Azlyn Rae

Azlyn Rae, a Human female, underwent training in the Force from both the Jedi Order and the Imperial Knights throughout her life. During her younger years, she was apprenticed to Jedi Master Rasi Tuum on Ossus as she trained to become a Jedi. She developed a close bond with her fellow student Cade Skywalker at the Jedi Academy, but their relationship and her training were abruptly ended when Lord Darth Krayt's Sith Order massacred the Jedi and Krayt took control of the galaxy. Rae survived the Jedi Purge, believing Tuum and Skywalker to be dead, which led her to abandon her past and pursue a career as a bounty hunter. After being discovered by the Imperial Knights, she accepted their invitation to join their ranks and finish her training. Rae pledged her allegiance to Emperor Roan Fel and commenced her service to his Empire-in-exile.

Seven years following the Jedi's dispersal, Rae discovered Skywalker's survival when Fel dispatched her on a secret assignment to bring him to the Imperial fortress world of Bastion. After revealing her identity to her former friend on Iego, Rae gained his confidence and was escorted by him to a Hidden Temple where the Jedi Order was gradually reforming. There, she reunited with Rasi Tuum and was instructed by her fellow Imperial Knight Marasiah Fel to accompany Skywalker on a mission to assassinate Darth Krayt. This mission led Skywalker's team to Had Abbadon, where they set a trap for Krayt and managed to inflict a fatal wound after Rae impaled him through the chest. Krayt's Force lightning nearly killed her, and Skywalker urgently transported her to Kiffex for healing by his uncle Rawk. Rae, anticipating her death, resisted all healing attempts, but Rawk and his wife Droo placed her in life-sustaining armor regardless. She reacted with anger, attacking Skywalker and accusing him of selfishly keeping her alive.

Upon returning to Bastion, Rae received less restrictive armor from Hogrum Chalk, the Imperial Knights' master armorer, and soon accompanied her Emperor to Agamar to engage in peace talks with the Jedi. Sith forces disrupted the meeting, and Rae, Tuum, and Marasiah were left behind when the Imperial Knights and Jedi evacuated the planet. Marasiah was captured by the Sith, and after Rae and Tuum's failed rescue attempt, they returned to Bastion to inform the Emperor. Master Antares Draco later rescued Marasiah, and she stood with Rae and other Imperial Knights as they assisted the Jedi in defending the Hidden Temple against Krayt's Empire's attacking forces. Following the Jedi's evacuation, the allied forces of the Empire-in-exile, the Galactic Alliance, and the Jedi Order attacked Krayt's throneworld, Coruscant, and Rae joined a strike team that disabled the world's orbital defenses before the main assault. The allies secured victory when Skywalker killed Krayt, and Rae later attended the funeral of Emperor Fel, who had succumbed to the dark side during the battle and was killed by Draco.


Shifting loyalties

Cade Skywalker steals a kiss from Azlyn Rae during their Jedi training on Ossus.

As a Human female, Azlyn Rae spent her formative years at the Jedi Academy located on Ossus, where she was trained to become a Jedi under the guidance of Master Rasi Tuum as his apprentice. During her time in training, she frequently spent time with her fellow apprentice Cade Skywalker, and they often ventured into Ossus's jungles together. On one occasion, they placed live gullipuds inside the boots of Wolf Sazen, Skywalker's Master, resulting in a punishment of cleaning nerf stables for an entire week. Through their shared pranks and meditative evenings, Rae and Skywalker grew close and developed romantic feelings for each other, sharing at least one kiss. However, their romance and Rae's training were prematurely terminated in 130 ABY with the conclusion of the Sith–Imperial War. Following three years of conflict, the Jedi Order and the Galactic Alliance were defeated by the Galactic Empire and the One Sith. Rae and Tuum were present at the Jedi Temple on Coruscant, the galactic capital, when a group of Sith loyal to Lord Darth Krayt launched an attack. Tuum instructed Rae to flee, which she did, losing sight of her master amidst the chaos and successfully escaping the planet. Assuming the worst, she believed Tuum to be dead. Coruscant fell under the control of the One Sith, who then attacked Ossus two days later, further dismantling the Jedi Order. Many Jedi were scattered, and Rae also presumed Skywalker to be dead.

