Legacy (2006) 3

title: Legacy 3: Broken, Part 3

Issue number three of the Star Wars: Legacy comic book series is titled Legacy 3: Broken, Part 3.

Summary from the Publisher

A man faces a difficult choice: to embrace his birthright and save the galaxy, he must betray his loved ones and condemn them to a grim fate. Meanwhile, a secret that has been hidden for a long time torments a ruthless bounty hunter. Revealing it could lead to his death and the death of his companions, but ignoring it could drive him insane. The series' third installment is unpredictable and reveals the never-before-seen future of the Star Wars universe! A galaxy full of intrigue, danger, romance, and adventure awaits!

  • This is the future of _ Star Wars _, the continuation of the story that began in the original trilogy, and it is all brand new.

Plot Synopsis

Cade Skywalker, Jariah Syn, and Deliah Blue are struggling on the planet Socorro to deliver the captured Jedi, Hosk Trey'lis, to a pirate named Rav. They hope to collect the bounties on both the Jedi and Naxy Screeger. Hosk manages to escape, but Cade tackles him, causing them to fall off a bridge. During the fall, Hosk senses Cade's strong connection to the Force and suspects he could be a Jedi. However, Hosk loses consciousness upon hitting the water. Cade pulls Hosk from the water and hands both him and Screeger over to Rav, who is waiting on the shore. Rav cheats Cade out of the full bounty, providing just enough fuel for their ship, and as a "bonus," gives Cade three death sticks. Syn becomes angry with Rav for manipulating Cade with the death sticks. Rav admits that he enjoys having control over Cade. Syn argues that he and Cade have earned their freedom from Rav and that Rav actually owes them. Rav reminds Syn that it was Syn and Rav who discovered Cade among the ruins of the Jedi Academy on Ossus, implying that he owes them nothing.

Roan Fel, the former Emperor, secures the loyalty of the 501st Legion on Bastion. With the assistance of the 501st's Commander, Oron Jaeger, he transforms Bastion into his primary base of operations (an event known as the Fall of Bastion). Fel instructs Jaeger to keep his presence on Bastion a secret from Darth Krayt. Jaeger then receives a transmission stating that the Imperial Mission on Socorro is under attack, Princess Marasiah is missing, and her bodyguard, Elke Vetter, has been killed. The Captain of Fel's Imperial Guard proposes sending a three-person rescue team immediately to locate the Princess, but Fel forbids it. Fel explains that he cannot risk Krayt discovering his location on Bastion and that the Princess was merely bait to draw him out of hiding.

Astraal Vao and Marasiah are escaping from the Imperial Mission, but Darth Talon is close behind. Astraal uses a public holocomm to contact her brother, Shado Vao, and they arrange to meet on Vendaxa.

Meanwhile, on Socorro, Cade locks Syn and Deliah out of his ship, the Mynock. The Force ghost of Luke Skywalker appears to him. Luke questions Cade's use of death sticks, and Cade replies that they keep Luke away and suppress his Force abilities. Luke is puzzled as to why Cade abandoned his Jedi training despite his strong Force talent – enough to resurrect his former master, Wolf Sazen. It is revealed that in reviving Sazen, Cade partially succumbed to the dark side of the Force and experienced a degree of enjoyment from it. Luke reminds Cade that he possesses greater knowledge of the dark side than Cade does and that embracing his legacy and finding inner peace would eliminate the need to draw energy from the dark side. Cade questions the benefits of being a Jedi, citing historical troubles. Luke asserts that running from his responsibilities will not solve anything. Cade threatens to shoot himself with his blaster unless Luke leaves him alone. Luke departs, and Cade opens the hatch, blaming the delay on a shower. As Syn and Deliah begin loading their belongings onto the ship, Marasiah and Astraal rush towards the ship, demanding passage. Cade asks if they have credits, and Marasiah attempts to use a Jedi mind trick on Cade. Cade questions Marasiah's identity, but their conversation is interrupted by the sudden appearance of Darth Talon, who attacks them on a swoop bike. Cade allows Marasiah and Astraal to board, instructing Syn and Deliah to initiate an emergency takeoff.

Astraal instructs Cade to take them to Vendaxa. Cade provides Marasiah and Astraal with Deliah's room, causing Deliah to bunk with Cade. Syn confronts Cade for taking on passengers without payment, but Cade discovers Marasiah's identity. He decides to use her to locate her father, intending to claim the reward for rescuing the Princess and then hand them both over to the Sith for an even larger reward.

