Deliah Blue was a Zeltron of the female gender, who worked as the head mechanic on the Mynock. She was a long-time ally of both Cade Skywalker and Jariah Syn as they made their living as bounty hunters following the conclusion of the Sith–Imperial War and also the Second Imperial Civil War. Blue harbored affections for Skywalker, and their playful, flirtatious, and physical relationship eventually evolved into genuine love.
In the year 137 ABY, Blue inadvertently became involved in the civil war after a job on Vendaxa revealed that her captain was not only a Jedi, but also the descendant of the renowned Skywalker bloodline. Due to her connection with Skywalker, Blue, along with Syn, were captured by Imperials and used as tools in the Sith's attempt to sway Skywalker to the dark side. After their release, Blue joined Skywalker on his various missions, developing relationships with him and others. Later, Blue was kidnapped by Darth Maladi on Wayland, where she endured brutal torture and was connected to a nearly indestructible Sith bioweapon, incurable even by Skywalker's unique healing power. However, Skywalker's former Jedi Master, Wolf Sazen, convinced his former apprentice to combine the light side of the Force with his power, enabling him to save her by drawing on his professed love for her.
The Zeltron continued to stand by Skywalker in his fight against the One Sith. To eliminate Sith scientist Vul Isen, the group journeyed to Utapau, where Blue rescued Galactic Alliance Admiral Gar Stazi from a potential assassin. Following the return of Darth Krayt, Sith forces launched an assault on the Jedi Hidden Temple on Taivas, where Blue evacuated Cade after barely surviving an explosion. Blue and Syn then piloted the Mynock in the final battle of the war, during which the ship was shot down. Nevertheless, Blue managed to repair the ship in time to save the man she loved, who intended to destroy himself and Krayt's body in Coruscant's sun.

Deliah Blue spent much of her early years on Zeltros, where she embodied the stereotypical party-girl image of her species. She was also known for committing scams, stealing from the less fortunate and those who worked to assist them. However, she came to regret these actions and eventually left that life behind to join the crew of the Mynock under captain Cade Skywalker, hoping for a fresh start. Known for her colorful language and ability to repair anything with a hydrospanner, she maintained the ship through the most challenging times. Alongside co-pilot Jariah Syn, the three became bounty hunters and close friends, with Blue developing a physical attraction to Skywalker. However, Blue was unaware of her captain's past as a Jedi Padawan, and that he was the last descendant of perhaps the most significant bloodline of all time.
In 137 ABY, the crew of the Mynock was hired by Rav, a former mentor of Skywalker and Syn, to find gambler Naxy Screeger. After locating him on the planet Lok, Blue used her Zeltron charm to persuade the door attendant at Brogar's, a known underworld safe house, to let them in. Inside, they found and captured Screeger without difficulty. However, the group also encountered a Jedi named Hosk Trey'lis, whom they only noticed because the Jedi healer mistakenly believed they were after him and tried to escape. Seizing the opportunity to capture the Jedi for extra money, Jariah Syn attempted to kill him to make the capture easier, but Skywalker stopped him. A dart from Deliah's wrist-launcher struck the Bothan Jedi, who used the Force to send Blue flying. Nevertheless, the dart slowed Trey'lis down, allowing Syn to hit him with a thud-bug. With the Jedi unconscious, the group left Lok with both Screeger and Trey'lis in their custody.

Upon arriving on Socorro, their Jedi captive resisted, but Skywalker managed to subdue him long enough for them to hand over both captives to Rav. When Rav paid the crew just enough to refuel the Mynock and buy a few drinks, and added death sticks to their tab as a bonus for Skywalker, Syn was furious. Skywalker asserted that it was his ship, and Syn could leave if he didn't like it, before storming off. After a heated argument with Rav about their poor treatment, Syn confessed to Blue that he felt Skywalker had lost his edge as a bounty hunter. However, Blue reassured Syn that it wasn't his fault, and she sensed that something was broken within him.
When the pair returned to the ship, they found the boarding ramp was not lowered. Jariah yelled at Cade to let them in, as they lived there too. However, Deliah pointed out that Cade technically owned the ship, which irritated Jariah further. After consuming some deathsticks to end a confrontation with the Force ghost of Luke Skywalker, Cade finally lowered the ramp. Deliah immediately began flirting with Cade as she boarded, but was interrupted by the arrival of two Imperial Missionaries seeking safe passage. Cade hesitated, especially when told that payment would come later, but then noticed the Sith Lord following them and quickly agreed to take them on board.
When Cade ordered emergency take-off procedures, Blue complained about the strain on the Mynock's engines, but complied with her Captain's orders, allowing the ship to escape the planet and the Sith. She was not pleased that Cade allowed the two Missionaries to use her cabin and her clothes, but saw it as an opportunity to share a bunk with Cade. Meeting with Syn, Cade and Blue learned the identities of their passengers: Imperial Princess Marasiah Fel and her servant Astraal Vao. Assuming she would lead them to deposed Emperor Roan Fel, the Mynock crew headed towards the drop-off point, Vendaxa, intending to collect both the promised reward and the bounty on their heads.
On Vendaxa, Syn and the rest of the Mynock crew protected their two guests from the native creatures while en route to a meeting point established by Astraal and her brother long ago during their childhood. When Astraal's brother Shado Vao arrived at the rendezvous point and helped the group kill an acklay, Syn and Blue discovered that the contacts were Jedi. Princess Marasiah then informed the Mynock's crew that the craft the Jedi had arrived in would be their means of escape from Vendaxa. Having suspected the Mynock's crew intended to turn her in for a bounty, Princess Marasiah informed them that neither she, Astraal, nor the Jedi had the credits to pay them for their transport. Syn and Blue urged Skywalker to take action, but Skywalker simply shrugged it off and told his crew to cut their losses and prepare the ship for flight, determined to keep his identity secret from Wolf Sazen, his former Jedi Master, who accompanied Shado. The Princess, Astraal, and the two Jedi turned to board the Jedi craft just before it exploded. Upon witnessing the explosion, Blue sarcastically told the Princess that she might be riding on the Mynock after all.