After installing himself as Emperor of the galaxy, Darth Krayt initiated a hunt for surviving Jedi. Rae attempted to bury her past, including her memories of Skywalker, and began traveling the galaxy in disguise, taking on various odd jobs to survive. Displaying a natural talent, she became a bounty hunter by profession. Eventually, Rae encountered an Imperial Knight who recognized her Force-sensitivity and offered her the opportunity to complete her training in the Force. Accepting the offer, she swore allegiance to Roan Fel, Emperor of the Empire-in-exile, who had been betrayed by Darth Krayt at the war's end and had retreated into hiding. Rae vowed to serve the Force through her dedication to Fel and his throne. As her training progressed, her understanding of the Force deepened. She constructed her own lightsaber, which differed from the order's standardized model and featured an orange blade instead of a silver one. Upon completing her training and becoming a fully recognized Imperial Knight, Rae achieved the rank of "Master," a title reserved for the order's highest-ranking members. Due to her diverse training, the Emperor frequently assigned her missions as a scout and undercover operative.

Tense reunions

In 137 ABY, Rae discovered that Skywalker had survived the Massacre at Ossus. For the past seven years, he had been working as a bounty hunter, but had recently become entangled in significant galactic affairs. He had briefly been a guest of Emperor Fel on the Imperial fortress world of Bastion after rescuing Fel's daughter Marasiah from the clutches of the Sith. Later, he was captured by Darth Krayt on Coruscant before escaping. When Fel learned of the latter event, he feared that Skywalker had revealed Imperial secrets to the Sith and dispatched Rae to locate him and persuade him to return to Bastion.

Rae and Skywalker are reunited on Iego.

Rae, disguised as a bounty hunter, tracked Skywalker to the Golden Gorg Cantina on the planet Socorro, where she observed him and his companions coercing Rav, the cantina's owner, into handing over the starship Grinning Liar to the smugglers Chak and Kee. Before Skywalker left the planet in his own starship, the Mynock, Rae attached a homing beacon to its hull. She then followed the beacon to Iego, cloaking her ship and maintaining a safe distance from the Mynock. On Iego, Skywalker assisted his uncle Rawk in dispatching some members of the Black Sun criminal organization who were causing trouble for Rawk's family. Rae landed her ship away from Rawk's home to observe the skirmish. After the criminals were defeated, Rae reported her coordinates and status to Marasiah Fel, who was following closely behind in a starship.

While Skywalker and the Mynock's crew were visiting with Rawk and his family, Rae awaited further instructions from Marasiah. After four days, she ambushed Skywalker at the site of the landed Mynock, launching a physical attack on her former friend. Skywalker, under the influence of death sticks, was unable to adequately defend himself, but his uncle quickly intervened and put up a fight. Rae and Rawk engaged in a telekinetic battle using the Force before Rae drew her lightsaber on the older man. He countered by brushing her arm aside and elbowing her in the face, incapacitating her. Skywalker recovered and approached the two, prompting Rae to remove her mask and reveal her face. Surprised to see her, Skywalker invited her into Rawk's home for some caf. There, she sat down with Skywalker, Rawk, Rawk's wife Droo, Skywalker's co-pilot Jariah Syn, and his mechanic, Deliah Blue. Rae recounted her experiences since the Sith's attack on Coruscant, omitting any mention of the Imperial Knights and claiming to still be a bounty hunter pursuing Skywalker for the bounty on his head. She also stated that she was no longer interested in collecting it, having realized that Skywalker was the same friend she remembered from her childhood. At that moment, Rawk's long-range sensors detected the arrival of a Star Destroyer in the system, belonging to Darth Krayt's Galactic Empire. The crew of the Mynock hid while Rae and the Rawks received Captain Gurlok, the Imperial officer who landed to confront them.

Outside Rawk's home, the Captain and his stormtroopers physically assaulted Rae and Rawk, demanding to know who had recently assisted the Rawk family in their battle with Black Sun members. Disbelieving Rae's claim that it had been her, he threatened to harm Rawk's children unless he received the answers he wanted. A bloodied Rae managed to use a mind trick to persuade him to leave, and the Imperials departed Iego. Skywalker began preparing to leave, hoping to kill Darth Krayt and then disappear into the criminal underworld. Rawk suggested that he might find allies at a Hidden Jedi Temple and boarded the Mynock to guide its crew there. Rae was allowed to join them, and as she moved her ship into the Mynock's cargo hold, she sent an update to Marasiah, who waited in her own ship with fellow Imperial Knights Antares Draco and Ganner Krieg.

Rae discusses her conflicted loyalties with Marasiah Fel.

