
K'Kruhk, a male Whiphid Jedi Master, existed from the twilight of the Galactic Republic through the eras of the One Sith and the Second Imperial Civil War, serving within the ranks of the New Jedi Order. Once an apprentice under Lilit Twoseas, K'Kruhk lived through his Master's death during the Yinchorri Uprising and proceeded to serve notably throughout the Clone Wars. A devastating loss of life on Teyr prompted K'Kruhk to question his purpose, leading him to align with a dissenting group on Ruul. However, betrayal by a member of the group caused him to reaffirm his unwavering allegiance to the Republic and the Jedi High Council, and he went on to serve on Saleucami in the concluding weeks of the Outer Rim Sieges.

Despite numerous near-death experiences, K'Kruhk persevered through both the Clone Wars and the Great Jedi Purge, witnessing the downfall of the Galactic Empire and the Jedi's resurgence, although he remained hidden from Darth Vader's agents. The Whiphid only emerged from his concealed existence once Luke Skywalker's New Jedi Order was firmly established and the last remnants of Palpatine's Empire were eradicated.

Sometime between the Galactic Civil War and the [Yuuzhan Vong War](/article/yuuzhan_vong_war], K'Kruhk became a member of the New Jedi Order, remaining active even after the rise of Darth Krayt. He served on the Jedi High Council and played a key role in the Jedi's resistance against the rising Sith. K'Kruhk was instrumental in forming an alliance between the Jedi, the Galactic Alliance Remnant, and the Fel Empire. Following T'ra Saa's death at Taivas, K'Kruhk became the eldest and most seasoned of the surviving Jedi, participating in the alliance's final assault on Coruscant, which was then under Sith control.

After the deaths of Darth Krayt and Roan Fel, K'Kruhk became one of the three Triumvirs of the restored Galactic Alliance. During his time in office, K'Kruhk had to deal with both Empress Fel's ambitious G51 communications array project and the threat of a clandestine One Sith Order, whose members had infiltrated important government positions throughout the galaxy. K'Kruhk also grew concerned about the emergence of the renegade Sith Darth Wredd, who sought to destroy the One Sith and reinstate the Rule of Two. He was among the first high-ranking Triumvirate officials to recognize that Darth Wredd was pursuing his own agenda, independent of others.


Early life

K'Kruhk was born more than fifty years before the Battle of Yavin. He had a typical Jedi upbringing, being raised within the Order from infancy after his Force sensitivity was discovered. He was raised in the Jedi Temple on Coruscant, and his true homeworld of Toola became a distant memory.

Yinchorri Uprising

Micah Giiett educates K'Kruhk about cortosis.

Before he reached the age of thirteen, K'Kruhk was chosen by Lilit Twoseas to be her Padawan. Given Twoseas's apparent youth, K'Kruhk was probably her first Padawan. As her apprentice, he fought alongside Micah Giiett, Plo Koon, and Qui-Gon Jinn during the Yinchorri Uprising. The Uprising was representative of the numerous isolated conflicts in the decades leading up to the Clone Wars—a minor, insignificant dispute fueled by shadowy manipulators. While the Jedi tried to keep the weakening Republic together, the Sith secretly worked to destabilize it.

The diplomatic group included Jinn, Koon, Giiett, and Jinn's apprentice Obi-Wan Kenobi, as well as notable figures like Mace Windu, Tsui Choi, Adi Gallia, Eeth Koth, and Saesee Tiin. The Jedi Council, thinking the Yinchorri were essentially cowardly bullies, believed that a show of force would resolve the situation without needing military action. Unfortunately, Darth Sidious's agents were already provoking the Yinchorri into war, and they reacted to the Jedi mission with unusual hostility, attacking the Jedi as soon as their consular ships entered the Yinchorri system.

Giiett performed a simple magic trick involving cups and balls for K'Kruhk and Obi-Wan Kenobi. This seemingly trivial entertainment was intended to teach the Padawans a crucial lesson: do not always rely on the Force, as there are simpler ways to confuse and deceive enemies. K'Kruhk remembered this and used the concept to help the Jedi evade pursuing Yinchorri starfighters by jettisoning several empty escape pods, which the easily tricked Yinchorri immediately pursued, believing their targets had abandoned ship. The Jedi were then able to crash-land on the planet, with the Yinchorri believing their ship was empty.

K'Kruhk cradles the dying body of Lilit Twoseas.

After the Jedi arrived at their designated locations, the situation worsened. Koth, Gallia, and Choi were ambushed by Yinchorri on Yitheeth, while Windu, Jinn, and Tiin found no trace of the Yinchorri High Command on Yinchorr. K'Kruhk, who was with Koon and Giiett, found himself fighting for his life on Yibikkoror after their crash site was ambushed by Yinchorri warriors who had finally seen through K'Kruhk's deception. In a brief moment of humor amidst the blaster fire, K'Kruhk asked Masters Giiett and Koon why they claimed to be friends despite their constant bickering. Koon gave a typically lengthy and philosophical answer, while Giiett simply made another sarcastic remark. K'Kruhk and the others were eventually rescued by Adi Gallia's team, who arrived just in time to help the stranded Jedi onto their still-functional ship. After escaping, K'Kruhk and the Jedi Masters at Yibikkoror reunited with Koth's team and set out to rescue Windu's group, who were trapped by a large number of Yinchorri on Yinchorr.