Darth Talon, who had tracked her quarry to Vendaxa using a Force technique, seized this opportunity to attack, using the Force to command the native beasts to attack the group. Grabbing her blaster, Blue joined the battle, shooting at the wildlife and Talon. However, Talon ultimately defeated Shado, Sazen, and Marasiah before ripping the blasters from Blue's, Syn's, and Skywalker's hands. With everyone defenseless, Skywalker used the Force to hurl part of an old shipwreck at her, revealing himself as a Jedi, but also sending her flying into the forest and giving everyone enough time to reach the Mynock.
However, by the time they arrived, Talon had already sabotaged the Mynock, delaying the group long enough for her to summon Darth Nihl for reinforcements. Blue, with assistance from Syn and Astraal Vao, began repairs immediately, while Cade spoke with his Master after seven years apart about embracing his destiny. Cade, however, had distanced himself too much from the Jedi, refused to return, and stormed off. He then approached Blue and asked what she would do with the bounty she received for turning him in as a Jedi. To his surprise, Deliah took the revelation with good humor, suggesting that his Force abilities would be an asset in their line of work. However, Syn disagreed, leading to a confrontation between the two. After disarming him, Cade took a walk with Marasiah Fel, before Imperial Knights Antares Draco and Ganner Krieg emerged from an Imperial fighter. The Sith trap was sprung, and a battle commenced. Blue, Syn, and Astraal quickly started up the Mynock while the Jedi, Imperial Knights, and Cade fought the Sith. Syn wanted to leave immediately, claiming it wasn't their fight, but Blue threatened to space him in his sleep if he took off without Cade.
Although the Princess was wounded in the battle, she and her cohorts ultimately escaped Vendaxa, thanks in part to Blue's skillful flying, which allowed the remaining fighters defending the ship to Force Jump on board. While preparing for hyperspace, Imperial Knight Draco ordered them to quickly head for Bastion, revealing that the true Empire was in control there. Blue was reluctant due to the sabotaged engines, but eventually relented. Upon landing, Deliah and Cade spent the night together, but when Blue awoke, she found that Cade had departed in the Mynock with Shado Vao and Wolf Sazen for Ossus.

Although Blue and Syn were rewarded for their roles in safely returning the Princess to Bastion, the Empire refused to provide them with transport offworld. Returning to Secorro on a Wookiee ship and with half of Blue's payment, the pair went to the Crimson Axe, Rav's flagship, for a job he had contacted them about. However, they were later betrayed by Rav, who turned both her and Syn over to Grand Moff Nyna Calixte for harboring Cade. Blue was tortured by an IT-O Interrogator for his whereabouts as she and Syn were transported to Coruscant.
There, they were handed over to Darth Krayt himself, who had Darth Maladi imprison them in the Sith Temple. Cade eventually returned to the Temple he once called home to rescue Hosk Trey'lis, the Bothan Jedi they had captured earlier that year, unaware that his friends were being held captive as well. When Cade himself was captured, Krayt attempted to sway him to the dark side of the Force, first by injecting him with Ixetal cilona. However, because Ixetal cilona was a key ingredient in deathsticks, Cade's body was already resistant to it. This, combined with his strong healing ability, cleansed his body of the substance. Impressed, Krayt then revealed Blue and Syn to him. Maladi proceeded to torture the two with Force lightning in front of Skywalker. This caused the Yuuzhan Vong coral seeds implanted in their bodies to mutate, causing painful spines to erupt from their bodies and eventually rob them of their sentience. Blue lost consciousness from the pain. Cade was the only one with a special healing power that could save them from death, but it also brought them dangerously close to the dark side. With no cure for the seeds, Cade gave in to his feelings and healed them, after which he promised his service in exchange for their freedom. Both parties kept their word.