The Mynock journeyed to the Hidden Temple on Taivas, and upon arriving in-system, Rae dropped a homing beacon out of its garbage disposal. Her fellow Imperial Knights followed the Mynock to the temple in their cloaked ship, landing immediately behind Skywalker's vessel on a landing platform. As a welcoming party approached the Mynock's crew, Jedi Knight Shado Vao saw Marasiah and her companions exiting their ship and drew his lightsaber. He and Skywalker engaged Draco and Krieg in a duel, and after a furious Skywalker Force-pushed the two Knights away, he realized that Rae had betrayed him and began shouting at her. Marasiah asserted that the Imperial Knights were on a diplomatic mission and placed Rae under its safe conduct. As tensions began to ease, the Imperial delegation was taken to see the Jedi Council. Rae waited outside the Council Chamber under the supervision of Master Mai while Marasiah proposed an alliance between the Jedi and her father's Empire to the council, aimed at combating Darth Krayt's forces.

While Rae waited, she brought a cup of caffa to Jariah Syn and apologized for betraying the Mynock's crew. Their conversation was interrupted by Rasi Tuum, who approached his former apprentice and embraced her. Both were relieved to find the other alive. Tuum openly questioned Rae's loyalties, sensing that while her Imperial duty was clear in her mind, her heart still yearned for the Jedi way. She left to contemplate his words and sought out Marasiah in their assigned quarters. Marasiah also sensed Rae's internal conflict and reminded her that her oaths were lifelong. She also emphasized that the only Imperial Knight to ever leave the order had died shortly after. As Rae wrestled with her dilemma, the Jedi Council rejected Skywalker's request for assistance in his mission to assassinate Darth Krayt. Determined to proceed without their help, Marasiah assigned Rae, Draco, and Krieg to accompany him while she remained behind to continue negotiations with the Jedi. Skywalker's astromech droid R2-D2 opened the Mynock's cargo bay doors so that Draco and Krieg could load their TIE predators, and Skywalker reluctantly accepted the Imperial Knights' offer of assistance. Shado Vao joined the strike team as the Jedi's sole representative, and the Mynock headed towards the Deep Core.

Ambush in the Core

Skywalker devised a plan to lure Krayt to the Deep Core world of Had Abbadon. During the journey, Rae sat outside his quarters while he meditated. She attempted to apologize for using him to sneak her fellow Imperial Knights into the Hidden Temple and invoked their childhood memories while seeking forgiveness. As she spoke to his door, the ship was pulled out of hyperspace by the interdiction field of the Star Destroyer Iron Sun, which Old Republic Jedi Celeste Morne had commandeered ten years prior and kept dormant in the Deep Core. Skywalker emerged from the captain's quarters and accused Rae of interdicting them, leading to an argument on their way to the bridge. No TIE predators or other ships emerged from the Destroyer to intercept them, and when the Mynock was caught in a tractor beam, Skywalker and Vao sensed the presence of a Force-user aboard the warship. The strike team set out to explore the derelict vessel, and Rae's party, including herself, Skywalker, Syn, and Vao, found only bones in the hangar bay. Draco and Krieg commed Rae from adjacent corridors, reporting similar findings. As Rae's party pondered their discoveries, a group of Rakghoul beasts emerged from a doorway and attacked them. Rae was scratched, and Skywalker was bitten before Celeste Morne arrived and commanded the beasts to stop. She controlled them using the power of the Muur Talisman, an ancient Sith artifact containing the spirit of the Sith Lord Karness Muur.

Rae is infected with the Rakghoul plague.

Upon seeing that Rae and Skywalker had been infected with the Rakghoul plague, Morne Force-pushed them into a holding cell and sealed the door, separating them from Syn and Vao. Her hope was to quarantine Rae and Skywalker until the plague transformed them into Rakghouls. She explained that the plague was incurable and promised to quickly kill them after their transformation. While they awaited the metamorphosis, Morne shared her past and how she came to possess the Muur Talisman to contain Karness Muur's spirit. Rae and Skywalker began bleeding, and Skywalker, desperate, asked Morne if the Rakghoul plague was a disease. Upon her affirmative response, Skywalker grabbed Rae and used his healing powers to cure them both. Their minds flashed back to their shared youth as energy surrounded them, and their disease vanished. Impressed by Skywalker's use and control of the Force, Morne offered to join their strike team. With a new passenger, the Mynock completed its journey to Had Abbadon, a planet under the control of Krayt's Empire.

