Jariah Syn, a male Human bounty hunter, was the offspring of Zareb Syn. He served as a co-pilot aboard the starship _Mynock_, whose crew also featured his companions Deliah Blue and Cade Skywalker, during the Second Imperial Civil War against Darth Krayt and the One Sith.
At the age of seven, Syn witnessed the demise of his father, Zareb Syn, who was slain by the Cathar Jedi named Rasi Tuum. This occurred during Zareb's raid on the mining planet Roon. Rav, a Feeorin pirate, stepped in to raise Syn in honor of his deceased friend. Rav manipulated Syn's existing animosity towards the Jedi by spreading misinformation about the Jedi Order. As Syn matured, he received training in the use of Yuuzhan Vong weaponry from Chonyo, a Yuuzhan Vong crew member of Rav's vessel, the Crimson Axe.
Following the Massacre at Ossus, Rav's crew, which included Syn, discovered the Padawan Cade Skywalker adrift in the wreckage above the planet. Despite Rav's reservations, Syn, unaware of Skywalker's Jedi status, insisted on Skywalker joining their ranks. They forged a close friendship, although Skywalker concealed his Jedi background from Syn and the rest of the Crimson Axe crew. Eventually, the pair departed from Rav's crew and ventured out independently, enlisting the Zeltron mechanic Deliah Blue as the third member of their ship, the Mynock.
In 137 ABY, Syn inadvertently became embroiled in the Second Imperial Civil War after a mission on Vendaxa revealed that his captain was not only a Jedi but also the heir to the Skywalker lineage. Due to his association with Skywalker, Syn, along with Blue, was captured by Imperials and exploited as leverage in the Sith's endeavor to sway Skywalker to the dark side. After their liberation, Syn reconciled with Skywalker's Force abilities and provided support for Skywalker's various missions. Syn also came to terms with his father's passing after encountering Rasi Tuum during a mission at the Hidden Temple and hearing his account of the events.
Zareb Syn, Syn's father, was affiliated with the Feeorin pirate named Rav. At the age of seven, Syn secretly boarded a ship piloted by his father and Rav. Their destination was the mining planet Roon, where Rav and Zareb intended to carry out a raid. Sensing a disturbance in the Force, the Cathar Jedi Rasi Tuum arrived at the location being plundered by Rav and Zareb, attempting to safeguard the miners from the two pirates. During the ensuing confrontation, Rasi Tuum severed Rav's leg and killed Zareb Syn. A panicked Syn emerged from the ship to find his fallen father. Rasi Tuum loomed over Syn, seemingly poised to strike him down as well, but Syn was rescued by a blaster shot aimed at the Jedi's chest. To repay his fallen comrade, Rav took Syn in and raised him in Zareb's place. Having been fed false narratives about the Jedi Order by Rav, and having witnessed his father's death at the hands of a Jedi, Syn harbored a deep-seated hatred for all Jedi.

In 130 ABY, upon hearing about the Massacre at Ossus, Rav, Syn, and the rest of Rav's crew decided to travel to Ossus to loot the Jedi Temple and seize any valuable items. Upon their arrival, Syn and Rav discovered Jedi trainee Cade Skywalker floating amidst the debris above Ossus. After retrieving Skywalker, Rav assumed he was a Jedi and intended to cast him into the vacuum of space. However, Syn argued that Skywalker was not a Jedi because he possessed no lightsaber, and fought to keep him alive, believing Skywalker might be a member of a rival pirate group who may have already landed on the planet. Syn reasoned that killing Skywalker might prevent them from discovering any potential traps. After Skywalker falsely claimed to be a trader familiar with the Temple's layout, Rav reluctantly allowed him to live, but warned that he would eject both Syn and Skywalker if Skywalker led them into a trap. Skywalker then guided the pirates in plundering the Jedi Temple.
Following this event, Rav decided to take Skywalker on as an apprentice. Syn and Skywalker developed a close bond, although Skywalker, aware of Syn's hatred for Jedi, never revealed his last name or his past as a Jedi. After serving as Rav's apprentices for many years, Syn and Skywalker became bounty hunters, and Syn joined the crew of Skywalker's ship, the Mynock, as co-pilot. At some point after venturing out on their own, the pair recruited the Zeltron mechanic Deliah Blue as their third crew member.
In 137 ABY, Syn, Skywalker, and Blue were hired by Rav to locate gambler Naxy Screeger. After finding him on the planet Lok, the group also encountered a Jedi named Hosk Trey'lis. Eager to capture the Jedi and earn more money, Syn attempted to kill him to facilitate capture, but Skywalker intervened. After Blue's attempt to capture Trey'lis failed, Syn threw a thud bug at the Jedi's back, and the group departed Lok with both Screeger and Trey'lis in their custody.

Upon arriving on Socorro, their Jedi captive resisted, but Skywalker managed to subdue him long enough for them to hand over their two prisoners to Rav. When Rav paid the crew only enough to refuel the Mynock and buy a few drinks, and gave Skywalker death sticks as a bonus added to the crew's tab, Syn was enraged. Skywalker then asserted that it was his ship and his life, and that if Syn was unhappy with being part of the crew, he was free to find another ship. Skywalker then left, and Syn and Rav had a brief argument about Rav's motives for keeping the Mynock's crew in debt. Syn accused Rav of exploiting Skywalker's death stick addiction to keep the crew under his control. Rav retorted that he enjoyed having the crew owe him, as it reminded him of the "good old days." When Syn pointed out that he and Skywalker had earned their freedom from him and that Rav owed them, Rav replied that the only person he owed was Syn's deceased father, and that debt was settled. Syn then received a reprimand from Rav, who told Syn that he would "always be owned." Following the argument with Rav, Syn admitted to Blue that he felt Skywalker had lost his edge as a bounty hunter.
Subsequently, Blue and Syn returned to the Mynock, only to find themselves locked out because Skywalker was consuming his death sticks in private. Once the door opened, Syn powered up the Mynock to leave the planet. However, a disguised Princess Marasiah Fel and her companion Astraal Vao fled towards the ship, demanding passage to Vendaxa. After questioning their reasons, Skywalker saw that the Sith Lord Darth Talon was pursuing the pair, and quickly brought them onboard. The crew then discovered the true identities of their two passengers, along with the substantial bounty placed on Princess Marasiah. Syn immediately wanted to turn their two passengers in to the Imperials, but Skywalker wanted to take the two to their destination in order to collect the bounties on both the Princess and her father, the deposed Emperor Roan Fel.
On Vendaxa, Syn and the rest of the Mynock crew shielded their two guests from the indigenous creatures while en route to a meeting point established by Astraal and her brother long ago during their childhood. When Astraal's brother Shado Vao and Shado's Master Wolf Sazen arrived at the rendezvous point and helped the group kill an acklay, Syn was disgusted to learn that Astraal's brother was a Jedi. Princess Marasiah then informed the Mynock crew that the craft the Jedi had arrived in would be their means of escape from Vendaxa. Having strongly suspected the Mynock's crew intent to turn her in for a bounty, Princess Marasiah informed the Mynock crew that neither she, Astraal or the Jedi had the credits to pay them for their transport. Syn was furious at being deceived and appealed to Skywalker to take action, but Skywalker simply shrugged it off and instructed his crew to accept their losses and prepare the ship for departure. The Princess, Astraal, and the two Jedi were about to board the Jedi craft when it was destroyed by Darth Talon. Upon witnessing the explosion, Syn sarcastically informed the princess that the transport fee had just doubled.

