Antares Draco

Antares Draco, a male Human who possessed Force-sensitivity, spearheaded the Imperial Knights during the Second Imperial Civil War. Highly proficient as both a pilot and a lightsaber duelist, Draco exhibited unwavering loyalty, even to the point of being willing to die, for Roan Fel, who was the Emperor of the Galactic Empire and subsequently the Empire-in-exile. Master Eshkar Niin instructed Draco in the ways of the Force, and he held the rank of Imperial Knight as early as 130 ABY, which coincided with the conclusion of the Sith–Imperial War. At that time, he accompanied Fel in fleeing the Imperial capital after the Sith Lord Darth Krayt assumed control of both the Empire and the galaxy, establishing a new order and forcing Fel's forces into exile. Following Eshkar Niin's betrayal of the Imperial Knights, Draco was tasked with his assassination. After Niin murdered Fel's wife, Empress Elliah, Draco engaged him, leaving him with mortal wounds. Draco persisted in his service to the Emperor, eventually rising to the position of Imperial Knight Master and leader of the Order. In 137 ABY, he was with Fel when the Emperor recaptured the world of Bastion, turning it into a fortress world from which to launch attacks against Krayt's forces.

Upon discovering that Fel's daughter, Marasiah, was being hunted by Krayt's Sith agents on Vendaxa, Draco defied the Emperor's explicit orders against a rescue attempt. He enlisted his trusted companion, Ganner Krieg, and traveled to Vendaxa, intent on rescuing the woman he loved from the grasp of the Sith. They escaped the planet aboard the Mynock, a vessel belonging to the bounty hunter Cade Skywalker. Draco and Krieg successfully returned the Princess to Bastion, but this act came at the cost of their Emperor's trust. Draco hoped to regain Fel's favor sufficiently to convince him to permit his marriage to the Princess, and he became increasingly committed to strict obedience. In the subsequent months, he and Krieg were dispatched on missions to the Wheel space station and to the Jedi Order's Hidden Temple located on Taivas. While at the Temple, they joined a strike force assembled by Skywalker with the objective of assassinating Darth Krayt on Had Abbadon. The mission resulted in Krayt being brought near death, but the larger conflict continued unabated. Draco later accompanied Fel to Agamar alongside other Imperial Knights to engage in peace negotiations with the Jedi Order, but the meeting was disrupted by forces loyal to the One Sith.

Draco commanded the Emperor's escape shuttle to transport Fel to safety away from Agamar, even though this meant leaving Marasiah behind. The Princess was captured by the Sith, leading Draco to spearhead a rescue mission on the Sith world of Korriban. While the mission was successful, Draco remained on the planet to provide cover for her escape. He was subsequently taken prisoner by Niin, who had become the Sith Inquisitor Darth Havok. Havok subjected him to intense torture in an attempt to extract the Emperor's secrets. Draco eventually yielded under the duress of the torture, revealing the location of the Jedi's Hidden Temple to Havok. He was then frozen in carbonite and presented as a gift to Cade Skywalker, whom Darth Krayt sought to provoke into a confrontation. Skywalker transported Draco to the Temple, where they both participated in its defense against Krayt's attacking forces. Following the Jedi's evacuation, Fel and his allies promptly launched a counterattack on Sith-controlled Coruscant. During the battle, Draco stood alongside the Emperor aboard the Star Destroyer Jagged Fel, with Fel still believing in Draco's unwavering loyalty. However, Draco's ultimate allegiance was to the Force. Remaining true to his oath as an Imperial Knight, he killed his liege during the battle when the Emperor succumbed to the dark side and attempted to release a lethal pathogen onto Coruscant's surface.

In the aftermath of the One Sith's defeat, a new galactic governing body, known as the Galactic Federation Triumvirate, was established. Marasiah Fel ascended to the position of Empress, while Draco took on the role of head of the Imperial Knights. The Triumvirate's efforts to rebuild the galaxy were hampered by a clandestine One Sith insurgency and the emergence of a rogue Sith, Darth Wredd, who sought to dismantle the One Sith and reinstate the Rule of Two. Following the Carreras Incident, Draco voiced his disagreement with the Empress' new policy of disregarding Darth Wredd and allowing him to eliminate the One Sith, but he adhered to her directives nonetheless. Later, Draco implemented the Empress' "Most Wanted" campaign, aimed at apprehending war criminals from the Second Imperial Civil War. During this operation, Ania Solo, a junk dealer, was arrested on suspicion of murdering the Imperial Knight Teemen Alton. Draco personally presided over the three-member military tribunal responsible for her prosecution but was compelled to acquit her after Imperial Knights Yalta Val and Jao Assam presented evidence that exonerated her. Subsequently, Draco ordered Jao's arrest on charges of deserting the Imperial Knights. After Darth Wredd abducted Jao Assam, Antares Draco led an Imperial Knight force against One Sith forces during the Battle of the Floating World. During this engagement, Draco sustained injuries but recovered due to timely medical assistance provided by Ania and her Mon Calamari friend Sauk.


Sith–Imperial War

Draco and Emperor Fel flee Coruscant through Sublevel 12.

As of 130 ABY, Antares Draco, a male Human, served as an Imperial Knight within the Fel Empire. His dedication to the Empire aligned with his family's legacy, as one of his ancestors had been a member of the Galactic Empire's Inquisitorius.

Similar to his fellow Imperial Knights, Draco was prohibited by Emperor Roan Fel from engaging in the Sith–Imperial War, a conflict between Fel's Empire and the Galactic Alliance that spanned from 127 ABY to 130 ABY. Instead, the Imperial Knights functioned as the Emperor's personal bodyguard. Following the Battle of Caamas, which resulted in the Galactic Alliance's defeat and the war's conclusion, Draco and another Imperial Knight, Mohrgan Fel, accompanied the Emperor to his private chambers on Coruscant as Fel prepared for a meeting with the Imperial Moff Council. Fel intended to arrest Grand Moff Morlish Veed, whom he suspected of disobeying his orders by authorizing the Massacre of the Jedi Order on Ossus. Fel instructed Draco and Mohrgan to kill Veed should he exhibit any suspicious behavior and to maintain close surveillance on Director of Imperial Intelligence Nyna Calixte. At that moment, Calixte revealed her presence in the room, having overheard their conversation. After Mohrgan used telekinesis, a power of the Force, to pin her against the wall, she informed them that Fel's Sith allies were plotting to assassinate him. Draco cautioned his Emperor against trusting her, but Fel instructed her to explain herself, prompting her to argue that his survival was in her best interest as well as his own.

Mohrgan volunteered to lead a contingent of Imperial Knights and impersonate Fel's double in appearing before the Moffs, a deception that ultimately allowed Fel and Draco to escape the planet. Darth Krayt, the leader of the Sith, appeared at the Moff's meeting and slaughtered Mohrgan's entire contingent before killing Fel's decoy and proclaiming himself the new Emperor of the galaxy. Simultaneously, Fel and Draco executed a clandestine escape from Coruscant through the maintenance tunnels of Sublevel 12 to a waiting vessel arranged by Calixte. As the two eliminated guard droids that attempted to impede them, Draco sensed the deaths of his fellow Knights through the Force. Fel assured him that they would honor their sacrifices by successfully escaping. Deprived of his throne, Roan Fel and his Imperial Knights were now in exile.

