
Nat Skywalker, a Human male, was a Jedi Master who served during the Sith–Imperial War. He was born into a Force-sensitive family and was a descendant of both Anakin and Luke Skywalker. He was also the older brother of Jedi Council member Kol Skywalker and the uncle of Kol's son, Cade. As a Jedi, Skywalker married the Kiffar Droo and adopted her daughter Ahnah, in addition to adopting a young boy named Skeeto. When the SithImperial War commenced, Skywalker aided the Jedi Order in locating a suitable planet, Taivas, for the construction of a Hidden Temple. After his departure from the Order, Skywalker adopted the name "Bantha" Rawk, which his family also adopted as their surname. Following the massacre of the Jedi on Ossus by Darth Krayt's Sith-Imperials in 130 ABY, Rawk presumed that Cade had died in the attack. However, he was eventually reunited with his nephew, who had become a bounty hunter, and assisted him in building the starship called the Mynock. During that period, he rescued and adopted the Cathar Micah from slavers.

In 137 ABY, during the Second Imperial Civil War, Black Sun crime syndicate operatives attacked Rawk's home on Iego. Cade and the crew of the Mynock assisted Rawk and his family in defending their home from the mercenaries. Eventually, they were joined by Azlyn Rae, an Imperial Knight and an old friend of Cade's. When Cade expressed his desire to assassinate Darth Krayt, the former Jedi Master revealed the location of the Hidden Temple to his nephew. Rawk guided Cade's crew and Rae to Taivas, where he met with the reconvened Jedi Council as his nephew presented his plan to kill the Sith Lord. The Council ultimately rejected the plan, and Rawk bid his nephew farewell as Cade and his crew departed to assassinate Krayt against the Council's wishes. After Cade and his team had apparently killed Krayt, he met Rawk and his family on Droo's homeworld, Kiffex, requesting their assistance in healing Rae, who had sustained severe injuries during the mission. Rawk and Droo were compelled to encase Rae in a life-preserving suit that Rawk had constructed for the Kiffu Guardians. Upon discovering that Rae did not want to be healed, Rawk gave Cade and his crew two days to repair the Mynock and leave Kiffex. Rawk later assisted the Galactic Alliance Core Fleet in evacuating the planet Dac, which had been stricken by Viral spores unleashed by the Sith.

Some months later, in 138 ABY, Nat Skywalker responded to the Jedi Council's summons on Taivas and resumed his role as a Jedi Master for the duration of the war against the resurrected Darth Krayt and his One Sith. During the Sith attack on the Hidden Temple, Skywalker fought alongside his nephew Cade, protecting the ancient Neti Jedi Master T'ra Saa, who was engaged in battle meditation against the Sith forces. In the end, Skywalker saved Cade's life as he and Master Saa sacrificed themselves in an effort to inflict a significant blow on Darth Krayt's forces, enabling the evacuating Jedi of the Hidden Temple to escape successfully.


Early life

Nat Skywalker meets his nephew, Cade, for the first time.

Born into the Skywalker family, Nat Skywalker, a Human male, inherited the inherent Force potential of his lineage. In time, Skywalker developed into a formidable Jedi Master in his own right. Nevertheless, he felt he could never measure up to his family's reputation, especially when compared to his younger brother, Kol Skywalker, a natural leader and a member of the Jedi Council. Skywalker was aware of his brother's clandestine marriage to Morrigan Corde, an Imperial spy, although he never fully understood the reason until Kol brought his and Corde's son, Cade, to the Jedi Praxeum on the planet Ossus. Skywalker took on the responsibility of raising Cade on Ossus, as Kol was required to remain on the galactic capital, Coruscant, to attend to Jedi matters. Eventually, Kol brought Cade to Coruscant. During this time, Skywalker entered into marriage with a Kiffar named Droo, and adopted her daughter Ahnah along with a Force-sensitive boy named Skeeto. Through his marriage to Droo, whose first husband was a member of the Vos clan of Kiffu Guardians, Skywalker became affiliated with Clan Vos.

