However, with the onset of the Sith–Imperial War in 127 ABY, the Alliance was defeated by the Empire and subsequently submitted to Imperial rule.
During the seven years of Sith dominance, Admiral Gar Stazi spearheaded a resistance movement known as the Galactic Alliance Remnant in opposition to Darth Krayt's Sith Empire.
In the wake of the Second Imperial Civil War, the Galactic Alliance joined forces with the Fel Empire and the Jedi Order to establish the Galactic Federation Triumvirate.

After the New Republic achieved a significant triumph at the Battle of Ebaq 9, Chief of State Cal Omas came to the conclusion that a new form of government was essential for the galaxy to effectively navigate the aftermath of the Yuuzhan Vong War. Throughout the invasion, internal political conflicts and inadequate leadership had resulted in numerous setbacks for the New Republic. Omas recognized that the New Republic's unwieldy structure was incapable of withstanding the pressures of the galactic conflict. Consequently, Omas initiated a comprehensive overhaul and simplification of the governmental framework. This reorganized entity, known as the Galactic Federation of Free Alliances, or the Galactic Alliance for brevity, embarked on the protracted endeavor of reunifying the galaxy. The Federal Galactic Republic was another name considered by Omas for the restructuring of the New Republic.

The composition of the new government extended beyond the former constituents of the New Republic. By incorporating its previous adversary, the Imperial Remnant, alongside the Hapes Consortium, the Alliance realized a long-held aspiration of previous administrations—establishing a unified government encompassing the entirety of the known galaxy. This achievement was further facilitated by the collaboration of the Chiss Ascendancy, a secluded civilization situated in the Unknown Regions at the galaxy's edge.

The initial capital of the Alliance was established on Dac, a long-standing supporter of both the Alliance to Restore the Republic and the New Republic. Its location within the Outer Rim Territories, coupled with the presence of a substantial fleet, ensured the security of the new capital. With the government operational, its primary objective became identifying a resolution to the devastating conflict. Through the combined efforts of the Galactic Alliance Defense Force, the New Jedi Order, and other allied forces, the Yuuzhan Vong ultimately surrendered following the death of their leader, Supreme Overlord Shimrra Jamaane, during the Battle of Yuuzhan'tar.

Following the collapse of the Yuuzhan Vong empire, a capital situated closer to the galactic core became necessary. Given that Coruscant had been devastated and "Vong-formed" beyond recognition, the Galactic Alliance government formulated plans to relocate to Denon, a world located in the Inner Rim that had evaded bombardment and occupation by the Yuuzhan Vong. The Alliance initiated extensive reconstruction endeavors on Coruscant, under the auspices of the Reconstruction Authority. The new government dedicated itself to the task of rebuilding and restoring the galaxy, which had been left in disarray as a consequence of the war. By 30 ABY, the Galactic Alliance had transferred its government to Coruscant, a move perceived by some as a public relations tactic, given the substantial amount of work still required. Nevertheless, the Alliance officially assumed authority over the galaxy. While the challenges associated with repairing Coruscant were considerable, there were also positive developments, such as the construction of the New Jedi Temple and the new Senate and Executive Buildings five years later. Additional significant construction projects included the expansive Defense Force Command Compound, which provided the Alliance's military with a novel command center to coordinate its forces throughout the galaxy.

The Galactic Alliance encountered its initial significant crisis after the Yuuzhan Vong War in 35 ABY, with the rediscovery of the Killiks. Following the revelation of a Dark Nest of Killiks led by Dark Jedi Lomi Plo, the Swarm War erupted between the Chiss Ascendancy and the Killik hives. Relations between the Killiks and the Alliance quickly deteriorated, as their addictive black membrosia began to negatively impact the lives of various insectoid members of the government. This situation was further complicated by the death of Supreme Commander Sien Sovv, who perished when a spacecraft piloted by a Vratix under the influence of membrosia collided with the admiral's personal transport, resulting in the deaths of him and his entire staff. Hostilities commenced when Dark Nest hives orchestrated a coup on the Alliance world of Thyferra and attempted a similar assault on the Verpine. Fortunately, the combined efforts of the New Jedi Order and the Galactic Alliance Defense Force prevented the conflict from escalating into a full-scale galactic war.