At Had Abbadon's Imperial base, Draco, Krieg, and Vao engaged TIE pilots in their starfighters while Rae, Skywalker, and Morne stormed the compound. Morne used the Talisman to transform the defending stormtroopers into Rakghouls, who attacked Darth Reave, the base's commanding Sith. After being scratched, Reave fled, and a telekinetic push from Morne prevented Rae and Skywalker from pursuing him. She had decided to allow Reave to report to Krayt, hoping that the lure of the Muur Talisman would draw the Sith Lord into their trap. As the strike team prepared for Krayt's arrival, Krieg approached Rae, and they discussed his romantic feelings for her. The tender moment was interrupted by Draco, who had received new orders from their Emperor via the HoloNet: obtain the Muur Talisman. Rae, deeming the Sith device evil, stormed off, disgusted by the new orders.

Determined to prevent the Talisman from corrupting her Emperor, she decided to destroy it by killing Morne, approaching Morne's quarters with a blaster in hand. Skywalker, however, met her outside the door and began teasing her upon learning of her intentions. A brawl ensued, with both exchanging punches and lightsaber strikes. Rae reiterated her belief that Morne and the Talisman needed to be destroyed, but Skywalker calmed her down by catching hold of her and mentioning their romantic youth. Feelings resurfaced, and they kissed before retreating to the former commander's quarters for more private intimacy. As they cuddled on a couch and reminisced, Karness Muur began speaking to them telepathically, prompting Skywalker to leave and confront Morne.

Rae stabs Krayt through the chest on Had Abbadon.

Morne strategically employed Skywalker as a lure, reaching out to Krayt with an invitation to Had Abbadon. The purpose was twofold: to utilize both Skywalker and the Talisman to mend Morne's life-threatening ailment. Krayt responded, arriving with his four most esteemed Sith Lords: Darths Stryfe, Wyyrlok, Talon, and Maladi. Except for Wyyrlok, the Sith Lords confronted Morne and Skywalker, before Rae, Krieg, Draco, and Vao emerged from their hidden positions, having skillfully used Force stealth to remain undetected. The strike team's six members then attacked the Sith, receiving limited support from Morne's erratic Rakghoul army, which inadvertently isolated the Imperial Knights from the conflict. Determined to eliminate Krayt, Rae attempted to dissuade Draco from pursuing the Talisman, but was forcefully pushed away with the Force in response. Krieg then physically restrained Draco, urging him to pursue the Talisman while he and Rae confronted Krayt. Rae and Krieg stood back-to-back, navigating through the Rakghouls to reach Krayt, who was dueling Morne.

As Morne kept the Sith Lord occupied, Rae identified an opportunity to strike. She tasked Skywalker with holding off the Rakghouls while she launched herself at Krayt. Krayt was unleashing Force lightning upon Morne when Rae appeared from behind, stabbing him through his torso. Morne then redirected Krayt's weakened lightning back at him, resulting in both Rae and Krayt being electrocuted. Subsequently, Morne used the Force to hurl the weakened Dark Lord off a cliff, while Rae collapsed, severely burned and near death. With the Sith threat neutralized, Skywalker freed Morne from Muur's control by ending her life, and he destroyed Muur's spirit by destroying the Talisman. Syn and Vao then realized that Rae was still alive, and Skywalker attempted to heal her using the Force. Discovering that her injuries were too extensive, he continued to channel Force energy into her as the strike team boarded the Mynock in search of medical assistance. However, Skywalker denied Krieg and Draco passage, aware of Draco's attempt to seize the Talisman for the Emperor. The Mynock made a perilous journey to the planet Kiffex, where Rawk and his family had sought refuge after their encounter with Krayt's Imperials.

Another chance at life

As Syn landed the ship, Skywalker persisted in his healing efforts, despite Rae's pleas to be allowed to pass away and join the Force. While he channeled Force energy into her, the Mynock experienced a crash landing amidst a storm. Skywalker quickly exited the ship, entrusting Rae to Rawk and Droo with instructions to heal her. He urgently informed Droo, a Kiffar healer, that Rae desired to live, and Droo brought Rae to the family's compound workshop. Droo placed Rae in a bacta tank, but Rae resisted any further healing attempts. While Droo was prepared to let her die, Rawk insisted on honoring their promise to Skywalker to keep her alive. Consequently, they reluctantly placed Rae in a full-body suit of life-preserving armor that circulated bacta around her and assisted her breathing, providing her with time until a more effective solution could be found.

Devastated with her life-preserving armor, Rae attacks Skywalker on Kiffex.

