John Ostrander

John Ostrander is a highly productive comic book writer. He is the author of several comic books set in the Star Wars world, and he often collaborates with Jan Duursema as the artist.

Many well-received Dark Horse Comics were penned by Ostrander, such as Star Wars: Legacy and Star Wars: Dawn of the Jedi. He also made major contributions to Star Wars: Republic, in addition to numerous other series. A lot of his story arcs, including "Twilight," "Darkness," and "The Clone Wars" stories, can be found in collected trade paperbacks. He also contributed to Star Wars: Vector. He was even considered as a potential writer for Star Wars: The Clone Wars, but ultimately wasn't hired because the producer wanted writers who had experience in TV animation. Ostrander's proposed episode would have featured Quinlan Vos.




Notes and references

  • The Official John Ostrander Discussion Thread on the Jedi Council Forums (Literature board) (backup link)
