Roan Fel's double

A male individual functioned as the body double for Roan Fel, the Galactic Emperor ruling the Fel Empire, around 130 ABY. He accompanied Fel on Coruscant, the galactic capital, during that year, a few days following the Empire's victory over the Galactic Alliance in the Sith–Imperial War, which gave them control of the galaxy. Upon learning of his Sith allies' plot to murder him and seize his throne, Fel arranged for his double to make an appearance at a Council of Moffs meeting. This was intended to deceive the Sith and allow Fel to escape into exile. The double was guarded by four Imperial Knights at the meeting, which was then interrupted by the Sith Lord Darth Krayt. Krayt demanded the Emperor's death, killed all four Imperial Knights, eliminated the double, and took the throne.


Around 130 ABY, a man was employed by the Fel Empire as a body double for Galactic Emperor Roan Fel. His physical appearance closely resembled that of the Emperor. In that year, the Empire prevailed against the Galactic Alliance in the Sith–Imperial War, thereby gaining dominion over the galaxy. Fel relocated his headquarters from the planet Bastion to Coruscant, the galactic capital, and his double accompanied him there a few days later. The Emperor discovered that his Sith associates were planning to betray him and usurp his throne. Consequently, he made arrangements for his double to attend a scheduled meeting of the Council of Moffs later that day. His hope was that this deception would facilitate his escape from the planet. His cousin, Mohrgan Fel, an Imperial Knight, volunteered to lead three additional Knights to stand guard beside the double at the meeting, in order to enhance the illusion.

The Human wore the Emperor's attire and occupied his throne within the New Imperial Palace. He was protected by four Imperial Knight guards as the six Imperial Moffs of the council appeared before him. After Grand Moff Morlish Veed declared that the galaxy was now under the Empire's control, Darth Krayt, the Dark Lord of the Sith, arrived with three other Sith Lords: Darth Maladi, Darth Nihl, and Darth Wyyrlok. The double expressed gratitude for their assistance in the war and inquired about Krayt's desired reward—the Dark Lord requested the Emperor's life. Mohrgan instructed his Imperial Knights to defend their "Emperor," but Krayt ignited two lightsabers and swiftly killed them all, despite their attempts to defend the double. He then killed Fel's double, demanded the Moffs' allegiance, and proclaimed himself the Emperor of a new Empire.

Because the Emperor was himself a highly skilled Imperial Knight, the double's inability to defend himself alerted Krayt to the fact that he was an imposter. However, the Dark Lord's realization came too late; the double's sacrifice allowed Fel to escape into exile. The Emperor was able to gather forces loyal to him and establish a new Empire, launching guerrilla attacks on Krayt's Imperial fleets for seven years. In 137 ABY, Fel recaptured Bastion and became a significant threat to Krayt's rule over the galaxy.

Personality and traits

The double is killed by Darth Krayt.

The double of Roan Fel served the Emperor as a near-identical lookalike for security purposes. Like Fel, the double possessed black hair with a white streak, blue eyes, and a fair complexion. He attended a meeting of the Council of Moffs in place of the Emperor after the discovery that Darth Krayt intended to assassinate Fel, and he proved incapable of defending himself against Krayt's assault.

Behind the scenes

John Ostrander and Jan Duursema created the double of Roan Fel for the Star Wars: Legacy comic series. His first appearance and subsequent death occurred in the series' debut issue, which was released on June 21, 2006. Fel himself had been featured with a brief biography in the preview issue Star Wars: Legacy (2006) 0, which was released earlier in the month. Dark Horse Comics' solicitation for the first issue stated that "An Emperor is betrayed," and the comic did not explicitly reveal that the individual killed by Krayt was not Fel until the second-to-last page.

The events surrounding the double's demise were recounted from various viewpoints in Legacy's eighth issue (2007), which also depicted Roan and Mohrgan Fel planning the deception beforehand. Since then, the double has been mentioned in Roan Fel's entry in The Complete Star Wars Encyclopedia (2008) and in the Legacy Era Campaign Guide (2009). Despite the double's failure to defend himself against Darth Krayt, Randy Stradley, Dark Horse's Vice President of Publishing, has speculated that the character might have been an Imperial Knight.