Second Imperial Civil War

Rescue at Vendaxa

Prior to 137 ABY, Draco had attained the rank of Master and, under the guidance of Master Eshkar Niin, became the second-in-command of the Imperial Knights. Ranking only behind Fel himself, Draco held the highest position within the organization and oversaw its disciplined command hierarchy. When Niin violated his vows to the Emperor and deserted the Order, Draco was dispatched to assassinate him, locating him on the rooftop of a city filled with skyscrapers. Niin had pursued Fel's wife, Empress Elliah Fel, to the rooftop, and both Draco and Elliah engaged him in a lightsaber duel. Niin disregarded their pleas to honor his vows and used the Force to shove Draco aside before fatally striking the Empress. Draco retaliated, attacking and mortally wounding him, and subsequently believed his former Master to be dead. In reality, Niin survived the encounter and joined Darth Krayt's Sith as a Sith Inquisitor.

After seven years of employing hit-and-run tactics against Krayt's Imperial fleets, Roan Fel returned to the Imperial stronghold of Bastion, which Krayt had seized shortly after the war's end. Draco accompanied Fel upon his arrival on the planet, along with two other Imperial Knights, Sigel Dare and Draco's trusted friend, Ganner Krieg. After securing the allegiance of the Imperial forces stationed on the planet, Fel believed that his Empire could now pose a more significant threat to Krayt, although Draco cautioned him that Krayt would now know his location. Fel was then informed by General Oron Jaeger that Elke Vetter, an Imperial Knight and the bodyguard of Fel's daughter, Princess Marasiah Fel, had been killed on Socorro, and that Marasiah was missing. Draco immediately volunteered to take three Knights to Socorro to rescue her but was forbidden from doing so by Fel, who was unwilling to risk exposing his new base. A distraught Draco expressed his disagreement but affirmed his obedience. Nevertheless, Draco persisted in his attempts to persuade the Emperor to authorize a rescue mission, asserting that he would rather die than reveal that Bastion had been retaken. Reminded by Krieg that they had sworn an oath of loyalty to the Emperor, Draco questioned whether loyalty was synonymous with obedience.

Draco protects Marasiah Fel from forces of the One Sith on Vendaxa.

Despite the orders, Draco and Krieg traveled in two stolen Predator-class fighters to Vendaxa, where Marasiah and her companion, Astraal Vao, had been rescued by the bounty hunter Cade Skywalker and had met with two Jedi Knights, Wolf Sazen and Astraal's brother, Shado Vao. Upon arriving at the site of Skywalker's grounded ship, the Mynock, the pair's fighters were shot down by a Sith Fury-class starfighter. Draco and Krieg managed to escape the burning wreckage of their ships and arrived on the scene at the same time as the Sith Lords Darth Talon, Darth Nihl, and a legion of other Sith who had been pursuing Marasiah since her escape from Socorro. With his hood raised, Draco initially appeared to the Sith to be Fel himself but revealed his identity and urged them to flee while they still had the chance. Along with the Jedi and the Princess, Draco and Krieg activated their lightsabers and engaged the Sith in combat. Despite the seven years of tension between the Jedi and Roan Fel's Empire, the Jedi and Imperial Knights were fighting side-by-side against their common adversary, the Sith. Marasiah was angered by Draco's rescue attempt, suspecting that it had been forbidden by her father. Draco explained that his motivation was his love for her, a fact that she acknowledged she was already aware of. She was soon after struck down by a Zabrak Sith while protecting a derelict Skywalker.

Believing that someone they had sworn to protect had been killed, Draco and Krieg fought the Sith with renewed intensity. Draco cradled what he believed to be Marasiah's corpse in his arms until faint signs of life prompted him to rush her to the Mynock while Sazen provided cover. When Sazen attempted to rejoin the battle, Draco restrained him, insisting that Marasiah's life was more important than anyone else's. Sazen was distrustful of Fel's Imperials due to the Massacre at Ossus, but Draco revealed that the massacre had occurred against the Emperor's orders and managed to convince Sazen to do whatever he could to heal the Princess. Draco rushed back outside of the ship, only to find that it was taking off, with everyone but the Sith aboard. As Talon leaped onto the ship's closing hatch, Draco Force-pushed her off, allowing the Mynock to leave the surviving Sith behind and escape.

On the bridge, Draco pressured Jariah Syn and Deliah Blue, the ship's co-pilot and mechanic respectively, to set a course for Bastion and urged them to arrive as quickly as possible, threatening to kill them if they failed. When Krieg informed Draco that Marasiah was near death, a reluctant Skywalker—reminded of his healing powers—offered to help but was met with a punch to the face by an emotionally charged Draco. Vao intervened and prevented a fight from breaking out, and his sister convinced Draco and Krieg to allow Skywalker to heal Marasiah. After Skywalker used his powers to restore Marasiah from the brink of death, the Mynock safely arrived at Bastion.

Vendaxa fallout

Draco and Krieg safeguard Mingo Bovark while aboard the Wheel.

Shortly after Skywalker and the Jedi departed Bastion in the Mynock, Fel summoned Draco and Krieg for an audience and reprimanded them for disobeying a direct order, accusing Draco of prioritizing his love for the Princess over the needs of the Empire. As the Sith had likely tracked the Mynock to Bastion, Fel believed that he was now in a stalemate with Krayt's Empire. Draco, prepared to accept any punishment that the Emperor deemed fit, was surprised when Fel informed them that they would be receiving medals. Fel was retroactively approving their mission to Vendaxa, rather than allowing news of their insubordination to undermine his authority. Draco's and Krieg's punishment was thus that they were being declared the Empire's foremost heroes and thenceforth being tasked with its most dangerous missions. Fel then instructed Draco to abandon the idea of marrying Marasiah and sent the two on their next mission: escorting Captain Mingo Bovark to the Wheel, a space station in the Besh Gorgon system that had remained neutral throughout Fel's conflicts with the Galactic Alliance and the Sith. Bovark was to discuss a potential alliance against Krayt with Admiral Gar Stazi of the Galactic Alliance Remnant, and Draco and Krieg's mission was to ensure Bovark's safety at all costs and to ensure that the negotiations proceeded smoothly. Before their departure, a ceremony was held in which the two Imperial Knights were awarded their medals.

Aboard the Wheel, Stazi and Bovark convened in a conference room, with each participant's set of guards required to wait outside. Draco and Krieg, despite being required to leave their lightsabers aboard their ship, smuggled them onto the space station. While the talks were in progress, Morrigan Corde and Jor Torlin, spies from Krayt's Empire, managed to use a Command Override Limpet Droid to cause the Imperial shuttle to fire on Stazi's ship, leading Stazi to believe that Roan Fel had betrayed him. A firefight erupted between the Imperial Knights and the Galactic Alliance Intelligence officers, and Krieg held off the guards while Draco burst into the room to retrieve Bovark, Force-pushing an angry Stazi against a bulkhead. Wheel Administrator Pol Temm and several security guards arrived and demanded that the Imperial Knights surrender their weapons immediately. Draco refused, and Temm ordered the Imperials off of the Wheel, declaring the station off-limits to all of Roan Fel's forces. Suspecting sabotage, Draco vowed to find and kill whoever was responsible.

