The Skirmish on Vendaxa involved a clash between Sith belonging to Darth Krayt's order and an alliance of Jedi, Imperial Knights, Missionaries and bounty hunters. This confrontation occurred during Roan Fel's insurgency in 137 ABY.
Darth Krayt had seized control of the throne of the Galactic Empire; however, the ousted Emperor, Roan Fel, remained a significant threat to Krayt's authority. Krayt, aiming to draw Fel out of hiding, tasked his newest Hand, Darth Talon, with locating and capturing Princess Marasiah Fel, Roan's daughter.
Darth Talon attacked the Imperial Mission temple located on Socorro and eliminated Elke Vetter, the Princess's bodyguard. [Marasiah Fel](/article/marasiah_fel], accompanied by her aide, Astraal Vao, managed to escape and secure passage to Vendaxa aboard the Mynock, captained by Cade Skywalker. Learning of their destination, Darth Talon also headed for Vendaxa to fulfill her objective.
Upon arriving on Vendaxa, [Marasiah Fel](/article/marasiah_fel] and her companions encountered Jedi Shado Vao and Wolf Sazen—Astraal's brother—after an encounter with a native acklay. With the Princess now under the protection of the Jedi, Cade Skywalker prepared to depart the planet with his crew. However, the situation grew more complicated when the Jedi transport was destroyed and Darth Talon arrived.

Leading a group of vanx, Darth Talon launched an attack on the group with her lightsaber. While the Jedi engaged Talon in a fierce duel, Cade Skywalker, Jariah Syn, and Deliah Blue were forced to fight the carnivorous creatures, driven into a bloodthirsty frenzy by the dark side of the Force.
Darth Talon proved to be a formidable opponent for both Shado Vao and Wolf Sazen, using the Force to throw Vao against a rocky formation before attacking Sazen with Force lightning. As the Jedi fell, Marasiah Fel activated her own lightsaber to defend him. However, Talon easily knocked the Princess to the ground. Cade Skywalker, Jariah Syn, and Deliah Blue opened fire on the Sith, but their blasters were pulled from their grasp. Enraged, Cade used the Force to hurl the wreckage of a crashed starship at Darth Talon, sending her crashing into the nearby foliage.
This provided the group with a brief reprieve, although the Jedi and Cade sensed that Talon was still alive and hiding nearby.
While Cade's crew worked to repair the damage Darth Talon had inflicted on the Mynock, Talon contacted Darth Nihl, requesting reinforcements. Meanwhile, Imperial Knights Antares Draco and Ganner Krieg had undertaken a mission to rescue Marasiah Fel, defying Roan's wishes, who recognized that the danger to his daughter was insignificant compared to the risk of revealing his presence to Darth Krayt. Draco and Krieg arrived on Vendaxa just as Nihl's forces made their presence known.
As Marasiah Fel noticed two Predator-class fighters bearing the Imperial Knights' insignia appearing on the horizon, two Fury-class fighters launched an attack, destroying both Imperial vessels. The pilots ejected, and Talon quickly emerged from hiding, believing that Roan Fel himself had come to Vendaxa to rescue his daughter. However, Antares and Ganner revealed themselves and challenged the Sith. Unfortunately for the Imperials, Darth Nihl arrived with his reinforcements at that moment. The real battle had begun.
Wolf Sazen and Darth Nihl engaged in battle, marking their first rematch since Sazen's defeat on Ossus seven years prior. Meanwhile, Darth Talon dueled Shado Vao, and the Imperial Knights, aided by the Princess, fought the remaining Sith warriors. Even Deliah Blue joined the fray, destroying at least one Sith fighter from the cockpit of the Mynock.
Cade Skywalker witnessed the entire battle and began experiencing flashbacks to the massacre he had seen at the Ossus Jedi Academy. Distracted, Cade failed to notice a Zabrak Sith Lord approaching him from behind. However, [Marasiah Fel](/article/marasiah_fel] noticed and intervened, knocking Cade to the ground as the Sith lunged forward. She killed the Sith with a strike of her lightsaber, but suffered a serious injury in the process. Cade held her as her life began to fade, then summoned her fallen lightsaber to his hand. Standing over Fel's lifeless body with the lightsaber ignited, Cade resolved to join the fight.
Meanwhile, Shado Vao fought Darth Talon. He engaged Darth Nihl, who was still dueling Wolf Sazen, using his anger at Nihl's murder of his father to increase his power. Even Sazen's warning about the danger of using his anger in battle did not stop Cade's rage. Cade ended the duel by kicking Nihl over the edge of a cliff. The Jedi and Imperial Knights boarded the Mynock with the princess. Darth Talon attempted to board, but Antares Draco used the Force to push her away. Cade then used his lightning to revive the princess.