Darth Talon, who had tracked her quarry to Vendaxa using a Force technique, seized this opportunity to launch her attack, employing the Force to command the native beasts to assault the group. Syn then joined Blue and participated in the battle against the Sith Lord by firing at her with a blaster. After Talon ripped the blasters from their hands using the Force, Skywalker Force-hurled an old shipwreck at her, delaying the Sith long enough for her to summon reinforcements.
While repairing the Mynock, which had sustained damage in the battle, Syn contemplated turning Skywalker in for a bounty after discovering that his longtime friend was a Jedi. The pair engaged in an argument after Skywalker confronted Syn about it, and Syn even threatened to shoot him in the face. However, just as Syn was about to pull the trigger, Skywalker used the Force to snatch Syn's blaster from his hand, dropped it on the ground, and walked away.
The Sith attacked again, this time with Darth Nihl and a small retinue of other Sith fighting at Talon's side, and the newly-arrived Imperial Knights Antares Draco and Ganner Krieg fighting alongside the Jedi. Syn and Blue prepared the Mynock for flight. When Blue stated that she was not leaving without Skywalker, Syn said that if Skywalker was one of them, he'd already be on board. Blue replied that if Skywalker was left behind, she would jettison him into space.
Princess Marasiah had been wounded by an Iridonian Sith while protecting Skywalker, and the Jedi covered the Imperial Knights as they brought the Princess on board the Mynock. At this point, Skywalker had engaged in a duel with Nihl, his father's killer. Just as the two men were about to square off, Syn shot at Nihl with his blaster, hitting him in the chest. Nihl retaliated by Force shoving both men, and Syn left Skywalker to finish the fight.
After all Jedi, Imperials, and bounty hunters were on board the Mynock, the crew was instructed by Draco to fly to Bastion. When Syn questioned why they would fly to the stronghold of the Sith, he was informed by Draco that Emperor Fel had recently retaken Bastion, and that it was the only place that had the healers and medical supplies needed to save the Princess. Syn pointed out that it was going to take time to fly to Bastion, and Blue said that the engines can only go so fast. Draco then got upset and threatened to kill the pair if they did not make the ship go as fast as possible. Syn then watched as Skywalker healed the Princess using the Force, and when the Mynock arrived on Bastion, Syn and Blue were abandoned by Skywalker due to his lack of trust of Syn.

Despite this, Syn and Blue found a way off Bastion and traveled to Socorro, as Rav had contacted the pair to do a job for him. Having gambled away his share of the reward Emperor Fel gave the pair for safely returning Princess Marasiah, Syn badgered Blue for her share so that he could use it as a down payment on a Chume Sen cruiser. Blue replied that she had already put half of her share on a deposit to use the Grinning Liar to transport them to Socorro. Upset with Syn for pestering her and Skywalker for abandoning them, Blue stormed off. A short while later, the pair met with Rav, who inquired about Skywalker's whereabouts. Syn lied and said that the pair told Skywalker to "jump in a black hole" and that they no longer needed him, and neither does Rav. Syn then asked about what the job entailed, and Rav told the pair it was a job only they can do. Rav then led the pair into a room to talk privately.
Standing in the room Rav had taken the pair was Nyna Calixte, Imperial Moff and head of Imperial Intelligence. Flanked by a pair of stormtroopers, Calixte informed the pair they were under arrest for harboring a Jedi named Cade Skywalker. Blue and Syn denied that Skywalker was a Jedi, with Blue stating that it was death stick-induced delusions that make Skywalker think he was a Jedi, and Syn challenging Rav to let the Imperials shoot them. Rav then made Syn watch the security cam from when they had turned in Hosk Trey'lis, which had recorded Skywalker using the Force to subdue the Jedi. Rav informed the pair that their antics on Vendaxa had already alerted the Empire to Skywalker's identity and that they were now known as his associates, and that he had arranged for the Empire to capture them. Rav then played to Syn's hatred for Jedi, telling him that Skywalker had played him for the biggest fool of all, and that Syn owed Skywalker nothing.
Calixte then stated that she had no interest in the pair, other than for them to reveal the whereabouts of Skywalker. She stated that if they divulge that piece of information to her, they will have been considered "hostages of the Jedi" and be allowed to go free. Syn took this opportunity to express his disgust of the Sith and the Empire, stating that he hated them more than he hates Jedi. Syn then lied and said that if the Imperials wanted to find Skywalker, then they should look no further than the slythmongers on Coruscant. Calixte, having seen through the lie, expressed the opinion that she hoped to get the information the easy way. She then activated an interrogation droid and unleashed it on the pair, expecting the torture it inflicted would force them to talk. The pair still refused to cooperate with the Imperials, and at some point they were turned over to the Sith and implanted with Yuuzhan Vong coral seeds.

Skywalker had gotten himself captured by the Sith while attempting to rescue Hosk Trey'lis, the same Bothan Jedi he had turned in for a bounty, from the Sith Temple on Coruscant. In an attempt to get Skywalker to demonstrate his healing power, Darth Krayt arranged to use Syn and Blue as his test subjects. When questioned by Krayt about Skywalker's healing power, both Syn and Blue lied about having witnessed it, so Krayt instructed Darth Maladi to use Force lightning on them, accelerating the growth of the coral seed implants. Krayt then offered Skywalker a choice: use his power to save one of his friends, or watch them both die. After telling Skywalker to get his Jedi hands off of him, Syn told Skywalker to save Blue and let him die. After telling Syn to keep quiet, Skywalker then expended a large amount of Force energy to heal them both. Impressed, Krayt demanded that Skywalker join the Sith. Skywalker only accepted Krayt's offer on the condition that Syn and Blue be allowed to leave the Sith Temple safely.

