
Rikkar-Du was a male clan chief, a native of the planet Munto Codru, and belonged to the four-armed Codru-Ji species. At one juncture, a rival clan abducted him, and he later married Tassa, who was the daughter of the rival clan's chief. This union through marriage brought their respective clans together, and they conceived a son named Jassar. Around 137 ABY, the Sith Lord Darth Kruhl contacted Rikkar-Du, suggesting an alliance with Darth Krayt's Galactic Empire in exchange for leadership over all clans on Munto Codru. Rikkar-Du declined and instead sought to unite the clans against the Empire, but Kruhl killed him before he could establish this alliance.


Clan leader

Tassa, Rikkar-Du's wife

As a male Codru-Ji born and raised on the planet of Munto Codru, Rikkar-Du eventually rose to become the chief of his own clan as an adult. He was once taken captive and imprisoned by a competing clan. While he was held captive, he encountered his future wife, Tassa, the daughter of that clan's chief. They developed a romantic relationship and eventually married, which resulted in the unification of their clans and elevated Rikkar-Du's standing among the Codru-Ji. During their married life, Rikkar-Du and Tassa had a son, named Jassar.

Around 137 ABY, Darth Kruhl, a Sith Lord serving Darth Krayt's Galactic Empire, approached Rikkar-Du. Kruhl's mission was to peacefully annex Munto Codru for the Empire, and he chose to negotiate with Rikkar-Du because of the high regard in which he was held by his species. Kruhl offered Rikkar-Du control over all Codru-Ji clans if he permitted the Empire to establish a base on the planet. Although the union of two clans through his marriage had given him a vision of unifying all clans, Rikkar-Du refused to allow the Empire to subjugate his homeworld to achieve this goal. He resolved to attempt to unite the clans against Kruhl and the Sith.

Rikkar-Du made the decision to convene a meeting with all clan leaders to discuss how they might defend themselves against the Sith. After revealing his encounter with Kruhl and the Sith's intentions, Rikkar-Du suggested a plan to the clan leaders: allow the Empire to take the planet, and then abduct key Imperial personnel, utilizing the Codru-Ji's well-known and time-honored strategies of staging coups, plotting, and kidnapping. Some of the clan leaders were in agreement with him, while others pointed out that regardless of their decision, Rikkar-Du would still lead the combined clans. Rikkar-Du responded that he would lead if that was the clans' wish, but he was willing to let another take command as long as they united and opposed the Sith. However, the meeting concluded without any concrete action being taken. Rikkar-Du asked the clan leaders to discuss his plan with the elders of their respective clans, and he scheduled another meeting for the following day. Afterwards, Rikkar-Du spent time with Tassa and Jassar, but after a conversation with his wife, he decided to go for a walk around a temple.


Rikkar-Du is attacked by Darth Kruhl.

Upon learning of Rikkar-Du's plans to resist the Sith, Kruhl returned to Munto Codru and confronted him in the temple. Knowing that Kruhl intended to kill him for his opposition to the Sith, Rikkar-Du prepared to defend himself using two security droids. Unbeknownst to Rikkar-Du, Kruhl had discovered the Codru-Ji's intention and destroyed the droids before entering the temple. Rikkar-Du was surprised when Kruhl revealed that he had deactivated them by using the Force to levitate their severed cranial units and place them at the Codru-Ji's feet. Ready to face his end, Rikkar-Du drew four knives, one for each of his arms, and attacked the Sith Lord. In response, Kruhl used his lightsaber to defeat Rikkar-Du, severing one of his hands.

As Rikkar-Du lay dying, Jassar arrived and attempted to attack Kruhl to protect his father, but Kruhl easily struck him down. After explaining that resistance to the Empire was futile, Kruhl turned his lightsaber on Rikkar-Du and killed him. Shortly after Rikkar-Du's death, Kassek-Ka, another clan leader who had attended Rikkar-Du's meeting, arrived to meet with Kruhl. Kassek-Ka informed Kruhl that he had killed Tassa and was prepared to allow the Sith to take control of Munto Codru. With Rikkar-Du's death, Munto Codru fell under Sith control.

Personality and traits

Rikkar-Du was a member of the four-armed Codru-Ji species. He had light skin, brown hair, and green eyes. Above all else, Rikkar-Du was a warrior who deeply valued his planet and was willing to sacrifice his life to prevent the Sith from taking over Munto Codru. He was a skilled leader who readily collaborated with other clans to unite them, and while he was prepared to serve as the leader of the combined clans, he was equally willing to let someone else take command as long as they opposed the Sith. Rikkar-Du was devoted to his wife and child, and he was devastated when he witnessed Darth Kruhl kill Jassar, his only son.

Skills and abilities

Rikkar-Du was a skilled combatant. He engaged Darth Kruhl in battle using knives, but he quickly lost the fight and was killed. He also believed that he and the other Codru-Ji were among the best kidnappers in the galaxy.


Rikkar-Du employed four retractable knives in combat, and he could wield all of them simultaneously during battle. He wore a sleeveless green and gray tunic with a brown strap, along with a sleeveless yellow undershirt, a brown cloth belt, and brown boots. He also wore a beige bandanna, a headdress adorned with white and red beads, as well as a necklace and bracelets on each of his four arms, all featuring the same color beads as the headdress. Additionally, both of his ears had three piercings.

Behind the scenes

Rikkar-Du made his debut appearance in the thirteenth issue of the Star Wars: Legacy comic series, which was authored by John Ostrander, illustrated by Colin Wilson, and published by Dark Horse on June 13, 2007. While the comic did not explicitly state whether the letter D in Rikkar-Du's name should be capitalized, it was capitalized in his entry in the 2008 reference book titled The Complete Star Wars Encyclopedia.