In the years succeeding the conclusion of the Swarm War, the Alliance progressively exerted greater control over local governments, mandating that member states contribute taxes to facilitate reconstruction and consolidate their military resources under the Galactic Alliance Defense Fleet. Certain more autonomous worlds, particularly those characterized by robust industries and strong patriotic sentiments, perceived themselves as exempt from these legal obligations and began drawing parallels between the Galactic Alliance and the Galactic Empire. By 40 ABY, relations between the Alliance and several local governments had declined to such an extent that the Alliance opted to stage a preemptive demonstration of military strength at Corellia. When the Corellians responded with a counterattack against this show of force, the specter of another full-scale galactic war loomed. As both factions struggled to achieve a diplomatic resolution to the crisis, covert acts of treachery and sabotage threatened to undermine peace initiatives. In response to escalating terrorism on Coruscant, Chief of State Cal Omas was compelled to establish the Galactic Alliance Guard as a clandestine police force under the command of Colonel Jacen Solo. This decision prompted the resignation of Supreme Commander Gilad Pellaeon, as well as growing dissatisfaction with the increasingly oppressive system of government, with the rallying cry at political demonstrations being "The Empire is back." A confrontation over Hapes temporarily stalled the descent into galactic war.

However, the machinations of Sith Lady Lumiya, targeting President Fyor Rodan of Commenor and the Bothans, led to the formation of the Confederation following the defeat of the Alliance Blockade of Corellia by the combined fleet. Omas declared a state of war against Corellia, Bothawui, and Commenor. The Alliance faced an escalating crisis as Adumar, Fondor, Bespin, and the remnants of the Hapan Heritage Council seceded from the Galactic Alliance to align with the rebels. The Hutts and the Imperial Remnant were also encouraged to join, but declined to do so. Numerous other lesser worlds continued to express their support, and the Confederation, already possessing many of the leading shipyards in the galaxy, significantly increased ship production and launched attacks on Alliance shipyards, including those at Gyndine and Sluis Van, utilizing its own Confederation Fleet. At a confrontation in the Gilatter VIII system, former Imperial Turr Phennir was appointed Supreme Commander of the Confederation military. As more worlds rallied to the Confederation's cause, seeking liberation from what they perceived as Alliance tyranny, long-standing conflicts resurfaced. Soon, the two forces were militarily comparable, and the GA became dangerously reliant on Hapes. When Jacen Solo and Supreme Commander Cha Niathal moved against Omas and deposed him, many considered the action illegitimate.

The Confederation advanced towards the Core Worlds, and during a major battle over Kuat, the Jedi Order withdrew its support from the Galactic Alliance following the assassination of the deposed Cal Omas, believed to have been orchestrated by Solo and executed by one of their own. Although the pressure on the Core was alleviated when Confederation forces arrived over Kashyyyk to rescue the Wookiee homeworld from Alliance oppression, the ensuing battle led to the withdrawal of the Hapes Consortium, comprising over twenty percent of the Alliance military, under the direction of Queen Mother Tenel Ka Djo. Joint Chief of State Jacen Solo had alienated too many within the Alliance for his rule to be widely recognized as legitimate.
The Alliance subsequently engaged in numerous battles against the Confederation and the Jedi, including the firing of Centerpoint Station when its primary weapon destroyed the Galactic Alliance Second Fleet. During the Battle of Centerpoint Station, the ancient space station was destroyed when its own beam malfunctioned, devastating both the Confederation and Alliance fleets present.