Skywalker had recorded a message to Syn and Blue prior to his capture by the Sith, and left it and the access codes to the Mynock in the care of the Hutt Queen Jool, owner of Rik's Cantina on Coruscant, with the instructions that Syn and Blue get them next time she saw them. When Syn and Blue were released from the Sith Temple, they headed to Rik's Cantina, and Jool gave them the access codes as promised. The message stated that if the pair were viewing it, then he wasn't going to be coming back and urged them to take the Mynock and go. Syn was all too happy to do just that, but Blue said that Skywalker saved their lives, and they owe him. When Blue threatened him with a blaster after he said that Skywalker was the reason they almost died in the first place, he urged Blue to shoot him.
The argument between Syn and Blue was interrupted by Kee, a Devaronian smuggler, and the Wookiee Chak, Kee's partner and the owner of the Grinning Liar. The pair demanded the return of their ship, but Syn informed them that Rav had taken it when he had double-crossed Syn and Blue to the Imperials, but they were welcome to take the Mynock instead if they wanted. Chak stated that he did not want the Mynock, and tried to coerce Blue into helping him retrieve it by threatening to rip her arms off if she did not. Blue replied that she was not leaving the planet until they got Skywalker back from the Sith. Again, the argument was interrupted, but this time it was by Nyna Calixte, in her guise as Imperial Intelligence agent Morrigan Corde.
Corde stated that she had a plan to rescue Skywalker. When Syn stated that he wanted no part of such a plan, Blue again berated him, telling him that Skywalker saved their lives and asking Syn to remember all the times Skywalker had gotten them out of seemingly impossible situations. Syn then asked Corde why she was helping them, to which she replied that she was Skywalker's mother. Syn expressed his disbelief of this claim, even dismissing the family holo Corde showed the group of herself, Kol Skywalker, and a young Cade, as a fake. Chak confirmed the holo as real, having worked at the Jedi Temple on Ossus around that time period. Having secured the group's cooperation, Corde then instructed them to fly the Mynock to a specific set of coordinates and meet her there.

A short while later, Corde had secured three dozen Vong bugs, taken from a batch that the Imperials had confiscated from the criminal organization Black Sun. Corde boarded the Mynock with the bugs and dumped them on a table in front of Syn, who was overjoyed at how many there were. Due to his knowledge of how to handle the bugs, Corde tasked him with making sure they were kept comfortable while Kee wired them with some bio-microcircuitry. Some of the bugs would be fit with spy cameras, others would act as boom bugs, but it was Syn's responsibility to make sure they all obeyed.
Having programmed the bugs, the team sent them into the Sith Temple on Coruscant, and shortly after were successful in locating Cade. Jariah, Deliah, Morrigan, Kee, and Chak prepared to rescue Cade, and Jariah asked Morrigan what she would do if Cade refused to return with them. What she would do if Cade had truly turned to the Sith? Morrigan simply replied saying that she would disown and kill Cade if he committed to the Sith.
When Cade revealed himself to be merely pretending to be in the thrall of the dark side Jariah flew the Mynock towards the Sith Temple, beginning their rescue operation. After Corde left the Mynock using a jetpack, she blasted the window in Krayt's throne room where Krayt and Cade were dueling. Cade jumped out and was caught by Syn. With Cade on board, the crew of the Mynock entered hyperspace.

With assistance from Naxy Screeger, the Mynock's crew, accompanied by Chak and Kee, made their way to the Crimson Axe on Socorro. Their objective? To reclaim Chak's vessel, the Grinning Liar. Syn, Skywalker, Chak, and Kee boldly confronted Rav at the Crimson Axe, demanding the ship's return. Rav's refusal led to an attack by his henchmen on the quartet of bounty hunters. After a brief skirmish, Skywalker, lightsaber drawn, threatened Rav, scolding him for betraying Syn and Blue to the Empire. He reiterated the demand for the Grinning Liar's release to Chak and Kee. Skywalker then unleashed Force lightning upon Rav, compelling him to swear the Bloody Bones oath. Rav, now compliant, relinquished the ship. With their ship back in their possession, Chak and Kee departed on their separate journey.
Syn and Skywalker then took Screeger, who had been tailing them to the spaceport with the intention of escaping Socorro, as an unwilling passenger on their ship. Distrustful of Screeger's intentions, Skywalker and Syn confined him to the brig. To evade the unwanted attention Skywalker had attracted from the Sith and the Imperials, the pair briefly considered "disappearing into the galaxy". Ultimately, they decided to head to Rawk's Nest on Iego, the residence of Skywalker's uncle. Before arriving at Iego, the pair unceremoniously dropped Screeger off at an undisclosed location. Upon the Mynock crew's arrival at Rawk's Nest, they joined forces with the Rawk family to repel an assault by Black Sun on the Nest. Syn piloted the Mynock while Blue and Skywalker operated the ship's weaponry.
After successfully repelling the Black Sun assailants, the Mynock crew enjoyed a few days of respite with Rawk, his wife Droo Rawk, and their children: Ahnah, Skeeto, and Micah. Syn found himself particularly drawn to Ahnah, as the pair felt an attraction to each other. Four days after the Mynock crew's arrival at Rawk's Nest, Skeeto stumbled upon a holovid news report identifying Skywalker as a wanted terrorist linked to the attack on the Sith Temple. Concerned that he had endangered the Rawks, Skywalker instructed Syn and Blue to prepare for immediate departure from Iego. Skywalker's plan to flee sparked a heated argument with Rawk, culminating in a physical altercation. Ultimately, the Mynock crew remained on Iego.

Unbeknownst to the Mynock crew and the Rawk family, Azlyn Rae, a former Jedi student turned bounty hunter, had been tracking the Mynock to Iego. Rawk captured Rae, who was disguised, while she was attempting to apprehend Skywalker. When she removed her disguise, both men were shocked to recognize her. Syn, Blue, Droo, Bantha, and Skywalker listened to Rae's explanation of how she survived the Third Jedi Purge and her reasons for wanting to capture Skywalker. Their conversation was interrupted by the Nest's long-range [sensors](/article/sensor-legends] detecting an approaching threat, prompting Skywalker, Blue, and Syn to conceal themselves within a hidden compartment in the Mynock.
Acting on information provided by Black Sun criminals who had survived the attack on Rawk's Nest, an Imperial squad landed at Rawk's Nest in search of the Mynock and its crew. The Imperials assaulted Rawk and took his family hostage. Rae was also attacked for deceiving the Imperial captain, who threatened to harm Micah if she lied again about the Mynock's crew's location. To protect Micah, Rae used a mind trick to convince the captain that the Mynock had never been on Iego. The captain, fooled by the mind trick, ordered his troops to leave Iego. The Mynock crew then emerged from their hiding place. With Syn and Blue's support, Skywalker declared his intention to assassinate Darth Krayt, but acknowledged that he needed allies to accomplish this goal. Bantha told Skywalker about a secret Hidden Temple built by the Jedi Council before the Sith–Imperial War. Since the war, the Temple had been used as the base of the Jedi Order. Accompanied by Rae, Rawk left his family to guide the Mynock crew to the Hidden Temple so Skywalker could seek the Jedi Council's support.

