Hogrum Chalk, a Human male in the Legends continuity, faithfully served Emperor Roan Fel until the Emperor's death occurred in 138 ABY. Initially, Chalk was among the Emperor's elite Imperial Knights, but an unfortunate accident left him severely injured, necessitating a cybernetic life-support system in the form of cyborg armor. Consequently, he transitioned from active duty as an Imperial Knight to the role of the order's master armorer, where he meticulously crafted the armor donned by his fellow Knights. Before 137 ABY, Chalk's sister, Elliah Fel—who was also the Emperor's wife—met her end when she was killed by the renegade Imperial Knight Eshkar Niin. Following this tragic loss, Chalk maintained a close bond with his niece, Princess Marasiah Fel. However, he ultimately betrayed her father by becoming a spy for Grand Moff Morlish Veed. This Grand Moff held a high-ranking officer position within the Galactic Empire led by the Sith Lord Darth Krayt, an organization that stood in opposition to Fel's Empire-in-exile during the Second Imperial Civil War.
In the year 137 ABY, Chalk found himself stationed with Fel's forces on the heavily fortified fortress world of Bastion. It was there that he constructed a suit of life-sustaining armor for Azlyn Rae, an Imperial Knight who had sustained critical injuries during a battle that took place on the planet of Had Abbadon. Shortly thereafter, when the Emperor journeyed to the planet Agamar with the intention of negotiating an alliance with the Jedi Order, Chalk surreptitiously informed Veed of the meeting's location. As a result, the Emperor was subsequently attacked by a Sith–Imperial strike force orchestrated by the Grand Moff, although he managed to escape Agamar with his life intact. Despite this close call, Fel remained unaware of Chalk's treachery and appointed him to the position of Director of Imperial Intelligence, granting Chalk access to sensitive Imperial secrets, some of which he then passed on to Veed. Later, when an Imperial frigate successfully captured the Sith Lady Darth Maladi, Chalk arranged for her imprisonment on Bastion and brought Fel to meet with her after she, seemingly in a state of mental instability, requested an audience with the Emperor.
During this encounter, Maladi asserted that she no longer served Darth Krayt and proposed the creation of a devastating pathogen that Fel could deploy against the Dark Lord, albeit with the grim prospect of significant civilian casualties. Chalk strongly encouraged Fel to accept her offer. Later, when Krayt unleashed his formidable Sith trooper army upon the Empire-in-exile and its allies during an evacuation of the Jedi's Hidden Temple, Chalk once again reiterated his advice, and the Emperor ultimately deferred to his judgment. During an attack on Krayt's throneworld of Coruscant, Fel prepared to unleash the pathogen upon the enemy capital, but his actions were thwarted when he was halted and killed by the Imperial Knight Antares Draco, who was bound by an oath to end the Emperor's life should Fel ever succumb to the dark side of the Force. Despite this tragic turn of events, the allies emerged victorious in the battle and, consequently, the war. At Fel's funeral, Chalk delivered a eulogy and proclaimed that the galaxy would be united under the banner of a new Galactic Federation Triumvirate.

In the years leading up to 137 ABY, Hogrum Chalk, a Human male, held a position within the Imperial Knights, a group of Force-users committed to safeguarding the Galactic Empire and defending its Emperor, Roan Fel. Chalk's sister, Elliah, was the Emperor's wife, and his niece, Princess Marasiah Fel, was born prior to 130 ABY. During his time as an active Imperial Knight, Chalk suffered severe injuries in an accident. He endured extensive scarring and subsequently received a life-sustaining cybernetic armor suit, complete with a prosthetic left eye. Now transformed into a cyborg, Chalk retired from active service and assumed the role of master armorer, crafting the armor worn by his fellow Knights.