Some time later, while on Bastion, Draco sensed a disturbance in the Force and rushed to the Pellaeon Gardens, where he found Emperor Fel standing over the corpse of the Sith Lord Darth Kruhl. Kruhl had arrived on the planet aboard the Star Destroyer Dauntless, whose crew had been sent by Darth Krayt under the pretense of defecting to Fel's Empire; the ruse allowed Kruhl to attempt an assassination on Fel's life. Fel dismissed Draco's concerns about his well-being and informed him that he would be sending Krayt a message in return. Every crew member of the Dauntless was then killed, except for its Governor, Vikar Dorn, who was spared to deliver the message.

Over the next several weeks, acting on the Emperor's orders, Draco largely kept to himself and avoided Marasiah Fel in particular as she completed her training and became a fully fledged Imperial Knight. As the Emperor prepared to send Marasiah, Draco, and Krieg on a mission, Draco sat sulking in the gardens of Bastion's royal greenhouses and was approached by Marasiah. Concerned about her safety, he intended to advise the Emperor to replace her on the mission with another Imperial Knight. Marasiah surprised him with a kiss and informed him that she had no intention of allowing her father to dictate her personal life.

Pursuing Cade Skywalker

Krieg, Marasiah, and Draco appear before the Jedi Council.

The three Imperial Knights journeyed to the Iego system, following the trail of their comrade Knight Azlyn Rae. Rae's assignment was to locate Cade Skywalker, as the Emperor feared he had shared Imperial secrets with the Sith. Assuming the guise of a bounty hunter, Rae encountered Skywalker while he was visiting his uncle, "Bantha" Rawk, on Iego. Due to her past as a Jedi and her childhood connection with Skywalker, Rae successfully uncovered the existence of the Jedi's Hidden Temple. As she prepared to follow the Mynock to the temple aboard her ship, Rae transmitted the Temple's coordinates to Draco, Krieg, and Marasiah, who were positioned nearby in their own vessel. Despite Draco and Krieg's suspicions that Rae might be deceiving them, the three Imperial Knights set course for the Hidden Temple on Taivas, hoping to broker an alliance between Fel's Empire and the Jedi Order. Draco also shared the Temple's coordinates with Bastion, aiming to ensure the Princess's safety.

Concealing their vessel with a cloaking device, the Imperial Knights shadowed the Mynock to the Hidden Temple, landing behind them at one of the complex's hangars. As the Mynock's crew was greeted by Wolf Sazen and Shado Vao, Draco, Krieg, and Marasiah emerged from their ship. Draco and Krieg, with lightsabers ignited, moved forward, intending to protect the Princess from any perceived threat. This action was misinterpreted as aggression, leading Vao and Skywalker to draw their own weapons and engage the two Imperial Knights in combat. Draco defended Marasiah from what he believed to be an attack by Skywalker. Enraged by their unauthorized presence on his ship and realizing Rae's true allegiance as an Imperial Knight, Skywalker used the Force to push Draco and Krieg across the hangar. Marasiah responded by activating her lightsaber and informing Skywalker that the Imperial Knights had come with peaceful intentions.

Following the de-escalation of tensions, the Imperial delegation was granted an audience with the Jedi Council. In the Council Chamber, Skywalker, Rawk, Sazen, Vao, Draco, Krieg, and Marasiah stood before Jedi Masters K'Kruhk, T'ra Saa, and Tili Qua. Saa believed the Force had guided the Imperial Knights to the Hidden Temple for a specific reason. Marasiah delivered a lengthy speech, revealing that her father had not ordered the Massacre at Ossus and urging the Jedi to engage in discussions to form an alliance against the Sith. Skywalker added his knowledge of Darth Krayt and the One Sith, gained during his captivity, and proposed a plan to assassinate Darth Krayt. The Jedi Council was surprised by Skywalker's suggestion, but the Imperial Knights were impressed, with Draco admitting it was the first thing Skywalker had said that he agreed with. Ultimately, the Council did not endorse the mission, but Skywalker decided to proceed independently. Marasiah assigned Draco, Krieg, and Rae to accompany him, while she remained to continue alliance negotiations with the Jedi. Draco was appointed the leader of the Imperial Knights' mission. Skywalker's astromech droid, R2-D2, opened the Mynock's cargo bay, allowing Draco and Krieg to load their TIE Predators. With their fighters aboard, Skywalker reluctantly allowed the Imperial Knights to join his mission, and Vao joined the strike team as the sole representative of the Jedi.

Skywalker's strike team

Krieg and Draco piloting TIE Predators at Had Abbadon

Skywalker devised a plan to draw Krayt to Had Abbadon. On their way, Draco and Krieg observed Vao practicing lightsaber techniques against a remote in the Mynock's cargo hold. The Mynock was then pulled from hyperspace by the interdiction field of the Star Destroyer Iron Sun, which Old Republic Jedi Celeste Morne had taken control of a decade prior and kept dormant in the Deep Core. Draco noted the absence of TIE Predators and the internal damage to the Star Destroyer's hull. After the Mynock was caught in a tractor beam, Vao and Skywalker sensed a Force-user on the ship, prompting the crew to explore the derelict vessel. Skywalker instructed Draco and Krieg to investigate the corridors near the hangar bay, where they discovered numerous bones, some of which appeared to have been gnawed on. Following an attack on Skywalker, Rae, Vao, and Jariah Syn by Rakghouls, Draco contacted Deliah Blue on the Mynock, suggesting Skywalker was dead and the mission should be aborted. Blue disregarded him and entered the ship's interior, followed by Draco and Krieg. The trio found Syn and Vao in front of a locked door, accompanied by seemingly tame Rakghouls, creatures Morne controlled using the Muur Talisman, an ancient Sith artifact containing the spirit of Sith Lord Karness Muur. As Draco and Vao attempted to force the door open, it suddenly revealed a weary Skywalker and Rae. Morne then appeared, impressed by Skywalker's healing abilities, and decided to join their mission.

With Morne aboard, the Mynock arrived at Had Abbadon, a planet under Krayt's control. Disguised as pilots from the planet's Imperial base, Draco and Krieg flew their TIE Predators after Shado Vao's TwinTail Fighter, eliminating grounded TIE pilots before they could reach their ships and helping to clear the base of Krayt's forces. Draco then accessed the HoloNet and informed Roan Fel about the Muur Talisman's existence. Recognizing its power, Fel instructed Draco to acquire it. Draco interrupted a moment between Krieg and Rae and argued with them, as they questioned Fel's new order. After Rae left, Draco told Krieg he would have to kill her if she disobeyed the Emperor, leading to a heated response from Krieg, who stated he would have to kill Krieg first. Tensions rose as they debated their duties as Imperial Knights, and the argument ended with Krieg walking away.

Celeste Morne Force-pushes Draco while the spirit of Karness Muur looks on approvingly.

