The operation known as Mission to Tatooine was assigned by Morrigan Corde to her daughter, Gunn Yage. Its purpose was to investigate suspected pirate activity within the Arkanis sector. Upon her arrival on Tatooine, Yage made contact with the local authorities, specifically Moff Nieve Gromia. Unbeknownst to Yage, Gromia was secretly allied with Black Sun, aiding their attacks, and she promptly alerted Lun Rask, the Vigo of the sector, about the presence of the Imperial agents. In response, Rask deployed a trio of assassins - Ku Vrat, Nakia Yoru, and Sint Yoru - with the intent to eliminate both Yage and Corde. By the time Yage had successfully apprehended the pirate Cade Skywalker and was leading him across the Dune Sea, the assassins were already in pursuit, launching their assault during a fierce sandstorm. Forced into an alliance, Yage and Skywalker used the storm as cover to escape to the deserted Lars homestead. Simultaneously, agent Corde joined forces with Skywalker's associate Jariah Syn, and together they moved to intercept the assassins before they could reach their targets. The team of assassins eventually located Skywalker and Yage at the abandoned homestead, leading to a battle where all the assassins were defeated due to the timely intervention of Syn and Corde. Nakia Yoru, the only assassin to survive the encounter, was compelled to lead Corde and the pirates to Vigo Rask's base, where Corde then executed both Rask and Yoru. Meanwhile, Yage, now possessing evidence of Moff Gromia's treachery against the Empire, confronted her at the Imperial Station Bravo, resulting in Gromia's demise.