After their release, the two made their way to Rik's Cantina, where Queen Jool was holding R2-D2 for them. She gave them the Mynock's codes, as Cade had requested, and Artoo played a holorecording from Cade, telling them to take the ship and leave him behind. Blue refused to leave Coruscant until Cade was safe, threatening to shoot Jariah for blaming Cade. A voice in Shyriiwook replied that they could shoot him instead, as Chak and Kee approached them. The Wookiee had earlier lent them his ship, the Grinning Liar, and now wanted it back. Syn said they lost it to Rav and offered the Mynock. Blue immediately protested that the Mynock was not theirs to give away, but was interrupted when Chak claimed he didn't want the Mynock. He asked Blue to help him get his ship back, but she refused to leave Coruscant without Cade. Morrigan Corde then offered her services, startling everyone at the table and causing them to draw their blasters, but Jool verified her identity. Corde provided a dossier on each of them, revealing skills essential for the mission. Syn initially refused to participate, still distrustful of Cade for being a Jedi, but was throttled by Blue, who exclaimed that he had sacrificed himself for them, not just then, but on numerous other occasions. Syn finally relented when Corde revealed herself to be Cade's mother.
The group devised a plan, with Morrigan planting modified spy bugs in the Temple of the Sith that Jariah had attached cameras to. The insects, like all Vong creatures, were neutral to the Force and thus undetectable. They would search the Temple through the air ducts to find Cade, after which they could initiate his retrieval. After three weeks of waiting, Deliah grew very impatient. Corde calmed her down, encouraging her that they would find him. When they did find him, however, they observed Cade in an intimate relationship with Darth Talon. Despite being a Zeltron, Blue became very jealous, even smashing one of the monitors on the Mynock that was showing the two kissing. Unbeknownst to her, it was all an act.

Shortly after, the group saw Cade, dressed in his original clothes, run into Maladi's lab, signaling that he had not become a Sith, as some had feared. They initiated the plan, and the Mynock took off for the Temple of the Sith. In Maladi's lab, he met Talon. He feigned another moment with her, moving his hands to her cheeks and attempting to electrocute her. Talon, however, was not fooled and knocked him out. He awoke in Krayt's throne room, where he resisted the dark side by refusing to strike down Hosk Trey'lis. Krayt did so himself, and Cade, in revenge, shattered the casing around his father's lightsaber and drew it. In a fierce duel, Cade impaled his supposed lover and dismembered Nihl. As he dueled Krayt, Corde jetpacked from the Mynock and shattered the throne room's window by shooting Krayt. Skywalker then leaped out of the building, catching Syn's hand as his ship flew by. As the two sprinted into the cockpit to celebrate, Cade looked for Blue. Syn told him she was covering them on the guns, but she was mad at him and it probably wasn't a good idea to stop by. Cade was perplexed, not realizing the group had witnessed his encounter with Talon, but before he could inquire further, the thought dissipated when he found Chak flying his ship.

Deliah traveled with the others to Socorro to retrieve Chak's ship from Rav, but remained on the ship as the rest of the crew went to confront him. After retrieving the Grinning Liar, Kee asked Cade to say goodbye to Blue for her. Cade told her to tell Jariah instead, as Blue was acting strangely toward him. Kee, not wanting to reveal the secret, called him a nerf herder and encouraged him to talk to her about it. For their next destination, Cade and Jariah decided to visit Cade's uncle, "Bantha" Rawk and his family, intending to lay low for a while. As Syn input the coordinates for Iego, Cade went to check on Blue. He found her with Artoo, busy with repairs. She vented her frustration at Cade, until he convinced her it was all an act to gain their trust. She then gave him a kiss on the cheek while Cade sent the astromech off, leaving them alone together.
As the ship descended upon Rawk's Nest, the crew discovered it was under attack from the Black Sun. However, Bantha Rawk, his wife Droo Rawk, and their adoptive children Ahnah, Skeeto and Micah were comfortably handling the situation, and easily cleaned up with help from the Mynock. Deliah and the crew relaxed at Rawk's Nest for four days, enjoying food, time at the pool, and playing with the kids. However, their vacation was cut short when a profile of Cade was broadcast over the HoloNet, implicating him in an attack on the Temple of the Sith and making him a wanted man. Also witnessing the Genocide on Dac, Cade revealed his and his uncle's former identities as Jedi. He apologized to Rawk and Droo for putting them all in danger and vowed to leave with Syn and Blue in the morning. In the middle of the night, Cade woke Blue as he was getting out of bed. He promised Blue he was just heading to the ship to grab something and would be right back, telling her to return to sleep. After taking some deathsticks, Cade was ambushed by an unknown assailant on his way back. However, after the attacker was defeated by Rawk, she revealed herself as Azlyn Rae, Cade's childhood friend.

Rawk took the two inside where Azlyn introduced herself to Blue, Syn, and Droo, she explained how she survived the Third Jedi Purge and her motives for capturing Cade. However, the conversation between Azlyn and Cade began to get a little personal, Blue attempted to end it, telling her that Cade needed his rest. He would not get it, however, as Imperial Star Destroyers, tipped off by surviving Black Sun from days prior, entered the system, too close for the Mynock to flee the planet. When stormtroopers arrived searching for Cade, an officer hit Azlyn across the face. Cade, hiding in the Mynock with Blue and Jariah, sensed it, and screamed to help her. Blue held him back, intent on keeping their cover hidden. Azlyn ultimately used a mind trick on the officer, getting the Imperials to leave on a peaceful note. After they were completely gone, Rawk said that none of them were safe, and if Cade wanted his freedom, he would have to give everything up, including his friends. Nevertheless, Blue and Syn insisted that Cade was not going anywhere without them. Cade then revealed his intention to kill Krayt, as doing so would cause the implosion of the Sith Order. He lamented a lack of trustworthy allies, especially as the Jedi were scattered. Rawk then informed Cade and the group that he was wrong, and there existed a Hidden Jedi Temple
En route to the Temple, Rawk recorded a message for his wife. In it he spoke about Cade, and noted he was lucky to have Blue. He felt it was her that kept him together, and he had never seen a jealous Zeltron before. He said that perhaps Blue was right, however, since Cade and Azlyn had feelings for each other as Padawans.