In 130 ABY, the Sith Lord Darth Krayt usurped the Imperial throne from Emperor Fel, forcing him into exile. At some point before 137 ABY, Imperial Knight Eshkar Niin defected to Krayt's One Sith, but not before hunting down and killing Elliah Fel. Following his sister's death, Chalk continued to serve Fel's Empire-in-exile in its war against Darth Krayt's Galactic Empire, while also acting as a spy for Morlish Veed, a Grand Moff in Krayt's service. When the Empire-in-exile captured the planet Bastion from Krayt's forces in 137 ABY, Chalk accompanied the Emperor to his new fortress world.
Later that year, Imperial Knight Azlyn Rae sustained grievous injuries at the hands of Darth Krayt during a battle on the planet Had Abbadon. She was subsequently fitted with her own life-sustaining armor by the mechanic "Bantha" Rawk before returning to Bastion. Upon her arrival at the Imperial capital, Chalk designed a new armor for her. While Rawk's design had fully enclosed her body, Chalk's design eliminated the need for a helmet by incorporating an artificial breathing system into the suit's neck. With the design finalized, Rae sparred with fellow Knight Ganner Krieg in Bastion's Imperial Knights quarters to improve her fighting abilities in the new armor, with Chalk and the Emperor observing. Fel had recently agreed to meet with representatives of the Jedi Order on the planet Agamar to discuss a potential alliance against Krayt's forces, and he sought Chalk's advice regarding the meeting. The two moved away from the sparring match to discuss the upcoming mission.

Chalk made contact with Veed, informing him of the impending meeting. Consequently, the Grand Moff dispatched a strike force to Agamar with the intention of either killing or capturing Fel. Chalk did not attend the meeting, but over ten Imperial Knights were present with their Emperor when he and his new Jedi allies were ambushed by Krayt's Sith. Numerous Imperial Knights and Jedi perished while protecting the Emperor, who managed to evacuate the planet along with most of the survivors. However, Marasiah, Rae, and Jedi Master Rasi Tuum were left stranded, and the Princess was subsequently kidnapped by the Sith. Rae and Tuum managed to commandeer a Sith–Imperial attack ship and return to Bastion.
As the vessel approached the Imperial fortress world, Chalk, Jedi Knight Shado Vao, and Imperial Knight Masters Krieg, Antares Draco, and Treis Sinde were awakened from their sleep by alarms. They hurried to a landing platform, where Chalk unsuccessfully attempted to establish contact with the ship. He suspected that it might be piloted by Sith who had extracted the proper clearance codes from a captured Imperial Knight through torture. However, Rae contacted Krieg via comlink, and Chalk ordered Bastion's defensive artillery batteries to cease firing on the ship. When Rae and Tuum landed, a furious Draco criticized them for failing to bring Marasiah with them. The Emperor contacted Chalk at that moment, summoning everyone present to his quarters, and Chalk ended the argument by relaying the news. Inside his quarters, Fel revealed that his sources had informed him that Marasiah had been taken to the Sith world of Korriban. Draco, Krieg, and Vao were soon able to rescue her, but Draco himself was captured by the Sith in the process.
Shortly afterward, Fel appointed Chalk as the Director of Imperial Intelligence and the head of Bastion security. Chalk contacted the Hapes Consortium to inquire if their spies had any information on Draco, but they had none. Chalk relayed this information to Marasiah when she sought him out on one of Bastion's landing platforms during a snowfall. He planned to make further inquiries, however. After the two reminisced about Elliah Fel, Chalk expressed his regret that his intelligence duties would prevent him from attending an upcoming ceremony honoring Draco and the Imperial Knights who had died on Agamar. Around the same time, Intelligence informed Chalk that an Imperial frigate had discovered the Sith Lady Darth Maladi lying comatose in a derelict vessel near the planet Vinsoth, and Chalk arranged for her to be secretly transported to Bastion's Imperial Dungeons. Upon awakening, Maladi appeared to be in a mentally fragile state and began to ramble about a pathogen called Omega Red that could eradicate all life it touched. She also requested an audience with the Emperor.
