Darth Krayt's Galactic Empire

Darth Krayt's Galactic Empire (130138 ABY), under a multitude of names such as the Galactic Empire, Darth Krayt's Sith Empire, the Sith Empire, the Second Galactic Empire, the New Galactic Empire, the New Empire, or simply the Empire, represented a new iteration of the Sith Empire. It emerged from the ashes of the Fel Empire in 130 ABY when Darth Krayt, the Dark Lord of the Sith, orchestrated a coup against Emperor Roan Fel. This regime essentially acted as a re-establishment of the Galactic Empire originally conceived by Darth Sidious. It was structured around the Moff Council, which held command over the Imperial Military and various agencies, including Imperial Intelligence and the Imperial Diplomatic Corps. However, the Moffs were ultimately subordinate to Krayt's Sith Lords, with Krayt himself ascending to the position of new Emperor.

This Empire engaged in conflict with both the Galactic Alliance Remnant and the Empire-in-exile (also known as the Fel Empire) across the galaxy during the Second Imperial Civil War, and later with the Jedi. A significant issue during the war was the widespread defection of officers to Fel's side, as highlighted by Vul Isen, leading to the promotion of less capable individuals to fill the void. In 138 ABY, a combined force of Fel's Empire, the Alliance Remnant, and the Jedi launched an assault on Coruscant, the capital world, successfully defeating the Sith Imperial forces stationed there and eliminating the Sith leadership. Consequently, the One Sith's Empire dissolved, and the victorious alliance of the Empire, Remnant, and Jedi established the Galactic Federation Triumvirate.

Following this defeat, the Sith, under the leadership of Darth Nihl, retreated from Coruscant, vowing to infiltrate galactic governments and eventually reclaim control of the galaxy.



The rise of Darth Krayt's Galactic Empire could be traced back to the reign of the First Galactic Empire, led by Darth Sidious.

The genesis of Darth Krayt's Galactic Empire can be traced back to the reign of the First Galactic Empire, which was under the control of Darth Sidious.

After being concealed for nearly a thousand years, the Order of the Sith Lords resurfaced with the intention of destroying the Jedi Order under the direction of the Dark Lord of the Sith Darth Sidious, who was publicly known as Supreme Chancellor Palpatine of the Galactic Republic. Following the three year long Clone Wars between the Republic and the Confederacy of Independent Systems, Sidious reorganized the Old Republic into the First Galactic Empire and initiated a hunt for the Jedi, all in service of Sidious and as the culmination of the ancient Sith Grand Plan. One of the Jedi who survived the Purge was Jedi Master A'Sharad Hett. After being defeated in combat by fellow Jedi Master Obi-Wan Kenobi due to his fall towards the dark side of the Force, he became a bounty hunter and was stranded on the Sith homeworld of Korriban. There, he was captivated by the teachings of the ancient Sith Lady XoXaan after discovering her holocron. Meanwhile, the Galactic Empire was engaged in the Galactic Civil War against the Alliance to Restore the Republic. During this conflict, Galactic Emperor Darth Sidious was killed, and the Jedi returned under the leadership of Luke Skywalker. The war concluded with the Empire's defeat and its forced acceptance of peace with the New Republic.

Hett initially sought power to avenge himself on Sidious and his apprentice, Darth Vader, but upon his emergence, he discovered that the Galactic Empire had collapsed. After enduring torture by the extra-galactic Yuuzhan Vong, he escaped and established the One Sith on Korriban under the name Darth Krayt, spending a century in hiding as he planned his takeover. Meanwhile, the Imperial Remnant allied with the Republic, which had been rebranded as the Galactic Federation of Free Alliances, in a war against the Vong. Eventually, Jagged Fel was crowned the new Emperor of the Imperial Remnant, which was now the revived Galactic Empire. This Empire, under the Fel dynasty, existed for several decades in an uneasy peace with the Galactic Alliance. As Skywalker's New Jedi Order grew in power, all three factions remained largely unaware of Krayt's growing army under the New Sith Order.

The Sith–Imperial War

Darth Krayt and his Regent.

The fragile peace between the Galactic Alliance and the Empire shattered nearly a century after the end of the Yuuzhan Vong War. The One Sith deliberately undermined the Ossus Project's reconstruction efforts on worlds terraformed by the Yuuzhan Vong, causing harm to the inhabitants of these planets. This sparked a secession movement within the Galactic Federation of Free Alliances, reminiscent of the Separatist crisis during the Clone Wars. The Fel Empire capitalized on this unrest, encouraging Alliance member worlds to secede and join Imperial territory. However, the Empire's ambition extended to all Alliance worlds, including its capital.

