The Final Protocol represented a Sith decree handed down by Sith Regent Darth Wyyrlok. It was given to both Darth Azard, a Quarren Sith Lord, and Vul Isen, a Givin scientist. The order mandated an end to the ongoing genocide on Mon Calamari, while simultaneously legalizing the use of genocidal tactics against any groups deemed undesirable by the Empire. Wyyrlok, wishing to cease the drain of Imperial resources on drawn-out campaigns and the planet itself, instructed Isen, through the Protocol, to utilize poison to eradicate all life on Dac by contaminating its oceans.
When Azard inquired about the fate of the Quarren, who were allies of the Sith and the Empire, along with other neutral species, Wyyrlok's response was that the Quarren would be permitted to depart the planet, but without any assistance whatsoever from the Empire.
Isen eagerly moved forward with the deployment of Viral spores into the waters of Dac. These spores, propelled by the currents, rapidly spread across the entire planet within a single week. Despite the efforts of the Galactic Alliance Core Fleet, led by Admiral Gar Stazi, to repel the occupying Imperial forces and initiate an evacuation, it proved to be too late to save the majority of Dac's inhabitants. With aid from Roan Fel's Empire-in-exile and many civilian volunteers, only twenty percent of the Mon Calamari, Quarren, Whaladons, and Moappa population were successfully transported off-world to concealed locations.
Subsequently, Azard and Isen were dispatched to attack Da Soocha, a Hutt world, based on intelligence suggesting that Mon Calamari refugees were seeking refuge there. Isen, once again, employed poison in the world's oceans, causing widespread devastation.