Upon their arrival at the Temple, a subsequent vessel appeared, ferrying Imperial Knights Draco, Krieg, and Princess Fel. A skirmish ensued immediately between them, Skywalker, and Shado Vao, but Wolf Sazen intervened. Questioning how they discovered the covert location, Cade deduced that someone had affixed a tracking device to the Mynock. Knowing it wasn't himself, Blue, Rawk, or Syn, Cade exposed Rae, herself an Imperial Knight, as the culprit.
Later that evening, Cade, Rawk, Sazen, Vao, and the Imperial Knights convened with the Jedi High Council to deliberate on Krayt's potential assassination. Syn and Deliah were barred from entering the Council chamber, prompting Deliah to seek amusement with Master Tobias Sun. Rejecting lightsaber training and meditation, Blue tinkered with Sun's speeder bike, taking both it and him for a joyride. During their extended stay at the Hidden Temple, Deliah's jealousy grew towards Azlyn Rae, who was rekindling old romantic feelings within Cade.
After the Council meeting, which concluded with the council considering their options, Cade made his way back to the Mynock. Blue voiced her concerns regarding their chances of success, highlighting their lack of prior assassination experience, especially against someone like Krayt. She questioned Cade's motivation, given his non-Jedi status. Cade responded that Krayt would forever pursue him, preventing him from living a life free from fear and constant flight. Despite this, Blue offered her unwavering support, expressing her desire for an exciting and eventful life. Later that day, via hologram, Blue witnessed the Council's decision to withhold support for Cade's assassination plan, deeming it contrary to Jedi principles. Nevertheless, Cade, Deliah, Syn, Artoo, and the Imperial Knights embarked on the Mynock to confront the Sith Lord.

The group resolved to set a trap for Krayt on Had Abbadon. During their journey to the planet, Blue confided in Syn, expressing her belief that the plan was insane, and inquired if he had ever engaged in similar activities before her involvement. Syn admitted that assassinations were not typical pirate fare, but he voiced confidence in the forthcoming mission regardless. Suddenly, the Mynock was forcibly extracted from hyperspace by the ancient Jedi Knight Celeste Morne. Morne, influenced by the spirit of Sith Lord Karness Muur for four millennia through the Muur Talisman around her neck, employed a tractor beam to pull the Mynock onto a captured Imperial Star Destroyer. Once inside the hangar, Blue was instructed to remain with the ship while Cade, Syn, Shado, Azlyn, Draco, and Krieg investigated the seemingly deserted area. Draco and Krieg separated to explore another section, while the rest of the group examined the only other vessel present. They discovered it was over a century old, containing the skeletal remains of the crew, transformed by the rakghoul plague unleashed by Muur through Morne.
Shortly after checking in with Draco and Krieg, who had also found nothing but bones, the remaining group members were ambushed by live rakghouls, who successfully infected Cade and Azlyn. Morne entered, halting the rakghouls, but noticed the bites on Skywalker and Rae. Using the Force, Morne isolated them from Syn and Vao, locking them in a quarantined room, before informing them of the plague. Seeing Morne taking Cade and Azlyn away, Draco told Blue that Cade was dead, and the mission was over, asking her to get the hyperdrive warmed up. Blue scolded him for wanting to abandon him and refused. Vao struggled to breach the door, prompting Syn to request Blue's assistance in repelling the surrounding rakghouls. Joined by the two Imperial Knights, Blue employed the Mynock's laser to target the rakghouls, rescuing Syn and Vao. On the other side, Skywalker used his healing abilities to cure Rae and himself. Surprised and impressed, Morne released them and allowed them to join Syn, Vao, Blue, Draco, and Krieg. As Blue helped Cade and Azlyn to the ship, Morne declared that Skywalker had earned her approval and that she would ally with the group in their quest to kill Darth Krayt.

On Had Abbadon, Blue aided Vao, Syn, Draco, and Krieg in deploying Cade, Morne, and Rae over the Imperial base situated there. After announcing their presence to the Sith, they patiently awaited the return of Darth Reave, infected with the rakghoul plague, to Coruscant, where he would alert his Master. As the Mynock's crew waited in a cave for Krayt's arrival, Deliah revealed her feelings for Cade to Jariah. She was convinced that he favored Azlyn due to their shared Force-sensitivity and Cade's healing of her. Syn sympathized with her jealousy, but remained supportive, reminding her that he also healed her and that he was always there for them. He suggested to just leave Cade alone, as he probably had many things on his mind about their current mission and situation. Syn promised Cade would come back around.
The strategy proved successful, and the Sith Emperor himself arrived on Had Abbadon. During the fight with Krayt, Blue remained aboard the Mynock, preparing it for departure. As the battle concluded, Azlyn Rae managed to impale Darth Krayt from behind, enabling Celeste Morne to inflict a mortal wound with Force lightning before pushing him off a cliff. However, the Imperial Knight sustained severe injuries from the electrocution. Cade's Dark transfer failed to heal her, and upon returning her to the ship, he instructed Blue to set course for Kiffex for Droo to provide healing.