It was during this rescue mission that his Master was killed, fighting for her life on Yinchorr. As they tried to escort Windu's strike team back to the ship, they were ambushed by hordes of Yinchorri. K'Kruhk was threatened by a Yinchorri warrior's weapon; Twoseas jumped in to save her Padawan. Placing herself between K'Kruhk and his attacker, she absorbed the full force of the blow, dying at the hands of multiple Yinchorri in front of her horrified Padawan. Enraged by the loss, K'Kruhk entered a battle frenzy, continuing his slaughter of Yinchorri until he could recover his master's body. Although he would finish his training under another Jedi, the loss of his first mentor would haunt him for the rest of his life.

Clone Wars

Certainties and doubts


Over the next decade, K'Kruhk developed into a committed and skilled Jedi Knight. In 22 BBY, he joined the task force dispatched to Geonosis to rescue Obi-Wan Kenobi, Anakin Skywalker, and Senator Padmé Amidala.

When the call went out for Jedi to serve as commanders after the First Battle of Geonosis, K'Kruhk obeyed without hesitation. In the early months of the Clone Wars, Jedi General K'Kruhk led the 416th Star Corps into the Battle of Teyr on the planet Teyr. It was an extremely costly battle. Many clones died under his command, despite K'Kruhk's best efforts, and the Whiphid considered calling off the attack to save the lives of the others. However, the troops under his command convinced him otherwise. They could still achieve the objectives, and their lives were insignificant in the grand scheme of things. They were, in essence, created to die for the Republic.

Against his better judgment, he continued the attack. Whether the Republic ultimately won is unknown, but the high death toll deeply affected K'Kruhk, and he was so distraught that he withdrew from the war, leading many to believe he was dead. It was soon discovered that he had gathered with other Jedi who were unsure about the war on Ruul, led by Master Sora Bulq. When their refusal to participate in the war became known, Mace Windu came to negotiate with them. Unlike other dissidents, such as Sian Jeisel and Rhad Tarn, K'Kruhk never doubted that Windu's appeals were sincere, but he severely misjudged Bulq's motives.

K'Kruhk during the battle of Teyr.

In reality, the entire event was a trap set by the Sith to either kill Windu or, failing that, kill other Jedi and blame it on the Jedi Councilor. Count Dooku's acolyte, Asajj Ventress, arrived on Ruul, ready to carry out the plan and engaged the Jedi in several lightsaber duels. After the deaths of Tarn and Mira, it became clear that Bulq was part of the conspiracy. The Weequay had turned to the dark side and allied with Dooku. His duel with Ventress had been a facade to conceal their alliance.

Humbled, K'Kruhk rejoined the war effort, stating simply that "Evil must be opposed."

Hypori and later

Shortly afterward, K'Kruhk was chosen to be part of a strike team on Hypori, led by Jedi Masters Ki-Adi-Mundi and Shaak Ti. The mission was a disaster from the start and turned into a Separatist trap. Orbital mines destroyed most of their fleet, and the surviving troops and Jedi, including K'Kruhk, were stranded on the surface of Hypori, forced to make a desperate last stand against the droid armies.

It was here that K'Kruhk became one of the first Jedi to encounter General Grievous and survive. Halting the advance of his legions of droid troops, Grievous faced the surviving Jedi alone, displaying incredible skill with dual lightsabers. Tarr Seirr, Daakman Barrek, and Sha'a Gi were killed. When K'Kruhk charged Grievous and engaged him one-on-one, he briefly managed to disarm one of Grievous's lightsabers, but left himself vulnerable and was quickly struck down by a slash across the waist and a near-fatal overhand strike.

Grievous takes the lightsaber of the badly wounded K'Kruhk.

Critically injured and presumed dead, he was left behind by the rescue team that recovered Ki-Adi-Mundi, Shaak Ti, and Aayla Secura. In reality, K'Kruhk had entered a state of hibernation, allowing himself to heal his wounds while appearing dead.

After Grievous left, K'Kruhk awoke and managed to escape Hypori, once again assuming the role of General in the Grand Army of the Republic. However, Grievous did steal K'Kruhk's green lightsaber. The weapon became one of Grievous's favorites, and the cyborg kept it and used it up until his final battle with Obi-Wan Kenobi on Utapau.

After recovering, K'Kruhk was reassigned to Coruscant and tasked with protecting Senator Viento. He silently observed his ward as the Senator conducted his business in the Senate and at political events. At one such gathering, Viento was deep in conversation with the Supreme Chancellor when K'Kruhk noticed a mysterious Kiffar taking an unusual interest in the two politicians. The Kiffar was Quinlan Vos in disguise, and he managed to leave the premises before the Whiphid could uncover his plans. Later that evening, Vos bypassed K'Kruhk as the Whiphid guarded a sleeping Viento, and broke into the Senator's apartment, preparing to kill Viento then and there. The sound and smell of the ignited lightsaber alerted K'Kruhk to the crime, and the Whiphid was forced to fight the rogue Jedi to protect the Senator.

K'Kruhk viciously dueling Quinlan Vos after Viento's assassination.

Unfortunately, K'Kruhk failed in his mission. Vos murdered Viento, and K'Kruhk burst in just as it happened. Attacking Vos, K'Kruhk suffered severe injuries in the ensuing battle after falling from an airspeeder. The physical injuries were significant, but perhaps less so than the immense emotional trauma. Vos had been a childhood friend of K'Kruhk, and Vos's apparent betrayal of the Jedi deeply wounded the Whiphid. In anger, K'Kruhk declared Vos no better than Sora Bulq, Dooku, and the countless other traitors to the order.