When the Sith–Imperial War broke out in 127 ABY, the Jedi Council mandated the establishment of a Hidden Jedi Temple. Skywalker scouted the Rim in search of a world suitable for the construction of such a temple and discovered the planet Taivas, situated in the Zhar system. Skywalker and his family played a role in assisting the Jedi in constructing the Hidden Temple. At some point during the war, Skywalker departed from the Order, confiding his reasons only to his wife. To conceal their Skywalker identity, he and his family changed their surname to "Rawk," with Skywalker adopting the alias "Bantha." In 130 ABY, the forces of Darth Krayt, the Dark Lord of the Sith, attacked the Ossus Jedi Praxeum, resulting in the death of Kol Skywalker and all the Jedi on the planet, scattering the remaining members of the Order. Rawk presumed that Cade had perished alongside his father on Ossus, but Cade had, in fact, been rescued by the pirate Rav and had joined the Feeorin's crew aboard the Crimson Axe.

Sometime after the Massacre at Ossus, the Rawks rescued a young Cathar named Micah from a group of slavers. During the rescue operation, Micah lost his legs, and Droo did her utmost to heal him. Ultimately, Rawk constructed and attached a pair of cybernetic legs to Micah and adopted the Cathar. Rawk eventually became a chief mechanic at the Selonian Shipyards. He also operated a side business, creating and modifying weapons for bounty hunters and others in need of reliable weaponry. In time, Rawk and Cade, who had become a bounty hunter, were reunited. Rawk assisted his nephew and Deliah Blue, a Zeltron member of Cade's crew, in building the starship Mynock. Rawk also provided his nephew with weaponry, crafting a modified double-barreled blaster carbine known as the Rawk chopped special. On one occasion, Rawk attacked the Mynock as they were departing from Rawk's home because Cade's friend, Jariah Syn, had attempted to seduce Ahnah.

Visit from Cade Skywalker

By 137 ABY, Rawk and his family had relocated to the planet Iego, residing in a home nicknamed "Rawk's Nest." Rawk maintained a friendship with Ure'monbarak, the Shipmaster on the planet Dac; the work that Ure'monbarak assigned Rawk with provided for his family. Members of the Black Sun crime syndicate launched an assault on Rawk's Nest in an attempt to extort protection money from Rawk. The Rawk family was defending their home from the mercenaries when the crew of the Mynock arrived to aid the Rawks. With their assistance, Rawk and his family succeeded in repelling the attackers. Four days later, during a pool party, Rawk and Cade engaged in a conversation in the Nest's workshop. Cade shared details of his recent exploits with his uncle, which included assisting Imperial Princess Marasiah Fel in returning to her father, the deposed Emperor Roan Fel, and invading the Sith Temple on Coruscant to rescue the Jedi Hosk Trey'lis.

Rawk overpowers Azlyn Rae.

During their conversation, Rawk learned that Cade had undergone Sith training before escaping their temple. As Rawk began to reprimand his nephew, Cade mentioned that he had encountered his mother, Morrigan Corde, during his escape and addressed Rawk by his former name. Rawk reminded his nephew that he had relinquished his former identity upon leaving the Jedi and instructed Cade to leave Iego if he intended to reveal Rawk's reasons for leaving the Jedi to Rawk's children. Subsequently, Rawk provided his nephew with information regarding Corde and Kol's relationship with her. Before rejoining their family, Rawk apologized to Cade for never having informed him about Corde and emphasized the importance of family to him.