Upon landing on Kiffex, Cade promptly entrusted the injured Azlyn to Bantha and Droo, emphasizing Azlyn's desire to live, before collapsing. He awoke later in Blue's arms. As Cade tried to rush to Azlyn, Blue encouraged him to slow down. Cade then accused Blue of hoping that Azlyn died because of her jealousy. Blue snapped back and said she could feel how much she meant to him, and that she wanted the best for him. She said she would hurt him if she ever caught him with Darth Talon again, but she was okay with Cade's relationship to Azlyn, as she brought out the best in him. Ultimately, both departed in anger, Cade disbelieving her and Blue returning to the Mynock, for something she could actually fix.
Upon Cade's return to the compound after causing a disturbance at the Busted Blaster, he encountered Azlyn in a biosuit reminiscent of his ancestor Darth Vader's. Azlyn expressed her anger at Cade for condemning her to a life of confinement, depriving her of sensation, and for saving her. Rae had accepted the will of the Force and would have allowed herself to die, but Cade's selfishness could not let her go. She then began attacking him, throwing him with the Force and eventually lifting him up by his throat. Blue then intervened, placing a blaster to Azlyn's head and asking if she had a problem with living. Azlyn dropped Cade, saying she had no problem with Blue, and stating she just wanted to get off the planet. Because Cade had lied to Droo about Azlyn's desires about living, Bantha gave them two days to leave for the time-being. Blue immediately began work on the Mynock for its exit out of Kiffex's lightning-filled atmosphere, eventually flying off without saying goodbye to the children.

Following their departure from Kiffex, Blue, Cade, and Jariah ventured to the Outer Rim, where they initiated the theft of Imperial shipments that had been previously stolen by the Black Sun. Selling these goods on Tatooine allowed the Mynock's crew to amass a considerable number of credits, with Deliah hoping to acquire a new pair of boots. Despite the inherent risks of provoking the galaxy's most formidable criminal organization, Blue remarked that it felt like the good old days. However, Cade's continued rejection of Blue's advances frustrated her. Blue confided in Jariah about her growing annoyance with Cade's cold demeanor. When Jariah jokingly offered to step in for Cade, Blue did not immediately rebuff him.
Upon landing in Mos Eisley to sell their latest acquisition, Blue noted that the Mynock's faulty trivalve assembly was finally finished. Without the part, the group was more or less stranded on the planet, so Cade promised they would purchase one before anything else after selling the contraband. However, the fence, Muz, offered only a quarter of the usual price, even after threats from Cade, citing his desire to avoid attracting the Black Sun's attention. To compound matters, locating a trivalve proved more challenging than anticipated. Following some disagreement, Syn proposed the classic "Missionary" scam, involving obtaining one from the Imperial Mission.
Back on the Mynock, Deliah donned the attire of an Imperial Missionary, which almost suffocated her in the humidity. She inquired as to why Syn couldn't do it, but both Cade and Syn agreed that her abilities of persuasion made her a much better choice. While waiting for a Missionary to appear, Blue reminisced about her troubled past of scamming, bringing her to tears. As she began crying, Imperial Missionary Ethan Adare approached her, inquiring if she was new to the planet. Introducing herself as Astraal Vao, Blue accompanied Adare to the Mission house. One the way there, she bluffed to the man that a moisture farmer who had helped her before himself needed the trivalve. Adare was happy to provide, but first showed her the Mission's efforts to the impoverished, boring her and testing her patience.

The next night, Adare delivered the trivalve to the Mynock, parked on the outskirts of the city. After noting that it was rather large for a moisture farmer, Blue drew her blaster on him, confessing her true identity as a pirate. She allowed him to leave, but he said he would tell the authorities if he got away, and that her only choice was to kill him. Blue was not a murderer and could not bring herself to do it, conceding to him and lowered her weapon. Adare then revealed that he knew she was not a Missionary from the start, as he had actually met Astraal Vao in the past. Deliah told him her true name, and began crying, believing that she had failed in her task. However, Adare comforted her, telling her to keep the part. He asked why she didn't just ask for help, and she replied that no one would just give her the part, especially being a criminal. He then told her she was worth more than she saw herself, and asked if he could help her in installing the part. Blue remarked that the Mynock was a spaceship, not a speeder, but Adare informed her he was not always a Missionary and got to work, successfully installing it with her help.
Unbeknownst to Blue, Cade was being pursued by a Blood Carver and two Anzati assassins hired by the Black Sun after first being abducted by Imperial operative and secretly his half-sister Gunn Yage. However, with the help of Syn and Morrigan Corde, Cade and Yage managed to escape. After confronting Black Sun Vigo Lun Rask using the assassins' ship, Cade and Syn returned to Tatooine, where they found the Mynock flying once more. The three then departed Tatooine for Blue's homeworld of Zeltros, where Queen Jool had just opened a new cantina.
In Paradise, Blue, along with two other Zeltron females, cheered as Skywalker and Syn leaped from the summit of one of the cantina's multi-story waterfalls. She was later observed with a Zeltron male when Rav appeared with a potential job. Two individuals, a Nikto and a Zabrak, accompanied him, who, according to Rav, were also vying for the mission. Jool requested Cade to handle them without causing damage to the cantina, which was easily accomplished by throwing one off a waterfall and chopping the other in the neck. After defeating the goons, however, the crew agreed they didn't want any more jobs from him. However, the group's view changed after Rav mentioned the pay: one million credits. Agreeing on a favorable eighty to twenty split, Cade agreed to "terminate" the client's pest. Finally inquiring on the location, Rav divulged it as Wayland, immediately filling Cade with regret.