Siege of Saleucami

After extensive bacta treatment and months of recovery, K'Kruhk returned to the front lines during the Siege of Saleucami. Ironically, he would serve alongside Quinlan Vos, who had recently returned to the fold after the Rendili crisis.

K'Kruhk and A'Sharad Hett battle side by side on Saleucami.

To the surprise of other Jedi like Jeisel, K'Kruhk had apparently forgiven Vos, accepting that the Kiffar's actions had been solely intended to maintain his cover and that no malice had been intended. By this point, K'Kruhk's many injuries and near-death experiences had given the Whiphid a well-developed sense of gallows humor, and he joked that he had learned to carry basic medical supplies with him at all times. He had witnessed many deaths, and more were to come: in the early days of the siege, the Jedi Ausar Auset was vaporized before the stunned eyes of both K'Kruhk and A'Sharad Hett.

K'Kruhk completely trusted the leadership of Oppo Rancisis and believed that, with the Jedi Councilor's strong grasp of tactics and battle meditation, the battle would turn in the Republic's favor. Understandably, K'Kruhk was devastated when Rancisis was murdered by Sora Bulq and, although he believed Quinlan Vos to have good intentions, was horrified by the fellow Jedi's plan to "read" Rancisis's battle plan from the head of the Thisspiasian's corpse.

The next morning, K'Kruhk attended Rancisis's funeral presided over by A'Sharad Hett. There, the assembled Jedi remembered those who had already fallen on the fields of Saleucami. Hett began with the memory of Auset, a comrade-in-arms of A'Sharad's late father. Then, the others followed: Xiaan Amersu recalled Xeltek, Jeisel recalled Durnar, Aayla spoke the name of Master Tholme, and K'Kruhk himself honored the memory of T'Bolton. After the ceremony was complete, K'Kruhk and his compatriots prepared for the final battle against the Separatists.

Tholme, in fact, was not dead but had merely hidden his presence, hoping that his absence would help Quinlan Vos come to terms with his true beliefs. While the Jedi Master remained in the shadows, still presumed dead, the remaining Jedi launched their attack. Vos and Aayla Secura infiltrated the Separatist base, and K'Kruhk and Jeisel led the ground assault, while A'Sharad Hett coordinated actions from the air. With help from Tholme, the Jedi were victorious, and Saleucami fell to the Republic. In the ensuing melee, the Separatist leaders were all defeated: Aayla Secura slew the Morgukai Bok, and Quinlan Vos finally ended the lives of Sora Bulq and his lackey Tol Skorr. Their task completed, the Jedi were able to leave Saleucami. K'Kruhk prepared for departure and redeployment, but did so reluctantly. He believed it was shameful for Jedi to leave war-ravaged worlds so devastated when, in the past, Jedi had assisted with reconstruction. Vos's assurances that it was merely the "way of war" did not alleviate the Whiphid's doubts.

End of the war

After the end of the siege, K'Kruhk and Jeisel were scheduled to depart for Mygeeto to assist Ki-Adi-Mundi, but as they and their escort passed one of the moons of Saleucami, they were ambushed by a Separatist cruiser. Thinking quickly, K'Kruhk ordered the envoy to rush the cruiser, then jump to hyperspace at the last second. Remarking on their narrow escape, the Whiphid discovered to his dismay that the ship had been damaged and would be unable to reach Mygeeto. K'Kruhk told the crew to instead plot a course for the Bogden system, where they could make repairs at the Jedi chapter house there.

K'Kruhk leaps from a moving Infantry Support Platform.

Upon reaching Bogden 3, K'Kruhk and Jeisel were greeted by Master Du Mahn and the Soaring Hawkbat Clan. The new arrivals, still unsure whether the transport there was to take them to Coruscant, were surrounded by the excited younglings, who bombarded the clones with questions. Telling the younglings to leave the soldiers alone, Du Mahn asked the students to help Padawan Chase Piru prepare the welcome meal for their guests. In the meantime, the soldiers began repairs on the ship.

Mahn informed K'Kruhk and Jeisel that the Jedi there, including the younglings, were supposed to have been brought back to Coruscant several days earlier, but the attack on Coruscant had caused Yoda to decide to keep them at the facility for their safety.

During the meal, K'Kruhk discussed the war and its final days with one of his troopers. Their opinions differed significantly—while the trooper wanted to return to the front lines as soon as possible and not miss the end, K'Kruhk was less enthusiastic. As he watched Master Mahn teach the younglings, K'Kruhk thought about how he would like nothing more than to never have to raise his saber again, and how he had forgotten that, despite all the suffering and carnage of the war, tender scenes like Master Mahn and the younglings still occurred. K'Kruhk believed that helping and teaching young ones was the true duty, not war. The clone seemed to agree, but was still eager to "get back to work."

Then, without warning, on Coruscant, the soon-to-be new Emperor issued Order 66.


K'Kruhk during Order 66.

K'Kruhk lunged ahead, and with a single stroke, he bisected the clone trooper he was just engaging in conversation with, cleaving him from shoulder down to his hip. Meanwhile, Piru and Jeisel stood as protectors, shielding a group of vulnerable younglings. Master Mahn, displaying incredible skill, neutralized four clone troopers singlehandedly, ensuring the safety of the younglings huddled behind her. As she guided the children towards the exit, one of the troopers managed to raise his weapon and fire, striking her in the back. As she fell forward, she implored the children to flee. Subsequently, the trooper proceeded to slaughter several of the defenseless younglings. Utilizing a powerful Force Jump, K'Kruhk impaled the trooper with his lightsaber, his roar echoing with a battle-induced rage as he swiftly eliminated two more troopers.