Rae, who had become an Imperial Knight after the Jedi's dispersal, covertly informed Princess Marasiah, Antares Draco, and Ganner Krieg of the temple's location. The Imperial Knights followed the Mynock into the temple aboard a cloaked vessel. Following a brief confrontation with Cade and Shado Vao, the Knights were invited to join Cade at the Council meeting.
Blue, Rae, and Syn were required to wait outside the Council chamber, accompanied by several Jedi. Rae encountered her former master, Rasi Tuum, whom she had believed to have died protecting her. Syn recognized Tuum as the Jedi responsible for his father's death, and was determined to exact his long-planned revenge. Upon recognizing his father's killer, he displayed signs of distress, prompting Zabrak Jedi Master Mai to inquire about his well-being. Enraged, he incapacitated her and proceeded to the Mynock to retrieve the necessary equipment to kill Tuum.
His attempt was unsuccessful, and Tuum apprehended him. Syn then learned the circumstances surrounding his father's death at Tuum's hand. Subsequently, he departed the temple with Cade, Blue, Shado Vao, and three Imperial Knights on a mission to eliminate Darth Krayt.

While en route to Had Abaddon, the Mynock was forcibly extracted from hyperspace by the ancient Jedi Knight Celeste Morne. Morne, controlled by the spirit of Sith Lord Karness Muur for four millennia through the Muur Talisman she wore, used a tractor beam to pull the Mynock onto a captured Imperial Star Destroyer. Once the Mynock was secured in the hangar, Blue was instructed to remain with the ship while Syn accompanied Skywalker, the Imperial Knights Antares Draco and Ganner Krieg, Azlyn Rae, and Jedi Knight Shado Vao to explore the seemingly deserted hangar. Draco and Krieg separated from the group to explore another section of the hangar, while the remaining members investigated the only other ship present. Upon inspection, they discovered that the ship was over a century old and contained the skeletal remains of the crew, transformed by the rakghoul plague unleashed by Muur through Morne.
Shortly after checking in with Draco and Krieg, who had also found only bones, the remaining group members were attacked by live rakghouls. Syn engaged them with his blaster, witnessing Skywalker and Rae being bitten. At that moment, Morne entered the room, noticed the bites, and used the Force to separate Skywalker and Rae from Syn and Vao. Morne locked Skywalker and Rae in a room with her, effectively quarantining them. On the other side of the door, Syn criticized Vao for failing to free Skywalker and Rae, and appealed to Blue for assistance in repelling the surrounding rakghouls. Aided by an attack from the two remaining Imperial Knights, Blue used the Mynock's laser to fire upon the rakghouls, saving Syn and Vao. Inside the locked room, Skywalker used his healing abilities to cure Rae and himself of the Rakghoul plague. Impressed by this feat, Morne released them and allowed them to rejoin Syn, Vao, Blue, Draco, and Krieg. Morne declared that Skywalker had earned her approval and that she would join their quest to kill Darth Krayt.

On Had Abbadon, as preparations were underway to assassinate Darth Krayt, Syn and Blue discussed Skywalker's renewed feelings for Azlyn Rae. Blue, despite being a member of the polyamorous Zeltron species, felt threatened by Skywalker's affections for Rae. Syn reassured her of Skywalker's feelings for her and advised her to give him space.
As part of the plan to lure Krayt, Morne, feigning to be Muur, sent a holomessage to Darth Krayt, promising to surrender Skywalker if Krayt came alone to Had Abbadon. "Muur" threatened to kill Skywalker if Krayt brought reinforcements. Krayt disregarded the instruction and arrived on Had Abaddon accompanied by Darth Talon, Darth Maladi, Darth Stryfe, and Darth Wyyrlok. Upon arriving, the Sith discovered that Skywalker's capture was a deception and launched an attack. As the Battle of Had Abbadon raged, Skywalker engaged Darth Stryfe in combat. During the duel, he instructed Syn to position thermal detonators in Stryfe's vicinity. Syn deployed the detonators from the ship, placing them behind Stryfe. Skywalker then Force kicked Stryfe onto the detonators, at which point Syn detonated them. The explosion severely injured Stryfe, causing him to fall from the platform. Shortly after, Karness Muur seized control of Morne's body and unleashed Force lightning upon Darth Krayt and Azlyn Rae. Morne then regained control and Force pushed Krayt off a cliff. Morne admitted that she was losing control over Muur and his Talisman and requested that Skywalker kill her, a request he fulfilled. Upon Morne's death, the Talisman attached itself to Skywalker, but he destroyed it with Force lightning.
Moments after the Talisman's destruction, Syn informed Skywalker that Rae was still alive. Skywalker rushed to Azlyn and used his healing powers, but her injuries were too severe for them to fully heal her. Syn advised Skywalker that his powers were ineffective, and Vao suggested that he allow her to become one with the Force, but he refused, insisting that he would continue trying until he found a medical facility. Rae herself expressed her desire to join the Force and urged Skywalker to let her go, but he refused. Blue suggested taking Rae to his aunt Droo Rawk, and Skywalker agreed. As they prepared to leave, Krieg and Draco attempted to accompany them. Skywalker refused, having discovered that their true mission was to secure the Talisman for Emperor Fel, and Vao used the Force to push them away when Krieg tried to stop them from taking Rae. Skywalker then boarded the ship with Syn and the rest of his friends and set a course for Kiffex, while Skywalker sustained Rae's life through constant use of his Force healing ability.
As they attempted to land on Kiffex, the Mynock was caught in a lightning storm caused by the overlapping orbits of Kiffex and its sister planet Kiffu. Syn sent a distress call to Bantha Rawk, reporting that the ship was coming in hot and that they had a wounded passenger. Rawk and Droo met the Mynock at the specified coordinates and took custody of Rae, transporting her to their residence in a glass-covered hoverlift. Following the healer's code, Droo asked Skywalker if Rae had expressed a desire to live, to which Skywalker falsely replied that she had. Once Rae was in safe hands, Syn attempted to comfort Skywalker, but Skywalker passed out from the exertion of keeping Rae alive during the journey to Kiffex.
While waiting for Skywalker to recover, Syn had dinner with Skywalker's cousins Skeeto and Micah Rawk. Micah teased Syn about his sister Ahnah, who was training to become a Kiffu Guardian, saying that she would be even tougher and would restrain Syn if he misbehaved. Syn, who had long been attracted to Ahnah, replied by telling her not to get her hopes up, which Skeeto found disgusting. Their conversation was interrupted by a newly awakened Skywalker, who wanted to go into town. Skywalker asked Syn to join him at a spacer's cantina on the fringe, and Syn agreed. On their way to the cantina, they were stopped by Vao, who demanded to know if Krayt was truly dead. Skywalker confirmed Krayt's death and sent Vao on his way.
At the Busted Blaster spacer's bar, Skywalker and Syn got into fights with the locals over Skywalker using the Force to cheat at sabacc. The pair defeated the local thugs, with Skywalker again using the Force to make one of the thugs lick his boots. Syn warned him that others were coming, and the pair were again embroiled in another fight with the bar's patrons. This time, three Kiffu Guardians were called in to investigate the disturbance, and one of them was Ahnah Rawk. The Guardians subdued the patrons and demanded to know who had started the fight. One of the spacers identified Skywalker, at which point Skywalker attacked the first two Guardians.