During the Second Battle of Fondor, Admiral Niathal attempted to remove Jacen Solo from his position as Joint Chief of State after he refused to accept the Fondorians' surrender. Solo, rejecting Niathal's authority, engaged in combat against Admiral Natasi Daala's Maw Irregular Fleet, resulting in two-thirds of the GA fleet remaining loyal to Solo and Coruscant, while the remaining third joined Niathal and established an Alliance-in-exile on Fondor. Following the battle, Solo revealed his responsibility for the death of Mara Jade Skywalker and his identity as the Dark Lord of the Sith Darth Caedus. The galaxy once again fell under the dominion of the Sith.
Caedus formed an alliance between the GA and the Council of Moffs, and attacked the Verpine, with the objective of seizing control of their valuable munitions facility. During the battle, he engaged in a duel with his sister, Jaina Solo, and suffered the loss of his arm, resulting in his blood splattering on her face, which he used to create a blood trail to locate the Jedi base, Shedu Maad. The GA then attacked the planet without success, ultimately leading to Caedus' death, the capture of his Sith apprentice, Tahiri Veila, and the conclusion of the war. The Jedi, in collaboration with Jagged Fel, successfully persuaded the Moff Council to join them and brought the Confederation to the negotiating table. They restructured the GA and appointed former Imperial Natasi Daala as Chief of State. Daala successfully established a period of stability, fulfilling Solo's vision of peace in the galaxy.

Two years after the war's end, the Galactic Alliance, the Confederation, and the Imperial Remnant convened on Coruscant for the Unification Summit, intended to initiate political unification across the galaxy. The three Heads of State, former Imperials Natasi Daala, Turr Phennir, and Jagged Fel, all supported the summit and met to discuss its details.
However, in the aftermath of the war and Jacen Solo's descent into the dark side of the Force, many within the galaxy viewed the Jedi as disruptive elements seeking to consolidate power. Daala, known for her staunch anti-Jedi stance, implemented a policy aimed at assuming control over the Jedi Order. To achieve this, she arrested Luke Skywalker and subjected him to trial for dereliction of duty. Skywalker was subsequently exiled from both the Order and the GA, departing Coruscant with his son, Ben Skywalker.
Daala compelled Kenth Hamner, the acting Grand Master of the Jedi Order, to assign observers to each Jedi, ostensibly to monitor their activities. However, Nawara Ven, the attorney representing the Order's interests, successfully challenged and overturned the law in the courts.

During this period, the actions of the underground movement known as Freedom Flight led to a shift in public opinion against slavery across the galaxy, with revolts breaking out on worlds such as Klatooine and Blaudu Sextus. Daala chose to suppress these movements, hiring a company of Mandalorian Supercommandos to brutally crush the revolt on Blaudu Sextus. Witnessing the massacre, the Jedi resolved to act against Daala and support the slaves in their fight for freedom. They ousted Grand Master Hamner, whose policies were too closely aligned with Daala's, and dispatched a fleet of ships to aid the slaves.
Simultaneously, the Head of State of the Imperial Remnant, Jagged Fel, decided to disassociate his government from Daala's after she requested troops to assist in suppressing the revolts throughout the galaxy. He withdrew from the unification talks and departed Coruscant.
Subsequently, the Jedi orchestrated a plot to overthrow Daala concurrently with a coup launched by Senator Haydnat Treen and General Merratt Jaxton. Daala was successfully removed from power and arrested. To maintain control of the Alliance, a Triumvirate was established, comprising Saba Sebatyne, the acting Grand Master of the Jedi Order, Treen, and Jaxton. Decisions required a two-thirds majority within the Triumvirate.
Under the Triumvirate's rule, Luke Skywalker's exile was rescinded. Upon his return to Coruscant, the Triumvirate dissolved itself, and the entire Jedi Order departed the capital. In their absence, the Lost Tribe of the Sith manipulated the Senate into electing the dark-side entity Abeloth to the position of Chief of State, although the Senate believed her to be Senator Rokari Kem of Qaras.
In the years following the Second Galactic Civil War, the Imperial Remnant began to exert increasing influence. Under the leadership of the Fel dynasty, the Remnant gradually reestablished itself as an Empire once more.

The Alliance also embarked on an ambitious new undertaking—the Ossus Project. Supported by the New Jedi Order, led by Kol Skywalker, and Nei Rin of the Yuuzhan Vong Shaper caste, the planet Ossus was utilized as a testing ground for revitalizing planetary ecosystems through shaper technology. The results were remarkable, as Ossus transformed into a lush world of jungles.
The Alliance selected one hundred worlds for terraforming. However, a resurgent Sith Order sabotaged the projects, causing immense suffering and resentment among the citizens of the selected worlds. The Jedi immediately suspected sabotage but were unable to substantiate their suspicions. As numerous worlds began to suspect the Yuuzhan Vong of causing the project's failure, the Jedi Order urged the Galactic Alliance government to defend the Vong against criticism. Enraged, numerous worlds began declaring their independence from the Alliance or adopting a position of neutrality.