K'Kruhk gave instructions to the remaining younglings, directing them to the doorway where Jeisel and Piru stood guard. Jeisel then instructed K'Kruhk to take Piru with him, as she intended to delay the clones, allowing the other Jedi valuable time to escape with the younglings. K'Kruhk attempted to object, but Jeisel asserted that he was the superior pilot and commanded him to prioritize the safety of the younglings. Jeisel bravely confronted the troopers in a final stand, and realizing that she would soon be overwhelmed, she triggered a thermal detonator that one of the troopers was carrying. The resulting explosion annihilated her and all the troopers present, devastating the entire structure.

Piru anxiously awaited her at the base of the loading ramp, but K'Kruhk somberly informed her that Jeisel would not be joining them. Piru then questioned the reasons behind the troopers' attack, whether they would be pursued, and where the Jedi would seek refuge. K'Kruhk could only respond with a disheartening "I don't know."

Dark times

K'Kruhk on an unspecified moon.

In the aftermath of Jeisel's sacrifice and their harrowing escape, K'Kruhk's vessel experienced a catastrophic failure, resulting in a crash landing on a remote and untouched moon. Initially, K'Kruhk's thoughts were consumed by a desire for isolation or vengeance against their adversaries, but gradually, he began to transition back into the role of a teacher. Knowing that Chase Piru, Kennan Taanzer, Seddwia, and the other younglings were safe on a resource-rich planet, and having access to intercepted transmissions providing updates on recent events, K'Kruhk came to the realization that it was more beneficial to embrace their current circumstances rather than dwell on a past that could not be altered.

Some time passed, and the pirate known as Lumbra found himself stranded on the planet after absconding with a deceptive crate from his employer, Haka Hai, and the crew of the Uhumele; the crate contained a bomb. K'Kruhk witnessed the pirate's ship plummeting from the sky and immediately rushed back to the younglings, but his efforts were in vain. Lumbra had already salvaged their ship and discovered the younglings' true identities as Jedi. The Jedi Master provided healing to Piru, who had been shot and left for dead, while the younglings had been taken captive, and learned that the rumors of the bounties placed on Jedi were indeed true. In an effort to protect the others, they made the difficult decision to separate.

Upon locating the pirate's encampment, K'Kruhk unleashed a resounding roar, followed by a stern warning to release the younglings. The pirates responded with mocking laughter, and K'Kruhk began to systematically eliminate them using a bow and oversized arrows, until Lumbra extinguished the camp's fire. Piru then utilized her Force abilities from a closer vantage point, guiding K'Kruhk's arrows with precision to their intended targets. Once the pirates had been decimated, K'Kruhk advanced with his lightsaber ignited, swiftly dispatching the remaining pirates. Lumbra then seized Piru as a hostage, threatening to kill her and the younglings, but K'Kruhk swiftly disarmed him and then brutally cut him to pieces.

K'Kruhk in the Hidden Temple with Kennan Taanzer and Chase Piru.

He later offered Piru an apology for succumbing to behavior that was inconsistent with the Jedi way, and he informed her that after repairing the pirates' ship, he intended to leave them in a secure location, not wanting the younglings to retain the memory of him as they had seen him that night. He assured her that he would check in periodically, but would never stay for long.

At a later time, the group journeyed to the planet Arkinnea, where they experienced a perilous descent, resulting in a crash landing. The local militia issued threats to open fire, but K'Kruhk remained resolute in his insistence that they needed to land first. As K'Kruhk prepared for the landing, he instructed Piru to ensure that the younglings were securely fastened in their seats, as the landing was anticipated to be rough. The militia attempted to fire upon the ship, but their shots missed, striking a nearby command tower instead. The ship then crashed, and the militia ordered its occupants to exit with their hands raised. K'Kruhk and the younglings complied, although K'Kruhk momentarily slipped, referring to the younglings as such, before quickly correcting himself and referring to them as orphans. The leader of the militia group, Captain Relik, presumed that K'Kruhk's group were refugees and briefly threatened them before being interrupted by Commander Teron, who instructed Relik to proceed and bring them to the holding center.

Upon arrival at the refugee camp, K'Kruhk and the younglings were assigned to a family tent. The group entered, and K'Kruhk briefly instructed an enthusiastic Genel to calm down before retrieving a lightsaber that was disguised as Piru's splint. Shortly thereafter, a conflict erupted between two of the other refugees, and K'Kruhk swiftly intervened to break it up. Reproaching the two men for their lack of consideration for their families, K'Kruhk released them with a warning that he would report them should another altercation occur. When Piru questioned the wisdom of his actions, K'Kruhk acknowledged that it was likely unwise but that he had intervened to ensure the safety of the younglings. He then reminded Piru that their primary objective was to protect the younglings and that their stay would be brief. Afterwards, he departed in search of food.