En route to Wayland, Blue discovered empty deathstick containers near Cade's bunk. She confronted him about his renewed use, despite his promise to quit. He claimed they were to relive his nightmares about the planet, but refused to elaborate. Blue, unaware of his torment, offered her support. However, he rejected her, explaining he was there when the planet died, the first failure of the Ossus Project that would change the galaxy forever.
There they encountered a world transformed and overrun with hostile Yuuzhan Vong lifeforms. Years earlier, a rogue Yuuzhan Vong named Zenoc Quah had sabotaged the Ossus Project, an undertaking by the New Jedi Order to heal and restore worlds devastated during the Yuuzhan Vong War. Led by Cade's father, Kol, and Master Shaper Nei Rin, the project seemed like a wonderful success at first, but just months later, every living thing on the planet aside from Jedi and Vong themselves underwent horrible mutations, dooming the planet. As Cade, Blue, and Syn fought off various carnivorous plants, an attack from Vongformed Myneyrshi separated Blue from her companions, knocking them all unconscious, and resulted in her captured. The Myneyrshi brought her to Darth Maladi, who maintained a secret laboratory on the planet. Maladi placed Blue in the Embrace of Pain, torturing her unbearably. The Sith Lady also used Blue as a test subject for a new Sith bioweapon, grafting the living weapon to her back.

Upon regaining consciousness, Cade tamed a clawbird trying to scavenge his body and used his connection with Deliah to locate her. Cutting through Vong growths with his lightsaber, Skywalker eventually stumbled across her. He tried comforting her before using his healing power to remove the growth on her spine. However, the dark-side energies involved actually further mutated the weapon, and coupled with the Force-resistant Embrace caused Blue excruciating pain. Maladi suddenly appeared and told Cade that the only way to save Deliah was to use her pain to fuel his anger, and to give in to the power of the dark side. Cade agreed to try, and Maladi removed Blue from the Embrace. He attempted healing once more, but again only caused her horrific pain. Maladi continued to tempt Skywalker, filling him with anger and hate. Cade collapsed to the brink of the dark side, but ultimately resisted her and turned on the Sith. Maladi pushed him away and activated the self-destruction mechanism of the lab before fleeing.
Wolf Sazen arrived with Syn and Fionah Ti, having killed Zenoc Quah. Skywalker, who was still on the edge of the dark side, threatened to kill Sazen if he intervened, but his former Master attempted to bring him back regardless. The Zabrak explained that the light brought him to Cade from across the galaxy to be with him at that moment. He asked him how he can not trust in the light over the dark, or even the power of the Force at all. Sazen succeeded in convincing Cade into using the light side with his healing power. As the others fled the lab and the timer ticked down, Cade confessed all his feelings for Blue, finally admitting how much he loves her and how he needs her by his side. Using these feelings to draw on the light side of the Force, Skywalker was able to destroy the weapon, healing Blue as the base exploded. As Sazen, Syn, and Ti looked at the rubble in horror, Skywalker emerged from the flames with Blue, having erected a bubble with the Force for protection.

With Blue saved, Cade decided to wage war against the Sith. The first person on Cade's list was Vul Isen, the "Butcher of Dac." With the help of Naxy Screeger, the crew of the Mynock learned of Isen's laboratory on Daluuj. Upon storming the base, the team fought through waves of stormtroopers and Sith Acolytes, only to find Isen himself missing. While Cade and Sazen interrogated the final surviving Sith, Blue, Artoo, and Jariah began planting explosives. Syn noticed Cade's anger at the Sith was burning, and Deliah added that while they were now doing great, they hadn't yet had much time to talk. When the last surviving Sith yielded no information on Isen's whereabouts, Blue and the crew immediately departed, leaving him there to be killed when the base detonated moments later. As the Mynock flew into space, unaware of its next destination, Queen Jool asked the crew to meet her and other Hutt leaders on Nal Hutta in the headquarters of Vedo Anjiliac Atirue, leader of the Anjiliac Atirue.
Upon arriving at the adopted Hutt homeworld, the crew by chance found Screeger, who was working as Vedo's gatekeeper. He attempted to gain payment for the intelligence surrounding Daluuj, but Cade refused as Isen was not there. The Sakiyan then stopped the group from entering to see the Hutt. Skywalker reminded him that they were invited, but Screeger corrected him, saying only he was invited. With the press of a button, a door slammed from the ceiling, separating Cade from his companions. Blue, Syn, and Sazen turned to see security droids aiming at them. As Blue and Syn prepared to engage, the Jedi Master stopped them, saying that if the Hutts wanted them dead, they already would be. The three then anxiously waited Cade's return from his meeting with Vedo and Jool. When he did return, Blue asked if he was okay, and Cade responded that he was and that the Hutts had tasked him with killing Isen on Utapau.