Drawn to Had Abbadon by the Muur Talisman, Darth Krayt arrived with his most trusted Sith Lords: Darths Stryfe, Wyyrlok, Talon, and Maladi. All but Wyyrlok confronted Morne and Skywalker, before Draco, Krieg, Rae, and Vao emerged from hiding, having used Force stealth to conceal themselves. The six members of the strike team attacked the Sith, aided by Morne's army of Rakghouls, which separated the Imperial Knights from the battle. To ensure Krayt's death and acquire the Talisman, Draco ordered Krieg and Rae to find Krayt while he confronted Morne. Rae protested, but Draco angrily pushed her away with the Force, only to be physically restrained by Krieg. Krieg urged Draco to confront Morne while he and Rae dealt with Krayt. Draco fought through Rakghouls and confronted Morne, who engaged him in lightsaber combat, mocking him and claiming the Emperor was unworthy of the Talisman. She then used the Force to push Draco away, causing him to hit his head and lose consciousness.

While Draco was unconscious, Krayt was stabbed by Rae and pushed off a cliff by Morne before being betrayed and almost killed by Darth Wyyrlok. During the confrontation, Rae was gravely wounded by Force lightning. After Krayt's defeat, Skywalker destroyed the Talisman and killed Morne but could not heal Rae effectively with the Force. As Draco regained consciousness, the Mynock's crew prepared to leave for Kiffex with Vao and Rae. Skywalker denied Draco and Krieg passage, knowing they had tried to secure the Talisman for their Emperor. The Mynock departed, leaving Draco determined to return to Bastion and report to Fel.

Upon returning to Bastion, Draco and Krieg, along with Sigel Dare, appeared before the Emperor. Fel was displeased by the Talisman's destruction and unconvinced of Krayt's death. His sources indicated Krayt was in stasis on Korriban, so he assigned Draco to investigate events on Coruscant, where rumors of the Sith Lord's demise were spreading.

The captured princess

Later, Draco observed a sparring match between Masters Krieg and Rae in the Imperial Knights quarters on Bastion. He then joined a group of Imperial Knights and accompanied the Emperor to Agamar for peace talks with the Jedi Order. Fel and the Jedi had alliances with the Galactic Alliance, and cooperation between the Empire-in-exile and the Jedi would strengthen the three-way alliance. The Imperial Knights camped on Agamar's grassy plains, making Draco feel the Emperor and Princess were vulnerable. He discussed their situation with Master Sinde, focusing on Draco's responsibility to Fel. Draco assured Sinde that his duty to the Emperor outweighed his duty to the Princess.

The next morning, the Imperial delegation met with Jedi representatives, led by Master K'Kruhk. Everyone disguised themselves as Agamarian farmers, with some Imperial Knights positioned away from the meeting, pretending to work in a nearby field. After an alliance was formed and Fel declared Bastion a safe haven for the Jedi and Galactic Alliance, Draco sensed an approaching intruder on a local animal. Sinde ordered Masters Krieg and Dare to open fire, hitting the beast with their blaster rifles until Fel recognized the rider as Nyna Calixte, who had served Krayt's Empire since the end of the Sith–Imperial War. Calixte warned that the Sith knew of the meeting and had sent a task force under Moff Rulf Yage to capture or kill the Emperor. As the task force, led by the Pellaeon-class Star Destroyer War Hammer, engaged Fel's Dauntless in orbit, she suggested the Imperial Knights and Jedi flee to survive.

Draco, Krieg and the Emperor battle Sith on Agamar.

A group of Sith emerged from nearby swamps, advancing on the Imperial Knights and Jedi. Draco and K'Kruhk called on their respective parties to defend Emperor Fel, and all disguises were dropped as a battle began. The Imperial Knights and Jedi killed at least ten Sith, aided by Calixte's blaster. Fighting alongside Fel, Draco hailed the Imperial Knights' escape shuttle Defender One, which landed to evacuate the Emperor. As Sinde and K'Kruhk cleared a path to the shuttle, the surviving Imperial Knights and Jedi boarded, except for Marasiah, Rae, and Jedi Rasi Tuum, who were too far away. As enemy starfighters approached, Sinde reminded Draco of his duty to the Emperor. Draco stared at Marasiah as he ordered the shuttle to take off. Defender One escaped as the Dauntless held a corridor of space open, taking the brunt of the War Hammer's attack and being destroyed. Fel told Draco he felt Marasiah in the Force, and although she was not dead, she was in the hands of the Sith. Draco swore to rescue the Princess.

Defender One brought the Imperial Knights and Jedi to Bastion. On Agamar, Marasiah was kidnapped by the Sith and taken to Korriban, but Rae and Tuum stole a Sith–Imperial attack ship and returned to Bastion. As the vessel approached the Imperial fortress world, Draco, Krieg, Sinde, Shado Vao, and the Imperial Knights' Master armorer Hogrum Chalk were awakened by alarms and rushed to a landing platform. Chalk tried to contact the ship, but when Rae contacted Krieg via comlink, Chalk ordered Bastion's defensive artillery to stop firing on the ship. When Rae and Tuum landed, Draco berated them for not bringing Marasiah. When Tuum intervened, Draco pushed him away with the Force, but Fel summoned them all to his quarters. Fel worried Marasiah knew the Empire's codes and gave Draco three hours to plan a rescue. Unsure of what to do, Draco consulted the holocron of his former Master, Eshkar Niin. Krieg followed him to his quarters and advised him to master his anger, but Draco chose to focus his anger to rescue the princess, following Niin's old advice.

A broken man

With Krieg and Vao posing as his captives, Draco used his anger to disguise himself as a Sith, covering his skin with false Sith tattoos and wearing imitation Sith armor. The three went to Korriban, where Draco bullied a Neimoidian Sith into allowing them access to the Sith Chambers of Persuasion. There, they found the princess and used telekinesis to seize the lightsabers of several Sith guards. The trio quickly killed them, and Draco held an injured Marasiah. She lashed out at him, believing he knew of Niin's survival. Niin, now Darth Havok, had been torturing Marasiah, and Draco was shocked to hear his former Master was alive. Vao insisted they return to their ship, a short trip involving the massacre of more Sith. When they cleared a path to the ship, Draco said he would stay behind. Marasiah protested, realizing he didn't know of Niin's survival, but Draco had accepted dying to protect her. Krieg restrained her as a new group of Sith rushed at Draco.

Draco makes a last stand against Darth Havok.

Draco killed all his attackers, only to be confronted by Havok. Havok remarked that Draco's anger would suit him as a Sith. Draco wanted to kill his former Master, and they locked lightsabers. Both used the dark side of the Force, feeling the will of Darth Krayt, who was alive and projecting his will across the galaxy. Havok offered Draco a final chance to join the Sith, but Draco refused, saying he would rather die. Havok then shocked him with Force lightning, knocking him out and severing his presence from the Force. Draco became Havok's prisoner and was tortured by his former Master. Havok hoped to extract information, cutting Draco's body with shards of transparisteel between healing periods in a bacta tank. Draco refused to talk, determined to die.

