The rescue operation known as the Evacuation of Dac was a coordinated effort by the Galactic Alliance Remnant, the Fel Empire, the New Jedi Order, and their respective allies. This operation was a direct response to the Final Protocol implemented by Darth Krayt's Galactic Empire, which aimed to finalize the Genocide of Mon Calamari.
Following the significant allied triumph at Ralltiir and the subsequent counter-ambush against the Galactic Empire's First Coruscant Task Force by the Galactic Alliance Remnant, Darth Wyyrlok and the Moff Council on Coruscant were greatly incensed. Driven by a desire to inflict a major setback on the anti-Sith coalition, they initiated several critical operations. Moffs Rulf Yage and Fehlaaur received orders to proceed to Agamar with the intention of disrupting a conference involving the Jedi and Fel loyalists. Simultaneously, Darth Azard and Vul Isen were tasked with enacting the Final Protocol on Dac. The protocol, developed by Isen, involved the release of Viral spores designed to eradicate all life on Dac within a week. Azard voiced concerns, highlighting the fact that the Quarren, allied with the Sith, would also suffer the consequences. Despite this, Wyyrlok remained steadfast, permitting the Quarren to commence evacuation efforts on Dac without providing assistance or interference. Wyyrlok's strategy aimed for both operations to deliver substantial damage to the allied forces. A successful ambush on Agamar would result in Fel's capture, while the poisoning of Dac would serve as a lure, drawing Admiral Gar Stazi and the Galactic Alliance fleet into a carefully planned trap.

Three days after the implementation of the Final Protocol, Rogue Squadron was assigned a standard reconnaissance mission to Dac. During this mission, Ronto noticed a newly formed landmass in the upper western area of Dac. Monia Gahan, a Mon Calamari native of Dac and member of Rogue Squadron, uncovered the horrifying reality: the supposed landmass was actually composed of millions of corpses, all victims of the Final Protocol. As the Rogues conducted further scans, a group of six Predator-class fighters entered the area and engaged the Rogues. [Anj Dahl](/article/anj_dahl], the squadron's commander, instructed the Rogues to retreat to Stazi's fleet. Defying a direct order and filled with outrage at the actions of the Sith Imperials, Andurgo engaged the Imperial fighters. Piloting his CF9 Crossfire, Andurgo successfully destroyed one of the enemy fighters. Unwilling to abandon a fellow squadron member, Anj Dahl ordered the other Rogues to engage the Predators and provide cover for Andurgo. After eliminating the remaining Imperial fighters, the Rogues returned to the fleet to inform Stazi about the situation on Dac.

Upon learning of the critical situation on Dac, Stazi immediately took action. He contacted his Imperial allies on Bastion to request their assistance in a large-scale rescue operation. With Fel unreachable and occupied at Agamar, General Oron Jaeger was tasked with responding to the admiral's request. Despite sympathizing with the Mon Calamari and their predicament, General Jaeger informed Stazi that he could not commit the Fel loyalist fleet without direct authorization from the emperor. Furthermore, Jaeger expressed concerns that the entire situation might be a trap designed to ensnare the allied forces. Undeterred, Stazi remained determined to act, even without support from Fel's forces. Still aboard the Alliance following the ambush in the Arkanis sector, Jedi Master Te Corso offered the assistance of the New Jedi Order. In addition to providing a Jedi fighter group, Master Corso informed the admiral that the Order knew of a secure world where the Dac refugees could find safety. Encouraged, Stazi initiated his plan. Recognizing the formidable defenses of the Mon Calamari Orbital Shipyards, Stazi dispatched elements of Rogue Squadron, led by Ronto, and Sword Squadron, led by Master Drok, to infiltrate the shipyards and disable their defenses. On the planet's surface, Jedi Master Asaak Dan, Captain Tanquar, and the Mon Calamari Rangers engaged Imperial stormtroopers on Heurkea, securing the city's docks to serve as the operational base for the evacuation.
With the shipyard defenses neutralized and Heurkea secured, Stazi and the Galactic Alliance fleet emerged from hyperspace. The Alliance, supported by numerous Scythe-class battle cruisers, captured Pellaeon-class Star Destroyers, and various frigates, engaged a small Sith force consisting of five Star Destroyers. Outnumbered and outgunned, the surviving Sith warships retreated. With the space around Dac cleared, Stazi signaled the Emergency evac fleet. The genocide of the Mon Calamari and Wyyrlok's final protocol had ignited outrage among citizens throughout the galaxy. A fleet of privately owned starships, including old Mon Cal cruisers, Venator-class Star Destroyers from the Clone Wars, at least one Imperial-class Star Destroyer from Darth Sidious' Galactic Empire, and various private transports, arrived at Dac to rescue the planet's population. Landing on and around Heurkea, the armada began rescue operations. Nat Skywalker, a former Jedi and uncle of Cade Skywalker, was among the private citizens who arrived, along with smugglers Chak and Kee aboard the Grinning Liar. Twelve hours into the evacuation, operations were proceeding relatively smoothly. Aware that Dac was home to other sentient species, such as the whaladons and Moappa, the Galactic Alliance fleet dispatched YZ 3000 tankers to rescue as many as possible to ensure the survival of these species. A delegation of Quarren, angered that whaladons and Moappa were being rescued, demanded that their species be given priority. Incensed by their demands and unsympathetic to the Quarren due to their collaboration with the Sith, Stazi refused. However, despite his anger, Stazi allowed one out of every ten ships to focus on rescuing the remaining Quarren.