Amid the blaster fire, Syn recognized Ahnah and told Skywalker to stop fighting. Skywalker refused, and Ahnah confronted her cousin at blasterpoint, informing him that he was under arrest and demanding that he stand down. Skywalker mocked his cousin and threatened to beat her up too, while Syn told Ahnah to stand down for her own safety. Ahnah refused, identifying Skywalker as being out of control and asking who else was going to stop him. Ahnah then mockingly asked Syn if he was going to be the one to stop Skywalker, to which Syn replied affirmatively. Syn positioned himself between Skywalker and Ahnah, and asked Skywalker if he had become so bad that he would hurt his cousin. Syn then challenged Skywalker to go ahead and hurt his cousin, but that Skywalker would have to go through Syn to do it. Skywalker called his bluff and used the Force on Syn, who reminded Skywalker that if anything happened to Ahnah, Rawk and Droo would be extremely upset with him and advised Skywalker not to harm his family. Skywalker pulled out his blaster and pointed it at Syn, replying that she was against him by taking the side of the law over her family by arresting him and demanding to know why Syn was defending her. Syn replied that he was keeping Skywalker from doing something stupid and pleaded with Skywalker not to make him act like the adult in this situation. After a tense standoff, Skywalker lowered his blaster. Ahnah informed the pair that, family or not, both of them were still under arrest. Syn kissed Ahnah while simultaneously placing a Yuuzhan Vong bioweapon on her neck, knocking her unconscious. Apologetic for knocking her out, Syn placed her on a nearby chair and flew back to the Rawk compound with Skywalker.

Back at the compound, Skywalker and his crew were banished from Kiffex by his aunt Droo, because she discovered that he had lied to her about Rae wanting to live and for tricking her into breaking the healer's most basic rule: healing must never be imposed. Disappointed in his nephew's actions, Rawk gave the crew two days to leave Kiffex. On the Mynock, Syn reflected that Ahnah should have turned them in, and that not doing so would cost her in the long run. Syn also stated that the Mynock crew did nothing but bring trouble to Rawk, and asked Skywalker why they do it. Skywalker replied that it was because he was an idiot, and that every time he does something nice, he gets kicked in the teeth for it. Syn pointed out that each one of Skywalker's "good" deeds, from killing Krayt to saving Rae, was selfishly motivated. Skywalker stated that no one's motives were unmixed and that maybe Rav had it right: don't care about anyone but yourself, and no one gets hurt that way. The pair then met up with Blue, and the three of them decided to head to the Outer Rim. Syn suggested that with Krayt dead, there would be lots of opportunities for smuggling, bounty hunting, and piracy. The crew left Kiffex without saying goodbye to Ahnah and the other children, despite the lightning storm raging above.

The Mynock crew arrived in the Arkanis sector and began to plunder Imperial ships for their cargo. During one such incident on the Triellus Trade Route, the Mynock crew boarded an Imperial ship, eliminated the Black Sun pirates, stole their cargo, and had Skywalker mind trick the Imperial officers into forgetting their presence. Back on board the Mynock, Syn and Blue laughed at the Imperials' expense, while Skywalker was withdrawn and retreated to his room. Syn expressed concern to Blue about Skywalker, wondering if he had relapsed into using death sticks. Blue admitted she was unsure. Syn then offered to keep Blue company if she ever felt lonely.
The crew landed at Mos Eisley Spaceport, Tatooine. Blue discovered that the Mynock required a new trivalve assembly. Skywalker blamed Blue for its failure, but Blue reminded him that she had repeatedly told both Skywalker and Syn that it needed replacement, but they had ignored her and spent all their earnings. Skywalker said that they would acquire the part after selling the stolen cargo to Muz the Fence, after which he and Syn would get drunk at Gusha's Luck cantina. Syn lamented that a Twi'lek female there had caught his eye, but she only drank the expensive Tatooine Sunrise drink.
Skywalker met with Muz the Fence, who offered only a quarter of the cargo's value because his sources had revealed that the shipment was "hot." Muz informed Skywalker that Black Sun was now searching for the Mynock crew, and they should leave Tatooine immediately. Skywalker relayed this information to his crew, and Syn suggested stealing a trivalve. Skywalker said that he had checked and that there were none on the planet. Syn then suggested that Skywalker use the Force to heal the valve, leading to an argument between Blue and Skywalker as he suggested that if he could, he wouldn't need her. Syn broke up the argument by suggesting that Blue run the "missionary scam," where Blue pretended to be an Imperial missionary to con a part out of the Imperial Mission. After some persuasion, Blue reluctantly agreed to the plan.

While Blue was executing the scam, Skywalker and Syn went to Gusha's Luck cantina, where they discussed how Blue would be angry at them for getting drunk while she was working. The conversation was interrupted when Syn spotted his Twi'lek admirer. Syn remarked that he had no credits to buy her Tatooine Sunrises, and asked Skywalker how he was supposed to impress her. Skywalker suggested Syn tell her that he was a Jedi on the run, and Syn approached her with that story in mind. While Syn was occupied with his Twi'lek admirer, Skywalker was drugged and abducted from the bar by undercover Imperial agent Gunn Yage. Shortly afterward, Syn discovered that his Twi'lek companion was married when her husband entered the bar and opened fire on him. As he evaded the blaster shots, Syn encountered Nyna Calixte, disguised as Morrigan Corde.
Corde, riding a swoop, asked Syn if he knew of her son's whereabouts. Syn told her that he had been informed that Skywalker had left the bar with a blonde woman, whom Corde identified as Gunn Yage. Corde explained that she and Yage were assigned to Tatooine to find those responsible for Imperial cargo thefts, and asked Syn if he and Skywalker knew anything about it. Syn admitted that the Mynock crew was stealing the cargo from Black Sun, who were stealing the cargo from the Imperials. Using the signal from Yage's comm device, the pair set out to track Skywalker and Yage. A sudden sandstorm impeded their progress, and while they waited for it to subside, they discussed Skywalker, Yage, and their shared animosity towards the Sith.