Ultimately, the Moff Council invoked the Treaty of Anaxes against the wishes of Emperor Roan Fel, leading to the outbreak of the Sith-Imperial War in 127 ABY. The One Sith aligned themselves with the Empire, and the war resulted in the collapse of the Alliance and the re-establishment of the Empire as the dominant galactic power. The territories and administrative structures of the Galactic Alliance were absorbed into the Empire, but the Galactic Alliance Core Forces refused to surrender and continued their resistance against the resurgent Empire. Shortly after the Alliance's fall, the Emperor demanded that the entire New Jedi Order surrender and submit to the Empire's authority. Some Jedi complied, becoming Imperial Knights, while others remained loyal to the Force and retreated to Ossus.

The coup

Members of the Council of Moffs around 130 ABY witness the Sith coup.

Following the Alliance's defeat and the Massacre at Ossus, the Sith, under Darth Krayt's command, turned against Emperor Fel. Krayt, who had survived the previous century through various techniques and Sith rituals, launched a bold coup. He marched directly into Fel's audience chamber with his followers, killing the individual occupying the throne. After the death, Krayt took his place on the throne, and addressed the confusion and outrage of the Moff Council members present, outlining the new reality.

Faced with limited options, the Moffs pledged their allegiance to him. For the first time in ninety years, since Darth Caedus had declared himself Chief of State of the Galactic Alliance, a Sith Lord held the supreme galactic position. Krayt immediately began imposing order on a galaxy in dire need of it, but his victory was incomplete. The "Emperor" he had killed was a decoy; the true Fel, a highly trained Imperial Knight, would have defended himself rather than passively accept his demise. It was crucial to locate the real Fel before he could rally support among the Moffs, the military, or the Jedi who had survived the Ossus massacre.

Civil War

Not all elements of the Empire acknowledged Darth Krayt's rule. Over time, forces loyal to Fel gathered on Bastion, awaiting the return of their rightful Emperor. With Antares Draco, the leader of the Imperial Knights, and General Oron Jaeger, the commander of the 501st Legion, by his side, Fel seized control of the planet in 137 ABY, understanding that Krayt would be hesitant to launch a direct assault on the heavily fortified world.

As the Krayt and Fel factions grew, units that had once served together were now compelled to fight each other for territorial control across the galaxy. A prime example was a battle on Borosk between the 407th and 908th Stormtrooper Divisions.

The Moff Council, now under the authority of Darth Krayt's Sith Lords, receives instructions from Darth Maladi.

Krayt's Empire also faced opposition from Gar Stazi and the Galactic Alliance Remnant. The Alliance admiral had become a significant problem. Although a potential alliance between the Remnant and Fel was temporarily prevented, the Alliance succeeded in stealing the new Imperious-class Star Destroyer, Imperious, from its drydock at Mon Calamari. This enraged Krayt to the point of ordering the extermination of 10% of the Mon Calamari population and personally overseeing the execution of the Mon Calamari Council. However, when Imperial Knights assisted Stazi in disabling the bombs planted on the Imperious, Stazi sent one back to Fel with a message indicating his willingness to renegotiate an alliance, raising the possibility of a formidable force capable of challenging the Sith and their Empire.

Recently, all forces within the Sith Empire were searching for the last Skywalker, who the galaxy believed had perished at Ossus. The search was initially called off when Skywalker was captured by the Sith, but it resumed when he escaped their grasp.

However, barely a year into the latest galactic conflict, Darth Krayt was killed on Had Abbadon after battling a female Jedi possessed by the ancient Sith spirit Karness Muur, leaving both his Empire and the One Sith without an Emperor and a Dark Lord, respectively. Darth Wyyrlok, Krayt's second-in-command, assumed control of both the Sith Order and the Empire. Wyyrlok, a skilled politician, recognized the uncertainty among the Moffs and military commanders regarding his true position within the Sith and his right to assume command. He appointed Grand Admiral Morlish Veed as the Regent of the Empire, entrusting him with all official business while secretly remaining in control.

Wyyrlok then initiated a major reform of the Imperial Mission, instructing Moff Konrad Rus to have his missionaries create propaganda about the Sith teachings and the Sith Code in an attempt to recruit every being in the galaxy into the One Sith. As a result, Jagged Fel's Victory Without War program was abandoned.

Shortly after his appointment as Regent, Admiral Veed received intelligence that Roan Fel was meeting with the Jedi on Agamar, prompting him to organize a strike against the secret gathering, codenamed Operation: Thunderstroke. The First Sith Imperial Strikeforce, led by Moffs Rulf Yage and Fehlaaur'aitel'loro, was assigned to the task and attacked Fel's delegation. Nyna Calixte managed to warn the delegation, allowing Fel to narrowly escape the attack. Nevertheless, the Sith Imperial forces succeeded in capturing Princess Marasiah Fel.

Simultaneously, Wyyrlok issued the order for the Final Protocol to eliminate any undesirable elements from the Empire. Sith scientist Vul Isen was given unrestricted authority to use his poisons to massacre entire worlds, such as Dac and Da Soocha.