Upon rejoining their family at the party, Skeeto urged everyone to watch a holovid that was being broadcast. Rawk and his family watched in disgust as images of Sith-Imperials on Dac executing the Mon Calamari were displayed, and they also witnessed Darth Krayt, the Dark Lord, decree that the surviving Mon Calamari in the galaxy would be placed in work camps. The holovid showed an image of Cade and identified him by his full name. Cade confirmed his identity as a Skywalker to his cousins, prompting Rawk to scold his nephew. A brief altercation ensued, but they quickly managed to calm down. Rawk instructed Skeeto to activate the long-range scanners to detect Imperial activity and advised everyone to remain calm. Later that night, Cade was attacked near the Mynock by a masked figure. After Cade was temporarily incapacitated, Rawk ambushed the attacker and used the Force to pull her blaster from her hand. However, she regained the upper hand and held her ignited lightsaber near Rawk's chest. Rawk managed to overpower her, and she revealed herself to be Azlyn Rae, a Padawan who had survived the attack on the Jedi Temple on Coruscant. They brought Rae inside, and she explained how she had survived the massacre, further stating that she had tracked Cade to determine whether or not to turn him in for the bounty placed on him. However, the long-range sensors detected Imperial Star Destroyers entering the system and heading toward Iego. Rawk instructed his nephew and his crew to conceal themselves.

A scouting party led by Imperial Captain Gurlok arrived at Rawk's Nest in search of Cade and interrogated Rae and the Rawks. Rae claimed that she had assisted Rawk in defending his home against the Black Sun mercenaries, but the Imperial Captain doubted her and ordered his stormtroopers to kill Rawk's children unless either he or Rae revealed the truth. Rae used a mind trick to convince Gurlok to leave, and the Imperials returned to the Star Destroyer and departed from the system. Two hours later, Rawk gave Cade another Rawk chopped special and commended Rae for her actions. He advised Cade to change his appearance, name, friends, and ship, and cautioned against using the Force. Cade disagreed and shared his intentions to assassinate Krayt with Rawk. When Cade mentioned his inability to locate the scattered Jedi, Rawk revealed the existence of a hidden Jedi Temple to his nephew.

The Hidden Temple

Rawk and the Jedi Council discuss Cade Skywalker's plan to assassinate Darth Krayt.

Before Rawk, Rae, Cade, and his crew departed from Iego to locate the Hidden Temple, Rawk instructed Droo to relocate the family to her homeworld of Kiffex. During the journey to Taivas, Rawk recorded a message for Droo, expressing his concerns about his nephew and the crew, as well as recounting the origins of the Hidden Temple. Upon landing at the Hidden Temple, Rawk, Rae, Cade, and the Mynock's crew discovered that the Imperial Knights Marasiah Fel, Antares Draco, and Ganner Krieg had followed them to the Temple. Cade and Shado Vao, a Jedi Knight, attacked the Imperials but ceased their assault when Cade's former Master, Wolf Sazen, ordered them to stand down. Cade realized that Rae had led the Imperials there using a tracking device she had secretly planted aboard the Mynock. When Fel explained that Rae was an Imperial Knight, Cade—believing that the Imperial delegation were spies—attempted to attack them but was restrained by Rawk. Tensions subsided, and Rawk, Cade, and the Imperials were permitted to meet with the reconvened Jedi Council, led by Masters T'ra Saa, K'Kruhk, and Tili Qua. Cade presented the Council with his plan to assassinate Darth Krayt, and they indicated that they would meditate on the matter.

That night, Rawk and the Council discussed his nephew's plan. Rawk felt that his nephew's idea to assassinate Krayt was probably the right one, even if he was leaning toward the dark side of the Force. However, the Council decided not to support Cade's plan. Rawk bid his nephew farewell as Cade, his crew, Shado Vao, Rae, Draco, and Krieg—who were ordered by Fel to accompany Cade on his mission—departed to carry out the plan regardless. Meanwhile, Rawk returned to his family on Kiffex.

Desperate measures

Rawk and his wife Droo discuss Azlyn Rae's fate.

Eventually, Rawk began working on a prototype suit of armor for the Kiffu Guardians. When the armor was nearing completion, he informed Zharia Vos, the Sheyf and leader of the Kiffu Guardians, that the suit was almost finished. After Cade's crew seemingly killed Darth Krayt, they rushed to Kiffex so that Droo could attempt to heal Rae, who had been grievously injured during the battle. As Rawk finished conversing with Vos, Syn contacted him over his comm system and asked Rawk to transmit the compound's coordinates to the Mynock's navigation computer. After sending the coordinates, Rawk and Droo met Cade and his crew outside their home. Cade, using his healing ability to keep Rae alive, gave Rae to Droo. Cade deceived his aunt into believing that Rae wished to live, when in fact, the Imperial Knight did not. Rawk promised Cade to do whatever it took to save Rae.