After the storm cleared, Syn and Corde encountered Ku Vrat, a Blood Carver assassin—one of three assassins dispatched by Black Sun Vigo Lun Rask to eliminate Yage and Skywalker for interfering in his operations. Corde fought Vrat, even poisoning him with a dart hidden in her wristband, but the Blood Carver gained the upper hand. Just as Vrat was about to deliver the killing blow, Syn attacked Vrat with razor bugs, killing him. The pair then found Yage and Skywalker, who had emerged from their hiding place after killing one of the remaining assassins and holding the third, Nakia Yoru, captive. Syn attempted to introduce Skywalker to his mother, but Skywalker was unenthusiastic about the reunion. Syn listened as Corde berated Yage for disobeying her earlier orders, and instructed Yage to find evidence that Imperial Moff Gromia, the head of the Arkanis sector, was colluding with Black Sun in the theft of Imperial shipments. Syn watched as Yage departed, and along with Corde and Skywalker, commandeered Nakia's ship and forced her to take them to Lun Rask.
Syn, Corde, and Skywalker, along with Nakia, met with Rask at his headquarters at Kaer Station. The group confronted Rask about his deal with Moff Gromia, and Skywalker offered Rask a deal: he and his crew would target other Black Sun Vigos in exchange for a cut of the profits. Rask agreed, but Corde shot and killed him. Enraged, Skywalker Force choked his mother, and Syn talked him out of killing her. Still furious at his mother, Skywalker and Syn left the base without Corde. Back on Tatooine, Blue had successfully acquired a trivalve for the Mynock, and the crew departed Tatooine.

After their departure from Tatooine, the crew made their way to Zeltros and paid a visit to Paradise, the fresh entertainment joint of Jool, the Hutt cantina proprietor. Their moments of leisure were disrupted by the arrival of Rav, who had been tracking them to Zeltros with the intention of enlisting them for a task. Rav presented the crew with an offer of one million credits to eliminate a troublesome pest causing issues for a business partner. Skywalker accepted the proposition, stipulating that the crew receive 80% of the earnings, but he became frustrated upon discovering that the bounty's location was Wayland, the initial testing ground for his father Kol's ill-fated Ossus Project.
Upon their arrival on Wayland, the crew found themselves under assault from the untamed survivors of the Yuuzhan Vong biots originating from the Ossus Project. During the battle with the biots, Syn observed that these creatures bore a resemblance to those he had studied under his Yuuzhan Vong weapons instructor from the Crimson Axe, Chonyo, but noted that these ones had become "freaky". Skywalker clarified to Syn and Blue that the Ossus Project was a joint effort between his father and the shapers of the Yuuzhan Vong, aimed at revitalizing planets ravaged by the Yuuzhan Vong War. Wayland was chosen as the first test location, and for half a year, the planet appeared to flourish under the shapers' care. Nevertheless, Sith interference through the Vongspawn virus drove the biots into a frenzy, transforming all life on the planet, with the exception of the Jedi and the Yuuzhan Vong shapers, into feral Vongspawn. This gave the appearance that the Jedi and shapers were responsible. Syn voiced his concerns that the virus might still be infectious, but Skywalker reassured him that it was unlikely. At that moment, Vongspawned members of the indigenous Myneyrsh population ambushed the crew, capturing Blue and rendering Syn and Skywalker unconscious with a near-fatal shriek from a local Vong-transformed creature.

Fionah Ti, the non-Force sensitive daughter of Jedi assigned to Zonama Sekot, came to Syn's rescue. Upon regaining consciousness, Syn launched an attack on Ti, but after she subdued him, she informed him that the Vongspawn had taken Blue, and that Skywalker was missing and possibly deceased. Syn scoffed at the suggestion of Skywalker's death, prompting Ti to recognize the name and recount that during her time living with her parents on Zonama Sekot, she had learned the shaper arts. Years later, she was assigned to Wayland to uncover evidence of the Sith's sabotage of the Ossus Project and to repair some of the damage. Upon hearing Ti's account, Syn cursed and jumped to the conclusion that Ti was the bounty they were hired to find. While Ti expressed surprise and confusion at Syn's claims, an amphistaff materialized behind her. Speaking in Yuuzhan Vong, Syn pacified the amphistaff and claimed it as his own, naming it Heartstriker. Impressed by Syn's accomplishment, Ti offered to collaborate with him to locate Skywalker and Blue.
Ti guided Syn to a derelict Yuuzhan Vong laboratory, suggesting that Skywalker and Blue were likely being held captive inside. Wolf Sazen, a Zabrak Jedi Master who had been drawn to Wayland by Force visions of Skywalker, crossed paths with the pair and aided them in gaining entry. The trio engaged in combat against Zenoc Quah, a Sith-aligned Yuuzhan Vong shaper, and his creations, with Syn employing Heartstriker to defend Ti from Quah's attacks.
Inside the laboratory, Skywalker encountered Darth Maladi, a Sith Lord. Skywalker realized that Maladi was Rav's "business associate" and that the bounty was merely a ploy to lure him into her clutches. As part of her scheme, Maladi had orchestrated the Myneyrshi attack and Blue's capture, anticipating that Skywalker would come to her rescue. A confrontation ensued between the two, culminating in Maladi activating the fortress's self-destruct mechanism. By the time Syn, Sazen, and Ti arrived in the room, Maladi had already fled the scene. Ti attempted to disable the self-destruct mechanism, while Syn urged Skywalker to seize Blue and escape. Skywalker refused, and Sazen instructed him to utilize the light side of the Force to heal Blue, who had a Vongspawn implanted on her back by Maladi. Skywalker implored them all to flee while he attempted to heal Blue; Sazen advised Syn to heed Skywalker's words, as the Force was guiding him. As they fled, Syn shouted at Skywalker not to sacrifice himself or allow Blue to perish.
With tears welling up in his eyes, Syn witnessed the laboratory's explosion. Moments later, Skywalker emerged from the wreckage, carrying a healed Blue in his arms. A jubilant Syn joined them, with Skywalker assuring him that Blue would recover.