Havok created a Force illusion that transported Draco back to Elliah Fel's death. As Draco relived her death, Havok appealed to his guilt before presenting Darth Talon, made to look like a captive Marasiah due to another Force illusion. Havok claimed the Princess had been retaken while escaping Korriban and threatened to kill her if Draco didn't reveal valuable information, prompting Draco to reveal the location of the Jedi's Hidden Temple. Talon left to relay the information to Darth Krayt, and Havok continued to shock Draco with Force lightning. Krayt wanted to face Cade Skywalker again and bade Talon to present a broken Draco as a gift. Talon had Draco frozen in carbonite and brought him to the Wheel, where Skywalker was meeting with Calixte, now an enemy of Krayt after being outed as Fel's spy. Talon infiltrated the Mynock and placed Draco in its cargo hold before briefly dueling Skywalker and fleeing the space station.

When Skywalker entered his ship, he ordered R2-D2 to defrost Draco. Draco awoke and told the Mynock's crew about his mission to Korriban and imprisonment, revealing he had given away the location of the Hidden Temple. Skywalker threatened to kill him but instead contacted Taivas and warned them before taking the Mynock there. Marasiah was at the Temple with an Imperial Knight bodyguard contingent, and Krieg and Rae greeted Draco before bringing him before the Princess. She castigated him for choosing to talk rather than dying but, due to his courage in rescuing her, gave him a chance to reclaim his honor by defending the Temple from the Sith attack.


Draco, Krieg, and Marasiah appeared before the Jedi Council with Sazen, Vao, Skywalker, and Rawk, who had rejoined the Jedi. The Emperor and Gar Stazi joined them via hologram and pledged their support to the Temple's defense. Skywalker devised a plan to lure Krayt's forces into the Temple, allowing Fel and Stazi's fleets to emerge from hyperspace behind them and trap their naval forces. When the attack came, the four Imperial Knights stood with Skywalker and the Jedi, defending the Temple's outer portal from the advancing Sith. Draco vowed to fight beside the princess to honor or to death as they cut down the invaders. When Rawk contacted the Galactic Alliance and Empire-in-exile fleets, their warships arrived in the system and sprung the trap. Krayt's secret army of Sith troopers arrived soon after, and several troopers landed, surrounding the defenders, who had been pushed back to the Temple's council chambers. The Skywalkers and three additional Jedi Masters remained in the chambers to defend Master T'ra Saa, who coordinated the allied forces with Battle meditation, while Draco and the others retreated. The starships that composed the Hidden Temple then rose from the ground and fled the system, protected by a blast of Force energy and several ships that defected from Krayt's Empire during the battle. After heavy losses from the Sith troopers, the surviving allies retreated to Bastion.

Draco expresses his doubts to the Emperor prior to the Battle of Coruscant.

On Bastion, Draco was debriefed by Masters Chalk and Sinde about his time on Korriban. The Emperor forgave him for betraying the Hidden Temple's location, but Draco believed he had betrayed his honor. Three days after the Hidden Temple's fall, the Emperor, Admiral Stazi, and the Jedi Council agreed to strike at Krayt on Coruscant before the Sith trooper army could attack Bastion. Fleet-wide preparations were made, and Draco retired to his quarters on Fel's flagship, the Pellaeon-class Star Destroyer Jagged Fel. As he re-donned the Imperial Knight armor he had left behind before infiltrating Korriban, Krieg caught up with him, and Draco shared his doubts about his honor. He also worried the Sith had programmed him as a sleeper agent, but Krieg urged him to find strength in the Force and forge himself anew rather than letting fear and the dark side take hold. Krieg, Rae, and Dare then joined a strike team led by Morrigan Corde—a recent defector from Krayt's Empire who had directed Imperial Intelligence as her alter ego Nyna Calixte—and brought down Coruscant's orbital defenses before the fleets' arrival in-system. Draco, however, remained at his Emperor's side aboard the Jagged Fel. Fel requested the presence of those most loyal to him during the battle, and Draco stood with Marasiah, Master Sinde, and Hogrum Chalk. Draco still believed he was unworthy of the Emperor's trust, but Fel assured him he could be counted on to always serve the Emperor's will.

The Jagged Fel and the rest of the fleets arrived over Coruscant just as the orbital defenses were brought down. During a fierce space battle, Fel ordered Draco to accompany him below-decks, where a half-crazed Darth Maladi was imprisoned. Maladi had been discovered and taken prisoner by Master Chalk's agents in Imperial Intelligence and had offered to create a deadly pathogen for Fel in exchange for Skywalker's head, who had mentally attacked her with the Force. Fel had ordered her to create it after learning of the Sith trooper army, and she now had the pathogen, Omega Red, finished. Draco watched as Maladi gave a shell containing Omega Red to Fel and informed him it would wipe out all life on a planet within seconds. Unbeknownst to either of them, Maladi was still serving Krayt and had designed the pathogen to have no effect on any Sith. Fel, prepared to go to any length to defeat Krayt, brought Draco to an escape pod and prepared to drop the pathogen onto Coruscant's surface, ignoring Draco's protests that it would also kill their allies and billions of innocents. When Sinde and Marasiah arrived and added their voices to Draco's, a determined Fel Force-pushed them against a wall and incapacitated them.

Draco crosses blades with the Emperor.

As he became an Imperial Knight, Draco remembered the pledge he made: to be at the service of the Force as the Emperor embodied it, and to eliminate the Emperor should he succumb to the dark side and be beyond redemption. Consequently, he defied Fel's command and activated his lightsaber; their weapons clashed as Fel lamented his misjudgment in believing Draco would blindly follow his orders. During their duel, Skywalker vanquished Krayt on the planet's surface, and Draco sensed the Dark Lord's demise through the Force. Fel insisted it was a deception and struck Draco, but Draco retaliated, stabbing his Emperor from behind before Fel could activate the escape pod launch. With the Emperor lifeless, Draco knelt over the body, overwhelmed by the gravity of his actions.

Elsewhere in the conflict, Krayt's Sith troopers descended into madness following the death of their master, to whom their wills were connected through the dark side, and the remainder of Krayt's fleet retreated into hyperspace, surrendering the capital to the allied forces. The surviving Sith disappeared into hiding, and the war concluded. Following the battle, a funeral was conducted for the Emperor. Draco and Krieg stood beside Master Chalk as he delivered a eulogy, lightsabers illuminated in their hands. Chalk also declared Marasiah as the newly crowned Empress, who would join Admiral Stazi and Jedi Master K'Kruhk in establishing the Galactic Federation Triumvirate, aimed at unifying the galaxy after the Sith's reign.


The Carreras Incident

Draco and Sia corresponding with the Imperial Knight Jao Assam

In the year 138 ABY, as the Triumvirate embarked on the reconstruction of the galaxy, Antares Draco continued his service as an Imperial Knight, acting as Empress Fel's protector on Coruscant. Their relationship deepened, and Draco maintained his position as the leader of the Imperial Knights, overseeing the training of new recruits such as Jao Assam. In that same year, Marasiah Fel initiated an ambitious endeavor to construct a galactic G51 communications array to connect the Outer Rim systems to the rest of the galaxy. Several Imperial Knights, including Jao and Master Yalta Val, were dispatched to oversee the construction of local arrays throughout the galaxy. While en route to the Carreras system, Val was abducted and imprisoned by the renegade Sith Darth Wredd, who then impersonated the Imperial Knight in order to seize control of the Carreras array.