Upon docking in Pau City, Blue, Syn, and Artoo met with Lieutenant Ona Antilles to discuss weapon sales to the Galactic Alliance Remnant, allowing Cade and Sazen to sneak away undetected. After some discussion, Admiral Gar Stazi himself appeared to negotiate. Informed by Cade that Isen had sent assassins after Stazi, Blue and Syn kept their eyes open. Nevertheless, the crew did need some extra credits, and the deal continued seriously, with Blue attempting to use her Zeltron ways to seduce the Admiral. Jariah suddenly noticed a guard raise his blaster towards the Duros, and immediately slashed him with the amphistaff he had acquired on Wayland as Blue tackled Stazi out of harm's way. He was grateful in their help for saving his life and that of his staff, but told them he did not intend on softening the deal. Elsewhere in the city, Sazen killed Darth Azard while Skywalker slew Vul Isen, saving Stazi and all of Utapau for the moment from the Sith threat.
Back on the Mynock, Blue and Syn questioned Skywalker's belief that Krayt had indeed returned. Even if he had come back, they wondered why Cade even cared. Cade told them that the Force willed him to do so, and they just couldn't understand. He told them that he wouldn't hold it against them if they chose not accompany him, but they promptly stated they trusted him and would follow him anywhere.
Krayt had indeed returned, and after killing Darth Wyyrlok and resuming control of the One Sith, brought the galaxy to war. Blue flew the Mynock during an attack on the Darklight, an Imperious-class Star Destroyer sent to Falleen to bombard the planet. They were joined by Rogue Squadron, sent by Admiral Stazi to aid in defense of the planet. Following the battle, Blue accompanied Cade with the rest of the crew to meet with Stazi personally on his flagship.

Blue later went with Cade and Syn to the Wheel to meet Morrigan Corde. After they discovered that Corde was secretly Nyna Calixte, the trio got ready to leave for the Jedi Hidden Temple, but Darth Talon attacked them. After quickly defeating her, the group of four discovered Antares Draco frozen inside carbonite aboard the Mynock. Deliah announced that the Jedi needed to be warned since the Hidden Temple's location had been revealed.
The group then traveled back to Taivas, not long before the Sith began a full-scale assault on the Hidden Temple. While Cade joined the other Jedi and Imperial Knights in ground combat, Blue, Syn, and Corde piloted the Mynock in the air battle. Sadly, even though a large portion of the Temple was made up of starships and could therefore escape, the Council chambers, where Cade, Nat Skywalker, and T'ra Saa were still located, could not. As a Sith ship crashed and spun toward the building, Rawk used the Force one last time to save his nephew, throwing him out a window and into the lake. Rawk and Saa focused their energy and sent a beam of light upward, creating an opening in the Sith blockade so a quick evacuation could begin. Deliah located Cade in the lake and landed to pick him up. As he jumped aboard, one of Darth Krayt's Sith troopers also boarded, but Morrigan Corde helped quickly knock the Sith unconscious and take him prisoner. While the Mynock flew quickly toward Bastion, Blue treated her lover's injuries and comforted him about the death of his uncle and the loss of the Jedi.
The Mynock and the allied fleets made their way back to Bastion. There, the decision was made to attack Coruscant, which was now vulnerable, hoping to eliminate Krayt. The plan was for a small strike team to infiltrate the capital and disable the planet's orbital defenses. Despite Morrigan Corde's reservations, Blue and Syn successfully snuck the team onto the capital's surface using the Mynock. As the group prepared to leave, Cade and Blue embraced and kissed. Blue told Cade to be careful, but Cade responded that the mission was already dangerous enough and told her to keep the engines running.
The strike force managed to disable Coruscant's defenses just as the Allied fleet arrived from hyperspace, and Blue and Syn took off to help them. At the team's extraction point, Morrigan Corde contacted the Mynock to ask about Cade's whereabouts. Syn replied that he and the others had gone to the Temple of the Sith to confront Darth Krayt. Then, the Mynock was hit by an ion blast, which destroyed the engines and sent it crashing toward the planet's surface in flames.

Blue and Syn survived the crash, as the Mynock found a place to "land softly." The two of them and Artoo were busy making repairs when they received a message from Corde, who informed them that Cade had killed Krayt. She instructed them to get airborne because Cade was taking the body to Coruscant's sun, intending to burn them both to make sure Krayt never came back. Before she lost her ship to him, Corde gave her son a locket containing a holo of herself, Cade and his father, but also a tracer so they could find him.
Later, the three finally got the Mynock working again and flew toward Coruscant Prime. As they got closer to the star, they saw Skywalker floating in space. R2-D2 ejected and pulled him into the ship, where Blue and Syn realized he wasn't breathing; Cade Skywalker was dead. As they mourned the loss of their close friend, Blue kissed her love and told him she loved him. Cade's body then suddenly woke up and kissed her back, telling them that he had gone into a Jedi hibernation trance like he did on Ossus. Reunited with his friends and lover, Cade set a course for a faraway place where they could all move forward and live in peace.