The newly empowered Empire seized the opportunity presented by the Ossus Project's failure to entice worlds belonging to the Alliance to join their cause. By referencing the Treaty of Anaxes, the Empire formally declared war against the Galactic Alliance. The deep-seated divisions resulting from the Yuuzhan-Vong war led numerous Alliance planets to declare their neutrality in this new conflict, while others surprisingly aligned themselves with the Empire. Despite these adverse circumstances, the Alliance managed to stand its ground against the Empire and emerged victorious in the initial year of combat.
During the war's second year, Darth Krayt and his Sith Order forged an alliance with the Empire. This partnership reversed the Empire's previous setbacks and forced the Alliance into a defensive posture. The third year of the Sith–Imperial War culminated in the Alliance's military defeat at the Battle of Caamas, followed by the Imperial occupation of Coruscant. Consequently, the Empire re-established itself as the dominant galactic power and promptly relocated its governing center to the planet serving as the galactic capital.
A portion of the Alliance's remaining planets chose to surrender to the Empire. These planets accepted Imperial rule while maintaining their existing Alliance leadership. The Alliance's administrative structure was fully integrated into the new Imperial government, although the Moffs intended to implement a complete transition to an Imperial governance system.

Following the Galactic Alliance's subjugation by the Empire, a faction of the Alliance military, primarily under the command of Admiral Gar Stazi's Core Forces, organized a resistance movement and persisted in their struggle against the Empire. For the subsequent seven years after the Alliance's surrender at the Battle of Caamas, Admiral Stazi's fleet executed guerilla warfare tactics. Constantly facing shortages and striving to evade Imperial forces, the remnants of the Galactic Alliance regressed to a state reminiscent of its original form, the Alliance to Restore the Republic. The New Jedi Order also rejected Imperial authority and went into hiding, becoming the targets of a Sith-led purge.
In the year 137 ABY, the deposed Emperor Roan Fel sought to unite forces with representatives of the Galactic Alliance in opposition to the Sith. Admiral Stazi was chosen to represent the surviving elements of the Galactic Alliance at a meeting held on the Wheel. This meeting was prematurely terminated when Sith agents manipulated Stazi into believing that the Imperials' shuttle had attacked his own vessel. After a brief skirmish, Pol Temm, the administrator, ordered both factions to depart from the Wheel, without any agreement being reached.
Despite the strength of Darth Krayt's Galactic Empire, some parts of the Galactic Alliance remained unconquered and unsubdued. These regions offered essential resources and support to the Galactic Alliance Core Forces under Admiral Stazi's leadership.

Due to the Sith's lack of patience and the potential for the Alliance to devolve into a mere pirate group, Stazi devised a plan to capture a new Imperious-class Star Destroyer, the Imperious, at Dac. This acquisition would enable the fleet to launch more significant assaults. Although this operation was a trap orchestrated by Admiral Dru Valan to eliminate him, Stazi successfully seized the Imperious and proceeded to destroy a substantial portion of the planet's shipyard. This action compelled the Sith to execute the Calamari Council.
Unbeknownst to both the Alliance and the Sith, Imperial Knights had planted explosives aboard the Imperious, set to detonate upon the activation of the ship's weapons. These explosives were disarmed, and Stazi considered forming an alliance with Fel, leading to the renaming of the Advanced Star Destroyer to Alliance.
Following the presumed death of Darth Krayt, Admiral Stazi commanded a sizable fleet of Alliance warships in a battle against Fel's forces. After the battle concluded, Emperor Fel engaged Stazi in a discussion regarding its outcome. Following a brief exchange concerning their respective positions, Fel issued an apology for Fenel's actions, stating that he had overestimated Fenel's comprehension of the situation.
The Steadfast, its self-destruct mechanism having been disabled earlier by an attack, was presented to Fel's forces as a gesture of goodwill. Stazi demonstrated his capability as an equal statesman, able to withstand Fel's attempts at intimidation for the moment. The alliance between the GA and the Fel Empire managed to remain intact, though Stazi remained uncertain about its long-term viability. It became Admiral Stazi's responsibility to maintain the cohesion of the military alliance and to ensure that his new allies did not resort to employing the same tactics as the Sith-Imperial forces.