With Blue now safe, Cade resolved to declare war on the Sith. Vul Isen, infamously known as the "Butcher of Dac," was the first target on Cade's list. The crew of the Mynock, assisted by Naxy Screeger, discovered the location of Isen's laboratory on Daluuj. After storming the base, the team battled their way through numerous stormtroopers and Sith Acolytes, only to find that Isen was nowhere to be found. While Cade and Sazen interrogated the last surviving Sith, Blue, Artoo, and Jariah began planting explosives. Syn noticed that Cade's anger towards the Sith was intensifying. When the last surviving Sith failed to provide any information about Isen's whereabouts, Blue and the crew promptly left, leaving him to die when the base detonated moments later. As Jariah piloted the Mynock into space, unaware of their next destination, the Force ghost of Luke Skywalker materialized and began conversing with Cade. Syn expressed confusion, and Cade responded rhetorically that he couldn't see the apparition, to which both Jariah and Luke responded in the negative. After Luke vanished, Cade insisted that he wasn't insane. Syn then received a message from Queen Jool, inviting the crew to meet her and other Hutt leaders on Nal Hutta at the headquarters of Vedo Anjiliac Atirue, the leader of the Anjiliac Atirue.
Upon arriving at the adopted homeworld of the Hutts, the crew unexpectedly encountered Screeger, who was working as Vedo's gatekeeper. He attempted to demand payment for the intelligence regarding Daluuj, but Cade refused, as Isen was not present. The Sakiyan then prevented the group from entering to meet the Hutt. Skywalker reminded him that they had been invited, but Screeger countered that only he had been invited. With the press of a button, a door descended from the ceiling, separating Cade from his companions. Syn, Blue, and Sazen turned to see security droids aiming at them. As Syn and Blue prepared to engage, the Jedi Master stopped them, explaining that if the Hutts intended to kill them, they would have already done so. The three then anxiously awaited Cade's return from his meeting with Vedo and Jool. Upon his return, Blue asked if he was alright, and Cade replied that he was and that the Hutts had tasked him with assassinating Isen on Utapau.
After docking in Pau City, Syn, Blue, and Artoo met with Lieutenant Ona Antilles to discuss weapon sales to the Galactic Alliance Remnant, allowing Cade and Sazen to slip away unnoticed. Following Syn's flirtations and further discussions, Admiral Gar Stazi himself arrived to negotiate. Informed by Cade that Isen had dispatched assassins to target Stazi, Blue and Syn remained vigilant. Despite this, the crew still needed additional credits, and the deal proceeded earnestly, with Blue attempting to use her Zeltron charms to seduce the Admiral. Jariah suddenly noticed a guard raising his blaster towards the Duros, and he immediately struck him down with Heartstriker as Blue tackled Stazi out of harm's way. He expressed his gratitude for their assistance in saving his life and the lives of his staff, but clarified that he had no intention of sweetening the deal. Elsewhere in the city, Sazen eliminated Darth Azard, while Skywalker slew Vul Isen, temporarily saving Stazi and all of Utapau from the Sith threat.
Back on the Mynock, Syn and Blue challenged Skywalker's belief that Krayt had indeed returned. Even if he had, they questioned why Cade even cared. Cade explained that the Force compelled him to act, and they simply couldn't comprehend it. He assured them that he wouldn't hold it against them if they chose not to accompany him, but they immediately affirmed their trust in him and their willingness to follow him anywhere.

Krayt had, in fact, returned, and after assassinating Darth Wyyrlok and reclaiming control of the One Sith, he plunged the galaxy into war. Blue piloted the Mynock during an attack on the Darklight, an Imperious-class Star Destroyer dispatched to Falleen to bombard the planet. They were joined by Rogue Squadron, sent by Admiral Stazi to assist in the planet's defense. Following the battle, Syn accompanied Alliance pilot Anj Dahl for drinks, while Skywalker and Blue met with Stazi in person on his flagship.
Syn later accompanied Cade and Blue to the Wheel to meet with Morrigan Corde. When Nyna Calixte appeared, Syn swiftly grabbed her by the throat and pressed a blaster to her head, expressing his desire for revenge for the torture he and Blue endured after Secorro. However, Calixte revealed the Skywalker holo and her identity as Morrigan Corde, leaving the pair to allow Cade to deal with his mother alone. Upon the pair's return to the ship, the group prepared to leave for the Jedi Hidden Temple when they were attacked by Darth Talon. After quickly repelling her, the four discovered Antares Draco frozen in carbonite on the Mynock. Realizing that the Hidden Temple's location had been compromised, Syn dashed out to send a priority warning code and prepare the ship for departure to the Temple.
The group returned to Taivas shortly before the Sith launched an all-out assault on the Hidden Temple. As Cade fought alongside the other Jedi and Imperial Knights on the ground, Syn, Blue, and Corde engaged in the aerial battle aboard the Mynock. Unfortunately, while much of the Temple was composed of starships and therefore able to escape, the Council chambers, where Cade, Nat Skywalker, and T'ra Saa remained, were not. As a crashing Sith ship spiraled towards the building, Rawk used the Force to save his nephew one last time, defenstrating him into the lake. Focusing their energy, Rawk and Saa projected a beam of light skyward, creating an opening in the Sith blockade for a rapid evacuation to commence. Syn and Blue located Cade in the lake and descended to retrieve him. As he boarded the ship, one of Darth Krayt's Sith troopers also boarded, although with Morrigan Corde's assistance, the Sith was swiftly knocked unconscious and taken captive. Jariah then sped the Mynock towards Bastion to rendezvous with the rest of the fleet.

The Mynock and the allied fleets made their way back to Bastion. There, Jariah confronted his closest friend about the events that had transpired. Cade held himself responsible for the deaths of his uncle and many of his friends, but Syn reassured him that they had all sacrificed their lives not for him, but for the greater good of the galaxy. Cade told Jariah that he alone needed to confront Krayt, regardless of the cost. Syn voiced his support and promised to get him there. Subsequently, the decision was made to launch an attack on the now-vulnerable Coruscant in the hope of eliminating Krayt. It was determined that a small strike team would infiltrate the capital and disable the planet's orbital defenses. Despite some hesitation from Morrigan Corde, Blue and Syn successfully smuggled the team onto the capital's surface aboard the Mynock.
The strike force succeeded in crippling Coruscant's defenses just as the Allied fleet emerged from hyperspace, and Syn and Blue took off to provide assistance. At the team's extraction point, Morrigan Corde commed the Mynock, inquiring about Cade's whereabouts. Syn replied that he and the others had proceeded to the Temple of the Sith to confront Darth Krayt. The Mynock was then struck by an ion blast, crippling the engines and sending it plummeting towards the planet's surface in a fiery crash.
Syn and Blue managed to survive the impact, as the Mynock found a place to "crash gently." The pair and Artoo were occupied with repairs when they received a message from Corde, informing them of Krayt's death at Cade's hands. She instructed them to get airborne, as Cade was taking the body to Coruscant's sun, intending to incinerate both of them to ensure Krayt would never return. Before he took her ship, Corde gave her son a locket containing a holo of herself, Cade and his father, but also a tracer so they could find him.
Some time later, the three eventually managed to get the Mynock running again and headed towards Coruscant Prime. As they approached the star, they found Skywalker floating in space. Syn remarked that he had to be alive, considering how he had survived the first time they found Cade in space. R2-D2 jettisoned outside and pulled him into the ship, where Syn and Blue discovered he was not breathing; Cade Skywalker was dead. As the two mourned the loss of their best friend, Blue kissed her love and professed her love for him. Cade's body then immediately awoke and kissed her back, informing the pair that he had entered a Jedi hibernation trance like he had done over Ossus. Reunited with his friends, Cade told Jariah to set course for a distant place where they could all move forward and be in peace.