Later, when Cade attempted to assist in healing Rae, Rawk refused, citing his nephew's use of the dark side in conjunction with his healing ability. Droo tried everything she could, but Rae—who had been placed in a bacta tank—was resisting her efforts. Droo believed that they had to let her die, but Rawk disagreed, stating that Cade had seen too many promises broken in his life. Despite Droo's hesitation, the two placed Rae in the life-preserving suit that Rawk had developed for Sheyf Vos. After finding out that Cade had lied about Rae wanting to live, Droo confronted Cade and told him to leave and perhaps never return to the Rawks. Rawk gave Cade and his crew a deadline of two days to make repairs to the Mynock and leave. Two days later, Cade and his crew departed Kiffex without saying goodbye to Rawk and his family.

Evacuating Dac

Eventually, Darth Wyyrlok, the Sith Lord who had become the new ruler of the Empire, ordered the execution of the Final Protocol. Vul Isen, a Sith scientist, carried out the Final Protocol by infecting Dac's oceans with Viral spores that would eliminate all life on the planet within seven days. Three days after the Final Protocol was carried out, Rogue Squadron, a Galactic Alliance starfighter squadron, discovered that millions of beings had died, prompting Gar Stazi, an Admiral, to initiate a massive evacuation of the planet. Rawk joined the Galactic Alliance Remnant's Emergency evac fleet and piloted his CR90 corvette to the docks of Heurkea, a recently captured city. He pledged to return as many times as necessary. Rawk and the evacuation fleet managed to rescue approximately twenty percent of the planet's population.

Rejoining the Order and death

Master Nat Skywalker, moments before his death.

In the year 138 ABY, following the departure from Dac and Darth Krayt's resurgence, Rawk journeyed back to the Jedi Temple situated on Taivas. Responding to the Jedi Council's summons, he rejoined the Jedi Order to participate in the conflict against the Sith, convinced that everyone capable should contribute to the war effort. He engaged in a holographic conversation with his wife, who had also resumed her duties as a Kiffu Guardian after being called upon by Sheyf Vos, bidding her farewell and expressing his affection. Later, Cade and the crew of the Mynock arrived at the Temple, bringing a warning that the Sith were now aware of the Temple's location. Initially, a retreat was suggested, but Cade proposed a strategy to draw the Sith into an ambush, which garnered the agreement of the Jedi, Roan Fel, and Gar Stazi. However, after the meeting concluded, Rawk and Shado Vao confronted Cade, expressing their disapproval of using younglings as bait. Cade retorted by reminding them that allowing Taivas to suffer the same fate as Ossus would result in Darth Krayt's extermination of them all, including the younglings.

As anticipated, the Sith Imperial forces, including Sith Lords, the Imperial Navy, and the Imperial Army, launched an attack on the Hidden Temple. Within the Temple grounds, Rawk engaged in combat with the invading Sith alongside his nephew, finally mending their fractured relationship. Rawk dispatched a signal to the Galactic Alliance Remnant and Roan Fel's fleet, directing them to jump to Taivas and trap the Sith Imperial fleet against the planet. Unbeknownst to them, they were walking directly into Darth Krayt's own scheme. At the moment when victory seemed certain, Darth Nihl unleashed a horde of Darth Krayt's Sith troopers, along with the Sith Emperor's new capital ships and starfighters, which decimated their own ranks to fulfill their objective of annihilating the Jedi and their allies.

Despite the significant losses suffered by the Jedi, both uncle and nephew recognized their ability to inflict considerable damage on the Sith. They stood their ground to protect Master T'ra Saa, who was deeply immersed in battle meditation and had become intertwined with the planet's essence. Facing imminent death from a crashing Sith vessel, Rawk pushed his nephew away, into the water, saving him just as the ship crashed and detonated. United in the Force, Masters Skywalker and Saa channeled the life energy of Taivas, releasing it as a powerful beam of light that obliterated a large number of Sith Imperial ships. Echoing his brother Kol's sacrifice eight years prior, Nat Skywalker gave his life to protect his fellow Jedi and his nephew Cade.