Eventually, Darth Wyyrlok issued the Final Protocol to Sith scientist Vul Isen. As a result, Isen poisoned the water world of Dac. Three days later, Rogue Squadron, during a routine reconnaissance mission, discovered the bodies of millions of dead Mon Calamari. After a brief engagement with Imperial Predators, the Rogues returned to the fleet to inform Stazi about the situation on Dac. Stazi, now aware of the crisis on Dac, immediately contacted General Oron Jaeger and informed him of the situation. General Jaeger responded that he was unable to commit the Fel's loyalist fleet without a direct order from the emperor himself. Undeterred Stazi was determined to act. Still onboard the Alliance following the ambush in the Arkanis sector, Jedi Master Te Corso offered the assistance of the New Jedi Order. In addition to offering the Jedi a fighter group, Master Corso informed the admiral that the Order knew of a safe world where the refugees of Dac would be safe. Encouraged, Stazi put his plan into motion. Stazi dispatched elements of Rogue Squadron led by Ronto and Sword Squadron led by Master Drok to infiltrate the yards and disable the planets defenses. On the planets surface, Jedi Master Asaak Dan, Captain Tanquar and the Mon Calamari Rangers engaged Imperial stormtroopers on Heurkea, securing the city's docks to serve as the base of operations for the evacuation.

With the shipyard defenses disabled and Heurkea secured, Stazi and the Galactic Alliance fleet emerged from hyperspace. The Alliance, backed up by multiple MC140 Scythe-class main battle cruisers, captured Pellaeon-class Star Destroyers, and numerous frigates, engaged a token Sith force of five Star Destroyers. Outnumbered and overwhelmed by superior firepower, the surviving Sith warships retreated. With the space around Dac cleared, Stazi signaled the evacuation fleet. The genocide of the Mon Calamari and Wyyrlok's final protocol had angered citizens from across the galaxy. A fleet of private starships, ranging from old Mon Cal cruisers to Clone Wars-era Star Destroyers to private transports descended en mass on Dac to rescue the world's population.
With the Galactic Alliance fleet engaged in rescue operation, the Sith Imperials sprung their trap. The Outer Rim Third Fleet, under the command of Admiral Krion Grail and supervised by Moff Geist and Sith Fist Darth Stryfe, dropped out of hyperspace behind the Alliance fleet. After a short fight it looked like Sith victory was soon at hand. General Jaeger then arrived with a fleet of Fel loyalist Star Destroyers and the two fleets worked together to drive back back the Sith. Stazi's forces managed to rescue 20 percent of the population.

In a daring attempt to overthrow the Sith Empire once and for all, the Galactic Alliance Remnant and its allies launched a daring assault to liberate Coruscant and the entire galaxy from Sith dominance. With the aid of their Imperial and Jedi allies, the Alliance engaged the Sith-Imperial forces in a final battle to decide the fate of the galaxy. While Admiral Gar Stazi oversaw the fighting that occurred in Coruscant's orbit, the Jedi Cade Skywalker fought the Sith planet-side until he confronted the Sith Emperor Darth Krayt.
Despite heavy casualties on the allies' side, Skywalker completed his objective and killed Krayt, thus leaving the empire without its emperor. As the remnants of the One Sith rallied around the leadership of Darth Nihl, Krayt's self-proclaimed successor, the Galactic Empire completely fell apart with its crushing defeat at Coruscant. Under the rule of a new Galactic Federation Triumvirate, composed of Admiral Gar Stazi, Empress Marasiah Fel and Jedi Master K'Kruhk, the triumvirs reunited the known galaxy in the year 138 ABY.
But even though Darth Krayt was dead and his empire destroyed, his legacy continued to persevere through the survival of the One Sith. Under Nihl's leadership, the remaining Sith scattered across the galaxy with orders from the new Dark Lord to infiltrate various planetary governments, thus waging a new war on the Galactic Federation Triumvirate from the shadows, until his defeat in 140 ABY.