During his time away, K'Kruhk stumbled upon a propaganda recording featuring Darth Vader and decided that it would be best to avoid the Empire if possible. He then returned to his unit, contemplating that their arrival on Arkinnea was likely a mistake. Upon re-entering the tent, however, K'Kruhk discovered a cloaked figure inside. K'Kruhk prepared to attack, but the individual calmed him down and revealed himself to be Master Zao, an old acquaintance of K'Kruhk. When K'Kruhk inquired as to the reason for Zao's presence, he simply replied that the Force had guided them to one another. Following a brief discussion, Kennan asked K'Kruhk if Zao could provide them with instruction. Despite K'Kruhk's reprimand of Kennan, Zao agreed, stating that K'Kruhk would also benefit from relearning the lesson. Zao informed the group that it would serve them well to observe, but not to make assumptions, and he emphasized that he hoped the lesson was not lost on K'Kruhk. When K'Kruhk asked what he meant, Zao responded that there was a threat present and that they needed to escape.

They fled the camp, seeking a safer haven, and later discovered that the militia had massacred the refugees. After they were detected, K'Kruhk managed to halt the militia by destroying their primary vessel and neutralizing their ground forces. In the aftermath, the Jedi master encountered Teron, with whom he had fought alongside on Saleucami. Teron informed K'Kruhk that he and other officers had not forgotten the good deeds of the Jedi and pledged to provide him with supplies and everything he and the padawans needed to establish a new life on the planet. K'Kruhk accepted the offer, and some time later, he and Zao established a "Hidden Temple" on the planet.

While numerous other survivors of the initial purge were eventually hunted down, K'Kruhk managed to survive the fall of the Empire and eventually joined the New Jedi Order established by Luke Skywalker, most likely sometime between the events of the Galactic Civil War and the Yuuzhan Vong War. He remained an active member of Luke's Jedi Order for the subsequent century.

New Jedi Order

Second Imperial Civil War

K'Kruhk speaks to Cade Skywalker in 137 ABY.

K'Kruhk took on a leadership role within the Jedi Academy situated on Ossus, even playing a part in the early training of Cade Skywalker. He was once again presumed to have perished during the Massacre at Ossus, but he once again defied expectations and survived, remaining hidden on Toola until 137 ABY. At that point, he experienced a powerful calling through the Force, compelling him to return to Ossus.

There, amidst the ruins of the Jedi Academy, K'Kruhk encountered Cade Skywalker, who was under the influence of death sticks. Cade expressed his surprise, stating that he had believed the Whiphid had died there seven years prior, but K'Kruhk responded that he had experienced death on numerous occasions and that it was Cade's own demise that concerned him; they were called death sticks for a reason. Utilizing the Force, the seasoned Jedi began to mend the mental and spiritual wounds that Skywalker had sustained over the preceding years. Skywalker initially chuckled at the notion that his own hallucination was healing him, but then came to the realization that it was not a figment of his imagination. Wolf Sazen and Shado Vao then arrived, having also sensed Cade's location through the Force.

K'Kruhk alongside Shado Vao and Wolf Sazen.

After some persuasion, Cade agreed to complete his training, granting him a stronger foundation to stand against the Sith. Within the underground ruins of the complex, K'Kruhk and Sazen would oversee the completion of his training. K'Kruhk, however, harbored reservations about completing Cade's training, noting that, much like Anakin Skywalker, Cade's future was shrouded in uncertainty and that the dark side exerted a strong pull on him. Recalling the previous fall of the Jedi, K'Kruhk pondered the possibility that by training Cade, they might be inadvertently training the next Vader. Later, the Force ghost of Luke Skywalker appeared to Cade, requesting that he retrieve Hosk Trey'lis, whom Cade had betrayed to the Sith. As Cade prepared to depart for Coruscant, K'Kruhk entrusted him with R2-D2, an antique droid that had once been under the care of Anakin and later Luke Skywalker, to serve aboard his ship.

The three Jedi remained on Ossus. During Cade's infiltration of the Temple of the Sith, K'Kruhk, Sazen, and Vao all experienced a vision of Cade succumbing to the dark side while meditating in the Praxeum's meditation garden.

The Hidden Temple

In the meantime, an Imperial Pellaeon-class Star Destroyer entered orbit around Ossus, under the command of Darth Stryfe, the head of the Imperial military. Rumors had circulated that surviving Jedi were concealed within the Academy, and the Sith were determined to eradicate all Jedi. Stryfe dispatched Joker Squad of the 407th Stormtrooper Division to conduct a thorough search of the surface. The Jokers meticulously searched Ossus, but found nothing; the Jedi and Yuuzhan Vong present had gone into hiding. One of the Vong, Liaan Lah, suggested simply eliminating the stormtroopers, but K'Kruhk urged him to exercise patience, as they would soon depart and an attack would only confirm their presence. Just as the Imperials were about to abandon the search, Stryfe commanded them to continue, as he could sense a subtle indication in the Force suggesting the presence of Jedi.

K'Kruhk, on the Jedi High Council.

Under orders to continue their search for the Jedi, Sergeant Ran Harkas, Anson Trask, and Private [Orland], along with one additional stormtrooper, continued their search among the remnants of the Jedi Academy. Trask and a fellow stormtrooper reported that the Temple was devoid of life after Shado employed the Force to persuade them. The other of Nei Rin's Vong bodyguards, Choka Skell, once again advocated for simply dispatching them, but K'Kruhk continued to implore patience. However, K'Kruhk's strategy did not unfold precisely as he had envisioned. Stryfe, nevertheless, ordered Imperial Navy Captain Meeshal to destroy the Temple, as he still perceived the presence of the Jedi concealed on the planet. The Imperials proceeded to bombard the Academy, leveling it. The Jedi and Vong managed to survive the bombardment, and although the elderly Whiphid sustained severe injuries, K'Kruhk was able to guide Sazen, Vao, Rin, Lah, and Skell to the lower levels. There, he revealed the existence and location of a Hidden Temple, which had been commissioned into existence by the Jedi High Council at the outset of the Sith-Imperial War. Sazen and Vao assisted him in reaching the Temple, where he received healing and assumed a seat on the Jedi Council assembled within the Temple, alongside Masters T'ra Saa and Tili Qua.