Following the defeat of the One Sith and their Galactic Empire, the Galactic Federation Triumvirate, a new governing body comprised of the Imperial court, the Jedi High Council, and the Galactic Alliance, was established. By 140 ABY, Jariah Syn and his companions Cade Skywalker and Deliah Blue were traveling throughout the galaxy. In that year, Syn encountered Sauk, a Mon Calamari engineer, who was seeking to acquire a stabilizing coil for the freighter belonging to his companion, the assassin droid AG-37. Although Sauk was displeased with the high price he had to pay for the coil, he reluctantly agreed to purchase it after Jariah pointed out the difficulty of obtaining a new coil in that star system. Syn and his companions were pleased with the credits they had earned that day. Syn's sale proved to be timely for Sauk and his friends. Shortly thereafter, Sauk and his companions AG-37, Ania Solo (a junk dealer), and Jao Assam (a former Imperial Knight) were attacked.

A weapons authority and notably pragmatic individual, Syn was infamous for his employment of unorthodox and occasionally illicit weaponry. Examples include Yuuzhan Vong thud bugs and razor bugs, skills taught to him by Chonyo, a Yuuzhan Vong member of the Crimson Axe's crew. Lacking compassion, he readily delivered bounties deceased rather than alive, justifying this by stating that a dead bounty was a "sure thing." Syn prioritized his own interests, frequently finding himself at odds with Cade Skywalker due to disagreements over the latter's leadership. Despite any reservations Syn held regarding Skywalker's strategies, he remained a steadfast friend. Having been raised together on the Crimson Axe, Syn regarded Skywalker as a brother, leveraging their close relationship to guide him during moments of irrational behavior. Syn successfully persuaded Skywalker to retreat from the precipice of the dark side, acting as a voice of reason while endeavoring to prevent Skywalker from harming Ahnah Rawk or fatally Force choking Morrigan Corde. Additionally, Syn highlighted the self-serving nature of Skywalker's motivations for assassinating Darth Krayt and rescuing Azlyn Rae, although he did so after the fact. Beyond Skywalker, Syn also held affection for Deliah Blue, the Zeltron mechanic of the Mynock and Skywalker's intermittent romantic partner. Upon presuming their demise in an explosion on Wayland, he was overcome with grief.
Syn harbored a deep-seated animosity towards the Jedi, stemming from witnessing his father's demise at the hands of the Cathar Jedi Rasi Tuum and further fueled by the influence of Rav. He was raised believing that Jedi possessed the ability to manipulate individuals' minds, compelling them to commit suicide. The revelation that his close friend Cade Skywalker—his childhood companion whom he considered a brother—had once been a Jedi left Syn feeling wounded and betrayed, leading him to threaten Skywalker with a blaster. Despite his anger towards Skywalker, Syn steadfastly refused to disclose any information about him to agents of Darth Krayt's Galactic Empire, even under torture and after being implanted with coral seeds. With Deliah Blue's assistance, Syn eventually reconciled with Skywalker's past as a Jedi. During a visit to the Hidden Jedi Temple, Syn also achieved closure regarding his father's death after hearing Rasi Tuum's account of the events, thereby beginning to shed the preconceived notions instilled in him by Rav over the years. Regardless, Syn considered only one thing worse than the Jedi: the Sith.
Syn was fond of indulging in alcohol, pursuing romantic relationships, and engaging in gambling. He frequently squandered his share of credits on drinks and developed a gambling addiction, prompting frequent reprimands from Blue for overspending or losing excessive amounts of money. Syn also reveled in causing explosions, referring to them as "boom," and proclaiming that he "lived for 'boom'".
In addition to Basic, Syn also possessed fluency in Huttese, which he used interchangeably with Basic. Furthermore, he acquired knowledge of the Yuuzhan Vong language during his time with Chonyo on the Crimson Axe.
Syn first encountered Ahnah Rawk, the adopted daughter of Skywalker's uncle Rawk, during one of Skywalker's visits to his uncle's residence. Around 135 ABY, when Rawk was 16 years old, Syn attempted to seduce her. Rawk was enraged by Syn's attempt to seduce his daughter and fired upon the Mynock as they departed the Rawk residence.
In 137 ABY, Syn and Skywalker became embroiled in a prolonged altercation while on the planet Kiffex. Their conflict drew the attention of the Kiffu Guardians, of which Rawk was now a junior member. Rawk attempted to apprehend both Syn and her cousin, who was teetering on the brink of the dark side. To safeguard both Rawk and Skywalker, Syn intervened, successfully pacifying Skywalker. When Rawk renewed her attempt to arrest them, Syn kissed her while simultaneously sedating her with a Yuuzhan Vong bioweapon he placed on her neck. Syn experienced profound guilt for deceiving Rawk, even offering her an apology after she lost consciousness.
Whether motivated by familial loyalty or her affections for Syn, Rawk refrained from taking Skywalker and Syn into custody upon awakening, a decision Syn believed would ultimately prove detrimental to her. When Bantha ordered the Mynock crew to depart Kiffex due to Skywalker's deception of Bantha's wife, Rawk watched their departure with tears in her eyes.
As a master of weaponry, Syn extensively utilized illicit Yuuzhan Vong bioweapons. He was known to employ thud bugs, razor bugs, the unidentified weapon used to render Ahnah Rawk unconscious, and an amphistaff on Wayland which he named Heartstriker. Syn's arsenal also included a sporting blaster carbine, a blaster pistol, a comlink, a tool kit, a utility belt, binder cuffs, and mesh tape. Syn also possessed proficiency in explosives, such as thermal detonators, which aligned with his passion for explosions. Deliah Blue referred to Jariah Syn's sporting blaster carbine as a "cannon," likely due to its substantial size.
John Ostrander and Jan Duursema conceived Jariah Syn, and he made his initial out-of-universe appearance in Star Wars Insider #87. His first in-universe appearance occurred in Legacy (2006) 2. With the exception of the cover of Legacy (2006) 2, where Adam Hughes portrayed him, Jan Duursema has illustrated Jariah Syn in all his appearances in the Legacy comic.
As Cade Skywalker's closest companion, Jariah Syn fulfills the role of the "sidekick" character to Cade Skywalker, who serves as the protagonist of the Star Wars: Legacy comic. In addition to being the "sidekick," Syn also embodies the "comic relief" character within the comic, delivering one-liners such as "Don't mess with my hair. I warned you about that before" (uttered while Cade Skywalker attempted to inflict Force lightning upon him), and his escapades with the female Twi'lek on Tatooine exemplify this role.
Due to a coloring error, his eye color alternates between green and brown in several panels of Legacy (2006) 2. Jariah Syn also made a fleeting cameo appearance in the last issue of Corinna Bechko and Gabriel Hardman's Star Wars: Legacy Volume 2, the second iteration of the Legacy comic series. Brian Albert Thies drew him for that brief scene, Jordan Boyd colored it, and Rick DeLucco designed it.