Changes in governance between the New Republic and the Galactic Alliance involved the implementation of a new constitution, the establishment of a more robust judicial system, and the introduction of an improved system of checks and balances designed to limit the power that had been almost exclusively concentrated within the Senate. This new federalism clearly delineated the respective roles of the government and its constituent member worlds.
The Galactic Alliance government was headed by a Chief of State and a High Council that included Jedi, senators, and individuals from the Alliance's military and governmental leadership. The Jedi later withdrew from the High Council to form their own governing body, the Jedi High Council. In response, the Alliance established an Advisory Council to take the High Council's place.
The new alliance was structured as a federal republic, with a clear division of responsibilities between the federal government and its member worlds and states. The establishment of a stronger federal system represented the most significant change in the overall structure of the government following the dissolution of the New Republic.

Similar to the New Republic before it, the Alliance was led by a Chief of State. This individual was elected by securing a majority of votes within the Alliance Senate. The Chief of State also served as the President of the Senate, mirroring the structure of the former New Republic system. A key distinction between the two systems was that the Chief of State of the Galactic Alliance appeared to wield greater executive authority, intended to restrain the power of the legislature. This system of checks and balances was a defining characteristic that distinguished the new government from its predecessor. The Chief of State was supported by both a High Council and an Advisory Council, comprising the heads of various governmental, military, and intelligence departments.
Following the removal of Natasi Daala from power, the executive branch underwent a transformation to be led by a Triumvirate, assisted by a powerful bureaucracy. The Triumvirate surrendered to the Empire after the Battle of Caamas. The Empire designated Coruscant as its new seat of government, but the Triumvirate and the bureaucracy were permitted to remain as vassal governors overseeing the remaining Alliance territory.
The primary legislative body of the Galactic Alliance was the Senate. The Senate was composed of representatives from all member worlds and states within the new government. The powers of the Senate were limited by the new constitution through a series of checks and balances, primarily by expanding the authority of both the executive and judicial branches. Despite these changes, the Senate remained a powerful and important component of the Alliance government. While some corruption had begun to resurface within the Senate following the conclusion of the war against the Yuuzhan Vong, the majority of senators remained dedicated and loyal to the Alliance.
The judicial branch of the Alliance government experienced the most significant increase in power under the new Alliance constitution. This expansion of judicial oversight and authority was intended to help curb any legislative abuse or corruption, which had become increasingly prevalent during the final years of the New Republic.
The Yuuzhan Vong invasion served as a catalyst to unite the various worlds and governments of the galaxy under a single governing body. In addition to the former member worlds, systems, and sectors of the New Republic, the Imperial Remnant, Hapes Consortium, and Chiss Ascendancy also joined the new Galactic Alliance as autonomous regions. These regions were not represented in the senate but were obligated to contribute to the defense of the GFFA, while retaining the right to govern themselves internally and adhere to their own laws. It remains uncertain whether Hutt Space also joined, although they did provide ships and weapons for the Liberation of Coruscant.
Luke Skywalker's initial action concerning the Galactic Alliance was the establishment of a new Jedi Council. The Jedi were widely regarded as a type of special agent for the new government, and they were extensively utilized and thinly spread throughout the galaxy. Furthermore, Jedi Masters were invited to join the new Galactic Alliance Advisory Council to the first Chief of State, Cal Omas. Eventually, Skywalker withdrew the Jedi from the Advisory Council, asserting that the Jedi must always maintain a fair and balanced perspective on the universe, by serving rather than governing.