Personality and traits

Rawk holds a lightsaber in his workshop.

Nat Skywalker, a Human male, struggled with feelings of inadequacy regarding his family's legacy. He considered his brother, Kol, to be a born leader, embodying the qualities people expected from a Skywalker. Upon meeting Cade's mother, Morrigan Corde, Skywalker perceived her as enigmatic and difficult to understand. After Kol brought Cade back to the Ossus Jedi Praxeum, Skywalker willingly assumed the responsibility of caring for Cade while his brother attended to Jedi affairs.

Rawk frequently criticized his nephew whenever he believed Cade had acted foolishly or was about to do so. During discussions with the Jedi Council about his nephew's plan to assassinate Darth Krayt, Rawk expressed his opinion that it was not a bad idea, despite Cade's apparent descent towards the dark side. Rawk also felt strongly that ignoring Krayt's genocide of the Mon Calamari was morally wrong. When Cade brought the injured Rae to Rawk after successfully assassinating Krayt, Rawk vowed to do everything possible to save Rae's life, determined not to fail his nephew, and he placed Rae in a life-preserving suit. After discovering that Cade had deceived Droo about Rae's desire to be healed, Rawk instructed his nephew to leave Kiffex within two days. Rawk held his family above all else. He adopted Droo's daughter Ahnah and a boy named Skeeto. After he and his family rescued the Cathar Micah from slavers, Rawk adopted the boy as one of their own. When Jariah Syn attempted to seduce Ahnah, Rawk retaliated, even firing at the Mynock as Syn, Cade, and Blue fled Rawk's home. He advocated for caution and urged Cade to exercise it; however, he remained willing to assist his nephew by taking him to the Jedi's Hidden Temple. Rawk was known for his outspokenness and boisterous personality, traits shared by his family.

Rawk was fluent in several languages, including Galactic Basic Standard, Bocce, and Huttese. He carried a modified blaster carbine and a blaster pistol, and also possessed a comlink. Upon rejoining the Jedi during the final stages of the war against Darth Krayt's empire, Rawk donned brown Jedi robes and wielded a lightsaber with a yellow crystal.

Powers and abilities

Master Skywalker

Like many members of the Skywalker family, Rawk had a strong connection to the Force. He underwent Jedi training, eventually achieving the rank of Jedi Master, before leaving the Order. Even after years of neglecting his Force abilities, he managed to overpower Imperial Knight Azlyn Rae, despite being unarmed while Rae held her lightsaber to his chest. Rawk was proficient in telekinetic Force powers, although his ability to use mind tricks had weakened, as his wife Droo had forbidden him from using them on their children.

Rawk was a skilled mechanic, demonstrated by his construction of prosthetic legs for his adopted son Micah after rescuing him and his family from slavers. Rawk also assisted in the construction of his nephew Cade Skywalker's ship, the Mynock. He designed a life-preserving suit for the Kiffu Guardians, which he and Droo later used to save Azlyn Rae's life. He also created the Rawk chopped special, a customized double-barreled blaster carbine that became Cade Skywalker's preferred weapon. Rawk later provided his nephew with upgraded versions of the carbine.

Behind the scenes

A sketch of Rawk

"Bantha" Rawk was conceived by John Ostrander, the author of the Star Wars: Legacy comic series. Rawk's initial mention occurred in 2006's Star Wars: Legacy (2006) 0, a comic serving as a resource that provided background information on various characters, locations, and organizations within Legacy. A sketch of Rawk appeared in the same issue, although his identity was not explicitly stated. Rawk was officially identified in the 2008 resource comic Star Wars: Legacy (2006) 0½.

According to an interview featuring John Ostrander and Jan Duursema, Rawk was slated to make a critical decision concerning his life and destiny in the upcoming miniseries Star Wars: Legacy—War, a sequel series to the Star Wars: Legacy comic series.