Concurrently, Krayt initiated a renewed military offensive against the Empire-in-exile and other adversaries of the Sith. Chalk observed as Fel engaged in a holocomm conversation with Imperial Knight Rand Ko, who was leading Fel-loyal stormtroopers in a battle on the planet Borosk. Ko reported that the battle was lost just before the HoloNet connection was severed, and Fel lamented the vast resources at Krayt's disposal. Chalk then escorted Fel to the Imperial Dungeons, revealing the Sith prisoner. A deranged Maladi requested sanctuary from Krayt, against whom she had previously plotted, and offered to create Omega Red for the Emperor in exchange for the head of Cade Skywalker, a former Jedi who had mentally assaulted her with the Force, leaving her in her current mental state. Chalk and Fel discussed the potential use of the pathogen, with Fel repeatedly dismissing it as too barbaric, even after Chalk suggested using it on Korriban to swiftly end the war. The two then departed the dungeons, and the Emperor instructed Chalk to keep Maladi's capture a secret.

In his capacity as Head of Bastion security, Chalk discovered that Nyna Calixte, the Director of Imperial Intelligence for Krayt's Empire, was a spy working for Fel and had provided him with advance warning of the ambush on Agamar. Chalk contacted Morlish Veed, relaying this information, which prompted Veed to attack Calixte in her apartment. As the war progressed, Fel committed a fleet to the defense of the Jedi's Hidden Temple against Krayt's forces. During the battle, Krayt revealed his secret army of Sith troopers, inflicting heavy losses on the Empire-in-exile and its allies, leading Fel to fear that Bastion would be the next target. With their allies en route to the Empire-in-exile's fortress world, Chalk and Fel proceeded to the Imperial Dungeons, and Chalk attempted to reassure the distraught Emperor. A determined Fel then ordered Maladi to create Omega Red.
Antares Draco was among the allies who returned to Bastion, having been frozen in carbonite and delivered to Cade Skywalker by the Sith after revealing the location of the Hidden Temple under torture. Chalk and Sinde debriefed him upon his return. A captured Sith trooper was also present with the fleet, and as it was examined by a doctor in a Bastion operating theater, Chalk, Fel, Sinde, Jedi Master Tili Qua, and Admiral Gar Stazi of the Galactic Alliance Remnant observed. The trooper revealed that its will, along with the will of every member of the Sith trooper army, was linked to Krayt's own will through the dark side of the Force, before promptly dying. Chalk quietly urged Fel to deploy Omega Red against Krayt's Sith and to launch an attack on their throneworld of Coruscant, arguing that otherwise they and their allies would be unable to withstand the Sith trooper army. Fel agreed, instructing Chalk to keep Omega Red's existence a secret. The Emperor successfully convinced Stazi and the Jedi Council to proceed with the attack, and as the allied fleets journeyed to Coruscant, Chalk stood alongside Fel on the bridge of the Pellaeon-class Star Destroyer Jagged Fel. Sinde, Marasiah, and Draco were also present, as the Emperor wished to be surrounded by those most loyal to him.
The Jagged Fel and the rest of the allied fleets arrived in the Coruscant system just as the throneworld's orbital defenses were disabled by an advanced strike team led by Skywalker. During the ensuing space battle, Fel and Draco departed the bridge and headed for an escape pod. When Fel insisted on using Omega Red to defeat Krayt despite the billions of innocent lives it would claim, Draco killed his Emperor in a lightsaber duel, fulfilling an oath taken by every Imperial Knight to end the Emperor's life should he ever fall to the dark side of the Force. Skywalker, meanwhile, killed Krayt on the planet's surface, and when the Sith troopers subsequently went insane, the naval forces of Krayt's Empire fled the planet, ceding control to the allies. With the capital secured and the Sith in hiding, the war concluded. In the aftermath of the battle, a funeral was held on Coruscant for the Emperor. Chalk delivered the eulogy as Fel's body was cremated, praising the Emperor's determination to defeat the Sith and his dedication to the citizens of the galaxy. Chalk also announced the formation of a Galactic Federation Triumvirate—comprising Admiral Stazi, Jedi Master K'Kruhk, and the newly crowned Empress Marasiah—with the intention of leading a unified galaxy.