K'Kruhk had fought alongside Master Saa during the Clone Wars, more than a century prior. The Council listened to the delegation representing the deposed Emperor Roan Fel, who advocated for an alliance between the Emperor and the Jedi Order. Furthermore, Masters K'Kruhk and Saa learned that their former friend and fellow Jedi, A'Sharad Hett, had turned to the dark side and become the Dark Lord of the Sith, Darth Krayt, who had orchestrated the destruction of the Jedi. The Council grew concerned by Cade Skywalker's request for assistance in assassinating Krayt, as they viewed it as an act aligned with the dark side; consequently, the Council decided against taking such action. They envisioned the worst-case scenario: a new Sith might assume Krayt's position, or the Sith might splinter into dark nexuses of power. They opted for the more passive approach of allowing the Force to weaken the Sith while the Jedi grew stronger. Nevertheless, Cade resolved to proceed with his plan without the Council's support.

Cade's plan culminated in Darth Krayt's demise, although it was his most trusted advisor, Darth Wyyrlok III, who ultimately murdered and replaced him as the new Dark Lord. Subsequently, Cade requested that Shado Vao, who was returning to the Temple, inform the Council that Krayt was dead.

Battles with the Sith

K'Kruhk and other Jedi on Agamar discuss Roan Fel and his Imperial Knights.

Later, K'Kruhk was accompanied by the Jedi Masters Rasi Tuum and Hira, and Shado Vao to Agamar for peace negotiations with Roan Fel and his Imperial Knights from the Empire-in-exile. On the eve of their meeting with Fel, K'Kruhk engaged in a discussion with his three companions regarding Fel and his Empire, with K'Kruhk emphasizing that the alliance was essential for the time being.

The following day, Rasi Tuum, Hira, and Vao were present for the successful negotiations between K'Kruhk and Fel, resulting in an alliance between the two organizations. Shortly thereafter, Moff Nyna Calixte, who served in Krayt's Empire, betrayed the organization by arriving and informing the Jedi and Fel's Imperial Knight bodyguards that the Sith were aware of the meeting and were en route with a task force to capture or eliminate the Emperor.

K'Kruhk and Treis Sinde fight Sith on Agamar.

K'Kruhk, his fellow Jedi, and the Imperial Knights prepared for battle as the Sith revealed themselves. The Whiphid Jedi Master instructed the other Jedi to defend the Emperor, believing that the fate of the galaxy hinged on Fel's survival. During the battle, K'Kruhk assisted Imperial Knight Treis Sinde in clearing a path to the Imperial delegation's shuttle, Defender One. K'Kruhk, Shado, the Emperor, and the majority of his Imperial Knights managed to board the shuttle, but an explosion resulting from a TIE Predator attack run incapacitated Rasi Tuum, Azlyn Rae, and Marasiah Fel, the Emperor's daughter. However, as Roan Fel's safety was paramount, the shuttle was compelled to depart without them, allowing the Sith to capture Princess Fel.

The shuttle returned to Bastion. K'Kruhk eventually made his way back to the Hidden Temple and remained there until news of an impending massive Sith attack reached them. K'Kruhk, along with the rest of the Jedi Council, agreed to allow the reborn Darth Krayt's forces to attack the Hidden Temple in order to enable Admiral [Gar Stazi]'s fleet and Fel's fleet to ambush the Sith-Imperial fleet and inflict a devastating blow upon the Sith Empire. As Krayt's new fleet of dragon ships and Annihilator-class starfighters began to wreak havoc on the allied fleets, K'Kruhk and Master Qua evacuated a section of the Hidden Temple in a vessel carrying the Jedi younglings. As he took off, he wished good fortune to his old friend, T'ra Saa, who had remained behind to perform battle meditation and ultimately sacrificed herself to create an escape route through the Sith fleet for the Jedi and their allies to flee.

With no alternative destination, the allied fleets returned to Bastion, K'Kruhk among them. There, it was decided to launch an attack on the now-vulnerable Coruscant in the hope of eliminating Krayt. It was determined that a small strike team would infiltrate the capital and disable the planet's orbital defenses. K'Kruhk resolved to remain on Bastion as Cade Skywalker led a small strike team including Wolf Sazen, Shado Vao, Rasi Tuum, Morrigan Corde, and several Imperial Knights to Coruscant's defense systems and disable the computers there. They succeeded just as the Allied fleet emerged from hyperspace. The remaining Force-users then decided to proceed to the Temple of the Sith, where Cade would confront Darth Krayt.

K'Kruhk accompanied the Allied fleet and served as commander aboard one of the capital ships, leading battle meditation with a group of senior Jedi. When Cade succeeded in killing Darth Krayt, K'Kruhk noted the altered behavior of Krayt's specially-bred Sith troopers and cautioned all ships in the fleet about the possibility of suicide runs. With Krayt's death, the Sith forces descended into disarray, and Coruscant was reclaimed, albeit at the cost of Emperor Roan Fel, who was killed by his own Imperial Knights for attempting to purge the planet of all life during the battle.