Jao Assam grew concerned over Yalta Val's disappearance, bringing his worries to Empress Marasiah Fel, noting that Master Val would have used his Imperial comm droid to relay his coordinates. Jao volunteered to travel to the Carreras system to determine Val's location. However, Empress Fel overruled him, instructing Jao to remain in the Ottega system to supervise the Ithorian link. Antares Draco was present during Fel's discussion with Jao. Following the conversation, Fel confided in Draco, who described Jao as impetuous but possessing sound instincts. He voiced concerns about the lack of communication from Val. Empress Fel remarked that navigating the Carreras system was challenging and that they needed to allow Val adequate time to complete his task. Draco explained that the Imperial Knights were facing a shortage of skilled warriors and emphasized that the Order could not afford to lose any more Knights. Fel responded that the galaxy must never learn of this shortage, emphasizing that the Imperial Knights represented the Galactic Triumvirate. Fel expressed her frustration with trying to make Master K'Kruhk and Admiral Stazi understand that the Triumvirate was dedicated to upholding its commitments to the galaxy. She commented that the Knights could never afford to appear weak. Draco then reassured her that she was strong and that they would overcome this challenge.

Unbeknownst to both Antares Draco and Marasiah Fel, Assam disobeyed his orders and journeyed to the Carreras system to investigate Val's whereabouts. There, he encountered a local junk dealer, Ania Solo, and her companions, quickly discovering that Master Val had been replaced by a Sith impostor. Ultimately, Wredd successfully commandeered the Carreras communications array, using it to broadcast his manifesto to the galaxy, denouncing the Galactic Triumvirate. Draco and Fel witnessed the broadcast and were horrified to see Master Val held captive, bound to a chair. Wredd then attempted to execute Val before a galactic audience but was thwarted by Ania, who managed to rescue Fel and evacuate him offworld before the Carreras array collided with the floating world of Mala. Following the "Carreras Incident," Draco received a report from Governor Biala that a young woman named Ania had been involved in the destruction of the Carreras array.

A new threat

Draco (center) attending a Triumvirate meeting with Master K'Kruhk, Empress Fel, and Admiral Stazi

In response, Empress Fel deployed the Pellaeon-class Star Destroyer Animus to retrieve Ania, her companions, and the rescued Imperial Knights Yalta Val and Jao Assam, who had sustained injuries during a confrontation with Darth Wredd. Ania and her companions were welcomed as guests by the Imperial crew of the Animus. Meanwhile, the rogue Sith Darth Wredd initiated a campaign to eliminate the various One Sith infiltrators who had infiltrated key government and corporate positions on planets such as Cadomai Prime and Ceitia Five. Upon receiving reports of this rampage, Empress Fel convened a meeting of her Triumvirate, which Draco attended. During the meeting, Draco contended that the Triumvirate could not afford to lose sight of Darth Wredd, given his public threats against the government, the destruction of the Carreras array, and the near-fatal assault on Master Val. When Jedi Master K'Kruhk and Admiral Gar Stazi suggested disregarding Wredd and allowing him to continue eliminating Sith, Jao objected. However, Empress Fel overruled him, opting to follow Stazi's recommendation.

Despite Draco's personal reservations, he nevertheless conveyed the Empress's directives to Master Yalta Val, who was aboard the Animus. When Val proposed utilizing Wredd to locate the remaining Sith, Draco clarified that this was not the Triumvirate's current strategy. He also reassigned Master Val to Coruscant to assume the role of head of the Imperial Knights training facility there. Draco tasked Master Val with recruiting new members to strengthen the Order's ranks. Additionally, Draco reassigned Jao Assam to Coruscant as punishment for abandoning his post in the Ottega system. Meanwhile, Jao Assam experienced a Force vision of Darth Wredd attacking Empress Marasiah Fel and expressed his concerns to Master Val. However, Master Val reiterated that they were obligated to follow the Empress's orders. Still uneasy, Jao managed to convince his new acquaintance Ania to join him on a mission to track down Darth Wredd.

Following Jao and Ania's departure, Masters Draco and Val were summoned before Empress Marasiah Fel, who was furious that the Imperials had failed to secure Ania. Empress Fel also charged Jao with desertion, despite Val's attempts to defend the younger Knight. Within the Imperial Knights, desertion was punishable by death. During their travels, Jao and Ania discovered that another rogue Sith Lord named Darth Luft and his pirate associates had established a slaving operation in the lawless Calamari system, which had been devastated during the Sith Genocide on Dac. Luft and his pirates forced many Mon Calamari and Quarren refugees to construct a pirate fleet. Jao informed Master Val, who attempted to persuade Empress Fel to alleviate the plight of the Mon Cals and the Quarrens. Despite Fel's ambivalence, Master Val and Admiral Stazi assembled a Triumvirate task force that liberated the shipyards and apprehended the pirates. During the fighting, Darth Luft was killed by Jao.

Enter Ania Solo

Draco presiding over Ania's tribunal

Following the successful Dac operation, which boosted the Galactic Triumvirate's popularity, the authorities launched a campaign to apprehend war criminals from the Second Imperial Civil War. Ania Solo found herself on the Triumvirate's "Most Wanted" list after being falsely accused of murdering an Imperial Knight named Teemen Alton. Disbelieving Ania's guilt, Master Val confronted his superior, Antares Draco, at his private residence on Coruscant, criticizing the Triumvirate's new war criminal campaign and arguing that the authorities had misplaced priorities. Draco became defensive, cautioning Val to choose his words carefully. While acknowledging that Ania had saved Val's life in the Carreras system, he contended that appearances could be deceiving. Val then deduced that the Imperials had intended to arrest Ania and quietly eliminate her during her time on the Animus. Val demanded to know the truth.

Draco admitted that the Imperials had planned to "disappear" Ania by sending the Animus to collect her. Given Ania's recent notoriety following the Carreras Incident, he explained that the Triumvirate needed to gain public support by placing her on their "Most Wanted" list. Draco then revealed that the authorities possessed compelling evidence that she had murdered an Imperial Knight, Teemen Alton. With the Triumvirate consolidating its control over the galaxy, Draco aimed to send a strong message that the Imperial Knights were the instruments of this new peace and that any crimes against them, past or present, would not be tolerated. Unconvinced of Ania's guilt, Master Val examined the Triumvirate archives, discovering files indicating that Alton's killer had a prosthetic hand, which Ania lacked. Val relayed this information to Jao and Ania's companions, Sauk and AG-37, who were on a mission to rescue Ania, who had been abducted by her former lover Ramid and was being pursued by a mysterious bounty hunter.

Imperial stormtroopers subsequently captured Ania Solo on a remote planet where it rained glass. Ania was extradited back to Coruscant to face a military tribunal consisting of three officials: Antares Draco, a Sullustan Galactic Alliance official, and a female Human Jedi. Aware of the facts surrounding the Teemen Alton case, Master Yalta Val volunteered to represent Ania during the court proceedings. He defended Ania, arguing that the evidence was circumstantial and highlighting Ania's recent efforts to save members of the Order. Representing the prosecution, Draco emphasized Ania's guilt and demanded a swift resolution to the case. Val managed to weaken the prosecution's case by pointing out that Teemen's murderer had a prosthetic hand and that Ania possessed two biological hands. He added that Alton was strangled by a laser whip that could only be operated by a matching prosthetic hand.

