The following noteworthy occurrences transpired during the year 137 ABY.
- Darth Krayt dispatched his Sith minions with orders to seize Marasiah Fel and compel Cade Skywalker's presence before him. [5]
- Under the command of Darth Stryfe, the Jedi Academy situated on Ossus was destroyed in a deliberate attempt to kill the Jedi seeking sanctuary within its walls.
- Negotiations commenced between the remnants of the Galactic Alliance and forces loyal to Emperor Roan Fel, aiming to establish a unified resistance against the Sith-controlled Galactic Empire. [6]
- Darth Krayt decreed the extermination of the Mon Calamari people for their assistance to Admiral Gar Stazi. Anti-Sith factions successfully evacuated twenty-seven percent of Dac's total population.
- Following severe injuries inflicted by Azlyn Rae and Celeste Morne / Karness Muur, Darth Wyyrlok committed murder against Darth Krayt.
- The Muur Talisman faced complete annihilation.
- The Rakghouls species reached the point of extinction.
- Darth Wyyrlok assumed the titles of both new Dark Lord of the Sith and Galactic Emperor. Morlish Veed was appointed to the position of Imperial Regent.
- Darth Krayt experienced resurrection on Korriban.
- Fall of Bastion [5]
- Duel on Socorro [5]
- Ambush on Daluuj [5]
- Battle of Borosk [7]
- Skirmish on Vendaxa [5]
- Skirmish on The Wheel
- Assassination on Munto Codru [8]
- Duel on Bastion [8]
- Dauntless crew killing [8]
- Duel in the Temple of the Sith
- Destruction of Ossus Jedi Academy
- Skirmish at the Temple of the Sith
- Battle of Mon Calamari
- Skirmish on Iego
- Mission to Prakith
- Massacre of New Coral City
- Skirmish at the Hidden Jedi Temple
- Skirmish on Dac
- Massacre on Soheras Trench
- Mission to Had Abbadon [9]
- Battle of Devil's Crevasse
- Battle on Had Abbadon [10] [11]
- Battle of Ralltiir
- Mission to Tatooine
- Mission to Napdu
- Attack on the Galactic Alliance Core Fleet __
- Incident on Dac
- Operation: Thunderstroke
- Dogfight above Dac
- Evacuation of Dac
- Wayland trap
On Bastion Kiefer[5] Darth Kruhl[8] Dorn[8]
On Borosk Vax Potorr[7] Jes Gistang[7] Gil Cassel[7] Jared Cassel[7] Darth Maleval[7]
On Coruscant Darth Ruyn[5] Vikar Dorn[8] Hosk Trey'lis[12] Darth Reave[13]
On Daluuj Ahn Rasi Tuum[5] An Aqualish Sith[5] A Rodian Sith[5]
On Had Abbadon Celeste Morne[13] Karness Muur (spirit destroyed)[13] Darth Krayt[13]
On Dac Gial Gahan[14] Bor Alsek[15] Adriphar[15] Shonmai[15] Unidentified Imperial Army lieutenant
On Munto Codru Tassa[8] Jassar[8] Rikkar-Du[8]
On Ossus Jor Torlin[6]
On Prakith Darth Andeddu[16] Demtri[16] Gerlun[16]
Aboard Relentless Sha Dun[17]
Aboard Indomitable over Mon Calamari Jaius Yorub[17]
On Socorro Elke Vetter[5]
On Tatooine Bushman Krentz[19] Sint Yoru[19] Nieve Gromia[19] Ku Vrat[19]
At Kaer Station Nakia Yoru[19] Lun Rask[19]
In the Teraab sector Shantillen
On Agamar A Devaronian Sith A Zabrak Sith Hira Bokar Yuln
On Wayland Zenoc Quah