After the One Sith and their Galactic Empire were defeated, a new Galactic Federation Triumvirate was established, made up of the Imperial court, the Jedi High Council, and the Galactic Alliance. By 140 ABY, Deliah Blue, Cade Skywalker, and Jariah Syn were traveling through the galaxy. In that year, Deliah and Cade were at a cantina when Syn was negotiating with a Mon Calamari engineer named Sauk, who was trying to get a stabilizing coil for his companion, the assassin droid AG-37's freighter. Although Sauk was unhappy about having to pay a large sum of credits for the coil, he reluctantly agreed to buy it after Jariah pointed out that it was hard to find a new coil in that star system. Deliah and her friends were happy about their successful deal, which came at just the right time for Sauk and his companions. Soon after, Sauk and his companions AG-37, the junk dealer Ania Solo, and the former Imperial Knight Jao Assam were ambushed.

Deliah Blue, a Zeltron, had bright pink skin, blue hair and lips, and deep violet eyes. Like most Zeltrons, Blue enjoyed partying, and this love never faded, even as she pursued a career later in life. Her wardrobe included a wide variety of outfits for daily wear, as well as armor. Also, her usual clothes were fashionable, flashy, and bright, often in neon colors similar to her own natural tones. The group often used her appearance to their advantage, such as convincing guards to let them pass, as seen when they entered Brogar's cantina. Furthermore, her species could produce pheromones to increase their attractiveness and had the empathic ability to sense the emotions of others. This made her very persuasive, and she even tried to seduce Gar Stazi, the leader of the Galactic Alliance Remnant, for a better price on the weapons she was selling.
One of Deliah Blue's best qualities was her loyalty to her friends, especially Cade Skywalker and Jariah Syn. Although the three often argued, threatening to shoot, injure, or even kill each other at times, their bond was unbreakable. Her attraction to Cade grew into something deeper, and their connection was so strong that Blue felt jealous when she saw Cade kissing Darth Talon, even though it was mostly an act and Zeltrons were polyamorous. After being captured by the Empire and tortured, Blue refused to reveal Cade's location, even though he had abandoned them on Bastion. She was willing to die for him and challenged his decision to give his life to the Sith in exchange for hers and Jariah's. After being freed, she refused to leave the planet without him. Even when he started to have feelings for Azlyn Rae again, Deliah loved Cade enough to let him be with her because she brought out the best in him.

Besides being very persuasive, Blue was a very skilled mechanic. She was known for being able to fix anything with a hydrospanner and managed to keep the Mynock running, even in the most difficult situations. Even in files collected by Imperial Intelligence, Blue was considered one of the best Zeltron mechanics in the galaxy. She was known to have found and rebuilt the famous Firespray-31-class patrol and attack craft at some point in her life. Deliah Blue was also good at flying the ships she maintained, piloting the Mynock on many occasions, especially when inserting and extracting other crew members on the ground.
Deliah was also an excellent shot with a blaster or other projectile weapon, a necessary skill for bounty hunting. She was able to hit the fast-moving Jedi Hosk Trey'lis in the face with a single dart. She later fought on Vendaxa and Daluuj against dangerous creatures, stormtroopers, and Sith and escaped with relatively minor injuries. Deliah Blue used a Bluebolt blaster pistol and a concealed dart launcher that fired darts filled with a sedative to knock out her targets.
Blue was also skilled at tattooing, as shown when she tattooed a black skull on Cade Skywalker's right arm.

Deliah Blue was created by John Ostrander and Jan Duursema for the comic book series Star Wars: Legacy, making her first out-of-universe appearance in Star Wars Insider #87. Her first in-universe appearance was in the comic's second issue. Besides the cover of Legacy (2006) 2, where she was drawn by Adam Hughes, Deliah Blue has been illustrated by Jan Duursema in all her appearances in the Legacy comic.
On page 19 of Legacy 7, the plan was for Deliah and Cade to spend the night together. However, a coloring error in the issue caused Deliah to appear with human skin tones instead of deep-pink Zeltron tones, leading readers to wonder if the character in Cade's bed was Marasiah Fel, not Deliah. The page was reprinted with the colors corrected in the back of a later issue, and the corrected page was used in the trade paperback.
In 2010, Delilah Blue and Darth Nihl action figures were released in a Hasbro Comic Pack. The pack included a reprint of Legacy #7 with the corrected coloring on page 19.
In Polish versions of Legacy, Deliah's name is changed to Delia because "Deliah" would have been a male name in Polish. (Similarly, Marasiah was changed to "Marasia.")
Deliah Blue made a cameo appearance in the last issue of Corinna Bechko and Gabriel Hardman's Star Wars: Legacy Volume 2, the second version of the Legacy comic series. She was drawn by Brian Albert Thies, colored by Jordan Boyd, and designed by Rick DeLucco.