Hogrum Chalk had black hair, dark eyes, and a light complexion. Following his accident, he was left with extensive scars and had to be fitted with cybernetic armor. Chalk was convinced that the accident had been orchestrated by the Force so that he could later create armor for the Imperial Knights. He was highly committed to his role as master armorer, referring to the armor he crafted as his "creations." He considered the armor Rawk had made for Azlyn Rae to be an unrefined design, unsuitable for an Imperial Knight, despite acknowledging some impressive aspects.
Upon being appointed head of Imperial Intelligence, Chalk displayed a similar level of dedication. He devoted much of his time to directly serving Emperor Roan Fel, actively seeking information on the missing Imperial Knight Antares Draco and imprisoning Darth Maladi in Bastion's Imperial Dungeons. When Fel lamented the losses suffered by his forces during the Attack on the Hidden Temple, Chalk remained optimistic, reminding the Emperor of the battle's successes, such as the defection of several of Krayt's officers to their side. Despite this outward loyalty, Chalk betrayed his Emperor by repeatedly providing vital information to Morlish Veed, a Grand Moff in Darth Krayt's Empire.
Chalk had a deep affection for his sister, Elliah, admiring her warrior spirit and her loyalty to the Empire. Years after her murder, he still mourned her loss and maintained a close relationship with Marasiah Fel, his niece and Elliah's daughter. Chalk believed that she embodied the same qualities as her mother. The Emperor respected and trusted Chalk's opinions, believing that Chalk possessed an understanding of the Jedi, and sought his counsel in preparation for a meeting with representatives of the Jedi Order.
In the later stages of the war, Chalk advocated for the use of Omega Red, a deadly pathogen capable of wiping out all life, on the Sith world of Korriban. Although Fel initially refused, Chalk believed that it could eradicate the Sith Order and ultimately save millions of lives. When Darth Krayt revealed his army of Sith troopers and Fel's resolve began to waver, Chalk continued to urge his Emperor to use the pathogen. Ultimately, Fel chose to unleash it on Coruscant, which led to his death at the hands of Antares Draco.
Chalk was sensitive to the Force. Before his accident, he was an active member of the Imperial Knights, an organization whose members were considered to be among the most skilled and dangerous Force-users in the galaxy. After the accident, Chalk became skilled at crafting armor for the Imperial Knights, and his abilities were respected by Roan Fel. Fel later appointed him as the Director of Imperial Intelligence and the head of Bastion security. Chalk remained skilled in the use of the Force while serving in these positions, able to sense the intense hatred emanating from a captured Sith trooper while it was being examined on Bastion.
Chalk's cybernetics covered a significant portion of his body. His entire torso, neck, and right arm were encased in silver and black armor, featuring a glowing red panel on his lower chest. He wore a flowing, floor-length cape that covered his back and the backs of his legs. Chalk's armor also covered the back of his head and parts of his face. In addition to encircling his exposed right ear, it completely covered his left ear, cheek, and eye, the latter of which was prosthetic and glowed red. A comlink was integrated into his prosthetic left ear.
Hogrum Chalk was created by John Ostrander and Jan Duursema, the writers of the Star Wars: Legacy comic series. He made brief appearances in the series' forty-third and forty-ninth issues before its cancellation. Chalk subsequently played a more significant role in Legacy's follow-up miniseries, Star Wars: Legacy—War. The miniseries revealed him to be the traitor that Grand Moff Veed had first mentioned in Legacy 43, but his motivations for betraying Roan Fel were never explicitly explained.
Chalk's armor is consistently depicted as fully encircling his right ear. However, illustrations of Chalk in the first issue of Star Wars: Legacy—War show his armor surrounding only three sides of the ear, leaving the skin below it exposed.