Rae was enraged by Skywalker's deception of Droo and attacked him upon his return to the Rawk compound after spending the night at the nearby Ven Karya Spaceport. She accused him of selfishly prolonging her life against her wishes and used the Force to throw him around the room as she expressed her feelings of confinement within the armor. Deliah Blue aimed a blaster at her as she choked Skywalker, and Rae, heartbroken, departed, wishing only to leave the planet. She went to the Palace of the planet's Sheyf and became a guest of Sheyf Zharia Vos. Two days later, Ganner Krieg, dispatched by the Emperor to retrieve her, found her there. Krieg escorted her back to Bastion.

Under the care of the Imperial Knights, Rae was fitted with new armor by Hogrum Chalk, the order's master armorer. The enhanced design resembled crimson Imperial Knight armor and eliminated the need for a helmet by incorporating an artificial breathing system into the suit's neck. Some time after returning from Kiffex, Rae evaluated her new armor's capabilities in a sparring match against Krieg. Master Treis Sinde supervised them as other Imperial Knights, including Chalk and the Emperor, observed. Rae urged Krieg to give the duel his all so she could determine the limits of her armor.

Trap on Agamar

Having tested and prepared her new armor, Rae joined a group of Imperial Knights accompanying the Emperor to Agamar to hold peace talks with the Jedi Order. Fel and the Jedi had already formed alliances with the Galactic Alliance Remnant, and an agreement between the Empire-in-exile and the Jedi Order would strengthen a broader union. The Imperial Knights camped overnight on Agamar's grassy plains and met with Jedi representatives, led by Master K'Kruhk and including Rasi Tuum, the following morning. Everyone present disguised themselves as Agamarian farmers, and some Imperial Knights positioned themselves away from the meeting, pretending to work in a nearby field.

A formal alliance was established, with Fel declaring Bastion a safe haven for both the Jedi and the Galactic Alliance. However, the negotiations were interrupted by an approaching intruder riding a local animal. Masters Krieg and Sigel Dare began firing at the animal with blaster rifles until Fel identified the rider as Nyna Calixte, the Director of Imperial Intelligence for Krayt's Empire, a position she had held under Fel before the end of the Sith–Imperial War. Calixte urgently informed the group that the Sith were aware of the meeting and had sent a task force under the command of Moff Rulf Yage to capture or eliminate the Emperor. As the task force, led by the Pellaeon-class Star Destroyer War Hammer, engaged Fel's Dauntless in orbit, she advised the Imperial Knights and Jedi to flee if they wished to survive.

Rae, Marasiah Fel, and Rasi Tuum battle Sith on Agamar.

A group of Sith emerged from nearby swamps and quickly advanced on the Imperial Knights and Jedi. Antares Draco and K'Kruhk called on their respective groups to defend Emperor Fel, and all disguises were abandoned as a battle began. Rae and Tuum fought alongside each other to protect Princess Marasiah, and at least ten Sith were defeated by the Imperial Knights and Jedi, as well as by Calixte's blaster. When the escape shuttle Defender One landed near the battle to evacuate the Emperor, all surviving Imperial Knights and Jedi boarded, except for Rae, Marasiah, and Tuum, who were too far away. An explosion from the blasts of incoming TIE predators propelled the three further away from the shuttle, rendering them unconscious. Defender One departed to protect the Emperor and escaped the planet, leaving Rae, Marasiah, and Tuum at the mercy of Krayt's Imperials.

While Rae and Tuum were unconscious, Marasiah was captured by the Sith. Upon awakening, severely injured, they discovered the princess was missing. Three days after the battle, they encountered a grounded attack ship used by Bokar and Yuln, two Sith searching the area for survivors. When the Sith returned to their ship, Rae and Tuum ambushed and killed them. Although Tuum wished to return to Bastion, Rae insisted on attempting to rescue the princess. Tuum agreed, and the two piloted the attack ship to the Sith–Imperial fleet in orbit, where they sensed Marasiah was being held. Their attempts to infiltrate the War Hammer failed when they discovered the attack ship's docking codes were invalid, forcing them to flee into hyperspace from pursuing Imperial attack craft.

The two returned to Bastion and bypassed the planet's mines by transmitting proper clearance codes. However, their approach triggered alarms, and a group of Imperial Knights and Jedi rushed to the landing platform to find a Sith attack ship landing. Rae contacted Ganner Krieg on his personal comlink, preventing Bastion's artillery batteries from firing on her craft as it landed. Upon disembarking, Rae was seized by a frantic Antares Draco, demanding to know Marasiah's whereabouts. She recounted her story, but he continued to berate her, stating she should have died rather than return without the princess. Tuum's attempts to intervene resulted in him being Force-pushed across the landing platform, but the confrontation was halted by Hogrum Chalk, who informed the Imperial Knights that they were needed in the Emperor's quarters. There, Fel expressed concern that his daughter knew all the Empire's codes and gave Draco three hours to devise a plan to rescue her.