Val's evidence swayed the Galactic Alliance and Jedi members of the tribunal, but Antares Draco remained unconvinced and demanded further evidence. However, Ania Solo was saved by the arrival of Jao Assam, who presented the bounty hunter's severed prosthetic hand. He explained to the tribunal that the artificial hand belonged to Teemen's true murderer and that this person had attempted to frame Ania for a crime she did not commit. Faced with compelling evidence, the tribunal was compelled to find Ania not guilty and release her. However, Draco ordered Jao's arrest on charges of desertion and had him imprisoned. While incarcerated, Jao Assam was visited by the elusive Darth Wredd himself, who sensed the former's despondency at being treated unfairly. Darth Wredd offered to assist Jao in escaping from prison by passing him a Sith lightsaber through the bars of his cell.

The Floating World

Draco leading the Imperial Knights into combat

Following Jao Assam's imprisonment, Ania attempted to secure an audience with Empress Marasiah Fel to advocate for clemency on Jao's behalf. However, the Empress's schedule was fully booked. Ania was also turned away by Antares Draco, who insisted that the Empress's decision to execute Jao was final and irreversible. Upon learning that Ania had attempted to meet her, Empress Fel personally sought Ania out and arranged a special meeting with her. Believing that Jao had not fallen to the dark side, Empress Fel tasked Ania and her companions with leading a platoon of Trandoshan stormtroopers to locate him. Ania agreed to assist Empress Fel in exchange for the Empress's promise to find a way to overturn the desertion charges. Ania's quest led them to the floating world of Mala. However, Darth Wredd had manipulated Jao into transmitting the planet's coordinates to the Triumvirate and the One Sith, hoping to lure his two adversaries into a trap.

During the three-way Battle of the Floating World, Masters Antares Draco and Yalta Val led the Imperial Knight ground assault against the One Sith army. At Draco's insistence, Empress Fel remained aboard her Star Destroyer. The Imperial Knight commanders were shocked to discover that instead of a single rogue Sith, they were confronting an entire Sith army. Empress Fel reluctantly remained aboard, recognizing that her loss would plunge the galaxy and the Knights into chaos. During the fighting, Draco was impaled through the abdomen by a Devaronian One Sith. His incapacitation prompted Empress Fel to join the battle with several stormtroopers. Fortunately for Draco, he was rescued by Ania and her Mon Calamari friend Sauk, who employed a medical droid to seal his wounds. Following an intense and brutal battle, the Imperial Knights, with the assistance of Ania's companions and the rogue Sith Darth Wredd, succeeded in eliminating the entire One Sith Army.

Following the battle, Empress Fel ordered her Knights to evacuate their wounded comrades and to hunt down any surviving Sith. While tending to the injured Draco, Fel was stabbed from behind by Darth Wredd with his lightsaber, fulfilling Jao Assam's vision. Horrified, Jao pursued Darth Wredd and attacked him, severing his hands. However, Jao refused to kill Wredd, knowing that it would lead him to the dark side. Ultimately, Ania finished off the rogue Sith with a heavy repeating blaster. Thanks to immediate medical attention, Marasiah survived her injuries. Back on Coruscant, Draco's attitude toward Ania improved out of gratitude for the young Solo's role in saving his life on Mala. He escorted Ania to Empress Fel's medical ward. Grateful to Ania for saving the galaxy, she commended the Solo's courage and leadership abilities and offered her a position in her personal guard. While Ania declined the offer, Fel agreed to drop the desertion charges against Jao Assam and allow him to join Ania and her companions on their travels throughout the galaxy. Empress Fel also began implementing reforms to the Imperial Knights Order, shifting their loyalty to the Force rather than solely to the Empress.

Personality and traits

Antares Draco, Imperial Knight

Draco's ascent to the leadership of the Imperial Knights was a result of years of dedication, discipline, and unwavering loyalty. He held an unshakeable commitment to the Imperial Knights' cause, willing to sacrifice his life for his Emperor. However, his loyalty, while steadfast, was not unthinking. Draco defied his Emperor's orders on at least one occasion, when he and Ganner Krieg journeyed to Vendaxa to rescue Princess Marasiah Fel from the Sith. This event caused Draco to question whether loyalty could surpass obedience. Following this incident, Draco was prepared to accept any punishment the Emperor might impose and became more inclined to obey his Emperor, hoping it would persuade Fel to permit Draco to marry Princess Marasiah. Draco's devotion was such that he unquestioningly followed Fel's directive to retrieve the Muur Talisman from Celeste Morne, dismissing Krieg and Azlyn Rae's concerns that it was an evil Sith artifact that would corrupt their Emperor. On this occasion, Draco insisted that Imperial Knights always served the Emperor's will, but Ganner Krieg speculated that his desire to marry the Princess was clouding his judgment. This event also witnessed Draco engaging in a verbal dispute with Krieg, who was typically his most trusted confidant.

Although it was said that his personal feelings rarely interfered with his duties, Draco openly criticized the Jedi, remarking on multiple occasions that Shado Vao was no match for an Imperial Knight, despite having witnessed the Jedi's skills firsthand. When meeting with Vao and other Jedi on Agamar to discuss a potential alliance against the Sith, Draco remained open to the possibility of a security breach within the Jedi ranks. His animosity toward those who did not serve Fel's Empire extended to bounty hunters, members of the Galactic Alliance, and those serving Darth Krayt's Empire. Draco had no moral reservations about killing members of the latter group, unlike fellow Imperial Knights Krieg and Treis Sinde. When Marasiah was captured by the Sith on Agamar, it ignited a great deal of anger within Draco. He was advised by Krieg and Shado Vao to control his anger but instead chose to use it to disguise himself as a Sith in order to rescue his love. Darth Havok, Draco's former Imperial Knight Master, believed darkness had always resided within Draco, and Draco willingly drew upon the dark side of the Force when dueling Havok on Korriban. However, Draco rejected Havok's offer to join the Sith, insisting that he would rather die fighting.

Draco's dedication to Fel was unparalleled, yet he understood that instinct and intuition were as vital to an Imperial Knight as dedication and discipline. He believed that listening to the Force and heeding one's insights were paramount, and these beliefs shaped him into a cunning, loyal, and highly skilled warrior. Despite his brashness and arrogance, Draco was virtually incorruptible. However, his love for Marasiah could cause him to lose composure and control of his emotions. Marasiah's near-death experience on Vendaxa prompted Draco to threaten the lives of Jariah Syn and Deliah Blue and saw him strike Cade Skywalker when the bounty hunter offered to heal Marasiah with the Force. When the Imperial Knights were attacked by forces of the One Sith on Agamar, Draco prioritized his duty to the Emperor over his duty to the Princess, ordering their escape shuttle to transport Fel to safety while Marasiah had not yet boarded. Although he ultimately chose to go to Korriban to rescue her, he was initially conflicted, feeling that he should perhaps remain on Bastion to help protect the Emperor. During his rescue mission, he was determined to bring Marasiah back alive, unwilling to fail in his objective. After rescuing her, he chose to remain on Korriban, buying her time to escape. He was willing to die, believing that the will of the Force would determine his fate. Although he did not die, he became a prisoner of the Sith, and, despite enduring prolonged periods of torture at the hands of Darth Havok, he refused to reveal any Imperial secrets. He eventually betrayed the existence and location of the Jedi's Hidden Temple when he believed Marasiah's life was in danger. Draco did not seek forgiveness but was willing to fight alongside the Princess in an effort to regain his honor. He felt unworthy of the Emperor's continued trust, but both Fel and Krieg continued to believe in him. When the Emperor succumbed to the dark side of the Force, Draco remained true to his oath as an Imperial Knight and slew his liege.