Master K'kruhk and his fellow Triumvirs during a meeting

K'Kruhk was present later on at the funeral of Roan Fel. With Darth Krayt's Galactic Empire collapsing, Master K'Kruhk rose to become one of the three new leaders, or Triumvirs, of the Galactic Federation Triumvirate, sharing power with Admiral Gar Stazi and Marasiah Fel. In 138 ABY, Empress Fel, still young, initiated an ambitious undertaking: the construction of a galaxy-spanning G51 communications array designed to connect the Outer Rim Territories to the rest of the galaxy. Empress Fel tasked several Imperial Knights, including Master Yalta Val, with overseeing the construction of local communication array stations throughout the galaxy. While en route to the distant Carreras system near the Surd Nebula, K'Kruhk, together with Admiral Stazi and Empress Fel, spoke with Master Val, wishing him success in his assignment. However, Master Val was waylaid and abducted by a renegade Sith known as Darth Wredd, who then impersonated the Imperial Knight and seized control of the Carreras G51 communications array.

Later on, Master K'Kruhk accompanied Empress Fel and Admiral Stazi on a stroll. During this walk, Empress Fel defended the G51 communications array, emphasizing its importance as an investment in the Galactic Triumvirate's future. However, Admiral Stazi dismissed the entire endeavor as mere "window dressing" rather than "solid statecraft." Fel retorted that Stazi, while a brilliant tactician, was inexperienced in the art of governing an empire. Fel's inadvertent remark prompted K'Kruhk to remind his Empress that the Galactic Triumvirate was not, in fact, an Empire. After apologizing for her slip of the tongue, Empress Fel reiterated that they could not maintain unity through force alone and that the communications array project would foster unity across the galaxy by improving communication between its diverse regions. She then inquired whether Master K'Kruhk supported her initiative. After Empress Fel departed to join her lover, Master Draco, who had ascended to the leadership of the Imperial Knights, K'Kruhk engaged in conversation with Stazi. When K'Kruhk asked Stazi if he agreed with the Empress' project, Stazi responded that he believed that Fel was well-intentioned but that he preferred to place his confidence in a formidable fleet rather than perceived strength and unfulfilled promises.

Subsequently, Darth Wredd exploited the Carreras array to broadcast his manifesto to the galaxy, ridiculing the Galactic Triumvirate and portraying the Jedi as a diminished shadow of their former selves. Wredd then attempted to execute Master Val before a live galactic audience but was thwarted by the junk dealer Ania Solo, who successfully rescued Val before the Carreras array collided with the floating world of Mala. Following the "Carreras Incident," K'Kruhk was present at a Triumvirate meeting when he learned that a young woman named Ania Solo had played a role in the destruction of the Carreras communications array. At a subsequent meeting, the Triumvirate deliberated on the emerging threat posed by the rogue Sith Darth Wredd, who had launched a campaign to hunt down and eliminate One Sith infiltrators throughout the galaxy. Before the meeting commenced, K'Kruhk instructed his stormtrooper bodyguards to remain outside. During the meeting, K'Kruhk reported that Wredd had already murdered a Snivvian Sith on Cadomai Prime and concluded that this was the same individual responsible for the Carreras Incident.

Empress Marasiah Fel added that Darth Wredd had also assassinated the Sith infiltrator stationed at the Triumvirate's legation on Ceitia Five. When Fel sought advice on how to address this new threat, Master K'Kruhk remarked that it was deeply concerning that the Sith were systematically infiltrating governments throughout the galaxy. Antares Draco, the leader of the Imperial Knights, contended that the authorities could not afford to divert their attention from Wredd, given that he had publicly threatened them, destroyed the Carreras array, and attempted to murder Master Val. K'Kruhk countered that the rogue Sith was operating with his own distinct agenda. Ultimately, Admiral Gar Stazi successfully proposed that the Triumvirate allow Wredd to continue his mission of eliminating the Sith, effectively using him as a tool. Despite Draco's objections, Empress Fel endorsed Stazi's recommendation.

Later, Ania Solo and the young Imperial Knight Jao Assam embarked on a quest to track down Darth Wredd after experiencing a Force vision that revealed the rogue Sith's intention to assassinate Empress Fel. Their pursuit led them to the lawless Calamari system, where they discovered that another rogue Sith, Darth Luft, was enslaving Mon Calamari and Quarren refugees, forcing them to construct a pirate fleet. Jao dispatched a distress signal to Master Val. Master Val received Jao's message and interrupted a Triumvirate meeting to deliver news of the Sith presence in the Calamari system and the plight of the Mon Cal and Quarren slaves. During the meeting, Empress Fel opposed intervention, arguing that Jao was an unreliable source and that the Triumvirate was preoccupied with other, more pressing matters. K'Kruhk likened the threat of the Sith to a hydra flower, which possessed the ability to regenerate its heads. Despite the Empress' reservations, Admiral Stazi and Master Val spearheaded a successful mission to liberate the Mon Calamari Orbital Shipyards, which bolstered the credibility of the fledgling Triumvirate government.

Personality and traits

K'Kruhk on Hypori.

K'Kruhk possessed a gentle and thoughtful nature, setting him apart from many of his species. In contrast to the Whiphid's reputation for ferocity, he wholeheartedly embraced the Jedi's pacifistic principles. This, combined with his profound respect for life, engendered anxiety and introspection during the Clone Wars, culminating in K'Kruhk's decision to abandon his military obligations and join Sora Bulq's dissidents.