United front

Draco, Krieg, and Shado Vao successfully extracted Marasiah from the Sith world Korriban, but Draco was captured by the Sith. Following Marasiah's return to Bastion, her father held a remembrance ceremony honoring Draco and the Imperial Knights who had died on Agamar. Rae, along with Vao and a large group of Imperial Knights, attended the ceremony. Soon after, Rae, Vao, and Krieg took the Princess to meet Jedi Master Wolf Sazen, who joined them in escorting Marasiah to the Hidden Temple to meet the Empire's new allies. The Mynock arrived shortly after with Draco as a passenger—he had been tortured by the Sith Inquisitor Darth Havok into revealing the Hidden Temple's location before being frozen in carbonite and delivered as a gift from Krayt to Skywalker, who sought a confrontation with the Dark Lord. Rae, Vao, and Krieg met with Draco and Skywalker after the Mynock landed and brought their broken comrade before the Princess. Rae and Krieg watched as she reprimanded Draco for sacrificing his honor yet offered him a chance to redeem himself by aiding in the inevitable defense of the Temple from Krayt's Empire.

Skywalker's strike team arrives at their target during the Battle of Coruscant.

Skywalker and his uncle devised a plan to stand firm and lure Krayt's forces into the Temple, allowing the fleets of Fel's Empire and the Galactic Alliance to emerge from hyperspace behind them and trap their naval forces. When the attack occurred, Skywalker and the four Imperial Knights present stood with the Jedi and defended the Temple's outer portal from attacking Sith. Rae and Krieg fought side-by-side, cutting down the invaders. "Bantha" Rawk, having resumed his role as a Jedi, contacted the Galactic Alliance and Empire-in-exile fleets, which arrived in the system to spring their trap. As the space battle raged, Rae and Krieg worked together to destroy an Imperial walker advancing towards the Temple. When Krayt's secret army of Sith troopers arrived, a group of them surrounded the defenders, who had retreated to the Temple's council chambers. The Skywalkers and three additional Jedi Masters remained to defend Master T'ra Saa, who was using Battle meditation to rally the allied forces, while Rae and the others retreated. The starships that formed the Hidden Temple then ascended into the sky and escaped the system under the protection of a blast of Force energy and several ships that defected from Krayt's Empire during the battle. After suffering heavy losses from the Sith troopers, the surviving allies retreated to Bastion.

Three days after the fall of the Hidden Temple, the Emperor, along with Admiral Gar Stazi of the Galactic Alliance and the surviving members of the Jedi Council, decided to launch an offensive against Coruscant before Krayt and his Sith troopers could attack Bastion. Rae, along with Masters Krieg and Dare, joined a strike team tasked with infiltrating the planet in advance of the attack and disabling the central computers controlling the planet's orbital defenses. Morrigan Corde, a recent defector from Krayt's Empire who had also served as Director of Imperial Intelligence under the alias Nyna Calixte, led the team, which included Skywalker, Vao, Sazen, and Tuum. Syn and Blue transported them to Coruscant in the Mynock and covertly landed at a hidden location. The strike team reached their target two minutes before the allied fleets were scheduled to arrive in the Coruscant system. Rae and Tuum used telekinesis to incapacitate several technicians, and as the group fought off stormtroopers and Sith troopers, Krieg, Vao, and Skywalker destroyed the computers, disabling Coruscant's defenses.

The group's next objective was the Temple of the Sith, where they hoped to find Krayt and force him into a showdown with Skywalker. They entered through secret tunnels that Skywalker and Vao had discovered years before when it was the Jedi Temple, but Darth Talon and Darth Stryfe were waiting with other Sith. A fierce skirmish erupted, resulting in Master Dare being stabbed in the chest and a confrontation between Sazen and Stryfe that ended both their lives. Rae fought alongside Krieg as Skywalker ventured deeper into the temple, where he found and killed Krayt. As the Sith troopers' wills were linked to the Dark Lord through the dark side of the Force, they all went insane, and those in combat with the strike team were quickly defeated. The Sith trooper-piloted Annihilator-class starfighters in the space battle above crashed onto Coruscant's surface, and Krayt's fleet fled into hyperspace. The capital was secured by the allies, and the Sith went into hiding—the war was over. One of the battle's casualties was Emperor Fel, who had succumbed to the dark side and attempted to release a Sith-created pathogen onto Coruscant that would kill all life on the planet. He was then killed by Draco, as every Imperial Knight had sworn to end the Emperor's life if he ever strayed from the light. Rae was among those who attended Fel's funeral in the immediate aftermath of the war. Master Chalk delivered a eulogy and announced the formation of a Galactic Federation Triumvirate: Admiral Stazi, Jedi Master K'Kruhk, and the newly-crowned Empress Marasiah, who would unite the galaxy.