The Rebirth of Darth Krayt

Darth Wyyrlok III perishes in a duel against the resurrected Darth Krayt.

Before Darth Wyyrlok could fully realize his plans, his efforts to consolidate the Galactic Empire under his leadership were challenged by the unexpected return of Darth Krayt. Having been resurrected and freed from the constraints of his armor, the Dark Lord wasted no time in returning to Coruscant with the intention of reclaiming the One Sith and the Empire from the usurper. During his absence, Krayt had completed a secret project that resulted in a new breed of Sith troopersForce-sensitive beings who had been heavily modified and programmed to be absolutely loyal to the Dark Lord. Although Wyyrlok stood his ground on the Galactic Capital as his former sovereign arrived at the Sith Temple, the Chagrian Sith Lord was defeated and killed by Krayt in a duel to the death. With the One Sith and the Galactic Empire once again under his control, Darth Krayt resumed command of the war effort against the remnants of the former Alliance, the Fel loyalists, and the Jedi Order.

The return of Darth Krayt coincided with the decline of the Moff Council. Grand Moff Morlish Veed was compelled to resign from his position as Regent after reluctantly swearing fealty to the Dark Lord for a second time; Moff Nyna Calixte defected to Roan Fel's side; and Moff Geist was killed as collateral damage during the onslaught unleashed by Krayt's Sith troopers during the assault on the Jedi Hidden Temple. During the attack on the Hidden Temple, Moff Rulf Yage joined the Fel loyalists after his daughter defected in disgust at the Sith and their war crimes.

The Fall of the Empire

Cade Skywalker kills Darth Krayt.

Darth Krayt's return and the creation of his deadly Sith troopers pushed those who opposed the Empire to the brink of desperation. In an attempt to destroy the Dark Lord, the One Sith, and their empire in one decisive blow, Roan Fel convinced the Galactic Alliance Remnant and the Jedi Order to join the Fel loyalists in a surprise attack on Coruscant. While the allied forces engaged the Sith-Imperials in space, Cade Skywalker led a strike team on the planet with the goal of infiltrating the Sith Temple and assassinating Darth Krayt.

In a final duel between the Dark Lord of the Sith and the last known descendant of Anakin Skywalker's lineage, Cade Skywalker embraced his heritage as a Jedi and killed Darth Krayt without succumbing to the Dark side of the Force. However, given Krayt's previous return from death and the ongoing threat of his spirit reviving his corpse, Skywalker resorted to using his mother's shuttle to send the Dark Lord's body into Coruscant's sun. The One Sith then fell under the leadership of Darth Nihl and retreated into hiding. Although Krayt was dead, Roan Fel also perished in the final battle, thus eliminating both Emperors. The victorious allies established a new government, known as the Galactic Federation Triumvirate, to unify the galaxy.

Government and politics

Darth Krayt and prominent Sith Lords and Ladies of the One Sith.

The Dark Lord of the Sith ruled the Empire, holding the title of Sith Emperor. However, the Moff Councils wielded substantial influence and were ostensibly his advisors. Roan Fel's reign was generally considered more benevolent than that of Krayt, the usurper, and lacked the abuses of power and tyrannical excesses that characterized the Empire under Emperor Palpatine. Under Krayt's rule, harsh dictatorial practices, including genocide, returned to the successor of Darth Sidious' Galactic Empire.

The Moffs oversaw both the Imperial Military and Imperial Intelligence, as well as other Imperial institutions such as the Imperial Mission and the Imperial Diplomatic Corps. However, with the Sith in power, Moffs, Admirals, and other authorities were required to follow Sith orders and answer to Krayt's Sith Lords. Consequently, the Council attempted to undermine some of Krayt's initiatives to preserve its own power and influence.

The newly appointed Regent, Morlish Veed, holds a meeting with the Moff Council.

The Empire also utilized propaganda and media to promote Emperor Krayt's agenda for the Galaxy. The Massacre of the Mon Calamari Council and Darth Krayt's decree ordering the extermination and internment of the Mon Calamari were broadcast throughout the galaxy. News sources also portrayed the regime's enemies in a negative light. Gar Stazi was labeled a pirate, while Cade Skywalker was branded a terrorist.


The New Galactic Empire map.

As a consequence of the Sith–Imperial War, many of the Galactic Alliance's territories were incorporated into the Empire, including the former Alliance stronghold of Mon Calamari. The system was transformed into a production center for warships for the Sith Empire. The Empire's influence extended throughout the entire galaxy, from the Deep Core to Wild Space.

Coruscant served as the Empire's capital, the seat of Emperor Krayt, and the location of his Temple of the Sith, which was constructed over the ruins of the Jedi Temple. Unlike the First Galactic Empire, the planet's official name remained unchanged.

