Assassination on Munto Codru

The incident known as the Assassination on Munto Codru took place amidst the backdrop of the Second Imperial Civil War. A Sith Lord named Darth Kruhl, who served Darth Krayt's Order and acted as an assassin under the direction of Darth Maladi, was sent to Munto Codru. His mission was to guarantee the fealty of the local Codru-Ji people to the Sith Empire. Conversely, Rikkar-Du, a highly esteemed clan leader on the planet, aimed to galvanize his people into resistance against the Sith. As a result, he, along with his wife and son, were assassinated. Following this tragic event, Lord Kruhl secured the planet's allegiance through the elderly Kassek-Ka, who favored submission to the Sith over engaging in rebellion.