Personality and traits

Azlyn Rae possessed an adventurous spirit during her youth, frequently exploring the jungles of Ossus with Cade Skywalker and playing pranks on her Jedi instructors. Her dedication to the Jedi Order remained steadfast even after her separation from it and her acceptance into the Imperial Knights. Seven years after the Jedi were scattered by Darth Krayt's Sith, Rae encountered the remnants of the Order and began to yearn for the Jedi way of life. Her inner conflict was evident in the Force and could be sensed by her former Master, Rasi Tuum. Despite her longing for her past, Rae remained mindful of the oaths she had sworn to Emperor Fel as an Imperial Knight. Her duty to the Emperor was clear to her, even if her heart was conflicted, and she felt indebted to the Imperial Knights for accepting her and completing her training. Rae experienced significant internal conflict at the Hidden Temple and contemplated abandoning her oaths to rejoin the Jedi. Ultimately, she chose to remain with the Imperial Knights.

During an undercover mission for Emperor Fel, Rae willingly deceived and gained the trust of Cade Skywalker, her childhood friend, upon their reunion after seven years of separation. When Skywalker discovered her deception and criticized her for it, she began to feel remorse, believing that their shared past should have warranted respect and honesty from her. Although she had believed him to be dead and had attempted to forget him, Rae had always harbored feelings for Skywalker, and he for her. The Imperial Knight Ganner Krieg also had feelings for Rae, and while she cared for Krieg, she believed that their duties as Imperial Knights would always lead them down separate paths.

Azlyn Rae believed that the Muur Talisman was evil, and refused to comply with her Emperor's order to obtain it.

The Imperial Knights served the Force as embodied by their Emperor, and Rae firmly believed that their Emperor should never ask them to do anything dishonorable. She was disgusted when he ordered them to obtain the Muur Talisman, which she viewed as an object of pure evil. She despised anything associated with the Sith and was uncomfortable with the fact that the Talisman had transformed stormtroopers into Rakghouls, even if they served Darth Krayt's Empire. Believing the Talisman to be incredibly dangerous, Rae was prepared to kill Celeste Morne, the Talisman's wearer, in cold blood to destroy it. She believed Morne had been poisoned by its influence and was willing to take it upon herself to contain its evil.

During the battle with the Sith on Had Abbadon, Rae attempted to prevent Antares Draco, her ally, from obtaining the Talisman. She firmly believed that Darth Krayt's death was their top priority, and she personally stabbed him during the battle. This act nearly cost her life, and as she lay near death, she was content knowing that her actions had saved the galaxy. She asked Skywalker to let her die and become one with the Force, resisting all efforts to heal her. She resented the life-preserving armor she was placed in and accused Skywalker of keeping her alive for selfish reasons. She lamented the fact that she would never feel anything on her skin again and longed for death.

Rae regained some of her will to live after Hogrum Chalk fitted her with more practical armor and was eager to test its capabilities in battle. She renewed her dedication to the Imperial Knights and the Emperor, going to great lengths to protect Princess Marasiah Fel from the Sith. Although she was unconscious when Marasiah was captured by the Sith, Rae felt she had failed in her duty by not preventing it. Rasi Tuum attempted to dissuade her from pursuing Marasiah into a Sith–Imperial Star Destroyer, but she insisted that her duty required her to try. However, pragmatism prevailed when Rae realized she could not confront an entire Sith–Imperial fleet with a single attack ship.

Despite serving an organization that viewed the Force as a tool, Rae believed in the will of the Force. After being severely injured on Had Abbadon, she believed the Force willed her death. She later believed that the Force, in addition to her duty as an Imperial Knight, guided her to attempt to rescue Marasiah from the Sith.

Relationship with Cade Skywalker

An old flame is reignited on Had Abbadon.