Following the defeat of the One Sith, Antares Draco assumed leadership of the Imperial Knights. In his new role, Draco was concerned by the scarcity of experienced Knights within the ranks of his Order. He and his superior, Empress Fel, viewed the Knights as the personal representatives of the Galactic Triumvirate. Ultimately, Draco and Fel addressed this shortage by appointing Master Yalta Val as the prefect of the Imperial Knights Training Facility on Coruscant. Val succeeded in increasing the Imperial Knights' numbers. In the aftermath of the Carreras Incident, Draco regarded the rogue Sith Darth Wredd as a threat due to his involvement in the destruction of the Carreras communications array and the attempted murder of Master Val. He expressed unease at the Empress's decision, prompted by Admiral Gar Stazi, to leave Darth Wredd to eliminate the One Sith infiltrators.

As an Imperial Knight, Draco considered his fellow Knights as brothers and sisters in arms. He regarded the murder of Imperial Knight Teemen Alton as a grave offense against his Order and vowed to bring justice to his fallen comrade. Draco was convinced of the junk dealer Ania Solo's guilt in the alleged murder of Alton until his fellow Knights Val and Jao Assam presented evidence that exonerated her. Due to his adherence to the rule of law, Draco was compelled to release Ania. However, he did not hesitate to carry out the Empress's orders to imprison Jao for deserting the Imperial Knights, a charge punishable by death. When Ania attempted to plead for clemency on Jao's behalf, Draco was certain that the Empress would not change her mind on the matter. Draco's feelings toward Ania improved after she saved his life during the Battle of the Floating World, and he allowed her to visit Empress Fel.


Marasiah Fel

Marasiah surprises Draco with a kiss.

During the Second Imperial Civil War, Draco was deeply in love with Marasiah Fel, the daughter of his Emperor and a fellow Imperial Knight. On one occasion, Draco asserted that his feelings for her outweighed his vows as a Knight, his allegiance to her father, and his loyalty to the Empire. His affections for her were strong enough to compel him to disobey the Emperor's orders when she was in danger and to unquestioningly obey his orders when doing so might persuade the Emperor to allow Draco to marry her. After being instructed to abandon the idea of marrying her, Draco spent weeks brooding and, influenced by the Emperor, informed Marasiah that he did not believe they could pursue a relationship. She, however, had no intention of allowing her father to dictate her personal life and made it clear that his feelings for her were mutual. When Draco fulfilled his duty to the Emperor and transported Fel away from forces of the One Sith on Agamar, leaving Marasiah behind in the process, it caused Draco immense anger. He rescued her from the clutches of the Sith and was willing to die protecting her, content in the knowledge that his death would ensure her safety. Draco did not die but was captured by the Sith and only began divulging information about the Jedi when he believed Marasiah's life was at risk.

Following the defeat of the One Sith, Draco continued his relationship with Marasiah Fel. Fel regarded Draco as a source of support during moments of doubt and stress. On one occasion, he assured her that he had never known her to be anything less than strong after discussing the manpower shortages facing the Imperial Knights. While Draco respected and loved his Empress, he still did not hesitate to disagree with her. On one occasion, he voiced concerns about her decision to leave the rogue Sith Darth Wredd unmolested. Prior to the Battle of the Floating World, he advised his liege to remain aboard the Star Destroyer, arguing that without her, the Order would have nothing to fight for. Despite Fel's combat prowess and enthusiasm, she acquiesced to Draco's request, recognizing her importance to the Imperial Knights. The bond between Draco and Fel was strong enough for the latter to enter the battlefield after Draco was attacked and wounded by a Sith combatant.

Powers and abilities

Draco demonstrates his unorthodox skill with a lightsaber.

A Force-sensitive individual of considerable power, Draco displayed remarkable skill both when wielding a lightsaber and piloting a starfighter. Widely regarded as a capable and astute combatant, he substantiated this reputation on numerous occasions. He played a key role in repelling Sith forces on Vendaxa, Agamar, and Taivas, and on one occasion, he took down a large number of Sith singlehandedly on Korriban. Draco showed proficiency in various Force abilities, including telekinesis, detecting disturbances in the Force, and the Force shield technique. While he typically fought with a single lightsaber, he demonstrated the ability to effectively wield two, even when one was a double-bladed weapon. Driven by the need to redeem himself and protect Marasiah Fel, he entered a state of heightened aggression, cutting down Sith warriors. He once defeated Eshkar Niin in a lightsaber duel, but Niin, who had become Darth Havok, triumphed in their second encounter, incapacitating Draco with Force lightning. Possessing an unwavering will, Draco endured Havok's subsequent torture for extended periods, steadfastly refusing to divulge Imperial secrets despite the intense physical pain.

Behind the scenes

John Ostrander and Jan Duursema conceived the character Antares Draco for the Star Wars: Legacy comic book series. His initial unveiling, along with the Imperial Knights in general, occurred in Legacy's Issue 0, which was released in June of 2006. He subsequently made his first appearance in the series' third issue and was a significant character in Legacy throughout its fifty-issue run. He also figured prominently in Legacy's follow-up miniseries, Star Wars: Legacy—War. The narrative in Legacy's forty-ninth issue identifies him as "Draco Antares," and the introduction to the subsequent issue refers to him as "Antares Draco Antares".

Hasbro's action figure (left) and Wizards of the Coast's miniature (right)

While Draco's exact age remains unconfirmed within canon, Duursema has suggested that he was either seventeen or eighteen in 130 ABY and either twenty-four or twenty-five in 137 ABY. She recognized the validity of the question regarding his leadership position among the Imperial Knights at such a young age, and she indicated that she and Ostrander had ideas on how to address this within Legacy's narrative. She has also mentioned that Roan Fel trained Draco, although this detail has not been confirmed in canon. Duursema based Draco's physical appearance on the model Doug Wangler.

Wizards of the Coast published the Legacy Era Campaign Guide in 2009, which stated that Draco was descended from a member of the Imperial Inquisitorius who served under Palpatine, the Emperor of the Galactic Empire. Although the precise familial relationship was not specified, the implication exists that the ancestor in question was Valin Draco, a concept that has been speculated on by fans.

In 2008, Draco was immortalized with his own miniature figurine as part of the Legacy of the Force series of Star Wars Miniatures, and he also received his own action figure. Hasbro, as part of its Legacy Collection comic packs, released Draco and Ganner Krieg as 3 ¾ inch action figures, packaged alongside Issue 6 of Legacy.