From the inception of the Galactic Alliance on Mon Calamari, Luke Skywalker's New Jedi Order maintained close ties with the new government. The Jedi played a significant role in the government's formation, particularly through the Order's support of Cal Omas as Chief of State during the Chief of State election. As the Alliance began to reorganize and counterattack against the Yuuzhan Vong, a High Council was established, consisting of six Jedi and six non-Jedi members, led by the Chief of State. This council directed policy during the final years of the Yuuzhan Vong War, working together to bring the war to an end. Despite some disagreements over the Alpha Red project, the solidarity between the Alliance and the Jedi remained strong, as both played a crucial role in the defeat of the Yuuzhan Vong during the Liberation of Coruscant.
Following the defeat of the Vong, the Galactic Alliance focused on the reconstruction of the galaxy. As a gesture of gratitude, the Alliance constructed a new Jedi Temple, although some Jedi viewed this as an attempt to further bind the Order to the new government. Regardless, the Jedi actively assisted the government in reunifying the galaxy, combating pirates, mediating planetary disputes, and relocating individuals who had lost their homes during the war. The High Council continued to be regarded as one of the most influential bodies within the Alliance, although the Galactic Alliance Advisory Council began to experience increased influence.
By 35 ABY, the relationship between the Jedi Order and the Alliance had become somewhat strained. While the Jedi Order remained committed to assisting the Alliance in restoring peace to the galaxy, some Jedi believed that the Order should not be involved in government. More radical Jedi feared that they had become nothing more than a tool for implementing government policy. Although the relationship was further strained during the Swarm War, it remained intact as both Alliance and Jedi forces successfully prevented a total galactic war with the Chiss and Killiks. After Luke Skywalker declared himself Grand Master of the Order, the Jedi withdrew from the High Council, acknowledging that the Jedi should leave government policy making to the Alliance. While this decision caused some additional friction between Cal Omas and Master Skywalker, the government and Jedi continued to collaborate towards the common goal of a peaceful galaxy.
During the five years between the Swarm War and the Second Galactic Civil War, the Galactic Alliance government experienced improved relations with the New Jedi Order. Both Cal Omas and Master Luke Skywalker resumed their cordial working relationship, with positive interactions evident during several meetings at the onset of the new Corellian crisis. Master Skywalker appeared to have embraced the belief that the Jedi Order could best serve the galaxy by supporting the Galactic Alliance, which was still viewed as the best hope for lasting peace. As the conflict escalated, Jedi Knights fought alongside Galactic Alliance forces against the growing Confederation.
Jacen Solo, a Jedi Knight, became the head of the Galactic Alliance Guard, despite opposition from other members of the Order. He eventually fell to the dark side and staged a coup, becoming Joint Chief of State. During the Battle of Kuat, the New Jedi Order withdrew their support from the Alliance and established a base on the Forest Moon of Endor in response to Jacen's actions on Kashyyyk. They also planned to remove him as Joint Chief of State. They fought directly against the Alliance at the Battle of Centerpoint Station and remaining battles of the war.
After Darth Caedus was killed during the Battle of Uroro Station, the Jedi rejoined the Galactic Alliance. Instead of holding elections, Natasi Daala, a former Imperial admiral, was appointed Chief of State by several high-ranking Alliance personnel. She was highly critical of the Jedi Order, stating that "a just system does not need overseers". In 43 ABY, she ordered Luke Skywalker's arrest and charged him with dereliction of duty for not stopping Jacen from falling to the dark side and for recalling all the Jedi to the temple on Coruscant.
The Galactic Alliance's predecessor, the New Republic, possessed a highly complex and diverse economy. This economy virtually collapsed during the Yuuzhan Vong War. Therefore, immediately following the war, the Alliance initiated extensive reconstruction efforts throughout the galaxy, under the auspices of the Reconstruction Authority. The Authority was responsible for tasks such as re-terraforming Coruscant and identifying a new homeworld for the Ithorians and other species that had lost their homes to the Vong.