While growing up at the Jedi Academy on Ossus, Rae developed a close relationship with Cade Skywalker, a fellow Jedi apprentice, and harbored romantic feelings for him. She believed him to be dead after the Jedi Order was scattered by the Sith and put her past, including memories of Skywalker, behind her as she began a new life. Although she deceived him and earned his anger after reuniting with him seven years later, their memories resurfaced when he used the Force to heal them of the Rakghoul plague. They both realized they had always loved each other and spent an intimate night together on Had Abbadon. When Rae was nearly killed during the battle with the Sith, Skywalker expended a significant amount of Force energy to keep her alive, nearly succumbing to the dark side in the process. He disregarded Rae's wishes to die and ensured her survival, claiming it was out of love. Rae was then placed in a life-preserving suit, and she confronted Skywalker, accusing him of selfishly keeping her alive. They parted ways, but Skywalker continued to regard Rae as one of the most important people in his life.

Powers and abilities

Azlyn Rae received training in the ways of the Force from both the Jedi Order and the Imperial Knights, organizations known for producing talented and powerful Force-users. After becoming a full-fledged Imperial Knight, she possessed a unique and diverse skillset that often led to her being assigned by the Emperor to missions as a scout or undercover agent. She demonstrated her prowess as a scout by tracking Cade Skywalker from Socorro to Iego without detection. She was also skilled in deception, able to lie to Skywalker and his friends and convince them to trust her while secretly using them to smuggle her fellow Imperial Knights into the Jedi's Hidden Temple.

Rae was proficient in various Force abilities, including telekinesis and mind tricks. She could also sense others in the Force from great distances. Rae survived a battle with a group of Sith on Agamar that resulted in the deaths of several Imperial Knights, killing at least one Sith during the conflict. She later participated in the defense of the Jedi's Hidden Temple and, alongside Ganner Krieg, destroyed an Imperial walker. During the Battle of Coruscant, Rae fought as part of a strike team that killed numerous Sith and Darth Krayt's Sith troopers. Her stabbing of Darth Krayt on Had Abbadon was the first of several actions that led to his defeat, although the encounter nearly killed her as well. In addition to her Force abilities, Rae was a skilled pilot.


As an Imperial Knight, Rae wore the Order's standard crimson armor but often worked undercover, wearing plainclothes or bounty hunting armor. She constructed her own orange-bladed lightsaber, distinct from the standard silver-bladed Imperial Knight lightsaber, to better disguise herself. While undercover, Rae piloted her own starship and carried several homing beacons, a comlink, and a heavy blaster pistol.

After sustaining severe injuries from Force lightning during the battle on Had Abbadon, Rae was placed in a life-preserving suit by "Bantha" and Droo Rawk that covered her entire body, circulating bacta and assisting her breathing. Hogrum Chalk, the master armorer of the Imperial Knights, later built a new set of armor for her that eliminated the need for a helmet by incorporating an artificial breathing system into the suit's neck. It resembled the crimson armor of the Imperial Knights and protected Rae from fatal injury when she was knocked unconscious by an explosion on Agamar. In her new armor, Rae began using the Order's standard silver-bladed lightsaber.

Behind the scenes

Rae was originally going to appear on the cover of Star Wars: Legacy 49.

Azlyn Rae, a character conceived by John Ostrander and Jan Duursema, made her debut in May 2008 within the twenty-third issue of the Star Wars: Legacy comic series. This series was created by the same individuals. Initially, she was seen briefly clad in her bounty hunter attire, but in the following issue, her identity was revealed: she was Cade Skywalker's childhood friend, the protagonist of the series. Throughout 2008, Rae took on a significant role in six subsequent issues, notably in the Legacy chapters of Star Wars: Vector. Star Wars: Vector was a crossover event spanning all four Star Wars comic book titles then under the banner of Dark Horse Comics. The concluding portion of Vector was featured in Legacy during the latter part of 2008, with Ostrander and Duursema dedicating much of the year to strategically positioning various narrative elements in anticipation of this culmination. Azlyn Rae was one of these elements, and she played a direct part in the apparent demise of Darth Krayt in Vector's final issue. Ostrander and Duursema envisioned Krayt's seeming death as a major consequence of Vector on Legacy and its overarching narrative.

In the final issue of Vector, Rae sustained a mortal injury. Three months later, Legacy's Storms story arc heavily focused on her fight for survival, depicting the immediate repercussions of Vector's events. Following the conclusion of Storms, her role in the remainder of the series diminished considerably. She has since made appearances in the miniseries sequel to Legacy, titled Star Wars: Legacy—War.

The cover art for Legacy's forty-ninth issue was initially planned to show Rae and Rasi Tuum, but it was later replaced with a cover featuring Cade Skywalker and Wolf Sazen. In the series' twenty-eighth issue, a single panel erroneously depicted Rae's orange lightsaber blade as blue.

