Sint Yoru

Sint Yoru was a male Anzat, designated as an assassin, and he was married to Nakia Yoru. This couple found employment under Lun Rask, a Vigo of Black Sun. Sint met his end when Cade Skywalker killed him during Sint's attempt to assassinate Skywalker.


The last hunt

Nakia Yoru's husband was Sint Yoru, a male Anzat who worked as an assassin. Lun Rask of Black Sun gave Sint, Nakia, and the Blood Carver Ku Vrat the mission to kill Cade Skywalker along with Gunn Yage; this order came from Nieve Gromia, who was the Imperial Moff overseeing the Arkanis sector. Skywalker and Yage were located by Nakia and Sint in Mos Eisley on Tatooine; they then pursued their targets into the Dune Sea. Within the Jundland Wastes, the bounty hunters discovered their targets traveling in a speeder. They opened fire on Skywalker and Yage, but the pair successfully evaded them by escaping into the desert as a sandstorm approached. Sint inquired about Nakia's intentional misses, to which she replied that she needed to feed on Skywalker's soup. Sint agreed to take Yage's and leave Skywalker to her.

Sint and Nakia later arrived at the destroyed remains of their targets' speeder, leading to a conflict between Sint and Ku Vrat regarding responsibility for the targets' escape. After the fight ended in a stalemate, the three bounty hunters took shelter from the sandstorm inside a ship. Once the storm subsided, they resumed their pursuit of Skywalker and Yage, finding the pair asleep at the dilapidated Lars homestead. Sint seized the opportunity to take Cade's lightsaber, and then he prepared to consume Yage's soup while Nakia readied herself to consume Skywalker's. However, Skywalker woke up prematurely and kicked her before using the Force to throw her off of him. Sint tried to psychically assault Skywalker but the two men ended up grappling with each other. Sint recovered and brandished a lightsaber that was obtained by hunting and killing a Jedi. The Anzati grazed Skywalker's armor with it, but Skywalker summoned his own lightsaber back and killed Sint with one strike, as Sint was no match for his skill with lightsaber combat.