While the Galactic Alliance fleet was engaged in rescue operations, the Sith Imperials initiated their trap. The Outer Rim Third Fleet, under the leadership of Admiral Krion Grail and overseen by Moff Geist and Sith Fist Darth Stryfe, emerged from hyperspace behind the Alliance fleet. With a larger fleet and the element of surprise, the Sith anticipated a swift victory. However, Stazi had anticipated this and prepared his own counter-trap. Several outdated warships, including MC80 cruisers, CR90 corvettes, and a Venator-class Star Destroyer, advanced to engage the Sith. Detecting no life signs on board the warships, Admiral Grail assumed they were droid bombs. On Geist's orders, the Third Fleet opened fire with all weapons to destroy the approaching vessels. The destruction of these ships was precisely what Stazi had planned. Each ship was loaded with powerful ion bombs, which disabled the Third Fleet's sensors and other critical systems. Knowing that the effects of the attack would be temporary, Stazi ordered all Galactic Alliance capital ships to break through the Imperial lines using a variation of the Ackbar Slash. Five of the Third Fleet's Star Destroyers were destroyed or disabled, although the flagship Relentless survived due to Admiral Grail's quick thinking. Undeterred, Darth Stryfe ordered the Third Fleet to fire upon the first wave of evacuation ships heading for hyperspace. As Stryfe predicted, Stazi positioned the Alliance between the Imperial fleet and the refugee ships. While the Alliance endured heavy fire from Stryfe's Star Destroyers, Rogue Leader Anj Dahl ordered all Galactic Alliance fighter squadrons to protect the refugee ships and engage the Predators attempting to strafe them.

On the bridge of the Alliance, Captain Jhoram Bey informed Stazi that the ship's shields were failing. The Duros Admiral refused to retreat until all the ships in the evacuation fleet were safely away. Suddenly, a fleet of Fel loyalist Star Destroyers under General Jaeger's command emerged from hyperspace directly behind the Sith fleet. Jaeger had decided to take a portion of Bastion's fleet and position it a short hyperspace jump from Dac. Jaeger's gamble paid off when Roan Fel, who was also escaping the Sith-Imperial trap on Agamar, ordered Jaeger's fleet to engage. Caught between Stazi's battle cruisers and Jaeger's Star Destroyers, the Third Fleet suffered significant losses. Moff Geist, realizing the battle was lost, urged Stryfe to withdraw, pointing out that his former master, Darth Krayt, would not foolishly risk the loss of the entire Third Fleet. Stryfe relented and ordered the remaining ships of the fleet to retreat from Dac.
With the Sith Imperial fleet defeated, Stazi and Jaeger continued the evacuation of Dac. Twelve hours after the battle, the last of the refugee ships were loaded and prepared to depart for the secret safe world provided by the Jedi. Down on Heurkea, Captain Tanquar refused to leave his people, noting that too many were unable to escape. Asaak Dan sympathized but reminded Tanquar that he was now one of the recognized leaders of the Mon Calamari. Together, they boarded the last shuttle in the city and returned to the orbiting fleet. On the bridge of the Alliance, Jhoram Bey informed Stazi that nearly 20% of Dac's population had been rescued. While numbering in the billions, this was only a small fraction of the world's total population of 27 billion.