K'Kruhk's dedication to justice and his desire to rectify injustices ultimately led him to rejoin the Order. These experiences instilled in K'Kruhk a deep and enduring aversion to those Jedi who strayed from the righteous path—such as Bulq, Quinlan Vos, and, presumably, Anakin Skywalker. However, he also possessed a remarkably forgiving nature and advocated strongly for extending Vos the benefit of the doubt upon his return to the Jedi Order.

The onset of the Great Jedi Purge deprived K'Kruhk of the opportunity to train Jedi within the Old Jedi Order, but decades later, he emerged as one of the foremost instructors of the New Jedi Order, mentoring Padawans such as Cade Skywalker on Ossus. K'Kruhk was frequently observed wearing a conical straw hat, particularly after the commencement of the Clone Wars. This may have been a mere quirk or idiosyncrasy, devoid of any deeper significance. Regardless, the Whiphid was seldom seen without it.

Following the defeat of the One Sith, K'Kruhk was appointed as the Jedi representative on the Galactic Federation Triumvirate in recognition of his standing within the Order. He viewed the Triumvirate as a voluntary association between the Jedi, the Fel Empire, and the Galactic Alliance and opposed any notion that the Jedi should be subservient to the Empire. K'Kruhk was also disturbed by revelations that the defeated One Sith were systematically infiltrating governments throughout the galaxy in an attempt to restore their "golden age." K'Kruhk likened the threat posed by the Sith to a hydra flower. Furthermore, he was among the first senior Triumvirate policymakers to recognize that the rogue Sith Darth Wredd operated with his own distinct and independent agenda, separate from that of the One Sith.

Powers and abilities

K'Kruhk, powerful Jedi and fierce warrior

Despite his gentle disposition, K'Kruhk was a formidable warrior, his imposing Whiphid physique affording him an advantage over smaller adversaries, and his Jedi abilities granting him a speed and agility that few of his species could match. K'Kruhk's combat prowess enabled him to hold his own against Asajj Ventress and General Grievous. Although he was unable to definitively defeat them, he was one of the few Jedi who managed to survive encounters with them. He was also capable of withstanding Quinlan Vos in combat.

K'Kruhk possessed considerable skill in using the Force to heal wounds, not only his own but also those of others, as demonstrated when he healed Chase Piru. He also attempted to employ this ability to save Oppo Rancisis, but his efforts were unsuccessful. In addition, K'Kruhk possessed an exceptionally powerful Force Sense, as he was the only known Jedi besides Yoda who could discern the intentions of the clone troopers during Order 66. Further evidence of his remarkable Force Sense was his ability to detect Quinlan Vos, who was adept at concealing his presence even from other Force users.

K'Kruhk's most extraordinary talent was his ability to survive. Thanks to both the natural resilience and inherent "healing trance" of his species, he was able to endure injuries that would have proven fatal to other Jedi. Having been left for dead on battlefields as diverse as Teyr, Hypori, and Ossus, K'Kruhk was distinguished by his capacity to live to see another day. Even a fall from the heights of Coruscant was insufficient to end the mighty Whiphid's life, nor could the complete destruction of the Ossus temple by the new Sith Order.

Even as the Jedi Order and the Republic crumbled, K'Kruhk persevered. The Empire rose, was vanquished, and was succeeded by the New Republic, and yet K'Kruhk continued to live. Neither the Yuuzhan Vong nor the Sith of Darth Krayt could extinguish his life. By 137 ABY, K'Kruhk had surpassed one and a half centuries in age—making him, alongside Master T'ra Saa, the oldest known Jedi still living by the end of the Imperial-Sith War.

Behind the scenes

K'Kruhk, sometime during Order 66.

Character origin

Randy Stradley created K'Kruhk, and he first appeared in the comic series Jedi Council: Acts of War. It wasn't until he made a well-received appearance in Jedi: Mace Windu that the Whiphid started showing up more often.

Kevin Michael Richardson voiced K'Kruhk in Star Wars: Clone Wars. He and Aayla Secura were the only two characters from the original Expanded Universe (besides those who were new to the show) to be in the animated series. But unlike Aayla, K'Kruhk hadn't been in the movies before.

Lightsaber design

Interestingly, a fan came up with the design for K'Kruhk's lightsaber. Since they couldn't find a clear picture of it in a comic, they made up their own design and put it on their website. Jan Duursema, the artist, happened to use that website as a reference when she was drawing Jedi: Mace Windu. She thought the design was official (canon), so she accidentally made it canon herself.

Cult following

K'Kruhk has become quite popular with fans, especially in online communities like TheForce.Net's Jedi Council Forums. This is partly because he's survived so many close calls.

In The Siege of Saleucami arc, they seemed to be joking about his knack for avoiding death when K'Kruhk said he'd learned to carry basic medical supplies.

K'Kruhk's hat

K'Kruhk, wearing his trademark hat.

One of the things that makes K'Kruhk special is a running joke about the conical straw hat he wears in some of the comics he's in.

On the Jedi Council Forums, one thread says that his hat has amazing powers. It's supposedly the reason K'Kruhk has survived so many dangerous situations, and it's often called "freakin' sweet." This description, like the joke itself, started as a forum user's signature. Many fans think this has helped the character become popular and stick around for so long.

His hat has appeared in later works as a nod to the fans. It's even listed as part of K'Kruhk's equipment in the Saga Edition of the RPG. Randy Stradley mentioned the "myth" of "The Hat" in Star Wars: Panel to Panel Volume 2: Expanding the Universe.