The military branch of the government was designated as the Galactic Alliance Defense Force. Led by the Supreme Commander, the Defense Force encompassed the Galactic Alliance Navy and Army. These federally controlled forces were assigned a wide array of responsibilities, ranging from securing hyperlanes to safeguarding key worlds, as well as confronting any aggressors seeking to attack or harm the Alliance. Its organizational structure closely resembled the older New Republic Defense Force, although its size was considerably larger due to the accumulation of warships during the war. During the later stages of the conflict against the Yuuzhan Vong, the government maintained four strategic fleets. Their tactics frequently involved hit-and-fade strikes, a strategy popularized by the Rebel Alliance during the Galactic Civil War, in part due to the assistance of retired Admiral Gial Ackbar in reorganizing the Defense Force in the months leading up to the Battle of Ebaq 9.
Five years after the conclusion of the war, the Defense Fleet appeared to have recovered to its pre-war strength, with at least five strategic fleets under the government's command. The Galactic Alliance Fifth Fleet, under the command of Bothan Admiral Nek Bwua'tu, was tasked with patrolling the Hydian Way, although it was redeployed during the Killik crisis. Several years later, during the Second Galactic Civil War, the Defense Force began deploying numerous new units, including the Galactic-class battle carrier, Mon Cal heavy carrier, and the Aleph-class starfighter.
Following the Sith–Imperial War, the remnants of the Alliance military, centered around the Galactic Alliance Core Forces, continued the fight. They deployed numerous new warships and starfighters, including the CF9 Crossfire starfighter, the MC140 Scythe-class main battle cruiser, and various other support ships.
Despite the Hapes Consortium's membership in the Galactic Alliance, it retained its own military forces for self-defense. The Hapan Royal Navy operated independently of the Galactic Alliance Defense Force, as demonstrated by the Hapan protection of the Killik colonies a year prior to the outbreak of the Swarm War. However, between the Swarm War and the Second Galactic Civil War, the Hapan Navy provided two fleets that temporarily served under the control of the Galactic Alliance government.
Similar to the Hapes Consortium, the Imperial Remnant maintained its boundaries and a degree of autonomy after joining the Galactic Alliance. Consequently, the Remnant also retained its own starfleet. Like the Hapan navy, the Remnant forces were semi-autonomous from the federally controlled Alliance forces.
Nevertheless, Remnant warships frequently operated alongside Alliance warships. During the Battle of Yuuzhan'tar, the Galactic Alliance Fourth Fleet consisted of a combination of Alliance warships and Star Destroyers under the command of Grand Admiral Gilad Pellaeon.
Later, the Remnant withdrew from the Galactic Alliance, thus ending the recent cooperation between the two governments. During the Second Galactic Civil War, elements of the Imperial Military fought on both sides at different times in the later stages of the war. However the Empire and it's fleets clearly separated some time before the Sith-Imperial War of 127 ABY.
Some key member worlds, such as Corellia, maintained private navies and militaries for self-defense. These forces were under the direct control of these member states and appeared to be at least partially independent of the Defense Force. By the time of the Second Galactic Civil War, new laws enacted by the Alliance government sought to reduce the size of these planetary forces in favor of the more centralized Galactic Alliance Defense Force.

Encompassing a vast area of the Known Galaxy, the Galactic Alliance extended from the Core Worlds all the way to Wild Space, incorporating no less than 1.2 million planets. Its membership exceeded that of the New Republic, as it included various other governments like the Imperial Remnant and the Hapes Consortium. Coruscant served as the Galactic Alliance's capital, following the tradition set by previous galactic governing bodies. The Chiss Ascendancy and Hutt Space bordered the Galactic Alliance as two smaller galactic powers. Parts of Hutt Space were technically members of the Galactic Alliance, since it was under the Empire's control. The status of other smaller governments, such as the Corporate Sector, Cron Drift, Senex sector, Juvex sector, Centrality, and others, remains uncertain; however, it is confirmed that the Mandalore sector had not joined the Galactic Alliance by 40 ABY.
The name Galactic Federation of Free Alliances was intentionally chosen to pay homage to the fans' use of the acronym "GFFA" (representing the "Galaxy Far, Far Away") and to integrate it into the official canon when referring to the Star Wars galaxy.
In Legacy of the Force: Betrayal, Cal Omas mentions that the Alliance is made up of "hundreds" of worlds. Compared to the canon figures for the total number of inhabited planets, this number seems quite small. One possible explanation is that Omas was referring specifically to planets with direct senatorial representation, which had been the fundamental units of membership in the Galactic Republic.